Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 270 Changes, Conspiracy as usual

At noon on August 27, the clouds scattered in the sky, and there was a light and white autumn sun.

Hingzhou City is finally looking forward to a long-lost sunny day.

The wind is still cold, rolling leaves all over the street, spreading wet and mud along the road.

Suddenly, there was exciting news spread in the gathering places of people in major cities and alleyways in the city - Huo Sheng, a Chinese medicine merchant in Shandong, Huizhou and other places, did not hesitate to spend all his money to buy 100,000 doses of chrysanthesia and arrived in Bingzhou. At this time, he was entering the gate.

The hearts of countless people who have been hanging for half a month have finally landed. With this life-saving medicine, they are no longer afraid of the threat of the epidemic.

So he spontaneously rushed to the gate and scrambled to witness Huo Sheng enter the city. For a moment, there were tens of thousands of empty alleys, and they were concentrated in the gate to meet each other.

When Shi Zhizhou heard the news, of course, he led the state government officials to welcome each other in uniform. Even the eldest princess heard the good news and greeted them at the city gate.

Huo Sheng walked alone in front of the convoy, as if the triumphant general, was greeted by this cheer and praised him like a tide.

A drug dealer has become a hero in a city.

And he also claimed in public that he would immediately hand over the 100,000 doses of malaria treatment to the state government and send them to the epidemic area. Of course, Shi Zhizhou was very grateful and patted his chest to ensure that the imperial court's disaster relief bank would be allocated soon. When it arrived, he would immediately make up for the medicine.

"The Holy Oracle has been issued, praising the righteous act of the state pharmaceutical merchants." Shi Zhizhou bowed to the north in public: "The emperor's kindness to the people is the blessing of the people, to protect the people of Bingzhou from the spread of the epidemic and die." He knelt on the ground and shouted long live, which aroused the excitement of the group. With the parents and officials of a state, they knelt together and didn't care about the mud on the ground.

With the attention of tens of thousands of people, a train team sent 100,000 doses of chrysflower to Bingzhou government.

The crowd has not dispersed for a long time.

In many enthusiastic discussions, there is still a woman's high voice, which seems particularly harsh--

"Are you blind? What are you squeezing? My shoes are embroidered with gold thread..."

Mixed in the crowd, he witnessed his third uncle's majestic reign. Huo, who was full of praise, was about to go home contentedly. While calculating that there would be huge profits at home, it was time to beat the autumn wind fiercely. When his heart was in full bloom, he was pushed on his back. He held an old locust tree and didn't fall his mouth. Gnawing mud, but a pair of gold silk double butterfly embroidered shoes, but deep in the mud under the tree, the gorgeous and exquisite upper suddenly became black and smeared. Huo's mouth was almost crooked, and an anger went straight to his forehead, but he turned around--

The two confused men behind him are generally tall and low, and the one in gorgeous clothes is magnificent, and the one beside him...

Huo blinked, then blinked, and his eyes were full of peach blossoms.

Look at the clothes, it should be a long casual, but the jade face is trimming eyebrows, the eyes are clear and the nose is clear, and the corners of the lips are half flustered, and the small appearance is unbearable.

Yulang's heart twitched fiercely--

Wu's sister-in-law, the meaning in your eyes is too obvious!

I can't help slandering the beautiful scenery, and actually let him be an eight-foot man, and this object is too... Well, except for the bark rubbing on his face, it's still clear. At least the skin is not as fierce as Yecha.

Sanshun coughed a shallowly, recalled the teachings of these days in his mind, and bowed like a decent hand: "I didn't mean to bump into my wife, and I'm deeply ashamed."

Huo's anger has long been extinguished by a cavity of tenderness. He raised his eyebrows and tilted his eyes, and he smiled so delicately: "It's unintentional, but it's a pity that my pair of embroidered shoes."

Sanshun hurriedly shouted compensation and asked what the value was.

"How about making amends for a banquet in the two positions?" Huo is very "right".

So, Sanshun had to recognize this bamboo bar and went to the restaurant with Huo's side. He only asked for an elegant seat. After this time, he could only get out for half a day in the evening.

Yulang was toasted by Huo, his hands, and verbally. Fortunately, he was a chivalrous man who walked around the world, so he was not timid by the woman's bold style. Naturally, Huo also touched Sanshun's origin. When he heard that he was born in a rich merchant, he had no choice but because of his brother's hands. There are too many that are not valued by my father. This time, I originally planned to come to Kyoto to find a business opportunity to make profits. I can also use it as a capital. I was valued by my elders a little, but I was depressed because of the flood of the river and the continuous rainstorms, and I was stranded in Bingzhou for a long time.

Huo asked Yulang again if he was Sanshun's Chang Sui, and immediately proposed, "If I introduce you to a business opportunity, would you like to change this Chang Sui?"

Yulang's heart twitched fiercely again.

Sanshun was greedy for money and promised: "However, this long-term personal deed is in Ninghai, so I have to go back and take it to give it to my wife."

Huo reached out and touched Sanshun's cheeks. "By the way," he pinched Yulang's waist again: "Well, this business is also a big deal, and it will cost millions. Thinking about it, my people will also go to Ninghai with you."

But he refused to elaborate. He asked Sanshun's inn and sent them back in person. Then he couldn't wait to go back to his mother's house and find Huo Qi to plan this matter.

Huo Qi was also cautious. He said that the chrysanthet had just arrived in Bingzhou, and he was not in a hurry. Moreover, the two did not know the root of how could they be so hasty, so they did not respond to Huo. At least she cried for a while, and first used a hundred taels of silver to appease her daughter's restless mood.

Only the next day, Huo Qi received a secret letter from Kyoto. He opened it and his eyes were black. He immediately put on his brocade boots and ran to the state government and reported the great event to Shide.

The whole hall was stunned, and their faces looked at each other like the bottom of the pot.

"I heard that it was the prince's personal advice, which is reasonable and well-founded, and it's not easy for the father-in-law to object. The matter of occupying the land has not yet passed. Sheng Yi is annoyed and can't say that he has to be investigated deeply." Huo Qi wiped a handful of hot sweat: "This is the return of the Third Highness. When he arrived, the imperial edict was announced, and Bingzhou City did not blow up! This is not hurt by one or two powerful families. At that time, I don't know how many eyes will have to stare at this batch of yellow wormworms and then want to transport them out..."

Shi De was so anxious that he had no idea and just asked, "What did your father-in-law say?"

"The father-in-law was also caught off guard, but my brother's intention is to take advantage of the Third Highness to come and deal with the yellow wormwormworm as soon as possible. The previous events are still going well, and now we have to follow the plan. Fortunately, this time it was the prince's private advice. At that time, Qin Xiang was not present, and the news reached Bingshuo at this time." Huo Qi couldn't help remembering that his daughter mentioned it last night and was hesitating, but he heard that the son was coming!

Isn't the son infected with malaria? Why did the state government suddenly come?

Shi De straightened the black veil in a panic, straightened out his official uniform, hurriedly walked, and went to the hall.

Sure enough, I saw the man in the upper seat, isn't he the son of the world?

Although it looks thinner than when it first arrived, it looks good. Where does it look like malaria?

Shi De even stuttered politely, and because he was not sure of the son's intention, the sweat on his forehead dripped down and a gully flowed on his face.

Finally, he couldn't hold back his doubts and seemed to inquire with concern: "The subordinate heard the rumor that the son of the world was infected with malaria and was very anxious. He was rejected because of his personal visit, and then sent the little girl to a special trip to present yellow wormwood... When I saw him today, it must be those who had ulexplore.

Yu Yu smiled and said, "Today, I came to make amends to Shi Zhizhou. I had an old disease, and because I couldn't stand the rainstorm, I was sick. I couldn't stay for half a month. My guards couldn't help but be anxious and bumped into my daughter. I hope Shi Zhizhou will apologize."

I also inquired about the situation in the epidemic area and learned that the number of patients has increased to more than 30,000 in a short period of time, which should increase. I'm afraid that when the weather is completely clears up and the dampness disappears, and the flood-affected places can be cleared to control the spread of the epidemic. Yu Yu is very uneasy: "The safety of the people is the top priority. I Sickness, delayed for a long time, there is a negative entrustment.

Shide hurriedly reported: "I'm glad that the eldest princess arrived in time and donated 10,000 doses of chrysanthe. Although the number of patients is increasing, there is no danger to life. Huo Sheng, a drug dealer, also bought a sufficient amount of chrysanthemium from other places in time. The subordinate has shipped 30,000 doses to the epidemic area yesterday, and it is estimated that it will arrive tonight."

Naturally, the son of the world even said he was glad and didn't sit much and said goodbye.

"I didn't think the son was because of the old disease!" Shide fell repeatedly: "At present, he is well, and we have to act more carefully. If... those artemisias are ineffective, causing a large number of patients to die of illness..."

"Your excellency! This is not the time to worry about this. Malaria has been an epidemic since ancient times. No one dares to guarantee a cure. In addition, the emperor will provide disaster relief. The picture is just to show an attitude like the people of Li. The lives of tens of thousands of civilians were not so important. Once there was an epidemic in the past, hundreds of thousands of people died were common. At present, the son of the world is recovering. If we don't make a decision, we may attract his attention. This is a vigorous and vigorous person. Huo Qi is already anxious at this time, which is related to millions of interests of gold. If he messes up his job, even if he sells his Huo family's skin and mixed flesh theory, he will not lose money.

At this time, without hesitation, he went back to find his daughter and let Huo Sheng visit Sanshun.

Sanshun naturally obeyed the world's instructions. When he heard more than 100,000 doses of chrysanthesia, his head shook like a rattle: "But millions of taels of silver can't be made up to me. At most, it only takes 10,000 doses."

"At present, this yellow chrysantheon is in urgent shortage. To tell you the truth, I bought it from various places and originally collected more. It can't be used so much in the epidemic area. However, because of this malaria, nowhere in the country is panicked. If you take it to the south and give it to the pharmaceutical market, you can make a steady profit. I heard that in Shandong, chrysanthes have soared to 70 tares in a few days. One dose, according to this momentum, it is not surprising to reach a hundred taels. Huo Sheng is extremely do his best.

"I also know that it is a profitable business, but I really don't have the ability. If not, allow me to write to discuss with the elders of my family for some time." Sanshun is still not bewitched.

Huo Sheng thought, it seems that this man is still stable. If he agrees, there are not many rich businessmen in the world who can take out 6 million taels of capital in one go. Maybe it is a trap.

But he warned: "After a while, it won't be this price anymore."

It was difficult to negotiate for a while, and Shi De discussed it again, or did Lanxin girl sneer at these "bearers": "Everyone is really panicked. Why do they become dead brains? Do you have to expect the merchant to buy alone? If you want me to transport these yellow worms to Ninghai with him first, so that he is unreliable. If this person is safe and the family is interested, he will change hands. If not, the throughput of the pharmaceutical market in the rich land of southern Zhejiang is not small, and it will be enough to trade with other drug dealers in the local area. At present, the urgent thing is to transport the medicine out of Bingzhou before the imperial edict and the son has not been careful, so as not to fall into people's eyes.

So, a group of people were enlightened.

Huo Sheng then looked for Sanshun again and claimed that he was willing to go with him. At this time, the flood had receded, and it was a feasible waterway, which was also convenient. As for the freight, if Sanshun's family intended to buy everything, he would be willing to bear it all. If Sanshun could only buy parts, the two sides would share it equally.

At present, an agreement was reached, and Huo Sheng received a deposit of 100,000 yuan from Sanshun, so he was busy arranging the matter.

Naturally, it is necessary to find an excuse to cover people's ears. Fortunately, Bingzhou is also a city with developed commerce. With the endless exchanges of customers and the protection of Zhizhou, you can easily get a document for leaving the port such as tea and grain.

It's really unnoticed and unnoticed.