Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 591 The use of "green sparrow", loyalty is difficult to complete

In a city where the inner city is combined, there is a house with two or three entrances. The streets here are not as spacious as the inner city, but not as deep as the outer city. It is about straight. The snow on the road has melted and penetrated deeply into the stone gap. Under the moonlight, there is a faint mottled and depth. Unequity, but the yellow mud ground next to the road still remains the silvery white of frost and snow, and the road is cold.

A fork in the middle of the long street, leaning against a house on the left, the green accelerator door is empty, and the front yard is not very spacious. It is only more than 20 steps from the hanging flower door to the main door, so there is no wall built. There is a hall on each side of the east and west, and the wind lights are burning in front of the eaves, which is quite bright.

Pan'er was wearing a blue and white jacket, her hands were wrapped in her sleeves, and she was wandering anxiously in the gate. Whenever she heard the sound of wheels rolling on the road, she looked out at the crack of the door, followed by a long sigh of disappointment and returned to anxiety.

She has been sneaking back to Jinyang with Dajun for more than half a month, and has been hiding in the city. Dajun only relied on the contact of a few cronies to stay on the dark line of Dalong. These days, she has been closed and lived a peaceful life. It was not until today, when she didn't know what happened that she heard anything, so she went out with several personal soldiers who followed from Xiliang. I haven't come back yet.

Her family's demeanor and appearance, even if she wears ordinary clothes and stands in the flow of people, she still attracts the attention of thousands of people. Pan'er is very worried that her master will be recognized in this city, which has been free and wild for 20 years.

Another "rolling" sound came from far and near, and Paner quickly came up. This time, he finally saw the very ordinary green oil car parked outside, followed by Xue Dongchang, whose face was full of beard and changed his appearance, poked his head out of the car and saw that there was no abnormality outside, so he stabbed the driver disguised as a soldier and asked him to go first. Inside to inquire.

Paner couldn't help opening the door and lowered his voice, "It's okay, master, come in quickly."

The dark shadow of the hood cage half-shielded his cheek followed Xue Dongchang and jumped out of the carriage. He strode in and entered the drooping door before lifting the hood, revealing his neatly tied hair bun. Under the light, the man's jade face was transparent, his black eyebrows flew long, and his eyes were full of yard lights, shaking the glazed luster.

Pan'er followed the pace of Dajun and ran all the way to the main room. She silently untied the cool cloak and coat for the master, took off a warm golden cloak on the smoke cage, and put it on the master's body. By the way, she touched the cold hands, and picked up a hand stove and stuffed it into the golden jade. In the arms of His Majesty, when he turned around, he saw Xue Dongchang staring at his two eyes. Pan'er stared back, not like those maidservants with standardized behavior, but pushed the master: "This house is not like the prince's mansion and the king's mansion burning a warm wall. There is only a warm kang. The master sits on it quickly, slave The maidservant is going to prepare the table.

When the king sneaked back this time, he took a maidservant with him, and the rest were all old men. Therefore, the trivial diet depended on the plate. At most, the soldiers could only help burn firewood, carry water and wash vegetables and other chores.

Xue Dongchang was surprised that Pan'er dared to put his hand into his master's arms. Seeing his jade tree and nobles holding a stove to keep warm like a weak woman, Xue Dongchang couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

"That's why you can't contact in advance." Yu Xidon put down the wine cup. The slender jade finger looked into his skirt and took out a blood-red jade. Against the light, he faintly saw the dragon-shaped dark lines in it: "Gaozu once laid a dark line on the five powerful honors, five different tokens, among which the Duke of England and the Duke of Wei have been destroyed, and the Jin Rong faction has also been eradicated, only Yu Chu Wangfu and Wei Guo Gongfu, in those years, I begged for a dark line in the royal palace of Chu, and my father said that they only obeyed the orders of the admirers.

Although Xue Dongchang knew that the "green sparrow" was the dark line of the heavenly family, he had never seen a token, and he was slightly relieved after hearing the words.

Your Highness still has tokens in his hand, and he is not afraid that the spy will not obey the order.

In fact, the so-called "green sparrow" does not really refer to someone. The king arranged several secret lines of the prince's mansions with such names, such as the lark in the East Palace, the rosefinch of Prince Qing's Mansion, and later the spy of the King of Chu's mansion entrusted by the emperor, and then incorporated into the blue sparrow. Only the blue sparrow is not cultivated by the eyes and ears of the emperor.

It is no wonder that Xue Dongchang has been worried about the green finch.

"What's wrong with you?" His Royal Highness patted the token on the case and sneered: "When Gao Zu installed these dark lines, he ordered them to do one of the words 'righteousness' to all people. They all fought on the battlefield with the birth and death of the master's family. Their friendship was extraordinary. Although they were loyal to the heavenly family, they had to give back information, but the Tianjia had never ordered him They harmed the master's family. After three dynasties, it is difficult to guarantee that the green sparrow is more loyal to the royal family than the heavenly family.

Xue Dongchang was stunned.

"This time, I acted against the order of Gaozu, and I had no choice but to do it, so I can only wait for the opportunity to come. Suddenly, I can't hold the order, and I can't make the bluebirds any chance to hesitate. This time, the success or failure of the matter is really unpredictable, and I'm not sure." Seeing that Xue Dongchang was full of tension, the emperor shook his head and shook his head: "But I don't want the blue sparrow to harm the father and son of the king of Chu. They should not abandon the blood jade order. Although they are not sure, it is about 50%. In a hurry, there are more opportunities to threaten the blue sparrow to follow the order. I have this today, and it is also to determine whether they have a chance to act. Do you think it's really to take a look at the sedan chair?

After saying this, Yu Haoxi no longer paid attention to Xue Dongchang's change of expression. Of course, the reason why he took his words to explain it was to convince his subordinates so as not to question his decision, thinking that he had been blinded by his children's private affairs and did some absurd behavior.

While drinking, thinking of the situation he witnessed today, Haoxi couldn't help shaking his head. The three generations of the king of Chu were dedicated to the country. Unexpectedly, since Gaozu, he has never relaxed the surveillance of his door. Only Gaozu has the ability to be unprepared and bound to face heavy darkness under the five founding mansions. Line, once Quan Xun has a disrespectful heart, the heavenly family can understand it as soon as possible.

At the beginning, he asked Miao Shimo to tell Yu Yu's "unpredictable" and "reserved" persuasion, which was really a heartfelt speech and also regarded as a farewell gift. Unfortunately, Yu Shimo still took it as a rumor, but he was really glad that he didn't pay attention to it.

Yu Haoxi is not ashamed of his conspiracy and tricks. Although he has lost his openness and aboveboard, it can be regarded as the hidden danger of the king of Chu that has eradicated the green finch. This dark line may be abolished may save the future annihilation of the king of Chu, at least so that they will no longer have no protection for the old department that year. The trust left, and there is a deeper understanding of the four words "unfathomable".

However, it is not a good thing for the next new king. His Royal Highness is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

After listening to the master's explanation, Xue Dongchang knew that he had made a simple-minded and short-sighted mistake again. He was full of complaints and rose with a sense of shame. He was brewing self-blame and apology. He heard His Royal Highness say in a low voice, "It's time to contact the lark tomorrow and let her get out."

"Then we can't live here. If something happens, the court will inevitably search for the fugitives." Xue Dongchang became nervous again.

"No." Dajun waved his index finger gently: "Although Miao's poison is rare, don't forget that there is still a Jiang Qinggu in the palace. He can relieve Yu's poison, which shows that he knows a lot about Miao's poison. Although my father doesn't know that I have Miao Shimo in my hand, he knows that Yu Dong has been bought by me. He must have thought that I have poison prepared by the Miao family in my hand and think that this set is mine. It was arranged before leaving Dalong. Since I know that I am the real murderer, I will not announce the cause of the prince's death, and there is no need to search for a maid of honor.

Xue Dongchang was sincerely convinced this time and sincerely toasted his master with a cup of wine.

Dajun didn't expect that his magic calculation had gone wrong this time. Instead, he figured out another strange thing and further figured out the details of the fourth prince Prince Qing.