Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 260 The haze suddenly comes, and guests come from afar

The party was staggered and had a long banquet, but it didn't break up until Shen Zheng.

Yu Yu "invited" Jiang Han to block his wine, so when he returned, Jiang Han could no longer ride a horse and fell down in the carriage. The clear sky quickly rushed to understand the wine and tea, but it was a disaster: "Today, there is a lady here, and Brother Jiang is more bolder than usual. He is simply not willing to refuse."

"I'm greedy for cups, not for beauty." Jiang Han burped, patted his chest, and sat up slightly: "But that woman is indeed ambitious and quite talented. Unlike the usual officials and eunuchs who lived in the inner house, listening to what Ning Hou said, in the murder case in the north of the city, all the evidence pointed to the deceased's wife. There were so many that this woman found clues before she died for that. After her husband, the woman who was almost wronged was exone of guilt, and found out the real murderer and brought it to justice. Today, I have been in the dispute over the ownership of the money bag. I don't know who the two are the original owners. Shi Sanniang judged right and wrong in a few words, which is true.

"That's you stupid." Qingkong sneered mercilessly, looked at the smiling son and posed intently: "The son must understand that today is just a farce."

"Huh?" Jiang Han raised his eyebrows and also looked at the son of the world.

Yu Yu folded the fan in his hand and picked up the rolling curtain. The jade gourd hung from the handle of the fan, and the water color swayed slightly in the light outside the curtain: "The sky is gloomy, and there will be a rainstorm in a blink of an eye."

"The son of the world sells the barrier again." Jiang Han gritted his teeth with hatred and flattered Qingkong: "Let's talk about it. Why is it a farce?"

"What's the coincidence? It's clear that Shi Sanniang has the intention to show off her talent." The eyebrows flew in the clear sky: "I stared at that

The child who is ignorant of money has been putting the money bag in his chest and never taking it out. Later, in full view of the public, he didn't have a chance to stuff copper coins into the bag. What does it mean?

"What does this mean? He can tamp on it when he picks up the money bag." Jiang Han is puzzled.

"If he intends to lose his money, he will definitely run away after picking up the money bag. How can he suddenly think of arguing in public? What's more, the owner is only an inch behind and chasing after him? How can he have time to take out the copper money from his body, loosen the money bag, then put the copper money in it, tie the money bag tightly, and then put it in his arms? After this action, I have been entangled for a long time. Several "regain" in the clear sky, the tone gradually intensified: "I can see clearly that the money bag is complicated, double buckled into a knot, at least two circles around. Try to run while looking at the knot in your hand, so that no one can grab it."

Jiang Han was stunned.

The clear sky proudly raised his chin again: "The money bag is made of light cyan soft satin. If it has fallen on the road, it will inevitably be stained with mud, but when the child takes it out, it is clean."

After many days of rainstorms, even if it clears today, the road is still full of rain and mud. Both of them said that the money bag once fell, how could it not be stained with mud?

Jiang Han believed it and smiled at the son: "It seems that the beautiful woman intends to be aimed at the son."

Yu Yu still doesn't talk.

The clear sky is particularly disdainful: "Is Shi Sanniang also called the pearl of Bingzhou, both talented and beautiful? Maybe the murder was also a twist and turns deliberately made by Shi Zhizhou to show her talent.

Jiang Han coughed: "At least he is still a little calculating. Besides, he is indeed a fair lady."

"Well, looking at her delicate appearance, it's far worse than Wu Niang."

Who is Wu Niang? Jiang Han was about to ask, but he saw that Yu Yu finally reacted. He raised a folding fan and fell on the head of the clear sky with a "bang": "Who can compare it?"

I spit out my tongue in the clear sky and dare not say more.

Jiang Han was surprised and said that this "five women" had an unusual status in the eyes of the world. Shi Sanniang was at least a daughter of Zhizhou, but she was not even qualified to compare... Suddenly thinking of her sister's "heart", her face was a little gloomy.

Bloomingly, there is thunder.

But not far from the princess's house, the wheels suddenly stopped.

The sound of horses' hoofs stepped out of the car window. Huidu fell off his horse and reported through the window: "Son, there is a woman in a coma by the roadside. The bodyguard came forward to inspect her, saying that she was red, moaning and hot."

Yu looked at the side of the curtain and faintly saw a woman in a thick cloth skirt lying on the side.

Looking at Jiang Han again, there was a dark surge in Yu's eyes.

At this time, Jiang Han also lost most of his wine. When he saw Yu coming out of the curtain, he immediately followed him.

"The son of the world, stay." Jiang Han saw the woman's shape, pulled a handful of Yu Yu, squatted forward, and pointed to the pulse.

Yu Yu took a look forward and looked back.

The corners of my eyes were everywhere. I saw the wind blowing the leaves flying down the road, and a micro-exploring figure completely disappeared into the corner of the wall.

"The son of the world." After a while, Jiang Han let go of his hand and emphasized his head: "I'm 70% sure."

Someone, finally can't stand it...

His eyebrows sank, and Yu Yu turned around: "Take the patient back to the princess's house."

"The son of the world!" Jiang Han was a little anxious: "If that's the way... it's hard to guarantee that it won't spread."

"It doesn't matter." Yu Yu nods decisively and takes a look at Huidu.

"Yes." Huidu walked side by side and bowed his head to promise.

The wind and rain are as obscure, coming in an instant!

In the evening, Jiang Han has been diagnosed, and the woman has been infected with malaria, which has reached the fever stage, and the situation is very critical.

It's night, and Yu Yu hasn't rested. These days of torrential rains have been so that he is often tortured by the cold in his body. Although Jiang Han's acupuncture, he can barely support the sick body and shows no obstacles in front of people. But in the middle of the night, the pain of his shoulder, spine and lumbar spine makes him sleepless, taking care of government affairs, and there is no time to refreshment. Busy, in the past half month, the robe has become wider and very haggard. On this day, when he returned home, he was busy discussing and repairing books. After several rounds of orders, he dismissed everyone. After taking the medicinal diet, he half leaned against the bed to refresh his mind.

"Son, I have isolated the patient to the north hospital, strictly prohibit others from entering and leaving, and hanging up a heavy account to prevent mosquitoes from stinging blood, but I dare not guarantee... I also asked the son to order everyone to bathe in yellow worm water, sprinkle medicine to kill mosquitoes, and keep accounts when sleeping, just in case." Jiang Han was fully "armed" and replied four or five steps away, covering his mouth and nose with a cotton towel soaked in potion and dried.

Yu's eyebrows were locked. At this time, it was difficult to hide his fatigue. He closed his eyelids slightly and seemed to have a cold sneer: "I intend to abandon the sick person to my way. This is expected that I will not ignore it. What did the medical officer who just been invited from the epidemic say? It should be because of the cold, and it is difficult to diagnose... They are going to take action, so they made up their minds to try to infect me with malaria... I don't know what they want to do if I really get sick... Jiang Han, you must... save that..."

The patient almost ignored it.

Jiang Han was shocked when he saw the son on the back side and stepped forward, but finally did not dare to touch it. He repeatedly called the gray ferry and the clear sky.

"The son seems to have fainted!" The clear sky is crying.

"Come on, take the yellow wormsopus water first." Although Jiang Han had already bathed and changed his clothes when he came from the North Courtyard, he did not dare to be careless at this time. He quickly asked Huidu to prepare his hands again before he dared to treat the world's son.

In the dark night sky, a trace of silver is cut, like a cold sword sharp.

The green tile suddenly became noisy, and the man on the couch, his eyes closed, breathed slightly, fell into darkness and deep, and no longer heard the rain like a waterfall.

The rain has been down for several days. Three days later, the rain stopped, the clouds were gloomy, and the news of the "sudden" outbreak of malaria in many counties spread in Bingzhou City. It was as dark and dark clouds, oppressing people panic.

Shi De hurried to the princess's house, but was bluntly rejected and never met the son of the world.

Huidu's face was like a dark light outside, and the word "the son of the world is sick" made Shi De ecstatic.

"This is not good. At present, many counties have reported the epidemic... The son has gone to the epidemic area again... Of course, the subordinate hopes that the son is unimpeded, but he has to be careful. Mo Ru, please ask the medical officer of the epidemic..." Shi Deqiang was overjoyed and worried.

Huidu is more irritable: "No, accompany the original doctor."

Shide didn't want to be rejected, but in addition to his secret joy, he was also mixed with a trace of anxiety. He didn't want to let the world die. This is a believer of the emperor. If he really has a good or bad in Bingzhou, he will investigate it... He was about to insist on a few more words, but he heard that Huidu had put down the word "sending off guests".

Shi De was full of anger. When he came out of the princess's mansion, he just rolled his sleeves: Humph! Good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs.

While returning to the state government, he was busy writing a secret letter and handing it to Kyoto - "Everything went well. For three days, the prince has closed the door to refuse guests. He changed the continuous socializing some time ago. The situation is strange. It is estimated that he has been infected with malaria. He can no longer interfere in the affairs of the state, and the father-law can act according to the plan" - while writing the second chapter and presented it to the sky to listen, strong The danger of the epidemic in Bingzhou, how to "urgent shortage" of chrysantheon, and how the market price rose with the wind.

Jinyang, Kyoto, was also shocked by the sudden outbreak of the uncontrollable epidemic in Bingzhou!

As in those years, the courtiers argued that Qin Xiang was the first faction and strongly exterred that drug prices should be suppressed and sent to the epidemic area. Jinxiang's party has its own countermeasures and put up evidence to be reasonable. It is said that this year's spring drought led to the death of wormworm in a large area. A few months ago, drug prices soared. Although drug dealers in Bingzhou have accumulated goods, they have spent a lot of money to buy it. What's more, the current large number of wormwormworms will cost a lot of money. If the price of medicine is strongly suppressed, it will certainly cause drug dealers everywhere to suffer heavy losses. , and can't treat the people in the epidemic area in time.

After several days of discussion, it was very noisy.

In the third prince's mansion, a demon took out a letter from Bingzhou received half a month ago. His eyes were slightly raised and his eyes were shining: "You can serve the opportunity and persuade the prince to advise..."

Yu Yu, is this person really a magical calculation, or is he as careful as his hair?

In mid-August, "pharmaceutical merchants" arrived in Bingzhou one after another, but they were rejected by the defenders!

Those "pharmaceutical merchants" have nothing to do and stay in Dongyang Town, more than ten miles away from Bingzhou.

Although Dongyang Town is only a small town because it is not far from Bingzhou, it is full of inns and provides accommodation for merchants, so it is very prosperous. The song and dance brothels occupy half of the long street, and the teahouses and restaurants are operated all night. There is no concept of curfews here, even if At this time, because of the haze of malaria, it is somewhat disturbing, but at night, as usual, there are those nobles and idle men who are forced to go out of the city to have fun - there is wine tonight and drunk tonight, no matter how sad the world is.

Of course, there are still those people in the town who occasionally talk about patients who are struggling with life and death under the jurisdiction of the state.

"It's floods and malaria again. This year, there are real natural disasters, and it's pitiful for those who have suffered diseases... It seems that a lot of herbs have died because of the spring drought. How can this be good?"

"It seems to be yellow wormworm, which was originally cheap, but it is difficult to buy gold at this time."

"How did I hear that the drug dealers living in the town came with this life-saving chryothia, but they were rejected out of the city."

"It seems to be an order from Zhizhou, saying that these profiteers take advantage of the natural disaster to sit on the ground and want to increase the price of chrythia, so they are not allowed to enter the city."

"These profiteers are really not good at death!"

Suddenly, a young man with clear eyebrows smiled and accosted: "Uncles, do you know where these drug dealers live?"

Everyone saw that the teenager was strange, but there were several carriages behind him. The first one around Qingjin looked inconspicuous, but the four green horses were side by side, with a solemn expression - even the lord of Zhizhou could only take a two-drive car. It seemed that the teenager was not small.

Then there was a flattering person and pointed to Zhendong: "They all live in the inn. They should be unwilling and wait for the Lord Zhizhou to let them go into the city."

The teenager thanked the person who answered the message and turned to the car.

"Grandma, it seems that we have to stay in this town. The granddaughter suspects that these merchants are the people invited by Brother Yuan to help." "Young man" whispered, facing the woman sitting in the car, dressed in bright blue brocade, embroidered with purple orchid grass, the jade hairpin between the green silk was transparent, the temples were still black, and her eyebrows were solemn.

It's the eldest princess.