Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 274 The Son of the World Trial, Lan Xin's Strong Argument

"You are bloody!" Shi De shouted angrily: "Obviously, you committed the murder after drinking and rapist's wife's room. Because of the crime, the murder was exposed. There were your fingerprints on the murder weapon, and the woman's body that day was also covered with your blood fingerprints. After the murder, you wanted to escape from the scene and were captured by the watchman on the spot. The evidence was found in the son, the subordinate's trial. , there is a document on the case, please ask the son of the world to identify it.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi De ordered the judge to submit a document and showed it to Yu Yu.

Yu Yu looked through the court trial on the same day and asked Meng Gao: "What was the situation on the day of the crime? Just say it carefully."

"Because Fengcheng is two days away from Shuozhou, it was too late to go on the road. Why do I need to set up a banquet? Somehow, I didn't drink much, but I was so drunk that I was unconscious. When I woke up, I found that I was already in prison." Meng Gao was very frustrated: "Therefore, I don't know what happened that day."

"Son, this man is just talking nonsense, but the subordinate has physical witness evidence. Please make it clear which is right and wrong!" Shide sneered.

Yu frowned slightly.

At this time, Qiao Jizhong, who had been silent for a long time, said, "Son, Meng Gao is a student from the next door. Although he is impulsive, he has good moral character and will never do this evil."

Shi Lan smiled skillfully: "To conclude the case, we should pay attention to the evidence, not the guarantee. Dare to ask this gentleman, have you witnessed the truth at the scene that day?"

Qiao Jizhong choked, squeezed the corners of his lips, and couldn't speak.

At this time, Yijing also smiled: "I just listened to Shi Zhizhou's words. The so-called evidence is just a sharp knife, a witness, and he is just a watchman. If Shi Zhizhou really wants to frame up, how difficult is it to fabricate these evidence?"

"Jia Lang, you said that your father fabricated and framed him, but you can't empty your mouth and white teeth." Shi Lan glanced at the scenery lightly. He said in his heart that an ignorant dage dared to open his mouth on the court. When he turned around, he said to Yu Yu, "Son, if this Langjun can't provide evidence, according to the law, he should be investigated for the crime of defiling the official."

"I have a question below. I don't know if Miss Shi can relieve her doubts." The scenery seems to be suspected of "avoiding the heavy and being light".

Shi Lanxin sneered: "Jia Lang had a question and should have answered it, but for now, please first come up with evidence to prove his father's fabricated guilt."

Tut, this is really pressing step by step, and the scenery sighed gently: "The evidence is in my question. Is Miss Shi guilty and unwilling to answer?"

"Joke, I have nothing to feel guilty about. If you have something to ask, but if you still can't prove the father's crime, the son of the world, you can investigate this person's crime of desecrection according to the law." Shi Lanxin once again forced Yu Yu to make a statement.

"If someone breaks the law, of course I will punish them according to the law." Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Yijing curled her lips and turned to Shi Lanxin: "Dare to ask Miss Shi, when did malaria happen?"

Shi Lan frowned slightly: "It is reported that malaria was born after the flood."

"When will Meng Gao go to prison?" Ying asked again.

Shi Lan's face changed, and she already knew the intention of the beautiful scenery.

"Meng Gao was imprisoned in early July, and the flood was not born at that time." Shi Lan did not answer, but Yu Yu took the initiative to solve the puzzles. He took a look at the unknown Shi De and the powerful and said lightly, "If Meng Gao did not find the epidemic, he would have been in prison before the flood. How can he know the occurrence of malaria?"

Only then did Shide figured out the connection and his face turned pale.

Shi Lanxin had a statement in a moment: "Son, this can't prove anything. Once malaria breaks out, there will be a lot of discussion. Although Meng Gao is in prison, it is also possible to listen to the jailer's words and come up with a plan to get rid of himself from malaria."

"Ask Miss Shi again, Meng Gao is in prison. In addition to the jailer, has he ever had the opportunity to meet others?" Ying asked again.

"Of course not, the guards of Bingzhou government prison are strict, how can I tolerate it..." Shi Lan only said half of her heartfelt words. Seeing the sudden smile of beautiful scenery, she immediately kept her mouth shut, but she was really alone. She didn't know if there was any loophole in this question and answer.

"Today, Meng Gao did not go to court, and Mr. Qiao has angrily denounced Shi Zhizhou for framing the pollution in public, saying that Meng Gao knew about malaria, so he was unjustly imprisoned... Since they did not meet after the flood, why can the testimony match?" Ying coughed lightly: "Miss Shi won't say again that the jailer in Mumbai collusion with Mr. Qiao, will she?"

Shi Lan was angry and smiled coldly: "It's not impossible."

"So, does Miss Shi have evidence?"

Shi Lanxin:......

Although Yijing did not know the details of Meng Gao's case, he only heard Yu Yu's superficial facts. For a moment, he could not know whether there was a loophole in the so-called "conclusive criminal evidence". However, as soon as Meng Gao came to court, he pointed out Shi De to hide the epidemic and immediately had an idea - he intended to associate malaria with Meng Gao's "killing" in order to The case is simplistic - if Meng Gao did discover the epidemic early in the morning, it can show that what he said is true. Shi De unjustly sent people to death because of his intention to hide the epidemic.

Shi Lanxin was unprepared for a moment, and as expected, she was mastered by the rhythm of the scenery. At the beginning, she was trapped in a passive situation.

In this way, as long as it is proved that Meng Gao's murder is false, Shide will inevitably become a slanderer.

Yu Yu has also finished reading the record at this time. Seeing that Shi Lanxin was forced to be speechless by the beautiful scene, he couldn't help raising the corners of his lips. For a moment, he returned to his solemnity. As soon as he raised the record in his hand, he asked Shi De: "I saw Meng Gao's confession on that day. Because of his drunkenness, he took advantage of the need to be drunk and raped his wife Lan. Because Lan Shi resisted too much. Meng Gao killed him and left. He didn't want to wake up. He came forward to stop him. Meng Gao stabbed him to death with a sharp knife hidden in advance.

"That's why the watchman met Meng Gao that day and saw him stained with blood... It was the bloody coat, and the subordinate still kept it."

"This can't prove anything." Yu Yu shook his head: "If someone really wants to be framed, it can make Meng Gao stunned. As long as he wears his coat and kills him, there is no need to kill him. It is the fingerprints on the murder weapon, which can also be pressed afterwards."

"The son of the world! This is just speculation..." Shi Lanxin is waiting to talk about the "document" again.

"Miss Shi is in a hurry. I didn't say that the person who framed Meng Gao was Shi Zhizhou, but I just raised one or two doubts about the so-called criminal evidence." Yu Yu smiled faintly: "There are indeed contradictions in this confession. According to the above book, Meng Gao raped and killed the Lan family first, and then why did he need to be behind? Lan was killed. Why did he have Meng Gao's blood fingerprints on his body?"

How can Shi De answer? The so-called court trial is all fabricated by Shi Lanxin. In fact, there is no need to be killed in front of him. When the killer was killed, he accidentally left fingerprints, and the watchman reported to the county government, and he came to the scene for an autopsy. The fingerprints on Lan's body were also recorded in the record. Although Fengcheng Zhixian County was a close friend of Shi De, The work is not an "old relationship", and Shi De didn't expect this mistake. He did not buy the work in advance. Lan Xin also thought that in order to keep it secret, it was better not to let too many people know the inside story. The work was just an autopsy. Later, the case was taken over by Bingzhou. He did not check who the fingerprint belonged to, and there was no hindrance. Therefore, Lan's body The finger seal "an inspection" became Meng Gao.

As soon as the case is closed, the body will be buried, and it will be difficult to check.

Unexpectedly, this omission was understood by Yu Li's eyes and found something strange.

"Maybe after killing He Ni, Meng Gao was still not satisfied and molesed Lan's body again." Shi Lan was very annoyed by his "hundred secrets and one sparse" and secretly hated the world for paying so much attention to details.

"May..." Yu Yu was very playful: "It turns out that Miss Shi's judgment of the case is not for evidence."

And while watching the people, most of them were still standing on Shi Lanxin's side at this time - Lanxin's name was not Bai Yang. She did lay a brilliant and positive image for the woman to redress her grievances, and not long ago, she also spent tens of thousands of dollars to buy yellow wormworms to donate to the epidemic area. How can the people believe that the two father and daughter will be so beautiful and kind? What about the trap of concealing the epidemic?

"Son, this is indeed a little strange, but there are also witnesses, not only the husband, but also the neighbors of the Lan family. They have also heard Lan say that Meng Gao once had a bad plan for her." Shi Lan's heart is extremely good at avoiding the important.

The two witnesses were far away in Fengcheng, and they were not present at this time. When they were fooled around today, they would be attacked by others. Although traces were revealed, only in this way can they be eternally.

Unexpectedly, the son smiled gently: "Okay, just send those two witnesses to court."


Shi's father and daughter have really become wax carvings.

And Shi Lanxin immediately thought that behind this "rumming injustice" was arranged by the son of the world, which seemed to be to carry out the criminal evidence of their family.

Why is this? Is it just an illusion that the son and Jin have a good relationship?

Shi Lanxin can only hope that the two can grit their teeth at this time. After all, they have admitted perjury, but the crime of false accusation is the same as the crime of wanting to falsely. That is to say, murder and falsely pay for their lives. Those who falsely murderers also have to pay for their lives. The two witnesses did not dare to confess the truth, and the son of the world... The face should not be tortured, otherwise, there is also the suspicion of being beaten.

At this time, Yijing was very leisurely standing by. On the one hand, she did not know the case. Second, since there was a presiding judge, she thought that Shi's father and daughter would not be able to argue. Of course, the reason why she appeared in court was for other things, and it was her turn to play in public after Meng Gao's injustice.

but I saw Yu Yu's first interrogation-

"Did you see it with your own eyes that day, and the criminal came out covered in blood?"

"It was exactly what the little one saw with his own eyes. At that time, he was very scared. He quickly twisted the person and went inside to have a look..."

"Did you meet the criminal in the courtyard, or in the alley outside the courtyard?" Without waiting for the husband to talk about it in detail, Yu Yu had already interrupted.

"The small one is patrolling and doing more. Of course, it is in the alley. In front of the He family courtyard, he is breaking out of the door by a murderer."

"Then how can you see that he is covered in blood?" Yu Wei sneered.

"There is a wind lamp hanging in front of the He family courtyard." The watchman said.

"The rainstorm that night was like a waterfall until dawn. How can there be a light in front of the He family?"

The watchman was stunned on the spot! He didn't care about these details. He was just being bribed for perjury. On the day of the crime, he did not meet Meng Gao at all, let alone fight with him. He just pretended to go to the county government to report the case and was responsible for making the matter known to everyone. He remembered the rain. He was just forced to ask anxiously, so he came out a lamp. , the result becomes self-contradictory.

This commoner is no better than a rich man. The eaves are wide and rainproof. The door of the He family doesn't even have a eaves. The windlight has not been wet long ago. How could he let him borrow the light and see someone bathed in blood?

"It seems that this witness's words are not credible." Yu looked at Shi De: "What does Shi Zhizhou think?"

How can Shide think that his face is like ashes.

Yu Yu did not force him to answer. His eyes were cold, and the shocked wood in his hand fell gently, and there was a crisp sound, which calmed the sound of discussion outside the hall. He was also scared that the man was paralyzed to the ground and did not wait for torture, so he pulled his crying to tell the truth--