Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 264 Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, life and death

The more thin knuckles held behind her head, clearly and firmly, but his kisses were like gentle breeze and drizzle, not slow.

It seems to forget the dark outside the window, and the haze has not dissipated, but the bright season of Yuqiong.

In her closed eyelids, she was gradually hot and not wet, like the warmth of the spring sun and sunshine in March, but it seemed that it was about to overflow from the corners of her eyes. The consciousness in her mind was even more chaotic. Only his breath was clear, which was different from the gentleness of the corners of her lips. Breathing and entanglement.

Kiss, not deep, but lingering for a long time.

In such a sudden moment, when she was struggling, she gently put her lips.

The tip of his tongue unintentionally leaned in and swept over her teeth.

She wanted to escape in a panic, but met him, but it was a very slight touch, and a tremor between her lips and teeth made her pull his cool outer appearance, making his waist stiff, but his palms softer, relaxing behind her neck and letting go of her cherry lips.

but never stayed away.

Because of that breath, it is still close at hand.

Finally, he opened his eyes in a panic and met again.

What she saw was his eyes jumping, like a pool of stars under the secluded reflection, and like a bright bonfire, burning vigorously in the quiet lacquer night.

Far and close; trance, clear.

"I miss you, Jingjing. If you put aside your worries, do you miss me?" He touched his forehead lightly, and the tip of his nose was slightly separated. He hovered at the distance of his eyes. His eyes were blurred, but his words were clear.

It seems that this time, it was he who asked seriously and forced her to confront it head-on.

He looked into her eyes, withdrew his palms, and stopped at the corners of her slightly hot cheeks and lips. He persisted and no longer gave her a chance to escape.

"I'm in Jinyang, and I heard that you may be infected with malaria..." She half raised her cheek and looked into his eyes: "At first, I didn't believe... You once said that I should protect myself well, because my safety is the most precious to you. I think you must also understand that your safety is even more so for me."

She spoke like an orchid, soft lips, talking about a few days ago, thousands of miles away: "But I'm afraid after all. Even if I'm as cautious as you, there will be unexpected times."

Not worry, but fear.

Are you afraid of losing him? His heart rippled slightly, and the mood in his eyes also rippled, as if the surging heat was about to pour out.

So the enthusiasm at the corners of her eyes decreased, and she was filled with his eyes again. Her wrists were raised, and her palms were on her cheeks and the back of his hands.

"Brother, when I begged my grandmother to let me accompany me, my grandmother asked me if I had thought about it carefully. My grandmother was worried that I was not ready to face the difficulties."

Think carefully and promise each other for life. From then on, I will stand side by side with him and rely on blessings and misfortunes.

"I told my grandmother that if you don't think about it in this life, if you are fine, it will be my happiness." She said this, and then pressed her hand tighter and looked at it: "Brother, I miss you. Until last night, when I knew that you were safe, but I was still sleepless, I knew that in fact, those fears were missing."

She finally finished saying this, but saw that he suddenly fell silent, and the eagerness in his eyes seemed to sink into the secludedness, and gradually blurred.

His palm left, held her wrist, and then guided her hand and put it on his skirt.

The single clothes are thin, revealing the mild heat of the skin and surrounding the palm.

"Binjing, what should I do?" He smiled and touched the tip of his nose: "I can't help..."

She has not properly digested the meaning of this sentence, and has been deeply kissed by him. It is no longer a shallow restraint, and it is no longer a grinding floating on the surface, so that she can't prepare, so she has been sucked the tip of her tongue. Although the strength of the ban still stops at the palm of his shoulder, although his lips and tongue are still so gentle, this kiss It's so deep that they have never tried each other.

She has already sunk without having time to panic.

Her fingertips trembled slightly at his skirt, and under his palm, he lost his slow heartbeat.

His breath is sweeter and sweeter, which is strange and has no bitterness.

She thought she must have lost her perception.

So they were completely lost in his gentle request. The two people who hugged and kissed each other forgot the wind and rain outside the window and threw away the private hatred of the world.

Until she really couldn't breathe, until her palms had unconsciously tightened his skirt.

Until, if you don't stop, you can't help breaking the embankment.

Although it was difficult to give up, he gradually kissed a long kiss, stopped wrapping his tongue and teeth, and recovered to sucking slowly.

He withdrew his palm, held her slender wrist, which was tightened by panic, and finally blew into the sweetness of her lips with unbearably hotness and warmth.

"When this calms down, I will ask the emperor for an order. You know that I can't wait for a long time." The tone was dull, and Yu Yu's throat was slightly tight. He swallowed his desire with difficulty, took Yijing's hand and arrived at the case.

When he handed the horn comb to the unquenched person and saw that she was ashamed to avoid it, Yu Yu raised the corners of his lips gently: "In order to calm down this matter as soon as possible, you have to cherish the time. The fifth sister, the fall in the clear sky is not bad, and Huidu is a rough man who only knows how to dance with swords, and can only bother you and tie your hair for me."

Someone who is shy is stunned...

Son, I haven't learned this technical work yet...

So it has been half an hour since the three thousand troubles of the son of the world were finally tied by the ribbon.

During this period, someone who was in a hurry because of his hair also forgot his shyness, but because Yu was too bored when he was waiting, he asked, and he had already told what happened in Dongyang Town yesterday.

"Yulang really made a contribution this time." After several weeks of folding, Yu's hair bun was finally barely tied up. The two came out of the bedroom and went to the tea room to talk: "I guess the people they abduction must be military. If it hadn't been for Yang Minghou, they would be a subordinate of Ning Pinghou."

Hearing that Yu Yu only said Yulang, but did not mention the man in black, Yijing felt a little surprised: "Don't Brother Yu know the people who walk with Yulang?"

"I have never seen him before, but Yulang is the head of the branch of the Jinyang Five Alliance, and I think that man should be his subordinate." Yu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Is there anything wrong?"

Yijing was about to talk in detail, but suddenly stopped and sold a small barrier: "I won't say it for the time being, but maybe there will be unexpected gains this time."

Yu Yu didn't pay much attention. After ponding for a while, he said, "Originally, I was also going to come forward. At this point, who is involved in the concealment of the epidemic? It has been * ten, but now in the Ming Dynasty, it is always a little less active. Fortunately, my aunt arrived in time. With her in charge and Huang, which was acquired by her five sisters earlier. Wormworm can be temporarily provided to people with diseases.

"Think about it, Brother Yu should write to Sheng in the morning, and the will of Beijing should be coming soon." Yijing felt deeply difficult. At present, although the infected people can be treated in time, it is still not easy to find evidence and criminalized Jin Xiang's party.

"It shouldn't be so fast. The holy intention is not decided. It's Jin Xiang and Shi De who are anxious." Yu frowned and thought for a while: "I have a guess..."

But listening to the creepy guess, the beautiful scenery almost didn't smash the tea bowl: "If this is true, and it's just taking advantage of the disaster to make profits, these people are really not a pity to die."

"What the truth is? You have to know it clearly. Fifth sister, please tell your aunt in time that she will enter the city immediately and send those yellow worms to the epidemic area. I will send Jiang Han to go with me first, so that the infected people will not be treated with medicine."

The scenic spot nodded, but asked again, "If my grandmother came to Bingzhou, the safety of those drug dealers in Dongyang Town..."

"It doesn't matter. Since my aunt came here and intervened in it, they don't have the courage to set up again. I guess that Huo Sheng will take the initiative to contact the Wuyi League to buy yellow wormworm from them and completely monopolize the state pharmaceutical market." If the hidden harm doesn't work, he will buy it clearly. Even if it will cost a lot of money, but the profit is ahead, Yu Wei guesses that Shi De should think so.

"That's all. If the Five Righteous League refuses, won't it let the officials of Bingzhou be suspicious and startle the snake? Moreover, the emperor will never ignore the people, but if they can't collect the evidence of gold as soon as possible, they will still make huge profits. On the way, there are actually many things to worry about, but I can't find any good strategy.

"I have already arranged this." Yu Yu smiled and said something again.

The scenery is stunned...

"Brother, your method is really... Now the nobles of the families in Bingzhou have to blow up, and I'm afraid Jin Xiang will be caught off guard."

"In this way, once we find the evidence, most of the powerful people in Bingzhou City will be targeted at Jin Xiang. Qin Xiang is no match with him and will never let go of such a big handle." Yu Yu nod his head.

The two of them meditated for a moment and held a tea cup without saying a word.

"I have a plan!" But he spoke with one voice.

Yi Jing hurriedly asked Yu Yu to speak first, but it coincided with her idea.

"Only this matter, it is still inappropriate for the Five Alliance to come forward. After all, they are Jianghu gangs. Although the identity of those 'pharmacists' is clear, it is inevitable that the testimony can't convince the public as soon as the matter is opened. In addition, they are against the 'haoqiang' this time. Even before their grandmother appeared, they have never suffered losses, and those powerful will want to come. Suspect that they are not small, and they will act more carefully..." Yu Jing still racked her brains, but Yu Yu understood her intention long ago.

"Does the fifth sister want to face up?"

"Brother, you are recovering from the epidemic. Although you have not been infected with the epidemic, you have lost a lot these days." Yijing insisted very much: "Although Bingzhou is a grandmother's fief, it is said that grandmother can't interfere in political affairs. Although the local officials are in awe, they want to say that strict prevention and deep preparation will not be enough. Before their brother heals, they will be careless for a day. When everything is right in the future, even if they understand and calculate, it is too late to repent."

Seeing what Yijing said in all aspects, Yu Yu knew that she had made up her mind. Although he did not want her to be involved in deeper and risk it, he could think about it. If this matter is foolproof, he also needs a cautious person. He doesn't know much about the congregation of the Five Righteous League. Although he trusts their loyalty, he doesn't know whether they can act carefully. Moreover, at this time, in the city of Bingzhou, there is a grand princess escort, and then a heavenly guard and a secret guard of the royal palace, which can keep the scenery complete.

And the future risk is not only for this matter. Since she has decided to stand side by side with herself, she is doomed to rely on blessings and misfortunes. Instead of coaxing her to avoid concealment, it is like facing each other. Only when she knows the difficult situation of the storm and waves can she be fully prepared to avoid him from being unrounded, and she is at a loss. It's too late.

So he moved his palm and held her hand firmly. Yu Yu smiled gently: "Okay, please give everything to the fifth sister."