Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 249 The secret is not shallow, and the son of the world comes out

The next day, the clouds were clear, and the gloomy rain cleared up for nearly ten consecutive days. At the beginning of Chen, when the golden sun moved out of the clouds after many days, thousands of rays of light shrouded the city, and the people who had been suppressed by the obscure rainy day for many days relieved the turbidity in their chests, and the major shops in the workshop also continued to cause coldness in front of the door from the rain. Qing's depression calmed down, and the children who welcomed the guests under the steps were full of energy to attract guests in a loud voice, full of enthusiasm.

Outside the Taihe Gate of the Imperial Palace, the early morning has been held at Maozhengyi, and the six ministers of Jiuqing have finished their work and are about to disperse the court.

When the emperor rose up, the courtiers were about to "disband", but there was also a former imperial attendant who walked down the jade steps with dust in his hand, lengthen his sharp voice, passed on the holy edict, edicts, Qin Erxiang, Chinese calligraphy provincial officials, six ministers, ministers, princes who participated in the court meeting, Wang Gongxungui, etc., to the main hall of Qianming Palace to discuss politics.

Immediately after the early morning, he summoned the palace to discuss. Although it was not common, most of the ministers who were edicted did not care.

Jin Rongzhong looked sideways and took a look at Qin Huaiyu with a solemn face. His eyebrows were hanging, and the corners of his lips were full of ambition. He flicked his robe sleeves and turned around first.

Although the incident in southern Zhejiang has damaged his party members, and the prince did not listen to the "admons" and selected a successor official according to his recommendation, but got an assessment officer. On the surface, the situation seems to be quite unfavorable to him, but! Qin Huaiyu tossed around, but there was no benefit. Although the prince's recommendation is not his party, it has nothing to do with the Qin family. This is also natural. Who made Qin Huaiyu's granddaughter the fourth prince concubine at present?

However, Qin Huaiyu is still smart and wants to take advantage of the victory to pursue, then climb the power, and marry the Duke of Wei--

On the contrary, he was taboo, but let him pick a bargain among Jin Rong.

It turned out that at first, Jin Xiang did not distinguish the meaning of the son of the king of Chu's "heart to make friends", but Huo Zhen, a trusted staff member in his house, analyzed that Qin Huaiyu was "cherished for victory" and lifted a stone and hit his foot. The reason was that the emperor was quite a concubine and would never have the heart to save easily, while the Qin family was the Yue family of the fourth prince, with bad intentions. He colluded with the Duke of Wei, so that the emperor was on guard. Only then did he know that the world's relationship with Jin Xiang, which was intended to imply that the heart of the powerful, the heavenly family, was not to suppress Jin Xiang through the matter of Southern Zhejiang.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the emperor to register Jin Liu Niang as the side concubine of the East Palace.

Jin Xiang was overjoyed.

Originally, his Jin family had a daughter and should not succumb to the position of concubine, but in the current situation, he can't help himself to be "pretentious". Qin Huaiyu made a mistake that caused the emperor to extend his cage hand to him. Of course, he should be grateful and hold it tightly.

In addition, after all, Liu Niang still has a reputation of "losing the imperial court", and her reputation is not as good as before, otherwise the marriage will not be delayed until now, and more importantly, Jin Xiang has accurate information that the crown princess can no longer be pregnant!

Jin Xiang thought that sooner or later, when the prince ascended the throne, with the status of the Jin family, how could the two side concubines Zhuo and Wei be qualified to compete with Liu Niang? I'm afraid the Jin family is going to have a queen!

Jin Xiang decisively ended his marriage with the King of Chu and sent his granddaughter to the East Palace with joy.

At this time, Jin Rongzhong had already regarded himself as the queen's grandfather in advance. Of course, he did not look at Qin Huaiyu.

When he was in front of the imperial court, he was still calculating the time to run. When the family was booming, he suddenly fell from the sky, which could not only win over the nobles and Shuo, but also enrich the unexpected wealth of his waist. He heard the emperor on the seat call Qin Tianjian to come out.

What's the matter with Qin Tianjian? Jin Rong is full of doubts in an instant.

"Since the beginning of the year, there has been a spring drought and continuous rainstorms in summer. I am very worried about the flood situation in various places. I don't know if there will be any rain after it clears up today?" The emperor asked in a low voice.

"According to Ling Tailang's observation, there may be rainstorms from late July to mid-August."

The emperor was immediately worried: "It is said that it has been raining in many places in North China, so that the water level of the Yanjiang River and Nanjiang River has soared, and even the water flow of the Dinghe River is more rapid than in previous years..."

Dinghe River passes through many states and counties in North China and goes straight to Jinyangjing. If the water situation rises, it will inevitably threaten Zhili Prefecture and County, and it is also common for the emperor to pay attention.

Jin Rong's doubts were relieved, and he returned to careless, secretly slandering in his heart - Qin Tianjian's group of wine bags and rice bags can only make a mysterious set. How can he know how the rain is? The disaster in the Zhili River Basin, or the continuous rainstorm of nearly two months ago, is really rare. This is about to enter autumn. How can it cause floods and affect Zhili Kyoto?

But suddenly heard the emperor call out a person, which made the central string of Jin Rong suddenly collapse, and a thin layer of tremble on his scalp.

The people listed should not have been present.

Because it is only one of the main affairs of the water cleaning officials under the Ministry of Industry in charge of river defense, and this area is Bingzhou.

"I heard that the water of the two rivers enters the Dinghe River Basin, which is under the jurisdiction of Bingzhou. There have been heavy rains this summer. I don't know if there is a risk of flood in Bingzhou?" The emperor clenched his fist on his knees, and there was no worry between his eyebrows. He was brewing heavy solemnity, but in his tone, he was very indifferent.

I don't know how the Lord Wang would answer if he saw the emperor's expression. Unfortunately, he did not dare to steal the dragon's face and his eyes were dying. Although his heart beat like a beat, he still wanted to muddle up: "In the Holy Lord, there has been no risk of flood in the past 100 years. Although the rain this summer is rare for decades, according to Zhou Zhiji During the prosperous period of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, there were more than 50 days of rainstorms, which caused floods in many places in North China, but there was no danger in Bingzhou.

Jin Rong was secretly relieved, raised his eyelids, glanced at Qin Huaiyu, and his eyes stared.

Yu Yu, who stood on the side of the clan, had already incorporated the subtle look of the Jin Rongzhong series into his eyes, and his beautiful eyebrows slowly frowned.

After listening to the word "Bingzhou", Jin Xiang's expression changed greatly, which was very interesting, and Qin Xiang seemed to have a very solemn expression.

Is it possible that the two people who are bound to hide the disaster report this time? Or is it tacit?

"What a trouble!" The emperor's tone suddenly sonoroused, which shocked a group of courtiers, especially Master Wang. His forehead was immediately covered with a layer of sweat, his blue official uniform trembled slightly, and his thin body shook and stood unsteadily.

The emperor sneered, but the anger of thunder has gathered in his eyebrows: "There have been more than 50 days of rainstorms, and the state has not been affected. Why did the 10 consecutive days of rainstorms this summer cause the collapse of the dams in Pinan and Tang County! Five days after the flood attack, the Wenwu of the Man Dynasty, including me, didn't even know anything about it!"

This is like Jiao Lei. Under the "smash" from the throne, Jin and Qin are all pale.

"Two prime ministers, have you ever received the disaster in Bingzhou?" The emperor tried his best to hold it back, and only his palm had clenched the yellow robe.

"Weichen was not reported." The two meet in the court, and this strange voice is also "a hundred years of rare".

The emperor also asked the political envoy and the left and right political envoys, including Su Yi, all of whom said that they had not seen the chapter.

The reason why Yu Yu turned to the Duke of Wei yesterday was that he suddenly thought that Su Zhi was not the right Tongzheng. He had no possibility of hiding his seal and not reporting it. Unexpectedly, he realized that the area under Su Zhi's control does not include Bingzhou. The North China region is the jurisdiction of Zuo Tongzheng, and this Zuo Tongzheng is precisely the Jin Xiang Party feather.

What makes people think is that the division of the power of the left and right general government was replanned after the original right Tongzheng Chen Ying was promoted to the general political envoy. If it is said that Jin Xiang did not plan as early as two years ago, he intended to let Su Yi, who is "unknown between the enemy and us", avoid Bingzhou, and whether it is possible or not, let's talk about Chen Ying's identity! He is the eldest brother of Chen Guifei, belonging to the family, and Qin Xiang's party. How can he be the order of Jin Xiang?

After inquiring, they came to the two governors who sent and received and moved the article. In theory, they did not have the authority to check the memorial. However, after registering the mailing place of the writing on the memorial cover, they submitted the left and right political reading. The two governors were not stupid and reported back, saying that there were too many letters and exchanges, and they could not remember them carefully for a moment, so they had to wait to be checked. The result will not be until the book is recorded.

"In the report to the emperor, Weichen, Qin Xiang and the officials of the General Administration did not know that there was this report, and the state and Zhizhou did not report the disaster situation. It should be because the county magistrates of Pinan and Tang County were afraid of pursuing responsibility, so they concealed and did not report it." Jin Rongzhong came to his senses and reported it.

The emperor frowned. Although he listened to Yu Yu's words and suspected that it was Jin Xiang's concealment, it was difficult to explain why Qin Xiang, who was incompatible with him, did not investigate this matter.

Then he asked the head of the Ministry of Industry, who had already stood unsteadily and knelt down to the ground: "Bingzhou Water Conservancy is your supervisor. Earlier, you said that there must be no flood. What should you explain now?"

Master Wang shouted bitterly, and only felt that the people in the hall looked at him, as if dozens of sharp swords were hanging around him. How dared to tell the truth? He only said in a trembling voice, "Weichen is really unknown... Because Pinan, Tang County and other places are close to the Dinghe River, the dike is valued every year... However, Weichen did not know the local county magistrate and got the embankment silver allocated by the household department. After that, do you do your duty..."

This is to put all the charges on the county magistrate.

Su Yi also reported at this time: "The emperor, Weichen thought that the responsibility was still secondary. At the critical point in front of him, he should also rescue the people affected by disaster and repair the river embankment to beware of causing a greater disaster. Wei minister said that he should appoint an imperial envoy to Bingzhou. First, he should thoroughly investigate and report the cause of the disaster, and second, to help the people... Weichen once had a place. Fang's experience of disaster relief and chaos, so I recommend myself..."

Yu Yu looked on this and paid more attention to the expression in Jin Rong.

Sure enough, seeing that he frowned heavily, he actually exchanged a dark look with Qin Xiang!

Jin Rongzhong was extremely annoyed at this time - thinking that the daughter of the Qin family had not yet married into the Duke of Wei, and Qin Huaiyu had not yet told the Duke of the State of China about this matter. Su Yan did not know the secret. At this time, he came forward, but it was very unfavorable!

Qin Huaiyu looked at Chen Ying and raised his eyebrows invisibly.