Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 265 Crossing the Sea and losing conscience

Since she took on a heavy responsibility, Yijing did not delay too much at the princess's mansion. She returned to Dongyang Town at noon and only briefly informed her grandmother of the actions discussed with Yu Yu. Of course, the complex secret made the eldest princess angry. She thought that it was serious, but she did not hesitate much. She could trust the "see" of these two younger generation. Solution".

I immediately arranged to enter the city in the afternoon.

Qiushuang heard that she pretended to be a scene and entered the city and appeared as the pearl in the palm of the princess's hand. She shook her head repeatedly: "Wuniang, how can I have such a ability? It's better let Qiu Yue..."

"Qiuyue still has to live outside with me for a while, and sometimes she has to hide her eyes and ears. You two sisters are the most similar in size and age to me, so that it is not suspicious. Don't worry, this is Bingzhou. No one has seen me. Besides, there are grandmothers who hide it. If there is no inexorable socializing, they will not let If you come forward, even if you come forward, as long as you have enough airs, it's okay to be quiet. Yijing persuaded her well, but Qiu Shuang was still sincerely frightened, but she knew that it was a last resort, and finally she could only agree.

Arrange this side first, and then go to see Yulang and "black clothes".

Because of the next plan, it is indispensable for all the people of the Five Righteous League to cooperate and assist, especially Yulang, the head of the hall. Yijing did not hide the secret information and told them one by one by one before arranging the plan: "Please also ask Yulang to arrange it first and let people secretly buy artemisia, about 10,000 doses."

Yulang was uneasy because of the inside situation. At this time, he was quite hesitant to hear Yijing's direct order, but he looked at the "black clothes" and asked, "Wuniang, you know, because this time he is using the power of the alliance, and according to the rules, you need to show the spark bronze emblem."

Yi Jing also looked at the "black clothes" and smiled: "I heard that the identity of the leader of the Five Righteous League is very mysterious, and even the masters in various places have never seen the true face. They are only ordered to act according to the spark order and the secret code of the branch hall. Another said that the leader of the League has never participated in the action, but is only responsible for checking the overall situation of the power of attorney. I don't know this time and Why did the state incident disturb the leader of your alliance?

Yulang jumped up from the chair in shock, as if he had seen a ghost.

is the stable "black coat" that is as stable as Mount Tai, which is also a slight curvature of the corners of the eyes that deliberately "painted" the depressed eyes.

"Yulang, you are the head of the branch hall in Jinyangjing. Generally speaking, it is also regarded as 'under one person', but last night I found that you are obedient to this... strong man..." Beautiful scenery is confident and looks at the "black clothes" with a smile.

"The black clothes" sighed gently: "For a moment, I just didn't want Wu Niang's eyes to be like a torch, which made me admire me."

"Think about it, the alliance leader must be worried about the epidemic and the safety of tens of thousands of people in Bingzhou." Ying said again.

Seeing that the alliance leader had accepted his identity, Yulang no longer concealed it: "It's true. If the alliance leader hadn't learned that there might be an epidemic in Bingzhou, and there would be treacherous ministers to make profits and ignore the safety of the people, he would not have come forward in person."

"Everything is arranged by Wu Niang." The alliance leader is indeed a man in the world, and his promise is very straightforward.

Next, the beautiful scenery is another arrangement. Some things are quite trivial and must be hidden, and there are some things that Yulang is not sure why, such as preparing the bayberry infusion and making a plan on the sack with yellow chrysanthesia in their hands.

"The production of artemisia is originally more than that of chryscus. Since the improvement of the prescription, the world knows that artemisia in malaria is very low. Nowadays, it is not scarce on the market, but the difficulty is hidden. If it is purchased in North China, it is afraid of attracting the attention of these people in Bingzhou, but if it is something else Local acquisition, I'm afraid of being late. The alliance leader pondered slightly: "Does Wu Niang have a good idea?"

"It doesn't matter if you buy it in North China. You can only arrange more manpower and buy them scatteredly. This spring drought in the south will cause a variety of medicinal herbs to die. Originally, it was not limited to yellow artemisia. Besides, compared with yellow artemisia specializing in malaria, artemisia is more clear, weak and hot, humid and hot yellow, which was originally larger than the flow of artemisia." Naturally, Yu Yuan said that the common sense of herbs had the same concerns as the alliance leader. After the discussion between the two, they were "unraised".

"Besides, about 100,000 doses of artemisia in Northeast, Shandong and other places have flowed out. According to Shizi's estimate, or within ten days, it will enter Bingzhou City in the name of 'yellow wormwormworm'." Ying said again.

Yulang and the alliance leader were very shocked. Yulang couldn't help gritting his teeth: "So, what the world expected is seven or eight. These unscrupulous treacherous ministers are simply human-faced and beasts."

At present, artemisia is only used to treat ordinary fever and yellow fever, and it is not indispensable. Even if there is a spring drought in the south, the price will not soar. Based on the special unit "agent" of the malaria drug artemisia, 100 doses only need ten taels of silver and 100,000 doses, only 10,000 taels, compared with millions of benefits, this book Jin Dang is really meager.

However, Artemisia is very similar to Artemisia. Even if the processing methods are different at present, there is no difference between non-doctors and those who are familiar with drugs.

What the son of the world suspects has been revealed.

At first, he only wondered why the imperial court's timely relief caused tens of thousands of infected people to die. At that time, Tong Weiyi only said that it was because the five county magistrates concealed the disaster and made the epidemic lose the opportunity to treat them, but the large-scale outbreak of malaria occurred in August, and the onset cycle was still more than 10 to 30 days. The imperial court provided disaster relief Five days after the purchase of the medicine was reported, the emperor personally wrote an edict, ordering Shide to use the medicine to cure the disease first with the right to know the state, and then the medicine money was made up, and Huo Sheng immediately responded, so the emperor also personally commended him.

Obviously, it is just an excuse.

In those years, the courtiers colluded with local officials and colluding. Even if the Kyoto medical officers were suspicious, they did not dare to doubt the Jin Xiangdang.

That day, when he learned that the yellow worms in North China market was out of stock, Yu Yu calculated an income for Jin Xiang. Suddenly, he thought that after the outbreak of malaria in Bingzhou, it would make the whole country panic. Because the price of medicine, which was deliberately speculated, because the supply was in short supply, it would definitely soar again.

Even if it is a hundred or two doses, I'm afraid that those nobles who don't know it and "threate their lives like gold" will buy several or even dozens of doses just in case. Yu Wei still remembers that even his grandmother was not far away from Xiaoxiang to buy it.

Insatiable greed is the heart of the people!

If Jin Xiang's group does not satisfy the benefits of hundreds of thousands of taels, they will only use artemisia as medicine, fool the court, blind the sky, and quietly sell the hoarded yellow artemisia elsewhere...

The epidemic is only prevalent in the lower county. As long as it is properly controlled and quarantined in a timely manner, or more accurately, it will not threaten the state city.

Those who have been infected with the epidemic have not received the life-saving chrysanthemium, but have to die in the epidemic area.

Once the epidemic breaks out, lockdown and quarantine is an inevitable means, and no one will doubt it.

What's more, Jin has been covering the sky for quite a year!

Thinking of this possibility, Yu Yu immediately took action. After waking up from fainting that day, he started an inspection with Tianchawei. Sure enough, he learned that someone in Northeast China, Shandong and other places had purchased a large number of artemisia in the pharmaceutical market.

Avoiding the nearby and going to the northeast and other places for acquisitions is undoubtedly to hide people's eyes and ears.

Yu Wei suspected that this was the secret behavior of Jin Xiang and Shi De. Even those nobles should be hidden from those nobles in the drums.

Jin Xiang joined hands with the local military leaders. First, they have to rely on them to monopolize the huge principal of chrysap, and also rely on them to cover up. In case things are leaked, these military magnates are more likely to stand by because they are not allowed to benefit, and they are more likely to complain that Jin Xiang is not "enjoyed with them" and fall into the well. However, Now that the gold phase has given hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, there is no need to share the millions of huge profits of this 10,000 yuan.

As long as Shide operates cautiously, he can hide it from the world and there is no need to make profits at all.

Therefore, Huo Sheng's acquisition of artemisia is more sneaky than yellow artemisia. What he guarded against was not the court, but conspiracy!

And when beautiful scenery hears Yu's speculation and evidence, there are also several doubts in his heart, just as Yulang asked now--

"Huo Sheng is a brother of Huo Qi and Huo Zhen. He also bought yellow artemisia in North China. Doesn't the court doubt that he conspired with Shi De and Jin Xiang?"

"Huo Sheng's identity was originally secret. He did not live in Bingzhou. When Jin Xiang began to calculate this conspiracy, he deliberately let him settle in Bingzhou as a drug dealer. Many people in the world did not know that he was with Huo Qi and Huo Zhen's brothers. They deliberately concealed each other, and it was not difficult to lie about their identity. If it hadn't been for the son of Pi Nan, he would be suspected of malaria. The disease had an attack a few months ago, and he would not secretly detect Huo Sheng's identity. Ying said the explanation of the prince.

"Is Huo Sheng the only pharmaceutical dealer in this Bingzhou city? Don't other pharmacists compete with him? Yulang asked again.

Originally, due to weak funds, each pharmacy would not hoard a large number of medicinal materials. When it was used, it was only to find a pharmacist to buy it. Although Bingzhou is a Zhili Prefecture, Shanxi Province, under the jurisdiction of more than ten counties, the state city is not large. Originally, there were only two people operating batches of medicinal materials, and because the small amount of chrysanthelia is small, the inventory is only 100 doses, and the calculation of gold phase is not dangerous at all. When the epidemic broke out, the price of chrysmium has soared. It is impossible for these two pharmacists to have enough capital to buy chrysium to compete with Huo Sheng. In addition, no matter how high the price they buy at this time, there is no profit. This time, the explanation is the alliance leader: "Think about it, in order to hide people's eyes and ears, Huo Sheng should arrange several more 'pharmaceuticals' to acquire them from various cities. These people should belong to various places and not to Bingzhou."

"According to the son, that's exactly what happened." The scenery nod his head.

At present, most of the cities where Dalong drug merchants gather are in the provincial capital, or where medicinal materials are produced, and the state does not belong to these two. Pharmacists in this city go to major pharmaceutical markets to buy ready-made drugs, and then turn to drug stores. They do not have the scale of "sales" of planting drugs on the ground and then making them into drugs by cannons. Beautiful scenery is exactly listening to Yu Wei explain his mastery in detail. Only in this case can we "conspire" to think of that strategy.

"The son has submitted a memorial and begged the emperor not to make a rush. The courtiers are arguing endlessly. What is anxious is the gold phase. Perhaps in these days, Huo Sheng will take action. He just temporarily entered the market and can't tell the difference between artemisia and chrys. If they only want to monopolize it, they will not We will care about whether it is true or false, so we have time to drill, so everyone is ready to hurry up. Ying said again.

"Just delaying like this, those infected people..." Yulang was very worried about the people.

"It doesn't matter. My grandmother came from Jinyang this time and also brought more than 3,000 doses of chrysanthelia, which can probably take some time to prevent the patient's disease from getting worse."

However, the leader of the alliance said solemnly, "According to our secret inspection, the number of people infected with the epidemic has reached tens of thousands. One dose of medicine can be used for two people for five days, and it takes ten days to ensure recovery. Even if it is to buy time, regardless of the problem of recovery for the time being, we have to consider the new patients every day, and at least 7,000 doses are needed at present."

"The son said that he had been prepared for a long time. This time, he only asked you to bring 7,000 doses of medicine first, and 10,000 doses in Yannan?" Yijing heard that the alliance leader was so familiar with the dose treatment of chrysanthemium. Although he was a little surprised, he was still not entangled in this irrelevant issue.


"That's good. These medicine grandmothers will be brought into the city together and immediately transported to the epidemic area. You are eager to save people. Seeing that Shi Zhizhou refuses to let them go, they simply sold the medicine to their grandmother. As for the price of the medicine... will not be disclosed for the time being." Yijing told the details of how to explain it one by one, and heard Yulang nodding frequently. Although he did not know the overall plan of Yijing and the son of the world, he knew that he must dig a trap for those treacherous officials who harmed the people, and clenched his fists with excitement.

The alliance leader is obviously more calm: "But how can we ensure that this drug can be used on patients when it enters the epidemic area? None of the medical officers of those epidemic centers can be trusted.

"The epidemic is so serious that it can't be done by the epidemic alone. The son has been arranged for a long time. There is a doctor around him, Jiang Han, the son of Mr. Qinggu. In addition, after his grandmother enters the city, she should recruit doctors in the city to be supervised by Jiang Han and strive to cure the patients."

"But if the son wants to expose the adultery conspiracy, he should also master the evidence of their substitution with artemisia. I'm afraid it can't be guaranteed by only one person. Therefore, I plan to go to the epidemic area in the name of the doctor recruited by the eldest princess." The alliance leader said.

Yulang was anxious and immediately objected--