Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 251 Visit Qiao County again, attack the heart

Yannan Qiao County, in the evening.

On the white slate road running through Xiuhe Town, few people have been seen.

In a courtyard, the bamboo door was half closed. Two twelve- or three-year-old teenagers were putting down their scrolls and turning in from the shade of a lush locust in the yard.

"Why is Lang Jun here again?" The welcoming teenager stared with a pair of clear eyes and tried to straighten his chest and raise his head, as if to show his unweak demeanor in front of the outstanding man in blue.

Beyond the bamboo gate, the man in blue smiled in front of him, and stood behind him a row of three people. They were dressed in brown white-faced servants, black-faced warriors with long swords hanging around their waists, and a young man in light gray cloth with his hands behind him, just looking at the surrounding street scene.

"I have come to visit the master." After saying this, the man in blue saw a middle-aged scribe in a row of simple bamboo houses in the courtyard, still wearing a slightly white black-collar robe, with a shallow beard under his chin, and a flour on his square chin, which made him deliberately calm and solemn, and suddenly lacked the momentum of rejecting people for thousands of miles.

Then Jiang Han restrained his eyes and stared at the legendary " hermit" and counted his breath. There was a shallow surprise in his eyes. He covered the corners of his mouth with one hand and whispered with the little guy: "I vaguely understand why the son didn't come to the meeting until the evening."

He had heard Qingkong talk about Qiao Jizhong's stubbornness and arrogance, and several characteristics - heavy righteousness, profite, and especially his beloved wife.

Qiao Jizhong's current identity is a teacher in the town, but not all students can become his disciples. Because of his great part, he is the son of a rich man and a merchant family in the town. Most of them are sent to the people to ask for literacy. This is also helplessness. The hermit also has to support his family and let Joe Most of the disciples who have green eyes and outstanding qualifications can officially become teachers. Most of them have poor families, not to mention paying for their education, and sometimes even have to rely on teachers to help them.

In order to make a living, they are busy, teaching and educating people. Only in the evening can they be idle and "wash their hands to make soup" with their wives and prepare a dinner for their children and their disciples at home.

The son said that the evening was when Mr. Qiao was in the best mood. At this time, he talked to him and calculated a little more.

It is said that when the prince visited for the first time, it was in the afternoon that Mr. Qiao taught the rich businessmen to "literate", he should be impatient, so the prince was rejected.

Jiang Han was convinced by the wisdom of "chosencing the opportunity" of the prince. He saw that Qiao Jizhong had arrived at the door, his eyes suddenly cold, and he opened his mouth and said, "Please come back."

Huh? Could it be that the son of the world is self-defeating? Originally, he was close to his beloved wife, and naturally he did not have a good face for uninvited guests.

Jiang Han squeezed the corners of his lips and whispered, "The son of a magical world also makes mistakes."

Qing blanked Jiang Han, who was happy with disasters, puffed his cheeks, and angrily expressed his silent dissatisfaction with Qiao Jizhong.

Yu Yu just smiled and bowed his hand: "Please give me a cup of tea, because there will be no fourth visit."

Although Qiao Jizhong was silent and put his body on one side with a complicated look, let the world son in and invited him into the inner hall, Jiang Han was still not optimistic about this and patted the clear sky on the shoulder: "I bet with you, and the son of the world will be useless this time. The gambling capital is... one or two silver."

The clear sky was deeply disdainful and hummed: "Gold and silver vulgar things, is it easy to gamble?"

Huidu expressed his interest for the first time: "I bet with you that the son of the world will definitely convince you, but if I win, I don't want your money, as long as you tell the truth and go to Qianrao Pavilion..."

Jiang Han's face turned black in an instant.

I don't want the teenager with a bad tone just now. At this time, he also became very interested in the topic of several "son's follower". His eyes flashed and stepped out of the threshold: "This brother is gambling with you. If the prince convinces you, he will lose a pair of silver with me. If he is still the same as the previous times, I will lose to you. How about a liang of silver?

Jiang Han was suspicious, looked at Huidu, looked at the teenager, and finally asked the clear sky for proof: "Are you really so sure that the son will convince Mr. Qiao?"

The clear sky is full of "proud": "How can't you do what the son wants to do?"

Huidu nod heavily and also looked at Jiang Han with a "must-win" look, with a strong heart. Jiang Han asked the teenager again, "Do you think the son can persuade the master?"

"That's not necessarily true." The young man curled the corners of his mouth: "But since I want to bet with you, of course you have to choose a different result, otherwise, won't it be for you to take advantage of it?"

Jiang Han frowned and obviously did not turn around, but the clear sky looked at the teenager "with deep meaning" and reminded Jiang Han: "You chose the world's son who can't be persuaded. If this is the result, you won a couple of Huidu's silver, but if this little brother also gambles that the world can't be persuaded, you can use Huidu's silver to compensate him, isn't it yourself? There is no loss. On the contrary, if the son of the world convinces you to win a couple of silver from your little brother, but you don't have to give Huidu, the fool, and just say who you see in Qianrao Pavilion, it's really a useless benefit.

Only then did Jiang Han understand that the teenager didn't want him to take advantage, so he bet on the side of the son. If the son really persuaded Mr. Huidu not only had to tell the truth, but also had to export one taels of silver, but if Mr. Qiao was not convinced, he could win two taels of silver, 50% of the chance. Winning was double, but only lost. After gambling for one or two, I actually took advantage of it.

After figured out the "Kangjian", Jiang Han was naturally willing to gamble.

The teenager was overjoyed, as if he had already got a taels of silver, welcomed the three into the hospital, and politely moved out of the son to ask them to sit down.

And in the main hall, Yu Yu and Qiao Ji sat several times apart, looking at the situation was indeed not optimistic.

"If the son still has that intention, he doesn't need to waste his words anymore. He doesn't want to be an official." Qiao Jizhong was very resolute.

Yu Yu smiled and said, "I know a little about your mood. It should not be just a disappointment in the current officialdom."

Joe's eyelids drooped lightly and did not say anything.

"If you really don't want to have an official career, why do you accept disciples and teach them the collection of scriptures and history and the way of ministers? The gentleman himself did not want to become an official, but he hoped that his disciples could do their best for the benefit of the people and the government of Dalong. Yu Yu said to himself, "I can't see one of the two visits, and only the gentleman's direct refusal, but although the gentleman did not explain the reason, he can understand seven or eight points at the moment."

Seeing that Qiao's eyelids were still not raised, but he was still willing to listen, Yu Yu smiled again: "Mr. is righteous and cares about the people. He is not an un ambition, but because of some old things, he is too serious to misunderstand the powerful and officials, which is one of them."

Qiao Jizhong finally moved the corners of his eyes and looked at Yu Yu coldly.

"Mr. is a student of Mr. Youtan. In those years, there was a brother of the same family. His surname was Yin Mingjie. When he was Emperor Gaozu, he was a member of Zuo Hanyun's family. Later, he was implicated in Zuo's conspiracy to rebel case. His family, parents, wives and children were all killed. Mr. He was heartbroken for this. He once defected to Qin Xiang's family and wanted to be wrong his brother, but later first I was disheartened, because I knew that the Qin family was also no different from the Jin party. They all competed for the rich and powerful, and did not do their best for the people. At this point, I couldn't trust the powerful and would rather hide in the city. In this beautiful town, in order to protect the safety of the family, I was unwilling. The reason why I taught my disciples and taught them a great plan. The ambition is to live up to what I have learned in my life, so that my disciples may be appreciated by those who are happy in the future and do their best for the world.

Yu Yu sighed: "But after many years, the Jin and Qin parties are still domineering in the dynasty and control political affairs, and the gentleman is even more frustrated. The reason why he turned me away from the door first, and then bluntly refuses it is nothing more than distrust. First, I don't believe that I am a prince and noble and can have no power; second, I don't believe that in my weak year, there is eradication. The traitor party helps the saint to implement the ability of the new policy; the gentleman is worried that if I should become an official, the result is just 'helping Zhou for abuse' and seize power; he is also worried that he will repeat the mistakes of Yin Zhongxu in the future, which will affect his family, wife and children.

At this point, Yu Yu finally saw Qiao Jizhong's face full of frost, with traces of shock melting, clenching his fist hanging on his knees and subconsciously lifting it to the tea case.

"At first, I heard that someone's identity was not open, and I should be disdainful. After that, I should have also inquired about someone's one or two deeds. When I came back for the second visit, I was moved, so I was given a chance to open my mouth. Although I still refused bluntly, I had the intention of testing. After that, I asked Brother Wei to come to the door, Mr. He talked very well. He should have heard him talk about all kinds of things in southern Zhejiang, which made me feel better, but he still politely declined. It was understandable that my husband was worried about the safety and joy of his family. Yu Yu lowered his eyes and said, "I'm visiting again today. It's rare for my husband to give me a chance to go into the room and express my feelings."

As Yu Yu expected, Qiao refused several times. First, he did not believe that the son of the king of Chu could take "justice", and secondly, he thought that the son was not weak and did not have the ability to compare with the Jin and Qin parties. Although he heard Wei Yuan talk about southern Zhejiang, later, he heard that Jin Xiang was frustrated, but he still wavered a little.

But how many dignitaries are there who are affectionate and righteous? Saying that love to recruit talents is nothing more than his own purpose and use of it. Even if he really meets a loyal official like Zuo Hanyun and sacrifices his life to compete with the treacherous party, he is defeated because of his weak ability.

Although Qiao Jizhong has ambitions, it is inevitable that he has no selfishness. The peace and joy of his family is equally important to him. Even if the son of Chu is really a peaceful government, he does not hesitate to compete with the traitors in the court. He is also worried that the son is not capable. In the end, he can not protect himself, and how can he keep his family intact?

He has repeatedly tested and hesitated, and also wants to see how the world's determination is. If he encounters difficulties and dangers and gives up, how can he turn to his life?

But Yu came to the door again and admitted that Qiao Jizhong's thoughts were obviously made a big change.

"Sir, this visit is really urgent. Pinan and Tang counties were hit by floods, but some traitors were willing to hide it. Someone received a holy order to go to Bingzhou for disaster relief. If you don't know the cause of the flood, you are afraid that when the rainstorm falls for several days, it will lead to flooding and kill more people." Yu Yu immediately said.

Qiao Jizhong did not hear about the flood, but when he heard about it, he was suspicious: "Is there no one in the court, and the water conservancy officials of the Ministry of Industry actually noticed the cause of the flood?"

"All of them are obscure. If this is not the case, I have no doubt that the hidden matter will be serious." Yu Yu suddenly got up and bowed respectfully: "This trip is dangerous. I dare not guarantee Mr. Wanquan, but the safety of tens of thousands of people in Bingzhou is imminent. I know that Mr. Yu has a deep understanding of water conservancy, so I begged him to take the risk of life."

Qiao Jizhong didn't say anything, Yu Yu couldn't afford to hold the gift, and the two held each other for a moment.

Finally, Qiao Jizhong got up and helped Yu Yu: "This time, the son invited the safety of the people, and the man dared not refuse, but! Next, I only promise to help with the flood, and as for entering the official..."