Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 273 When the court is closed

The purple suit is added, and the jade rhinoceros is wrapped around the waist, and the same golden hairpin and jade crown. It is still the Wang Sun Guizhilan jade tree. At this time, in Shi Lanxin's eyes, there is no ecstasy at first sight.

The current situation is urgent, and the change suddenly occurs. She is not in the mood to care about the woman's private affairs there for the time being,**.

Yu Yu lifted his robe, his eyes were dark, and glanced at the stunned people in the public hall. He seemed to casually meet the beautiful scenery. He immediately smiled and looked at Shi De: "Shi Zhizhou, I heard that someone beat the drum and complained about injustice?"

Shide was enlightened: "It's just that the two of them told in vain that the subordinates were about to detain the person so as not to miss the business." Then he was full of anger and issued an order to remove the two dangerous elements out of the court first.

"Deceit? Has Shi Zhizhou ever asked carefully? Yu Yu's shallow words made Shi's breath suffocate in his chest, coughed several times, and his forehead was bright, and he laughed in a low voice: "Today is to raise medicine. As the son said, we should focus on the epidemic. This irrelevant thing will be observed later."

"This is the prefecture that is suing!" Qiao Jizhong was obviously angry. When he saw the prince and others present, there was no longer any concern. How could he hold it? He took a step forward: "Meng Gao, a student, who is the master of Pinan, should have suspected that there were malaria patients in the south of Pinan. He was waiting to be reported, but he was tainted as a crime of murder by this traitor and died."

"Bold and unruly people, you dare to defile the imperial officials!" Shi De's heart was broken, but it was suddenly exposed by Qiao Jizhong. In addition to panic, his confidence was very insufficient.

"Come on, why don't you take down these two unclean officials!" Huo Qi, who was already full of cold sweat, took on the role of giving orders.

"The son of the world, Meng Gao's murder has indeed been proved to be guilty. These two people are clearly scheming and intend to tarnish." Shi Lanxin also made a postscript.

Yu Yu then looked at the "talented girl". He smiled and satirized: "Miss Shi's guilt is conclusive. Did she also participate in the case on that day?"

Shi Lanxin was slightly stunned and didn't understand why the world's attitude towards her was so different. At this time, she was still stubborn: "I did watch the trial."

"So it is." Yu Yu nodded slightly and took a look at the chairs that had been placed on both sides of the lobby. First, he asked the eldest princess to sit down, and then asked the dignitaries to sit down separately. After a messy and orderly, he glanced at the officials of the state government office, and Shi Lanxin, who frowned and thought about it. He took a few steps to the "bright mirror high" plaque. Sitting upright in the official position of a prefecture, he tilted his lips: "Shi Zhizhou also thinks that Meng Gao is conclusive to kill people?"

"Exactly, this case was originally tried by a subordinate..."

"But this drummer is suing you for persevering the law." Yu Yu interrupted Shi De's words: "Since you have your own words, today, in front of everyone, you will take Meng Gao to the court to break the right and wrong, which is also a good way to correct the national law."

He directly ordered Yu Linwei, who had already replaced the government service, to come forward in person and go to the death row.

Things suddenly evolved to this point, as smart as Shi Lanxin. Of course, she knew that the son of the world had been prepared for a long time, and there was no leisure to calculate marriage. At present, she could only focus on business, hoping to control the situation with her "intelligence".

"The son of the world is slow. Although the son of the world is an imperial envoy, this matter is a criminal case. For civil affairs, the son of the world has no right to deal with it." Shi Lan's heart came forward to stop him. Instead, he crossed the officials of Bingzhou and became the head of everyone.

Yi Jing shook her head secretly. It was ridiculous for this "talented woman" to step into the boudoir, but she still questioned the imperial envoy holding the oracle in front of many powerful people. The scene was a little... strange.

Yu Yu didn't care about the identity of Shi Lanxin's boudoir, and even indulged her to stand out - if it were an ordinary boudoir, she would not be too implicated by the crime of virtue. At most, she would lose the wealth and glory of brocade clothes and jade, but Shi Lanxin, it's enough to fish for fame, but there was an accomplice, such as she put tens of thousands. The boudoir, which ignores the life and death of the people, is more cruel than Zhen Mo. If she escapes the punishment of the national law, but from the daughter of the official eunuch to the common people, how can she atone for her sins?

responded solemnly: "This case is related to the concealment of the epidemic. I have the holy order, strictly investigate, and have the imperial edict to act, and there is no over the power. There is... Shi Zhizhou, look at the side, according to the inspector and the imperial historian, they all have the right to review the criminal case of the lower state."

Shi Lanxin did not know that both the inspector and the imperial historian came to Bingzhou. At this time, when he heard that his pretty face turned white, he knew that the retrial of Meng Gao's case could not be stopped. He immediately figured out how to play with his lips and tongue later, reverse the right and wrong, and must be honest Meng Gao's murder, which was the crime of "Jia Zhuozheng" false accusation.

But he didn't wait for Meng Gao to go to court, and the third prince arrived first.

Shi Lanxin suddenly saw hope again - the third prince will definitely take care of Jin Xiang, and should not stand on the same front with the world's son. He quickly greeted the ceremony and said what Shi De just said: "Since the Third Highness has arrived, he should also focus on the epidemic and deal with the fundraising of various households first. Although Meng Gao's case has to be reviewed, it has to be postponed. "

The calculation is very sinister and shrewd - only after this delay, there will be a chance to silence Meng Gao and die without proof.

The third prince just entered the court. Just as he was about to salute the eldest princess, he was stopped by the woman who appeared in the sky and stood in front of the hall again. His face was full of beautiful eyes, full of white clothes, and the corners of his eyes lit up.

This evil eye is not resisted by an ordinary woman. Even if Shi Lanxin attracted the famous family in Bingzhou, he was stunned and was born with joy, but he listened to the words of the third prince with suspicion--

asked Yu Yu, "Yuanyang, how can a boudoir dictate in this court?"

He also said that those powerful people who complained about Jin Xiang and Shi De had already endured their hard work. After listening to this, the straight man echoed: "Shi Zhizhou, your daughter is too presumptuous, and you think this is a tea poetry meeting for women and children."

"That's right, a yellow-haired girl who doesn't embroider well in the boudoir and runs to the court to show her eyes."

Shi Lanxin has been famous for her. She has never been so ridiculed. She suddenly had a lot of powder, but she was not warm-hearted. She glanced at the arrogant magnates and said generously, "Although Lan Xin is a boudoir woman, she has many opportunities to listen to the case and has a deep understanding of Meng Gao's case. Since the son is suspicious, I am in the hall. The eldest princess can also tell the case in detail. In addition, the eldest princess is also a woman's body. In those years, she galloped on the battlefield and laid a hard job for Dalong's rivers and mountains. How many eyebrows are incomparable. As a model for the woman of heaven, I admire the princess's style. Although I can't reach it, I am not willing to stop walking in the back house, but I want to do my best for the people.

As soon as she was reminded by Lanxin, some people remembered that she donated chrysopium not long ago. It is not only in the name of justice, but it is difficult to be difficult now.

The eldest princess had heard many deeds of Shi Lanxin, looked at her leisurely, and said, "Although I haven't stayed in Bingzhou for a long time, many people have mentioned in my ears that Zhizhou's daughter is smart. Didn't she have redressed for the people in court and returned the innocence of innocent women? In addition, this case is also related to Shi Zhizhou. As a daughter, it is reasonable for her to find her father's grievances. Let's wait and see how Miss Shi will deal with the case later.

Miss Lanxin got a favor, but she was not satisfied. She bowed her knees to the eldest princess: "Lanxin is only for justice, but not for the self-interest of the family. However, there is no doubt about Meng Gao's case. It must be the two people who have scheming and polluted their father. The eldest princess has always been fair and will definitely detect right and wrong."

The eldest princess couldn't help raising her eyebrows and looking at her granddaughter, Jing, who was standing far away. This woman is also a master of pretending. You have met your opponent this time.

At this time, the third prince did not know the "details" of Shi Lanxin. He thought that Shide's straw bag would not have such a powerful daughter.

He didn't say much. He sat down in a chair next to the eldest princess so that he could wait for the play.

All the arrangements of Yu Yu should wait for the opening of the court today, but there are many details. He is not very good, so he has to wait and see.

And Shi Lanxin has also "returned to the team" and whispered to Shi De: "Father, the situation is urgent today. When Meng Gao comes to court, you can't show timidity. I planned the case. There is no mistake. The bodies of the two dead have been destroyed, and the witnesses are far away in Fengcheng. There will be no loopholes in the court. Meng Gao will definitely be able to distinguish it."

Yu Yu first issued an order. Due to the epidemic, Yu Linwei should be put all the people who gathered in front of the government into the government and watch outside the public hall.

When the people were half excited and half doubtful, they listened to a hoarse scolding--

"Shide Dog Officer! You conceal the epidemic and frame the innocent. It's not a pity to die. My innocence can be seen from the sun and the moon, and I'm not afraid of your blood and mouth!"

The people outside the hall suddenly burst into discussion.

Shi De was full of cold sweat, but Lan Xin's face did not change color.

Sitting on Yu, he rubbed his eyebrows and secretly thought that Meng Gao had suffered such a big loss, but his temperament was not restrained. He didn't know where he was wrong. Hearing his hoarse voice, he should have kept shouting in prison. Fortunately, Shi De was still worried about Chang Shanbo, so he couldn't help but silence such a noisy person.

And Meng Gaoyi knelt down in front of the hall and didn't wait to ask, so he talked about it in detail - how he found that the situation of those who were infected with "wind and cold" in Pi Nan was wrong, how to search for evidence everywhere, and how to find old friends.

"Why do you need to open a hospital to practice medicine in Fengcheng? Because I was very confused about the diagnosis of 'wind cold' in the epidemic, I went to ask for advice, but I also heard that there are also many 'wind cold' patients in Fengcheng, but the epidemic has long been warned that doctors are not allowed to privately diagnose fever patients. Isn't this to be stamped?" Meng Gao stared at Shide angrily. Although his knees were on the ground, his waist was straight. Fortunately, he had suffered so many days in the death prison. His body was injured with a whip and stick, and he was still so lively at present.

This time, even the nobles in the hall began to talk in a low voice, and Shi De's eyes became more and more suspicious.

Under such heavy pressure, Shide was difficult to suppress it, and immediately retorted in a low voice: "Nonsense, the reason why I have this order is all because a Lang * 'wind chill' in Pinan was misdiagnosed as 'malaria', which made rumors scattered and people panicked. This year, due to the strange climate, the number of people infected with 'wind cold' has increased rapidly, resulting in some people delaying treatment. The treatment is so that the epidemic can be treated uniformly, and it is also for the safety of the people.

"Dog officer, how dare you quibble! At first, I didn't doubt you, but I said that it was misdiagnosed by the epidemic... Shizi Mingjian went to Fengcheng, that is, where he took a patient to ask for diagnosis and treatment. As a result, he was diagnosed with malaria. When he learned that there was an epidemic, he told the medical officer at the epidemic center. Originally, he wanted to ask them to carefully diagnose and report the epidemic, but he was asked by those medical officers. By denounced to spread rumors, if it hadn't been for the position of the master Bo, he might have been unjustly imprisoned on that day. After that, he would have visited Fengcheng again. He wanted to persuade him why he went to the capital to report the epidemic together. How could he knew that he was framed? Shi De tried the case without asking what was right and wrong, and forced a confession. He even made people write a letter of guilt, pressed my finger on it, and sent me to death row. If he didn't intend to hide the epidemic, why did he kill people unjustly?

Meng's voice was loud and powerful, and his words were not loud, but he was loud. Then he attracted the people outside the hall and there was another boiling discussion.