Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 284 Different places, the same moonlight

The carriage stopped, Qiu Yue and Xia Ke looked at each other in consterance. For a moment, they didn't know what had happened, and the two people sitting on their knees were still "killing" with their eyes and faces.

A bodyguard reported outside the window: "Five Niang, I have arrived at the princess's mansion... I don't know how the Third Highness is?"

The two maids breathed a long sigh of relief, turned over and knelt down, secretly looked at the third prince with the corners of their eyes, and did not dare to suspect that the nobles of the heavenly family had lied, but only suspected - is the Third Highness playing drunkenness?

However, he saw that the master had got up angrily, opened the door and got out of the car first.

At this time, Yijing was sure of the third prince's behavior as an apprentice. He was finally a little rational and did not scold him in front of everyone. He just stepped down the car with a heavy face and said, "Your Highness is very drunk and help him back to the West Courtyard for good living."

The bodyguard was a little stunned and saw that the third prince also came out with a calm face, followed by two panic-faced maids, and immediately entered the corner door.

"Five sisters!" Seeing that beautiful scenery was on the already prepared shoulder without saying a word, the third prince stopped him with an arrow step: "Listen to my explanation."

Yijing's heart was full of anger. Seeing that in front of the porter's servants, the third prince was still entangled, and his eyes were full of fire. When he saw that everyone looked panicked, he bit his teeth fiercely, stepped down his shoulders, and raised his feet to the west courtyard.

This atmosphere was even more tense than the suspected mid-volt just now. Qiu Yue exchanged glances with Xia Ke and lowered their eyes, but as soon as they entered the weeping flower door of the west courtyard, they were ordered by the beautiful scenery to stop. The two maids watched the third prince follow the master, walked dozens of steps forward, and stood in the shade of osmanthus flowers. Shadow, the distance that doesn't listen to people's words.

"Five sister, you really think so badly of me!" The third prince's voice was low, like a harsh voice squeezed out of his clenched teeth.

Won Jing closed his eyes, calmed down, and tried to be as gentle as possible: "Your Highness, I thought you were going to explain what happened just now."

"I want to explain!" The third prince's nose was slightly, and it seemed that he was also trying his best to suppress his irritability. The corners of his eyes, which were always flying, seemed to be frozen by coldness at this time: "Listen well, I swear that there is no word of what I say now, otherwise, I will bear the surname Yu in vain."

Bingjing frowned, and the frost on his face was a little loose.

"Fifth sister, I did just find that someone was secretly lying on the top of the house, and the arrow had been winding. Because of the urgency, I was worried about your safety, and my behavior was a little abrupt. It was not intentional. The reason why I didn't inform the bodyguards to pursue me was that I didn't want to scare the snake. Since there are people who are ulexplicit, I want to explore their purpose. There is no doubt These people are for me and don't want to involve the Duke's Office.

This calculation is in line with this evil habitually sinister. Yijing took a deep breath, then took a look at the third prince and took a step back: "Well, I will pretend that today's thing has not happened."

"Why are you treating me so indifferent, fifth sister? If this is someone else, you will also be suspicious?" The third prince took a step, his jade face was slightly lowered, and his eyebrows were blocked by the shade of the tree.

The so-called "standers" really have a specific direction in the heart of the third prince. He does not explain it because of the tide-like unwillingness in his heart.

"Your Highness, you were in the Zhuoyin Garden at that time, and I still remember every word." The beautiful scenery raised her eyebrows gently and did not retreat, and the irony reappeared in her eyes.

But when it comes to the Mid-Autumn Festival, their face-to-face confrontation for the first time, even if her eyes were obviously sarcastic, the third prince's heart still throbtuated inappropriately, avoiding the bottom of the moonlight eyes, and the dangerous look under the dark, like ripples, gradually spreading without trace.

"I always remember that the government must fight for your Highness, and there is no moment to forget it. Your Highness has pressed my sister step by step to achieve its purpose. How dare to take it lightly and be unprepared? Your Highness, I am just a chess piece to you, but the important thing about the chess piece is that you can be manipulated by the people of the control bureau without knowing that you are in the chess game. Since Your Highness has told you frankly, there is no possibility of manipulating me. Therefore, if Your Highness focuses on the overall situation, you have to rely on other chess pieces. Yijing was slightly blessed: "Your Highness, there is a false alarm today. It's better to settle down earlier. I dare not bother you."

Passing by, the fragrance of magnolia is close and far away.

The third prince hurriedly turned around and asked in a low voice, "At the time of today's emergency, I subconsciously blocked myself. In the eyes of the fifth sister, is it just fighting for the chess pieces? Did the fifth sister look at me too lightly, or underestimated yourself?

The scenery is slightly sluggish, but it only stops a little and then move forward.

"Even if you were not born in the Duke of Wei, I have to be you." The third prince followed a few steps and whispered behind the scenery, "One day, I will make you believe."

But after this sentence, he was no longer entangled. He decisively turned around and went to the front of the hall before looking back.

The moon is like water, and the courtyard is empty.

She didn't hesitate at all.

And the question just now only shocked him!

- Why does he hesitate when he is desperate? Since when has the "chess" become so important that he will give up his life and death!


At night in Pinan, the moonlight was even more clear, the county government hall was brightly lit, and everyone finished their deliberations.

The dredging work has come to an end. How many of the disaster-stricken houses need to be repaired and rebuilt. There have been clear statistics on how much food needs to be provided to the disaster victims during the period from next spring's sowing to the harvest. It has been decided that Qiao Jizhong will take the lead in the plan of flooding beaches and rebuilding the sluices and drawing pictures. Supervision.

The county has retired, and there is only Yu Yu, who sits in the hall, and Qiao Ji all the teachers and students.

Meng Gao seemed particularly excited and had sighed over and over again: "Sir is full of talent. He really shouldn't have buried the countryside. He should have been an official long ago. This time he finally changed his mind. It's really a blessing for all surnames."

Yu Wei smiled but said nothing, but Qiao Jizhong stared at each other: "I'm just one person. How can I become a blessing of ten thousand surnames? You have suffered such a big loss this time. You almost lost your life, but you still don't know how to be careful. You have taught me for many years."

It turned out that after Yu Jizhong's public trial, Qiao Jizhong had accepted the invitation to become an official. At the same time, he also recommended to the emperor, saying that Qiao Jizhong was not only full of experience, but also talented and loyal, but also had the ability of water conservancy. Because of the occupation of the beach, the officials of the Ministry of Industry were degraded. , there is an urgent need for talents who are familiar with Chuanze and Hefeng. Since Qiao Jizhong has this ability, the emperor appointed him as the head of the Ministry of Industry. At present, he is a sixth-grade official.

Meng Gao was very dissatisfied with the teacher's scolding, and his waist was very righteous: "Mr.'s teaching students are all remembered. Only this time, it was clearly Shide's dog officer..."

"Yiping, Mr. Qiao is right. You are indeed wrong this time, and it is not small. It not only almost harmed you, but also almost worsened the situation, and affected tens of thousands of innocent lives of people in the epidemic area." Yu Yu interrupted Meng Gao's words and ignored his face. He continued to say, "When you doubt the diagnosis of the epidemic and visit your old friends to prove it, it is understandable that you immediately go to the epidemic to question it. However, since you suspect that the medical officer intends to hide the epidemic, you should think that there is absolutely no one based on the epidemic. The ability of hands to cover the sky.

Meng Gao stared, and the corners of his lips squirmed, but after all, he couldn't distinguish them.

"Why do you want to inform the provincial government of the epidemic? Instead of prophets meeting Shangfeng Zhixian and Zhizhou?" Yu Yu asked again.

Meng Gao said bluntly: "I'm just worried that Zhixian and Shi De are the masterminds."

"You have been frightening the snake at the beginning, and you are still so impulsive." Yu Yu shook his head and shook his head: "You argued with the medical officer and was kicked out of the epidemic center. Even if I am far away in Kyoto, if I am safe, I should immediately go to the ordinary mountain to ask for shelter. Since I recommend you to him, it shows that this person can still be more or less trustworthy. But you don't know how to protect yourself, but because of a momentary impulse to find what you need. Shide's heinous crime will certainly not let you stab the provincial government. You should think that he will keep an eye on you in order to hide his crime.

Meng Gao was stunned.

"It's what you need to lead the disaster. He is an important witness to expose the concealment of the epidemic incident. We should protect him well, rather than expose it to Shi De to kill people." Qiao Jizhong was heartbroken: "You are the master of Pinan, and there is Changshan Bo behind you. Shi Deming does not dare to do anything about you. After the epidemic dispute, since you have noticed the conspiracy, you should seize the opportunity to seek the protection of Changshan Bo and expose the conspiracy. Once the malaria breeding is spread, Shi De is no matter of great. I can't cover the sky with one hand.

Meng Gao was a little annoyed, and his waist was depressed.

"The affairs in officialdom are originally dark. There is no pure clarity and transparency. I know that if you are dedicated to the people, you will not be in collusion with corrupt officials, but you only act impulsively and do things unplanned, but you can only harm others and yourself, which will not be of no use." Yu Yu Suyan: "This matter is indeed a painful lesson for you. Why should the couple be so innocent? Although Shide is the first evil, 'Biren' also died because of you. Yiping, today, Mr. Qiao and I only hope you can understand it well. In the future, you must act without committing the impulse of righteousness, regardless of importance, and regardless of the beginning and end.

Only then did Meng Gao understand and think about what he had done. This time, if it hadn't been for the sudden flood of the two counties, the son of the world had received many vigilances and insight into the truth. His injustice would have been small, and tens of thousands of people infected with the epidemic would have died innocently, and Shide's dog officer would have to be at large, fame and fortune.

is even more ashamed.

When Yu Yu saw that he was like this, he knew that he had repented, so he didn't say much. He said goodbye and returned to his residence, which was the county government backyard.

However, Jiang Han was waiting alone in the courtyard, drinking by himself, raising his glass to invite the moon, and shadowing the three of them.

Originally, due to the sharp decrease of new patients, as Yu came to the epidemic area, the focus of work shifted to dredging, leaving only medical officers in the quarantine area. Wei Ran, who is very experienced in the prevention of the epidemic, together with Jiang Han and folk doctors, left several ways to participate in the epidemic prevention work.

Wei Ran and Jiang Handuo are busy in the disaster areas of Pinan and Tang County. They have not seen anyone for many days, but they are so interested today.

When Jiang Han heard the footsteps, he held the wine cup in one hand and turned around slightly. Seeing that it was Yu Yu, his eyelids smiled slightly, so he got up to welcome him, and he was a little rebellious.

"Son, I have to be free today. I made a special trip to come to you for a drink. Don't refuse. Come and sit down. Speaking of the boy in the clear sky, his cooking skills are too bad. Most of the peanuts on this plate are crispy, which makes me full of mush."

Jiang Han complained and shook his body. He seemed to be a little drunk.