Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 259 "broken" the suspected case, Lanxin's "obscurity" quality

In the busy social entertainment, Yu's plan is also methodical.

Wei Yuan visited various places in North China. In just a few years, he has made a clear context of the relationship between the great nobles and families, and the secret letter was delivered to Bingzhou. What particularly pleased Yu was that Wei Yuan secretly noticed the disputes and contacts between Zhili, Yannan, Shanxi and other places.

It is intertwined, complex and entangled, and cannot be subdivided for a while.

Yu Yu paid special attention to Chang Xinbo, who served as the commander of the Shanxi Metropolitan Division, and was associated with the Xun Gui of the provincial capitals Shuozhou and Bingzhou.

And Wei Yuanxin also has some points. Since April, Changxin, Chai Yuan, has frequently contacted Jin Xiang and Shi De, and also came to Bingzhou in person. According to the Tiancha Guardian newspaper installed in the capital, it seems that Chai Yuantong is contacting the nobles of his family to raise money and give it to the Huo Qi brothers.

Hu Zhen, a staff member of Jin Xiang, also went to Shuozhou to meet Chai Dushi.

At this point, Yu Yu has a clearer direction and basically determines which nobles are involved.

The commander of a provincial capital, who is in charge of the guard army of each state and government, has extremely heavy functions and powers. Most of them are the old generals who followed the Gaozu uprising in those years. They have all have merits and prestige. Even the Holy King has to be afraid to comfort this group of nobles. Chai Yuan is the same as the governors and guards of Zhili and Hunan. His ancestors and the Jin family are unconverted. Hand it over.

This is the reason why the emperor wanted to suppress the Kim family, but had to have some scruples.

If Chai is involved in concealing the epidemic and hoarding drugs, it will undoubtedly be more difficult and dangerous to take the opportunity to make Jin Xiang guilty.

Yu Yu picked up a pen, and wrote the same name as Chai Yuan under the book, and then wrote down Ning Pinghou and Yang Minghou respectively. One of them is the envoy of Bingzhou, and the other is the guard of thousands of households. The family is closely connected with the Chai family, sharing the same blessing of misfortunes and blessings.

He wrote down a few surnames. These people are close friends with Chai Yuan. Although not everyone holds military power, they have great financial resources and reputation, and are likely to be involved in this incident.

In particular, Ju family, the head of the family, worshipped the governor of Pingzhang at the time of Emperor Taizong. Seven years ago, the emperor collapsed and returned to Bingzhou. At present, his eldest son Julan also has a son and a daughter among the officials. His son married Chai Yuantong's direct daughter, and his daughter married Hubei and became the eldest daughter-in-law of Hubei.

This is another force.

Yu's eyebrows are as deep as a lock, and the pen is put on the seat. Although there are only a few families on the paper, they are intertwined behind these families. The old friendships of in-laws and old officials are like cobwebs, which is hugely implicated. If they are in danger due to the epidemic in Bingzhou, they will be vividly chaotic.

Among them, the key person is in Chai Yuantong. The Chai family is a meritorious general of Dalong. In addition to the state guard office under the jurisdiction of Shanxi, he even has a deep friendship with Yannan and Zhili generals. Then, he has to find a way to start from him and disrupt his alliance with Jin Xiang. Here, at least in North China is worry-free.

The word interest is fundamental.

is meditating on himself, and Huidu reports inside, saying that Tianchawei has a secret report.

However, Yu had feedback on the early exploration of chryscia in various places. As expected, the chryscia in the pharmaceutical market in North China has been bought out. As a result, due to the spring drought, the price of medicine in Southwest China and South China and other places where chrysca died this year, and even involved the whole country.

If malaria outbreaks in Bingzhou at this time, the court collects wormwormworm in various places, and the price will rise even higher. According to the "experience" of the previous life, one dose of silver is 60 taels. At least one dose is needed per person to cure malaria. Because the flood is controlled, even if the number of patients is not as close to 100,000 as in the previous life, it should develop to about 50,000. Even if the previous acquisition of Yanjing led to a slight increase in the price of chrysanthemium in the pharmaceutical market, assuming that Jinxiang's group purchased chrysanthenium at the price of ten taels of silver, the principal would take about one million taels of silver to buy out the city of North China, and the demand of 50,000 doses, once the court At least three million taels of silver are needed to purchase from them!

The huge benefits of two million silver make these nobles ignore human lives and go crazy.

Even if it is divided even if it is divided, each person can get hundreds of thousands of taels. What is this concept? At present, Dalong, the annual salary of a first-class official is converted into two taels of silver, about 1,000 taels of silver. Even if he "struggles" for the position of a first-class official for a hundred years, it is only 100,000 taels of silver.

With this malaria, several nobles can get hundreds of years' salaries!

How could the emperor think of using millions of dollars in the treasury, and the result was to enrich several nobles!


Yu Yu suddenly raised his eyebrows...

In those years, the court allocated disaster relief money in a very timely manner, why did it eventually kill tens of thousands of people? Normally, even if the flood in five counties causes malaria, 100,000 doses of chrysanthenia in the Huo brothers are enough to treat the epidemic. Can they...

The outbreak of malaria in Bingzhou will inevitably lead to panic across the country, and the life-saving medicine chrysantheon is in short supply, so that drug prices in various places have not risen. Even if the epidemic has not been found, those nobles and rich people are also everywhere*, just in case.

A bold conjecture made Yu Yu suddenly get up and almost bring down the armchair.

"The son of the world, be careful!" Huidu hurried to help.

As soon as the golden curtain was lifted, the pace of the clear sky panicked and opened his mouth and said, "Son, there are Tianchawei urgently in Pinan, Fengcheng and other counties. It is said that in many villages and even counties, the number of people with 'wind and cold' fever has increased sharply. The water in front of those epidemic places is not leaking, and even the streets are full of people seeking medical treatment."

What should come has always come. Shide can't hide the epidemic!

Yu Yu closed his eyes and locked his eyebrows became more and more determined.

"Today, Ningping is waiting for an invitation..." When he opened his eyelids again, there was a calm wave in his eyes. Today, the rain stopped, and there were autumn sun flashing clouds. When it reflected on his side, his eyebrows were slightly bright: "Prepare a car and go to the Zhenwei Pavilion... Please go to Jiang Han together."

Huidu hurriedly walked out and arranged to drive with the waitress. Only the clear sky followed him and said, "A few days, it was a family, and these days were noble. The son of the world is really oral. I don't want to be in this state, where socializing is more frequent than in Kyoto."


The prince drove to the Zhenwei Pavilion and stationed at the main gate. As soon as he lifted the brocade curtain, the black boots stepped on the road where there was still water left in front of the stable steps, and he smelled a noise. Two teenagers dressed in brown and gray belts chased me and rushed over, one shouted, "Little thief, give me back my money bag." One shouted, "I'm going to take my private money in broad daylight."

The young man in blue robes in front of him came to the front of the world's car. He staggered and fell to the ground. He was pressed by the young man behind him and leaned into his skirt with one hand. It seemed that he was fighting for something. The blue robe tightly pressed his clothes and shouted while scolding. The two of them did not care about the mud on the ground.

This treasure pavilion is located in the downtown, and today is a rare sunny day. Many people who come and go saw the dispute and quickly gathered around to watch.

Huidu saw the noise in this place, afraid of chaos and looked at the son.

Yu's eyebrows stretched and raised his right arm slightly to signal that he should be calm.

"If you don't return my money bag, it's entrusted to me by the master to buy pen and ink in the market. I accidentally fell to the ground and didn't want to be taken away by you, the thief." Qingyu gritted his teeth, half knelt on the ground, and tore the skirt of Lanyu with both hands.

"What a splash. I just fell into the money bag careless and picked it up immediately. I was defiled by you and wanted to take possession." Lan Yu was unwilling to show weakness. He raised his palm full of mud, wiped his face, raised his foot and kicked him, turned over and sat up, and was about to run away.

But the crowd had already gathered around, and Qingyu was also flexible. He turned over, hugged Lanyu's ankle, tripped him again, and had another fight.

Suddenly, an elegant "Lang Jun" separated the crowd, wearing a moon-white round-neck robe, arrow sleeves and jade waist, with picturesque eyebrows, especially a pair of apricot eyes, looking forward to be affectionate; standing in front of people, his waist was full, even if she was dressed in men's clothes, it was difficult to hide her beauty. When she opened her red lips lightly, her teeth were like a piece of s: "Under the public , don't fight."

The sound is like the gurgling water, crisp and soft.

Lan Yu blurted out, "What's the matter with you? It's really a dog with a mouse."

" shut up! My wife is the daughter of Zhizhou, and the unruly people dare to speak out disrespectful. A young man dressed up beside the white clothes - this one is even more amazing. He is obviously dressed in men's clothes, but he draws eyebrows with green snails and dyes his face with rouge.

The "little man" first scolded, and then looked at the white clothes as if he had regretted his words.

The white clothes bit his lips, and the autumn wave was full of arrogance. He stared slightly at the "little man", and seemed to inadvertently sweep his hands and stand up. He was dressed in a light purple robe and hair with beaded crowns, but he stopped slightly, soft and charming, like the willow leaves brushing the water, clear ripples like a smile.

The sound of discussion in the crowd comes with it——

"It turned out to be the pearl of Bingzhou!"

"Today, I'm really lucky to be able to witness the daughter of the Shi family."

"Well, with the wife of the Shi family, we will be able to know who belongs to the wallet."

"That's not true. Shi Sanniang once judged the murder case in the north of the city and returned the innocent 'Qingtian' of the poor woman."

This little lady has tried the murder case! Jiang Han was shocked and deliberately took care of his eyes in white. He thought to himself that this lady was beautiful and should be known as the pearl of Bingzhou, but this beautiful appearance was very artificial when she wore men's clothing.

Because of his obvious identity, Shi Lanxin did not pinch and looked at the two teenagers who had stopped arguing and stood up.

The son of the world was motionless and stood by. Huidu only paid attention to the crowd around him, his mind was full of wind and grass, and the clear sky was slightly eyed, always paying attention to Lan Yu's behavior.

"Madam Qingtian, you have to be the master of Xiaomin. This money bag is obviously entrusted by the little democratic family. If it is taken away like this, Xiaomin can't go back to the house." Qingyu pleaded first.

Lan Yu was unwilling to show weakness: "Mrsang Qingtian, this money bag is obviously the thing of the people. It was this bloody thing that won in the gambling house earlier."

"You two have their own words, which can be proved." Shi Lan asked.

Lan Yu immediately answered, "That's right, you said that the money bag in my hand is yours, but there is evidence that you can know how much money is in the money bag?"

Qingyu smiled proudly: "Let's see how you still deny it. I have naturally count the things handed over to me by the master. There are ten taels of silver in it, five taels of silver ingots, two taels of silver and three pieces of silver, a total of 21 taels of silver."

Lan Yu sneered, then took out the money bag from his arms and poured out the silver money in public: "Open your dog's eyes and see clearly, ten taels of silver one tablet, five taels of silver one tablet, two taels of silver three tablets, and... 20 copper coins." Lan Yu picked up a string of copper coins and put it in a circle on his index finger: "Since it's your money bag, how can you not say it carefully?"

The crowd echoed, and the eyes looking at Qingyu were reproached.

The green is in a hurry, but there is no way to distinguish it.

At this time, Shi Lanxin smiled softly: "What a sophistry." He stepped forward, took off the copper money on Lan Yu's finger and threw it back into his hand: "Only this string is yours, and the money bag and silver are this little brother's things." Without waiting for Lan Yu's sophistry, Shi Lanxin has been solemn: "If the money bag belongs to you, how can you explain that others can know the real number of silver? You don't know how much silver it is, but you just add a string of copper money. In fact, if you want to cheat, you should take out a piece and add some more, which is more real. But after you grab it, someone will chase you. You don't have much trouble for a moment. In addition to panic, you only have to add a string of copper coins. I'm afraid that there are no silver ingots, so there should be only copper coins, otherwise if you add a few more pieces of silver, it will be difficult to break for a while.

As soon as this word came out, the audience was enlightened and greatly agreed.

And the blue man is unconvinced and is waiting for quibble...

"If you still don't accept it, you have to ask someone to arrest you two to go to the state office. This little brother claims to be the silver liang given by the head of the family, and he must be certified, and you... Which gambling house did you win the money, it is not without a question." Shi Lan's heart is full of success: "Looking at your appearance, it is also because of poverty that you have become greedy. I originally intended to let you go once. As long as you know and repent, and if you don't do this matter of money in the future, you will not pursue it. But if you are obsessed with it, you are greedy. However, you can't escape the crime of theft. Even if you try, you can't escape the corporal punishment."

Only then did Lan Yu lose his anger and dare not force himself to reason. He returned the money and silver to the owner and fled in dismay.

There are praises among the crowd, all of whom say that Shi Lan is intelligent and kind-hearted.

Yu turned around with a shallow smile and saw that Ning Pinghou was welcoming him out of the restaurant and bowing from afar, but he stared behind the son after seeing the ceremony.

"How could Hao Shibo be so coincidental? My niece was greedy for the pearl chicken in this rare pavilion. Seeing that it was sunny today, she pretended to be here..." Shi Lan smiled skillfully and poured her face to the ground to see the salute, and her eyes stopped "officially" on the prince.

Ning Pinghou also smiled and seemed to love this "nefactor": "What a coincidence, it's time for you to have this blessing... Son, this is Shi Zhizhou's daughter."

"It turned out to be the son of the world." Lanxin girl in men's clothing bent her knees: "Lanxin has been admiring Yaming for a long time. I'm overjoyed to see it today."

Yu Qian smiled and avoided sideways: "It's better to meet by chance, Miss Shi, please."