Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 590 Winning the confidant, the old man is far away

Beautiful scenery has "handed over" Mother Jiang and didn't pay much attention to it. However, when she heard the news from Qiu Yue, she knew that her mother's family was calm and was a little curious. She didn't know how her grandmother would solve this matter - even if she missed it, she could not divorce Huang, the waiting wife, because of her aunt, instead exposed Mother Jiang. When you come out, you can no longer trust the Huang family. Only by making a plan can Mother Jiang and Li truly become Huang's confidants and play an ear role. However, Yijing knows her grandmother very well and knows that her old man is kind and will not involve innocence. However, if she tricks, she will inevitably have two aunts and Aunt Zhang will put her ear in her ears. Although she has the suspicion of being ulging, it is also appropriate to punish the big warning, but Aunt Xue is innocent. If she is sold or sent to the village for this, it is indeed unfair.

Although the aunt's concubine is humble, the eldest princess will never "send people's lives". If Aunt Xue is really pregnant and then die, she will be severely punished, which is really not in line with the eldest princess's style.

However, this matter is related to the housework of the Duke of Wei. It is not easy to interfere with the married daughter of Yijing, and the prevention and disposal of the Huang family in the future also mainly rely on the Duke of Wei. It is based on this consideration that Yijing decided to "transfer" Mother Jiang and let her grandmother deal with her.

Therefore, the imperial concubine did not specifically ask.

Two months later, there has been a first snow in Jinyangjing. The eldest princess accidentally caught the wind and cold, and the beautiful scenery was believed. Of course, she had to go back to her mother's house to visit, but she happened to encounter this incident.

The eldest princess's illness was not too serious, but it caused a cough and wheezing, which made Duke Wei very worried. Fortunately, there was no big problem after being diagnosed and treated by the imperial doctor, but she was told to pay attention to keep warm and never suffer from the cold again.

On this day, she returned home and went straight to Yuanying Hall. As soon as she entered the inner room, she smelled the medicine. She saw her grandmother's pale face and couldn't help but turn red. She remembered that it seemed to be the same in that life. Because of her eldest brother and eldest sister, her grandmother was lying on the bed, which seemed to be such a scene.

Many things in this life have changed, and the eldest brother is waiting for the next year's "prospellity to be promoted to fatherhood". The eldest sister has successfully given birth to a son, and now she is pregnant with six people. The scenery should have been at ease, but she is really worried to see her grandmother fall ill.

Just a month ago, Aunt Mo died of an emergency.

At that time, Yijing planned to ask Jiang Wei to diagnose Mo Gu's pulse and check whether there was a hidden disease, but he didn't have time to mention that Jiang Wei left Jinyang with Jiang Han. Yijing still remembered this matter and asked the good doctor of Wangfu, so Mo Guyue would receive a diagnosis of the pulse, but did not detect the hidden disease.

Unexpectedly, he died of a sudden cold.

Some things don't seem to be saved by manpower, just like Aunt Mo's life, which is destined to end in nine years.

The scenery is very uneasy about my grandmother's health.

The eldest princess was optimistic. She took the soup handed over her granddaughter kneeling on her feet, looked up and took it all. She pulled up the scenery and hugged it in her arms to comfort her: "It's not a big deal. It was the first snow a few days ago. As soon as I was interested, I enjoyed the snow scene. At night, I sat for an extra rest in the waterfront by the mirror pool. Cold, coughing and wheezing is also an old problem. It has not been a common problem in recent years. Don't worry about it. Grandma is fine and is still waiting to hug her great-grandchildren.

The second wife Li Shi, who was serving the disease, also came forward to have fun: "No wonder the mother cherishes Jing'er. This child is filial piety. Don't worry, and the imperial doctor also said that it's okay. The uncle specially invited the Jiangyuan envoy to take a look at the pulse. Just take care of it."

Huang just handed out the medicine bowl and took it out, with a smile on her face: "I'm afraid of being cold again, so I let her stay in bed to rest. Madam's appetite and spirit have recovered."

Yijing was also embarrassed to act coquettishly again. He wiped his tears quickly, sat on the edge of the couch, said a few words with Huang Shihan, and asked about the recent situation of the two cousins of the Li family.

"The second girl just came back with her uncle yesterday. My uncle also knows that she is making progress now. The second girl helps her husband's sister-in-law take care of the family. The two sisters-in-law are harmonious, and I feel relieved." Li Shi also said with tears in his smile: "It's just the fourth girl, who is far away now, but she wrote back and said that everything is fine, but I don't know if she is happy or not."

This made the eldest princess laugh and nodded Li's forehead: "I have some love as a mother. Do you know that you care about the four girl?"

Li's face suddenly turned red and acted coquettishly in front of him: "Look at what my mother said. She knows that her daughter-in-law is a knife-mouthed tofu heart, but sometimes she is impatient. The fourth girl is my biological daughter. How can she not care about it?"

Yijing saw the appearance of her second aunt, but she squeezed her mouth and smiled, relieving some worries in her heart.

The eldest princess pushed the Lishi squeezed into her body, but with a smile on her face: "Don't worry, the fourth girl has always been steady and sensible, and she is also very harmonious with the fourth aunt. Her mother-in-law is also a kind person and will not treat the fourth girl badly."

As she was talking, Mother Lan followed Linglong in and looked at Huang's desire to speak.

The eldest princess looked in her eyes, gently shook Yijing's hand and asked, "But there is something wrong with Ruiyuan. These two days, because of me, I'm so tired that your wife can't take off her clothes. If you have something to say, you can say it directly."

Mother Lan looked more and more eager to stop talking. Huang saw that the eldest princess's face was a little unhappy and quickly got up and said, "Mother has something to say."

"Yes..." Mother Lan saluted and said with her face down, "In the past two days, Aunt Xue also felt unwell. The old slave went back to the third lady to see a doctor, but today she was pregnant..."

Li clapped his hands: "This is a happy event..." Halfway through the words, he saw that the eldest princess and Huang were both solemn. The unknown Li quickly silenced and looked straight at Huang.

"Mother..." Huang was at a loss, and his expression was really shocked by this sudden change.

The eldest princess snorted coldly, "Aunt Xue has not been taking the soup to avoid it. How can she be pregnant?"

Mother Lan immediately knelt down: "I don't know why the old lady said, and I didn't dare to tell the master... After inspection, it turned out that Aunt Xue bought the Li family arranged by her wife to serve, and secretly changed the medicine..." When she spoke, she looked at the eldest princess secretly, but Looking at the two cold eyes, Mother Lan's forehead was suddenly covered with a layer of cold sweat.

She always acted and did not know the Huang family. What she was worried about was that the Duke's wife was too "virtuous". Although she was spoiled by Aunt Xue, she would not do such a means. Aunt Xue did not worry about how Aunt Lan, but this was an excellent opportunity to revenge on Aunt Zhang. Mother Lan could not let it go easily.

After M Mother Lan gritted her teeth, she was always a little worried and afraid of leaks.

"Is it reasonable that the Duke's wife arranges people to go to the concubine's room so easy to buy?" The eldest princess snorted coldly, "Aunt Xue was born as a maidservant, and she is not a family child. How can she have such a great ability?"

When Huang heard the words of the eldest princess, it seemed that he wanted to save Aunt Xue, and his heart suddenly surged with hatred.

The Duke of Wei is upright and rigorous. Even if he pitied Aunt Xue a little, he did not spoil people to be lawless, but Aunt Xue is not Huang's concubine. She has always been the thorn in her eyes. If she is a stubborn, domineering and arrogant, Huang still doesn't pay attention to it, but Aunt Xue knows the rules and moderation, and Huang can't pinch it. She has a little handle, and in the past few years, even if the Duke of Wei rests in the main courtyard, he has not been married with the Huang family. How can the Huang family be happy?

Aunt Zhang is ignorant and has long lost her favor, but relying on her children under her knees, Huang can still tolerate it, but Huang has long had the intention to eradicate Aunt Xue.

Of course, Huang is most happy to see two birds with one stone. With Mother Lan's hand, she can eradicate the two concubines together.

also calculated a breath of evil.

She knew that the eldest princess had always valued family traditions, and even the Duke of Wei did not allow her concubine to use those private methods. As long as Li clenched her teeth, she would be able to cure Aunt Xue's self-assertion this time and be completely rejected by the Duke of Wei.

At the thought of this, Huang secretly clenched his fist, but bent his knees: "Mother, I also allowed my daughter-in-law to go back to ask Ruiyuan for details and then return."

Naturally, the eldest princess will not object, and even sent the Li family away: "Diddy, because the third daughter-in-law is in charge of the house and the fourth daughter-in-law is weak, I have only worked for you two in the past two days. I have no major obstacles. At this time, there is a Jing girl accompanied me, and the second daughter-in-law can also take time to rest for a few hours. Go back. Don't stay here and look at Go Lang. , he is so young that he hasn't seen you for two days, and I don't know if he has cried.

When the room calmed down, the eldest princess smiled and said to Yijing, "After listening to Jiang's words, I discussed with your father. Zhang's son didn't stop at this time. Taking advantage of this time, let her go to Zhuangzi to have a rest. That Jiuxue was told by your father. In fact, she was not pregnant and accompanied Huang's performance. It's just a play. It's easy for you to come back. Today, you stayed at home for dinner. Let's wait and see. Your father has his own theory when he comes back.

So the beautiful scenery is waiting to see the play.

Before the Duke of Wei returned home in the evening, Huang had concluded the suspension of Aunt Xue's drug case and was reporting it in Yuanying Hall: "My daughter-in-law has examined the Li family. She was sure that she had been bought by Aunt Xue. Later, she asked her three siblings and examined the details of the Li family, and then she knew that she was actually Aunt Zhang's... Some time ago, she put a few in the Ruiyuan. The old woman went out to raise her house to raise her honor. I heard the recommendation of Ba Niang, saying that Li was old and steady. She had passed the time and felt good. It happened that the mother-in-law who used to serve Aunt Xue was released and asked her to fill the gap. How could she think of... Ba Niang had nothing to do with this matter, but it was just because Aunt Zhang's words... The daughter-in-law asked in detail. Li, she couldn't tell what Aunt Xue took to buy her. Then she was forced to admit that it was Aunt Zhang who asked her to seduce Aunt Xue and persuaded Aunt Xue to be moved.

The eldest princess has always hated Zhang, and it is also obvious that Zhang does not stop. If it is said that she is jealous of Aunt Xue's intention to instigate, the purpose is to let Aunt Xue commit a crime, and even fall into the improper control of the wife of the main room, or "blame" Huang's layout to attract Aunt Xue into the urn. , others will also believe it.

Huang took advantage of Mother Lan's arrangement and said that the wet nurse had finally done a neat thing this time.

According to Li's statement, even if Aunt Xue is provoked by someone, after all, she is greedy and dares to allow Li to secretly change medicine, which is also a big mistake. Of course, Huang will not make her own decision, but she expects that the National Association is disgusted by Aunt Xue.

The eldest princess also accepted this statement and asked her to eat. She needed to rest, but she let Yijing and Huang eat in the tea room.

As soon as the dinner was finished, Duke Wei came to Yuanyingtang, and his face was quite solemn.

Binjing didn't follow him and waited in the tea room.

It didn't take long to see the Duke of Wei brushing his sleeves and Huang's ugly face behind him.

Yijing then went to the eldest princess and listened to her grandmother's statement: "Mr. Huang concluded the case vigorously, but still acted as virtuous and had to wait for your father to come back before dealing with it. As a result, your father heard Aunt Xue's injustice, kowtowed and cried, saying that she would never make her own decisions, and said that she would voluntarily prove her innocence with death. Instead of pleading to leave their children, she opened her mouth to ask for a 'fetal medicine'... Your father was suspicious and tried Li again. She changed her confession and only insisted that Zhang was buying her, but said that Ji Xue was hidden in the drum.

So Duke Wei was on fire. Just in front of the eldest princess, he accused Huang of disbecoming people's words and begged the eldest princess to allow Aunt Xue to give birth to a fetus in her abdomen.

No wonder Huang's face is full of frost and can no longer maintain a virtuous and generous mask.

And later, of course, Aunt Xue, in order to prove her innocence, resolutely did not want to give birth and begged for a child. When Duke Wei saw that she insisted on doing so, he agreed, but did not let Huang intervene, but let his cronies accompany Aunt Xue to live in the village for a period of time and wait until she recovered before returning to the government. This is not a punishment, Wei The Duke even told Zhuangzi to do his best in charge of affairs.

As for Aunt Zhang, she did not escape punishment this time and was driven to Zhuangzi again to "think" without even a servant.

Only Mother Lan is happy.

Huang was so angry that her chest hurt, but she regarded Mother Jiang, who stayed in the Duke of Wei, as her confidant, and another Li was secretly bought by Huang Tao from the hands of human teeth. At this time, no one expected that these inconspicuous servants would play an important role in the near future, even in a court coup.

In the evening, a farce temporarily came to an end and returned to the royal palace of Chu.

She sat in a soft sedan chair, surrounded by many soldiers on both sides.

Naturally, he didn't pay attention to the end of the square. A man in a crow and purple mink cloak stood in the corner and watched.

The black eyebrows are obliquely long into the temples, the corners of the lips are half enchanting, and the man's eyes are dark.

After a long separation, the fifth sister, the man, looked at the sedan chair and the corner door entering the Chu Palace. Then he took a few steps back, raised his hood and blocked his face.

Aunuch Li next to the sedan chair seemed to feel an unusual atmosphere and turned her head to the end of the long street.

In the dark night, only the shadow of the sycamore tree is cold.