Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 271 The net has been tightly woven, waiting for the beast to come

Bingzhou City Princess Mansion East Courtyard Tea Room——

Yu Yu held a secret letter, slightly clenched his fist on his knees, and his eyebrows were locked. After reading several lines at a glance, the slender corners of his eyes were dangerously slanting. He threw the paper full of small regular script on the table, but suddenly waved his hand heavily and brushed the tea cup down the green bricks, and made a crisp sound!

Sitting across the case and having disappeared for several days in Bingzhou, "Jia Zhuzheng" was shocked by the sudden thunderous anger of the usual gentle son. He stared at the broken blue and white porcelain cup, and Huangshan Jinhao, who was aggrieved "lying on the ground", and looked at Yu Wei, who was cold and his lips like a knife. Instead of persuading, he picked up the letter and browsed it at a glance.

It's a crisp sound again!

This time, it was a scenic spot.

When the clear sky outside the door heard the first sound, he thought that one of the two had lost his hand - the son was rarely angry, not to mention the fifth mother sitting - but when the second sound, he finally realized that the situation was wrong and looked in through the window, but when he saw the two walled people, they were all angry, but they didn't seem to be angry with each other. , knowingly without disturbing, he still leaned against the porch pillar and looked at the trembling and trembling.


Yi Jing gritted his teeth fiercely: "The original thing I gave to Shi Sanniang was artemisia. I don't intend to send her to the epidemic area will be chrysanthenium, but this will only send 30,000 doses of medicine to the epidemic area, which is actually fake!"

It turned out that the secret letter was written by Wei Ran. He was instructed by Yijing that since he went to the epidemic area, he secretly noticed that those who gave the medicine did not steal the donation of the eldest princess, so he also "careless" until Huo Sheng's 30,000 doses were sent to the epidemic area, all of which were checked by the medical officer of the epidemic center. Wei Ranye visited the pharmacy and found those It's all artemisia!

"Although it has been expected for a long time, you should know what it is expected..." The fact that nearly 100,000 patients were killed in those years has confirmed that how to put down their anger! These conscienceless tigers are full of swallowing. If they are not brought to justice and punished with their lives, they will be blamed as descendants of Yu and Dalong's ministers! Yu's knuckles were pale and his face was cold. He closed his eyes deeply for a moment, and the coldness of his eyebrows eased slightly.

"The chrysmium sent by my grandmother has been run out, and the patient can't delay any longer." Yijing was particularly worried. The reason why she transferred 10,000 doses of artemisia to Shi Lanxin was to prevent her from pretending to be real. In case the plan is delayed, the patient will not be treated in time.

"I still have 10,000 doses in my hand, which should be handed over to the Third Highness in Yannan. The calculation time is three days at the latest, but it can't be delayed for a few days. At present, more than 30,000 people have been infected..." Yu Wei clenched his fist and hit him hard on the knee: "As a last resort, I have to wait for everything to be done and act in advance, even if I am shocked. Snakes can't let the infected people lose their lives in vain.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, most of the sick people have appeared. Most of them are old and weak. Because of their physical weakness, although they get yellow chrysantheon in time, it is difficult to return to the sky. In addition, three or 400 people have also died because Shide's intention to seek treatment due to concealing the epidemic.

Once the chryscus is cut off, the patients who have not recovered will repeat their condition. At this time, they are really competing with death.

Yu Yu made a decision. Fortunately, there was news from Sanshun in the evening of that day. Shi Zhizhou has issued a document and will leave the port the next day. The most important point is that the bookmark is exempt from inspection!

Yu was relieved - Shi De did not hesitate to circumvent the law and issued an exemption document in order to avoid the inspection of the port guard, which proved that Ning Pinghou was hidden in the dark! That is to say, the nobles who participated in this matter did not know that Jin Xiang pretended to be true. They just concealed the epidemic for profit, and bribed money. After all, these nobles were not the masterminds. Although they concealed the epidemic in the early stage, the state government also had taken preventive measures to prevent the epidemic as soon as possible, which did not cause a large number of epidemic victims to die. Cheng, if they plead guilty, confessed their crimes, and testify to Jin Xiang, the Holy Lord also has an excuse for forgiveness.

As a king, there are also times when there is nothing we can do about it. Especially for these generals with guards, it is related to the stability of the national government. If there are all kinds of severe punishments and military disasters, the people will not make a living.

Fortunately, these people did not participate in the conspiracy to replace them with artemisia and kill tens of thousands of people.

Otherwise, things will still be difficult.

When this point is confirmed, Yu Yu immediately summoned everyone to discuss and calculate the time. When 100,000 doses of wormworm worm left the port the next morning, go along the waterway to southern Zhejiang, and to the Nanzhou wharf, it is bound to dock to check the passage documents for half a day, and travel back and forth for two days. At the latest three days later, chrysanthemium can return to Bingzhou.

Yu Yu immediately ordered, and Tianchawei immediately went to Nanzhou to set up the trap.

went to see the eldest princess again: "Grandma, it should be time to go to Shuozhou and meet Chang Xinbo."

You have to persuade Chang Xinbo to defect and write a letter to plead guilty to control things in a simpler situation. Chang Xinbo is no better than Wenchen, and he has to be afraid of holding heavy soldiers in his hands. At present, he has mastered Jin Xiang to pretend to be true and give small profits, but he has used Xun Gui to invest a lot of money and enjoy huge profits. Yu Yuanyuan has seven Cheng is sure to convince Chang Xinbo that even if he is still junior, or let Chang Xinbo waver, this time with the eldest princess with the original old righteousness, it will add 30% of the certainty.

When Chang Xinbo learned that the emperor had the intention to eradicate the gold phase, and this time it was conclusive evidence, hundreds of thousands of profits had become a bubble, and the gold phase "betrayal" first, how could Chang Xinbo have difficulties with Jin Xiang again?

The result was as expected, when Chang Xinbo first heard that Yu Yu said that Jin Xiang was already unpreserving, and he was still surprised. Then he listened to Yu Wei's blunt words and exposed the fact that they did not report the epidemic, raised funds to speculate on yellow wormworms to make profits from the disaster and tried to embezzle the disaster relief funds, and he was scared into a cold sweat, and his face was covered with anger; then, After hearing that Jinxiang actually ordered Shi De to cross the sea, steal the beams and pillars of their co-hoarded yellow wormtails and sell them to Southern Zhejiang, Chang Xinbo was stunned.

But there is still some hesitation about the confession of the last book.

The eldest princess drinks with a head-

"Yutong, Yuantong, Yuantong, if your father is alive, I'm afraid to bind you to plead guilty! You are the general of Shanxi, protecting the safety of your country, and you actually ignore the lives of the people for personal gain! At present, you still trust Jin Rongzhong. If he succeeds, tens of thousands of people will die as a result. If the emperor pursues it, do you still think of the rebellion of the soldiers?!"

Shocked Chai Yuan to the ground with his knees: "My little nephew dare not do this."

"Then you want to offset the lives of tens of thousands of people in the state!" The eldest princess snorted coldly: "This time, thanks to far-reaching and thorough planning, we won't let a big disaster happen. Otherwise, the old credit of the Chai family and the name of loyalty will be destroyed in the hands of you!"

After a few words, Chang Xinbo was already sweating coldly.

"I still have a soldier in my hand. I wanted to frame the drug dealer in the town that day. After trial, it was my uncle's order." Yu Yu added another stick.

Chang Xinbo's face is like dead ashes.

The eldest princess sighed: "Don't mention that Jin Rongzhong is already insurable, even if he can protect himself, will he still take care of you? Those dead criminals in southern Zhejiang are the lessons learned from the past! He pretended to be true and gained millions of benefits for nothing. Has he ever shared the blessing with you? Jin Rongzhong uses the greed of your group of people, and he is the biggest beneficiary! When the truth is revealed, your soldier is a living proof. Jin Rongzhong will definitely push you out to prove the crime. You still hesitate. If you really don't hit the south wall, you won't look back, and you won't cry if you don't see the coffin.

Chang Xinbo finally collapsed and kowtowed to the ground to plead guilty. Even if the book reported the truth to the emperor, he would make all kinds of truthful confessions entrusted by Jin Xiang and plead himself from the forbidden mansion.

When Yu Yu merged with the eldest princess, he brought the imperial history to supervise the two highest administrations, the political envoy of Shanxi and the inspector, and did not explain it carefully to them, but only asked them to watch a big play.

Because the son of the world issued a "first" edict, several people dared not refuse, so they followed in a low profile.

Yu Yu's trip, of course, concealed Shi De and others strictly.

The day after returning from Shuozhou, the third prince arrived in Bingzhou with the imperial edict.

- The emperor had an order to have an outbreak of malaria in Binan and Tang County, and the cause of the flood in the two counties is that many powerful and nobles privately occupy the flood land. Therefore, the magnates and magistrates who violate the law in the two places should be fully responsible for this natural disaster. The acquisition of 3 million taels of silver needed to treat the malaria chrysanthenia, ordered everyone who occupies land, according to the amount The third prince is the imperial envoy for the verification and conquest.

This edict is like a huge stone entering the water, stirring up waves.

First, someone questioned--

"The land-occupants are not me and the powerful in Shuo, and there are many in Beijing. Why can they sit and enjoy illegality? Shall we be responsible?"

The third prince smiled and answered questions: "Uh... The powerful people occupying Kyoto have handed over their illegal income, especially the gold phase, which is beyond regret. They have not only lost their benefits, but also added another 50,000 taels of silver to donate to the epidemic people in Bingzhou."

The powerful and nobles stared.

Then there were those suspicious people who were full of measuring - at first, Jin Xiang's words were chiseled, and the matter of Pi Nan must be unimpeded. We believed it. Even when the son was ordered to come, he only thought that he had a close relationship with Jin Xiang and would not be seriously investigated. Unexpectedly, he was unprepared, he was recruited by the prince to pick up the dike to release the flood! He said that those who don't know are not guilty, and everyone is relieved. Unfortunately, those good fields have become oceans in vain, which is also a matter of no way, but now this has happened again! Jin Xiang took the lead in being soft. He didn't even think about our interests and didn't even fight for it, which really made people feel angry.

In an instant, he listened to the legend that the matter of letting the powerful and nobles share the disaster relief money was actually the prince's advice!

The suspicious person added more doubts: "This is very strange! Jin Xiang's daughter is the side concubine of the East Palace. How can the prince not dissuade Jin Xiang? No, no..." A group of powerful people met and fell to realize: "This should be because Jin Xiang learned of the Pinan flood and was about to leak. He arranged a way out in advance in order to let the prince get the trust of the emperor! And he just compensates for some illegal gains... How much can he have? The disaster relief silver can be as full of 3 million taels! We are making wedding clothes for others! Shame on you!"

No wonder the son of the world has only been in the post for two years, so he dares to go ahead, and a young man who is not familiar with the world has detected the cause of the flood so quickly!

In just one day, there were rumors--

"Why didn't that drug dealer Huo Sheng see anyone again?"

"He said that sixty taels of silver is one dose of sixty taels of silver? Didn't several pharmacists in Dongyang Town sell the medicine to the eldest princess for more than ten or two doses?

"Shi De is Jin's trusted one, and I can't believe that he has empty teeth."

"Wait, isn't that Shide's official named Huo Qi?"

"To put it, Jin Xiang also has a staff named Huo Zhen, who is Huo Qi's brother."

"Isn't Huo Sheng also famous?"

"On the way, they are really born a little similar."

"I don't believe that a dose of chrysantheon can be more expensive than ginseng!"

The powerful and nobles were passionate and full of doubts, and Shi De was even more anxious - the third prince actually went to the epidemic area, and he also brought a doctor from the palace!

It really makes people cry without tears, if the artemisia is exposed...

100,000 doses of chrysium have arrived in Henan, and it is too late to recover.

I said, Your Highness, why did you go to the epidemic area?!

On the contrary, Miss Lanxin was still calm: "Father, don't worry! Jin Xiang knew that His Royal Highness would go to Bingzhou, and this advice came from the prince. Can he be prepared? If there is any change, there will definitely be a reminder in the letter. I think the Third Highness has been told that those imperial doctors will not find anything.

Alas, Miss Lanxin, you think too highly of Jin Xiang. He has been completely "betrayed" by the prince for a long time. At this time, how did he know that there was a doctor walking with the third prince!