Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 250 Struggle for beauty, not too late to say goodbye

The two were separated from each other in the Yingtang of Wei Guogongfu.

"What does the third uncle think of today's discussion?" Yu Yu was dressed in purple brocade public clothes. Obviously, after resigning from the palace, he didn't have time to go back to his house to change clothes, so he came to Luoyingtang to discuss with Su Yu.

"There is something strange, but the secret in it makes people unable to touch any clue." Su Qi was afraid of heat, opened her skirt slightly, shook the fan in one hand, and her forehead was covered with sweat.

"If the city of Qin Xiang has nothing to do with this matter, he will certainly hold strong support when he sees Jin Xiang's panic and fear of the third uncle being this imperial envoy. However, the person who came forward to obstruct today is Chen Ying." Yu Wei smiled and said, "Uncle, think that it is impossible for Jin Xiang to hide the disaster without being noticed by Qin Xiang."

"This is impossible." Su Yi shook his head: "Regardless of the motivation, even if Tong Weiyi is a member of Jin Xiang's party and has the intention to hide the seal after learning about the disaster, but one of the two governors is a confidant of Qin Xiang. The context of sending and receiving must be recorded by two people at the same time, and each has a record. If one of them deletes the record, he will have something with the other. In and out, compare the two, and make a mistake immediately. How can't you find any trace?

"Therefore, this should be done by Jin and Qin two-phases working together, or it should be led by one party, and the other side pretended not to be aware of it and cooperated secretly. The auxiliary evidence is that when the third uncle recommended themselves, Jin and Qin two phases were actually worried and broke the unprecedented 'political integration' once. It seems that I asked the third uncle to go out for an interview, which was very effective."

Su Yu kept folding the fan in his hand and meditated for a moment, but he still didn't know why: "I really can't figure out what's wrong with the water trouble relationship between Pinan and Tang County, which makes the two phases of water and fire incompatible? We have cooperated with each other. In terms of this disaster, the disaster is not serious. There are only more than ten people killed and injured, but it is not a waste of some silver grain for disaster relief. Is it possible that the silver two counties repaired by the embankments are worth the joint efforts of one country and two countries to be greedy?

Yu Yu laughed and said, "Of course, it won't be so simple. No matter how greedy Jin Xiang is, he won't be moved by the silver for the repair of the county embankment. Wouldn't he hesitate to hide the local memorial? Isn't he risking a capital crime to steal the cabbage in the field? But for this reason, I didn't have a clue for a moment, and I always got Bingzhou to find out from the beginning.

Su Yu was worried: "I'm afraid there will be something wrong. The son's trip is very risky, and you have to be careful."

"Therefore, I begged the Holy One to lend me Yu Linwei." Yu Yu said, "But my aunt is still pregnant, but she separated them. I'm sorry."

It turned out that a few years ago, the emperor transferred Jia Wenxiang, who had been training for a long time in the Ministry of Ceremonies, and appointed him as a general of Zuo Yiwei. This time, Yu Wei went to Bingzhou. Because he wanted to escort the disaster relief silver grain allocated by the Ministry of Household, the emperor specially asked the emperor's personal soldier Yu Linwei to escort him, led by Jia Wenxiang to help Yu Yu Yu to act in Bingzhou and protect his safety. . Su Lian was diagnosed with a happy pulse in June. Naturally, Yu Yu heard the beautiful scenery talk about this matter.

"Lianmei is a 'chivalrous woman', and she is not as good as these children. The son of the world can rest assured." Su Yi laughed and said, "Yes, my mother asked me to hand over something." After laughing, Su Yi got up, opened a short-footed sandalwood cabinet on the side of the bookcase, took out an entry order, and gave it to Yu Yu: "Bingzhou is my mother's food town, and there is a mansion in the state city. Since Zhizhou Shide is a confidant of gold, it is better for the son of his official residence not to live. With this entry and exit order, it is appropriate for the son to stay in the princess of Bingzhou for the time being. Dang."

Yu Yu was rude and received an entry order: "Due to the critical situation, I should leave immediately and thank my aunt in person. Thank you for your kindness."

Su Yu patted Yu's shoulder, and his eyebrows were full of smiles: "Is the son of the world still seeing us? By the way, the son of the world is about to travel. Will he say goodbye to Jing'er? On the other side of my mother, I can tell her that only Jing girl..."

Yu Yu:......

Seeing Su Jian's deep clenching of fists and smiling secretly, Yu Yu was helpless: "But short farewell, reunion in a blink of an eye, why do you have to make a special farewell?"

It's not that he doesn't want to, but things are far more urgent than Tianzi and Su Wei imagined. Yu knows that the sunnyness is only for a few days, and then there will be a series of rainstorms. He must seize the cause of the flood before the flood to avoid disaster. Once it rains, the trip will be delayed, and he will go to Qiao County. Only by persuading Qiao to send a helping hand can he be more confident.

It can't be delayed for a moment.

He immediately left and returned home. Yu Yu first asked people to contact Jiang Han - because he had been poisoned, he still had to rely on needles every month to relieve the cold of his organs. He used to rely on ribs, but this time it was the task of taking the imperial envoy to the county, and it was a little inconvenient to bring a maid around him, so he had to take Jiang Han with him.

Unexpectedly, Huidu went to Jiang's house and was empty.

Since the Spring Festival, Jiang Han returned to Jinyang and swept away his unruly temperament and stayed in Kyoto for half a year. Huidu originally thought that Jiang Han must be in Jiang's house, but he didn't know that Jiang Han had not returned for many days.

Yu Yu pondered for a moment and told Huidu, "Go to Qianrao Pavilion. He should be there."

Huidu is puzzled - why? Could it be that Jiang Han has become a dholy habit and likes to have fun? He went there doubtfully, and the result was just as Yu Yu expected!

Huidu couldn't help but sympathize with the ribs. The girl was still looking forward to Jiang Han marrying her, but she never thought...

In the Qianrao Pavilion, there was a box full of delicious food, and two people were drinking and talking.

One is the second master of Jianning Houfu, and the other is Yu Dong, the general of Zhenguo.

said, but it is also today's discussion.

"The emperor ordered Yu Yu to act as an imperial envoy and went to Bingzhou to act. It can be seen that he trusts heavily in him, but he is a young man who has not yet reached the title and is weak and polite. Can he really have the ability to live up to his holy life?" Yu Dong also participated in the discussion today. Seeing that Yu was reused by the emperor, he was naturally full of unwillingness. When he happened to meet the second master Huang when he came out of the palace, he was pulled to Qianrao Pavilion. As soon as he poured a few glasses of wine, he talked a little more.

Master Huang didn't agree: "You don't care whether he lives up to live up to the holy order. Even if there is no such a trip, will the saint's letter to the prince be reduced by a few points? Moreover, general, listen to me. Don't underestimate the prince in your mansion and listen to my master's claim that he has a big city."

Yu Dong sneered: "Second master, you often talk about your master, but you don't want to say your identity. Can't you trust me?"

"If you want to achieve great things, you should be cautious. If the master feels that the time comes, he will meet the general in person. Why should the general be excited with words?" Second Master Huang piled up a face of flattery, looked up and drank it, and smirthred his mouth endlessly: "But the matter of Bingzhou is not as simple as it seems. If the son of Chu can't detect anything this time, it's okay. If he really detects the truth..." Second Master Huang sneered and said, "The leak can be a lot. Can you come back safely? Let's talk about it."

When Yu Dong heard the words, his palm was tight and he almost didn't break the glass. He couldn't wait to ask carefully.

Second Master Huang told what he knew in detail, and finally added a sentence: "There are many people who know about this matter, but they are afraid of those profitable nobles and families and dare not talk about it. The general is a clan. Of course, he doesn't know the benefits of this, that is the people of the Duke of Wei. Naturally, no one dares to lobby him. They are speculative, and this is hidden in the drum, but if the son really has the means, it is not difficult to find out the truth.

Yu Dong didn't realize how creepy the truth was, but when he heard that the matter involved the interests of many powerful people, he was extremely happy: "In this way, Yu Yu is a fire this time. If he wants to plead for the people and make contributions before the emperor drives, he will be in crisis. It is Qin Xiang... I just touched it. Why are the two counties? Some people hide it and don't report it... Jin Xiang's method is fierce and decisive. Maybe I don't have to do it. Yu Yu will really not live to the top.

At present, he was very happy. He had a good time with Second Master Huang and added a lot of interest. Second Master Huang took advantage of the hot iron and began to lobby again: "When it comes to the Lord, has the general ever made a decision?"

Yu Dong smiled calmly: "The second master said that if you want to achieve great things, you should be cautious. This involves the change of storage positions. I can't break it easily. I have to see the situation." What he plans in mind is that if Yu Yu really returns to Beijing this time, he can sit down and enjoy his success. Why does he need to take risks? If Yuzhou attacks the throne, no matter which prince is on the dragon chair in the future, as long as the surname is Yu, their family will be able to enjoy wealth and no longer be willing.

Huang Erye can also estimate Yu Dong's "abacus". He didn't say anything about it, but secretly said: There is no good thing in the world that you can get for nothing. The general of Zhenguo is too naive, and when the son of the king of Chu is an incompetent person, he doesn't know that if this is really the case, how can he be trusted by the emperor? Although the trip was very dangerous, the emperor actually sent Yulin guards to protect him. Even if those nobles and families were insatiable, they were afraid that they did not dare to act rashly. He said it casually. He wanted to make him happy, but he didn't want him to listen to him.

No wonder the noble mocked Yu Dong and his son. With these means alone, he wanted to seize the throne and was really whimsical.

Also talking about the scenery--

In the evening, I heard that Yu was responsible for the emperor's order and went to Bingzhou. Although I was worried, thinking about his business, I could save tens of thousands of innocent lives in Bingzhou, and I was a little proud. Suddenly, I suddenly woke up. If the son of the world could detect the truth of the flood and avoid natural disasters, the plague would not have occurred. Born, she bought tens of thousands of silver in her hand...

When will this be sold in the pharmacy before it can be returned?

I was annoyed for a while, and I didn't think about tea and food.

When he rested at night, he remembered that Yu Yu had also said that he had bought more yellow worms than that.

The beautiful scenery is full of tears. It seems that in the near future, both of them will have to end up selling herbs along the street, and suddenly a very happy picture appears in their minds - a handsome man and a bright and beautiful lady join hands with major pharmacies to lobby pharmacists to buy yellow wormworm, or use it. "Beauty"......

Someone leaned around, wrapped around the brocade quilt, and almost burst into laughter.

and the next day, Yijing was very ashamed to mention this to his grandmother: "Master Tongji said that there was indeed a flood, but since Brother Yuan was ordered to go there, he must be able to detect the truth and avoid natural disasters. Grandmother, we have so many yellow worms in our hands..."

The eldest princess's face was calm: "At first, I thought that if what Tongji said was false, I would lose some money. Even if what I said was true, I planned to use these yellow worms directly for disaster relief without taking any money. After all, human life is important, which is nothing."


Well, she admits that compared with her proud grandmother, she is really a miser, an iron rooster.

But the eldest princess turned around and said, "However, when my maid came out of the cabinet with so many herbs as a dowry, it was really a little..."

The word "joy" can be described.

Bingjing thought without apologetically, grandmother, maybe, the bride price we received will be more yellow worm...