Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 596 Secret Old Love, Fu Wang's Trial

The wheel ruffed and snowed on the ground, but Prince Qing's car kept passing through the house, all the way out of Ping'an Street and turned into Dexingfang in the inner city along Qingque Avenue.

King Qing sat on his knees and seemed to close his eyes all the way, but he didn't stop thinking about it.

He is sure that King Fu will not let go of Lao Wu.

If it had been in the past, he would never have paid attention to the second brother of King Fu, believing that as long as the prince fell, the throne would be his own. Later, he learned that the third brother was also a person with desire, so he reluctantly regarded him as an opponent. In the view of King Qing, he was the son that his father valued most. Once he was disappointed with the eldest son, there was no concubine People can compare with their own position in the heart of the emperor.

It turned out to be an illusion. Since the Zhuoyin Garden case, a series of actions by the emperor have shown that the third brother is the one he wishes.

The frustrated King Qing no longer dares to be arrogant, and increasingly suspects that King Fu also has a big ambition hidden under the surface of the world. And King Qing is no longer confident about the heart of the emperor.

At the critical moment, you can't be careless.

He has determined that King Fu must have ambition, so he has concluded that the second brother will not miss the opportunity to eradicate the fifth. As he just said, only one servant's testimony cannot confirm the crime of the fifth. King Fu should not act rashly and will definitely listen to his advice. The two will work together to target the fifth first.

This is a move to invite you into the urn.

And you must take a risk to make things stable and flawless.

Thinking of this, King Qing couldn't help clenching his fist, opened his eyelids slightly, and the bottom of his eyes surged darkly.

At this time, the car and the car had stopped in front of a teahouse. Few people knew that this was the industry of King Qing, but the teahouse was elegant and gorgeous, and only dignitaries would come here for entertainment. Especially if the prince had passed away for less than a month, the brothel and the brothel did not dare to patronize for the time being. The teahouse became the first choice for nobles, even if someone saw the celebration Wang won't feel strange when he comes here.

King Qing was respectfully invited into an elegant room by the shopkeeper and did not sit down. Instead, he opened a secret door. It turned out that this place was connected by three elegant rooms and made a special trip to prepare for King Qing to meet those dark lines.

Entering another dark door, King Qing saw a man in plain clothes standing up and bowing.

"Mr. Jiang, hurry up and avoid the gift." King Qing stepped forward with a very enthusiastic smile.

However, when King Qing came out of the elegant room again, his expression was very solemn. He frowned and left the car, leaving only a sentence "entering the palace" and throwing down the curtain at the door.

King Qing went to Yikun Palace to say hello on this day and did not delay much. Instead, he accompanied the Empress Dowager after dinner in Ci'an Palace before leaving the palace and returning home.

The close maid of honor around Chen Guifei found that the master was sleepless this night and seemed to be very sad.

Two days later, it came to the day when Jiangyuan's envoy came to Yikun Palace to ask for a safe vein - Jiang Qinggu was the imperial doctor of the emperor and was not responsible for the peace vein of the concubines of the harem. However, a few years ago, Chen Guifei was deeply disturbed by it because of vertigo. The imperial doctors were helpless. In the end, it was the Jiangyuan envoy to take action to relieve it, so the emperor's permission Jiang Qinggu was responsible for the health of the noble concubine. Such kindness also attracted the concubines, especially the beautiful concubines. The concubine Li even coquettishly and entangled her for most of the year. Finally, she coaxed the emperor to open her mouth and agreed to "red" Jiang Qinggu to her. Only then did Concubine Li feel angry.

In the side hall, through the brocade curtain, Jiang Qinggu touched his fingertips on the jade wrist with a silk handkerchief and held his breath.

The imperial doctor diagnoses the pulse of the concubine. If it is not for special circumstances, if the concubine can't lie down and can't go straight to the bedroom, it must be in the main hall or the side hall. Generally, it must be through the brocade curtain, without closing the doors and windows, and it must be exposed to the public.

However, in order to keep quiet and un disturbed, the maids of honor also waited outside the hall, leaving only two maids to wait in the curtain, and a maid of honor was responsible for serving the pen and ink outside the curtain to prepare for the pulse case and prescription in detail after the imperial doctor's diagnosis.

The noble concubine has always been cautious, but this time she had no choice but to let the three maids of honor hear her talk with Jiang Qinggu, so as not to cause trouble by sending idle people out.

However, of course, the maids present are the confidants of the noble concubine.

The jade wrist was placed on the desk motionless, but the insider of the curtain sighed gently: "I have never asked Mr. Why did you enter the palace?"

Jiang Qinggu's eyebrows moved, subconsciously raised his eyes, glanced at the maid of honor who ignored it, and stared at a cloud pattern on the brocade curtain, and gradually became melancholy.

"Sir once said that the court was difficult and dangerous, and I advised the palace to think twice." The sound inside the curtain is like mosquitoes and flies.

For a moment of silence, the people inside the curtain did not respond and were not in a hurry to ask.

The outsider of the curtain suppressed his voice and replied, "I'm really worried about my humble position, although I know that it can't help..."

"Qinggu, don't call yourself a humble position." The inside of the curtain interrupted him: "You know I didn't have a choice at that time. Don't blame me anymore."

The fingertips on the white silk trembled slightly, and the outsiders drooped their eyelids heavily.

"When life is at stake, Qinggu, please agree." The inside of the curtain sighed again, but his voice became lower and lower: "I know that you should not be in danger, but you also know what to do after Qinggu. My situation is not much better than her. I only have this choice. I must do so."

There is another silence.

"Mother, this is dangerous, not just for me."

"I know." The tone of the people in the curtain seemed to be a little hesitant. After this sentence, he was silent for dozens of times before continuing to say, "Please entrust your determination. What's more, I trust you, Qinggu, I know you have a way to protect him from danger and achieve his wish."

"Qinggu, I promise that this kind of thing will not embarrass you in the future."

Jiangyuan smiled silently and raised his eyes. There was no chance to see the longing face, or even a vague outline.

But he had no way to refuse her request.

"Good." A very short word, and then left the table, Jiang Qinggu stammed to one side, wrote down the prescription for the pulse case, and left without looking back.


Xuanye took a plate of kimchi jar and put the water radish mixed with sesame oil on the bookcase. She looked at Fuwang nervously and took a step back, as if she felt Fuwang staring at her cold eyes, and her fingertips trembled heavily.

"This is something that comes in from outside. Are you serving the princess's dining table like this?"

Being forced to ask, Xuanye immediately landed on her knees and only felt her heart beating. She replied calmly: "I dare not, the bottle that Mother Xiao sent in at the beginning was presented to the princess after tasting it in person... This time because the prince's instructions, the slave maidservant did not try it first."

Fuwang breathed a soft breath, picked up the plate of kimchi, and said, "Come with me."

Xuan Ye saw Fu Wang insert a silver needle into the plate and couldn't help staring. She was completely sure that the master suspected that the kimchi was poisonous.

But the silver needle does not change color.

Fuwang mixed a plate of kimchi into the meat and put it in front of a yellow dog who had smelled the smell of meat and raised his paws upright.

After a moment, the yellow dog barked and fell to the ground and died.

The faces of both the master and servant became very pale.

"The princess is worried and afraid, which is not conducive to the fetus in the womb. This matter is temporarily hidden." Fu Wang gritted his teeth to control his anger and clenched his iron fist: "Call the woman surnamed Xiao, and I will judge her in person." Seeing Xuanye turn around in horror, King Fu added: "The stew manager surnamed Ai in the needleroom, let Changshi detain her and leave her alive!"

Xuanye hurriedly responded. He walked far away and hadn't recovered. What's the matter with closing the sewing room?

When Xiao heard Xuanye's edict, she was already in her heart. She was a rough woman. Not to mention meeting her master, even an insider like Xuanye could not be common, so she took another way first. It was easy to meet Xuanye's mother-in-law and made a roundabout job for her daughter. I hope that there will be such a glimmer of hope that the stewards will help me, and I can also compete for some decentness in the future. At the same time, Xiao's face is full of frost. Xiao became more and more unaware of whether it was a blessing or a curse. She entered the study tremblingly. She dared not blink of her eyes. She lay down on the ground and kowtowed heavily. She could only see the prince's jade-white brocade robe and a pair of soap boots in sight. .

Fu Wang had calmed down at this time. Although he didn't let people get up, his tone was still relaxed: "When you made that jar of kimchi salt water, did you do it yourself?"

"When the prince asks, it was made by the maidservant himself." Xiao's heart was beating hard. Could it be that there was something wrong with the salt water in the jar?

"Was there someone else present at that time?"

Xiao was stunned for a long time and thought about it for a long time before saying, "Mr. Ai is also here. She used to love this mouth. Hearing that the maidservant's craftsmanship was actually appreciated by the princess, she forced the maidservant to teach her how to marinate it. The maidservant told her how to soak salt water and demonstrated it herself. She had been helping at that time. "

King Fu's eyes flashed and asked again, "Are you familiar with Ai?"

"The maidservant... steward Ai is a warm-hearted person, and she always likes to chat with the maidservants..." The unsure servant became more and more panicked.

"Is it the jade aunt she introduced you met?" Fuwang asked.

Aunt Yu is Xuanye's mother-in-law, and her son is Fu Wang Changsui, who is also trusted.

Xiao's forehead almost touched the ground, and there was a cold sweat on the tip of his nose: "It's... Mr. Ai listened to the maidservant talking about the second girl and agreed to help..."

"I ask you, how did you think of sending Aunt Yu kimchi?"

"My maidservant, my maidservant..." Seeing that the topic went back to the kimchi, Xiao was at a loss in a cold sweat and trembled for a long time and couldn't say a word.

Fu Wang rubbed his eyebrows: "You don't need to be afraid, just reply."

"Yes..." Xiao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, settled down, and recalled it quickly. Then he was sure: "It was what Mr. Ai said. Although people in Beijing often like to eat with pickles, they rarely have a chance to taste kimchi. Because they are from Sichuan, they have this skill. It's better to send some to let people taste fresh, which is also a heart. Ai The steward also said that she heard that the princess was pregnant and had a bad appetite, so she loved a sour taste. Sister Yu's daughter-in-law Xuanye was the most trusted by the princess. If she tasted good and recommended it to the princess, the second daughter of the slave maidservant was also settled.

Only then did Xuanye, standing aside, realize the role of Ai's subordinate and couldn't help sweating. She was a cautious person. When the princess was about to get married, the eldest princess reminded her that she could not rush to give any food from outside to the princess. Over the years, she I didn't dare to be careless. On that day, she also tasted Xiao's kimchi and dared to present it to the princess. There was nothing wrong that time, but this time... She didn't dare to be easy, and she would definitely try it first. Then she would present it without any obstacles. Thinking of the yellow dog who spit blood and fell to the ground, Xuanye couldn't help gritting her teeth - the poisonous woman of Ai's that dared to poison To harm the princess, you deserve thousands of knives!

Fu Wang also felt that there was no need to retrial Xiao. Even if he was bribed, he did not have so much courage. Isn't it a dead end if he dared to add poison to his meal? It was really just like what Lao Si said on that day--

"Although the eyes and ears in the second brother's house are a steward, they do not handle food, and there will be no chance to directly poison the second sister-in-law. Besides, she must protect herself. What can a servant woman come up with? Even Lao Wu did not have a perfect solution, so he gathered his trusted staff to brainstorm. Ai was schefiant and intended to get acquainted with servants everywhere, so he reported these trivial personnel she had in detail to the staff to see if she could use them. Naturally, he also talked about his second sister-in-law because of her poor appetite, so a staff heard that Xiao He is from Sichuan, and when he has something to ask for, he has an idea and asks if Xiao can make kimchi..."

So this plan was made. First, Xiao's kimchi was favored by Yichen. Ai's kimchi was soft and hard to "learn art". In fact, when Xiao was unprepared, it was poisoned in the kimchi jar that was about to be sent to the royal palace. The staff even carefully inferred that the princess would first use silver needles to test the poison, so they did not use *, but used silver needles. They didn't expect that there would be maids to test the poison, but most of the poisons that will not occur immediately after taking them are not strong. There is no guarantee that they will be poisoned. There is no other way, but they can only take good luck, hoping that Princess Fu will have no precautions, or there will be no accident after using kimchi at first, and this time they will relax their guard.

"The second brother thought carefully, if Lao Wu really succeeds, the first person you suspect is also Xiao. She thinks she is innocent and can only shout grievances. How can she calmly think about the matter carefully? If she doesn't notice it at all, she is yinned by Ai's. Even if the second brother finds something strange and guides Xiao's memory all the time, she should be locked in Ai. At that time, she was also silenced by Lao Wu and became a body that could no longer speak, and this case was complicated again.

On that day, King Qing especially weighed heavily on the word "again", which was very meaningful.

The prince died of poisoning, and if Princess Fu is the same, people have to connect the two cases.

King Fu brushed his sleeves and asked Shi Si, the head of the palace, to judge Ai's family. In the evening, Ai's family confessed the fifth prince.