Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 285 If you are not a good man, how can you entrust it for life

When the prince sat down, someone announced that he would go to the kitchen. The clear sky presented a few bowls of dishes on the stove. Because the ribs did not follow this time, there were still credible people to take care of the food. However, when they came to the epidemic area, the clear sky could not trust the servant of the county government office. He had no choice but to cook in person, afraid that the vegetables would be raw and eat bad food. The world's stomach can only be safely steamed and stir-fried, so that every dish is black, and the appearance of the seller is really not flattering.

Yu Yu glanced at it, and his appetite was half down.

Only the bowl of rice looked innocent, so he filled his stomach and looked at Jiang Han's "wind and clouds". In an instant, he swept off most of the food on the table. He was quite surprised: "Are you here to eat today? What did you say to me for a drink?

Jiang Han sighed contentedly: "The epidemic area is hard... The world doesn't know anything. When I was in the quarantine area, I almost ate fruit with yellow worms."

Yu Yu:......

Brother, that's worth sixty-two doses...

Also asked Wei Ran's method whether it is really useful for preventing malaria.

"In fact, it is the method of helping the times. The focus is on killing mosquitoes, that is, clearing the siltation, and also to avoid the breeding of mosquitoes. The rain and water have stopped, and the climate has turned to dryness. The effect is really remarkable. It seems that we still have a deep understanding of this malaria." Jiang Han simply answered, but raised the cup: "Son, I won't talk about business today."

Yu was helpless, so he had no choice but to answer the cup. After drinking a little, he said with a smile, "This trip makes you tired, but it's a pity that you are busy with official business. I can't have fun with you today. Brother Jiang should drink well, wait to go back to Kyoto, and then thank you with a good banquet and wine."

"My son, when I go back to Kyoto, I'm afraid I want to congratulate you on your good deeds, right?" Jiang Han was really rude. He didn't persuade Yu Yu and drank by himself, but suddenly he said.

Yu Yu fell down and looked at Jiang Han.

"Awei is extremely lonely these days. In the eyes of my brother, she is very worried about her." Jiang Han did not beat around the bush and looked back calmly: "Son, you answered me at the beginning, and you would protect Awei's thoroughness."

"I dare not forget it."

"So..." At this point, Jiang Han suddenly hesitated: "The son should know Awei's heart."

Yu Yu pondered slightly and poured glutinous rice wine, a specialty of Pinan, for Jiang Han. Then he said, "I once confessed to A Wei that I would treat her like peace in this life."

"Awei already has a brother, and there is no shortage of such a son." Jiang Han's color is cold.

"But that's all I can do."

"Son, I'll say it directly. I know that Awei's identity is very different from you, and she doesn't deserve to be the princess, but if she is an ordinary concubine..."

Yu Yu held the pot slightly, and his eyebrows were still calm: "Jiang Han, you don't seem to be a person who can tolerate aggrieved girls."

"Of course I don't want to be someone else, even if it's a prince. I can only trust the son and won't wrong Awei." Jiang Han is very persistent.

"I will."

Jiang Han was stunned.

"Jiang Han, I have something in my heart and can't tolerate others, that is, I promise you to protect Awei, because of Mr. Qinggu's life-saving kindness and the friendship with your brothers and sisters over the years, you should know that people can't be forced." Yu Wei brushed his knees and a remnant leaf swept down by the autumn wind: "There is only one person who will not be wronged, not A Wei."

"The son of the world is really ruthless." Jiang Han sneered: "Thanks to Awei over the years... The world knows how she treats you."

"So, in your opinion, I will treat her as a perfunctory deception, take her as a concubine, and let her live in pain and unwillingness for the rest of her life. In the future, looking at the desolate half of the world, will I hate what I rely on and regret it?" Yu Wei smiled gently and shook his head: "I can't do this. Only tell the truth, which will cool A Wei's heart. From the beginning, it is absolutely impossible for me and her."

Jiang Han was stunned for a moment and was still half-confident: "The prince is a royal clan, and he must know the so-called rules and etiquette of these noble families than a commoner than a commoner. With your respect, will there be only one wife in this life? If it weren't for my brother and sister perfunctory, I would use my heart as an excuse. Since it is inevitable to take a concubine, why worry about this one? After saying that, he gritted his teeth again: "Do you think I will? If it hadn't been for the stupid girl Awei... I wouldn't even care about the reputation for you..."

"But I care." Yu Yu smiled and said, "Jiang Han, you may not believe that people like me can ignore the so-called rules and etiquette for a woman, but let me tell you, I will do so."

Jiang Han was stunned again.

"So, can you still stick to what you just said?" Yu Yu sighed gently: "It's not that Awei is not worthy of me. I'm really not her good person. You see, for the sake of the person I admire in my heart, I know Awei's intentions, but I give it away, regardless of the friendship with your brother and sister for many years, and even the dedication of Awei. My cold heart is so cold, can you really trust her life to me?"

Jiang Han held a glass of wine, drank it all, and drank it heavily: "Of course I don't want to!" The two cheeks rose slightly and sulked for a while, but suddenly laughed and shook his head repeatedly: "Well, it's not in vain for the son to tell each other frankly that you and I have been friends for many years. Don't worry, I will persuade her to give up, but the son of the world, I believe what you said today, not only for Brother Awei, but also to protect her from being involved by her father in the future."

How worried is Jiang Han about Qinggu's entry into the official position? Yu Yu was puzzled.

"There are some things that I can't say clearly, maybe it's just that I'm worried about the weather, so it's better to take precautions." Jiang Han's words blocked Yu Yu's questioning.

"I will try my best." I had to give up, but suddenly thought of another thing. Yu Yu poured wine for Jiang Han again and raised his eyebrows slightly: "I know that people can't be forced, but Jiang Han, ribbed, if you can't allow her to come in the future, you should make it clear that she should give up."

Jiang Han was stunned again: "Son, it's not me... I just don't want to implict the ribbed."

"I said this to the ribs, but she didn't pay attention to it. In my opinion, she intends to share life and death with you." Yu Yu lowered his eyelids slightly and shook his head: "You still need to tie the bell to untie the bell, but it's just perfunctory, unlike your usual style."

Jiang Han was slightly annoyed: "What does the son mean by this?"

Yu Yan smiled and said, "Since you have told Huidu, are you still going to hide me in the drum? What's more, I originally had some friendship with Du Yuniang, and I found your family jade pendant from her.

"Don't misunderstand, I don't regard that thing as precious." Jiang Han became even more angry and drank heavily: "What a family heirloom! It's just that woman... don't mention it."

Yu Yu was unmoved: "Jiang Han, one year, you and A Wei came to Mingshan and lost the jade pendant when they played. At that time, you ignored the dark night and the moon, and you searched for it all night to find it."

Jiang Han gritted his teeth: "That's what I didn't know at that time..."

"Whappei is not important, but it's not important. Let me ask you, are you, like those romantic dans, just want to play with her?" Yu Yu shook his head again: "You and I have been friends for many years. How can I not know your nature? How can I stay in Kyoto for a 'play'? Even for the ribbed, you know that she has feelings for you, but you won't stay for her.

"Son, I tell you the truth. When I learned the ribbed love, I deliberately avoided it, didn't want to hurt her, and I didn't want to implicate her... As for Du Yuniang, although she was a fireworks woman, she was originally met by the water, but she was moved by her pipa and singing voice. Later, she met with it, knowing that she was not those vulgar and charming..."

"With so many words, you are still moved after all. Therefore, I suggest that you should completely let the ribs die, and don't let her miss it again and delay the future in vain." Yu Yu rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Jiang Han, sometimes there are some things that are destined to avoid. No matter how strong you think you are, even if you go through thousands of turns, you will find that you will still return to the same place in the end... After all, you are not interested in the ribs, so you refuse only because you are worried about the sky, for example, for example, at present, it is difficult Don't you worry about implicating Du Yuniang? Or do you only indulge yourself when she is in the fireworks alley and you don't have a future?

Seeing Jiang Han's expression change, he seemed to be ashamed. Yu Yu sighed gently: "You carefully understand what sincerity is, but you are not in a hurry to make a decision at this moment."

But after these words, Jiang Han's mood was more or less depressed. It should be that his mind was poked by the son, which made him full of sadness, so he had the intention of comforting him by drinking more and more urgently, but Yu Wei did not persuade him. He still wanted to wait to get drunk and let the clear sky into the room to sleep well, but he was interrupted by another thing.

However, there was an imperial decree, which was urgently transmitted to Pi Nan.

The emperor reported that there was malaria in Xiangzhou, Hunan, so Yu Yu immediately rushed to Xiangzhou with the remaining yellow worms to investigate the severity of the epidemic and try to control the spread of malaria.

Jiang Han was drunk and sober: "Son, the epidemic in Bingzhou has slowed down now, and it will be controlled. I don't want Hunan... But the mountains and rivers are far away. Even if you travel day and night, I'm afraid it will take more than half a month. I hope that local officials are not like Shide... Shizi, I will immediately go to the epidemic area and inform Wei Ran..."

"You stay in Bingzhou." After receiving the order, Yu Yu meditated for a long time, but said something that surprised Jiang Han.

"Son, the silt clearance here is near the end..."

"Stay here and confirm that the epidemic will be completely calmed down." Yu Yu was resolute.

Is there malaria in Hunan? This is obviously something that never happened in that life.

This matter is very strange.

That night, the government office of Pinan County called for another emergency meeting. Yu Yu arranged the remaining affairs one by one, and rushed back to Bingzhou overnight. When he arrived early in the morning, he called the state officials. When it was confirmed that enough disaster relief materials had been raised, he discussed the immediate allocation, started the construction of private houses, and ordered Zhizhou to arrange ships and wanted to travel south.

When he returned to the princess's house, the sky was not yet bright, and Yu Yu did not move the public. He only ordered Huidu and the clear sky to quickly make some clothes. He picked up his own pen, while writing the analysis and arrangement on the way into a few secret letters and painted them.

At this time, the green on the edge of the sky bloomed, revealing a touch of light gold.

"Wen Xiang." Yu Yu stood in the porch, and his eyes were still clear and bright. It seemed that he had not been arranged to run in a hurry last night.

"The son, do you want to leave immediately?" Jia Wenxiang heard that the son had an order and had been waiting for a long time.

"I have written the memorial and submitted it to the emperor, leaving you and the state to supervise the rest."

"The son of the world?" Jia Wenxiang was puzzled: "My subordinate's task is to protect..."

"You have been with me on your trip to Bingzhou. You are very clear about the epidemic. At present, although the epidemic has to be controlled, in case of negligence, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be repeated. If you stay here, we can rest assured. When the patients in the epidemic area recover and make sure that there are no new patients, you can return to Beijing to recover." Yu Wei patted him on the shoulder: "You can rest assured that Vice General Yu Linwei takes the order of the guard."

Regardless of how surprised Jia Wenxiang was, Yu Yu looked up at the bright gold in the sky and turned around to be discharged from the hospital.

The last thing is to say goodbye to her. This time, even if you are as good as a mountain and time is pressed, you have to meet her. If you can't, leave without saying goodbye.