Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 597 With you in this life, there is no regret

It's late at night.

Yichen suddenly woke up from her dream and didn't know where she was for a moment. There was only a strong darkness in front of her, which was virtually crowded from all directions and pressed on her chest, making it difficult to breathe. After a long time, her eyes gradually opened clearly. She stood up with some difficulty, which relieved a heavy breath and put her cold sweat palm on her lower abdomen. She only felt that the sound of heartbeat was in a hurry, as if there was a gap in the bottom of her heart and nothing fell to the ground.

There seemed to be a light dangling outside the partition, with a soft "squeak" sound, and the figure reflected. Ichen clearly felt cold sweat sliding down from the corner of his forehead against his hair and temples, and half of his face was wet and cold.

She couldn't recall the dream just now, but felt that the frightening danger seemed to be still chasing behind her.

The sound of footsteps rubbed slightly on the soft felt, which was an extremely small movement, but it was clearly audible at this time.

Yichen subconsciously shrank and stared at the rising shadow on the soft tent.

The curtain rolled up gently, and a little coldness was sent in.

"Chen'er." The man's calm and warm voice seemed to be shining, and he fainted into the dark abyss. So gently but quickly, he suddenly dispersed the horror fantasy caused by the nightmare.

Fu Wang just sat down by the bed and felt a sinking in his arms, and his wife's slightly trembling arm wrapped around his waist.

With more than ten breaths of stunnedness, King Fu gently rolled up the corners of his lips.

His wife has always been dignified and virtuous, and rarely takes the initiative to be intimate even when they are alone. Fuwang still remembers that he was newly married at that time. When he returned from outside, he saw her sitting in the courtyard to enjoy the cool, with a few pieces of magnolia scattered on her shoulders. At sunset, she shone through Ke Ye's twinkling on her meticulous temples and sat quietly. But the whole person was so bright that she seemed to hear footsteps. She looked up and saw that her eyes touched him, and he clearly felt that life was really different. He had a wife and a home, and he was no longer lonely.

He remembered that she came forward with a smile, and her warm eyes fell into his eyes, and his mind seemed to be swept up by a sudden south wind. The carved beams, flowers and leaves, and shadows in the back/view were all blurred. The whole world was silent, only his heartbeat and her pace, and The breath of the two.

He even forgot the maid who was busy going back and forth under the corridor, so he took her into his arms and kissed her.

Until this, King Fu still remembered how flustered his Chener was at that time, and his face turned red and stiffened in his arms.

That night, after a good time, she seemed to have summoned up her courage and reminded him with some shame and some regret: "The prince will not be like in the evening in the future. Many people see it..."

His wife, who never seemed to take the initiative to hug, smiled gently, and his palm passed through her loose black hair and put it around her shoulder.

"Chen'er, my clothes are cold, and I have carefully dyed the cold air." After all, he still let go of his wife with reluctance. Fuwang carefully looked at his wife's pale paper-like face through the faint light and frowned slightly: "What's wrong?"

Yichen was still very flustered. The feeling of emptiness and decline really worried her. She didn't care about shyness for a moment, but she was still reminded by her husband's words and took a long breath to calm her drum-like heartbeat.

"The prince just came back from the outer courtyard? Why is it so late?" While asking with concern, he wanted to remove his cold clothes for King Fu.

Fu Wang avoided slightly and pressed her hand: "Don't move, I'll do it myself."

Earlier, I heard that Ai had handed over the fifth prince. King Fu, who had always been gentle, couldn't help his anger and went to the execution room for personal trial. Ai was an official slave assigned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to her, when she was still serving in the palace, she had been bought by the eunuchs in charge of Jingren Palace and had always been a German concubine. She told several negative The eunuch who answered the order, and even the domestic slaves of the Yang family, naturally did not lack the stew of the fifth prince's office who had secretly contacted her over the years.

Based on this alone, King Fu is not sure that the person behind Ai is really the mother and son of the German concubine, because it is also possible that the fourth prince is sovoking discord, and he needs to further determine.

That's why I came to the subordinates to discuss how to verify Ai's confession.

King Fu has no ambition, and he doesn't even recruit staff. His chief historian is appointed by the court and is said to be recommended by the King of Chu.

King Fu did not defend the King of Chu's mansion, but he still told the historian not to tell the King of Chu's mansion about this. He did not want to implicate Taiguang.

And this matter, of course, should be hidden from Yuchen.

It's too late. He knew that Yichen felt sleepy since he was pregnant, and often had to go to bed and rest at the beginning of 1911. Today, when he discussed with his subordinates, King Fu didn't want to disturb his wife and was going to make do with it in the room for one night. After all, he was a little worried. He went back to the main room and was asking the maid princess on duty at night. Suddenly, there was a telepathic and elusive feeling, as if she heard his wife's call and she needed him.

When I entered the inside, I saw that Yichen really woke up and looked full of fear.

It has changed frequently these days. Although he intended to hide it and didn't want her to worry, he still made her aware of it.

Fu Wang was uneasy and did not mention the room to rest. The maids served him. He went to bed and hugged his wife and stroked her raised lower abdomen. Suddenly, he felt the slight beating of his palm. Fu Wang was surprised and happy: "This child is quieter than Brother Shun. This is the first time I feel that he is naughty."

"I hope it's a girl, and Brother Shun has a sister." Yichen raised his eyes slightly and looked into the smiling eyes of the person on the pillow with a bright light left by the bed at night: "Your Majesty, why is it so late today? What's going on?"

"It's just a small matter, don't worry." Fu Wangwei hesitated, or did not tell his wife the sinister thing that was stopped in time. The truth of the matter could not be determined. At this time, he told her that Bai Tian was also worried: "You were awakened by a nightmare just now? Chener, don't be afraid. Dreams are often the opposite. With me by your side, it won't hurt you and our children. Do you believe me?

There was a moment of softness in Yichen's heart, and the inexplicable panic dissipated. She leaned against her husband's shoulder and buried the tip of her nose in his warm nest. The place where her palm was close to the straight spine under his silk clothes, and she suddenly felt calm.

Today, his wife's gentleness and different intimacy made Fuwang drink mellow. He lowered his head slightly and accurately kissed the slightly dry corners of his lips because he was pregnant. The tip of his tongue gently moistened her, and his heartbeat gradually intensified, his breath was disordered, and his two bodies were entangled, and he kissed for a long and long kiss.

"Hao Qi."

When King Fu heard Yichen moaning his name, his palms that had slipped into her clothes trembled slightly and held people in his chest more tightly.

"Hao Qi, I'm useless. I can't help you..." Under her husband's enthusiasm, Yichen seemed to forget his shyness. Her hand gently lifted the hem of his waist and stroked the spine until his hair root: "If I were smarter, I might be able to help you, but I can't, but I'm also implicated you... ..."

Without her words, her lips resisted his hot temperature, such a gentle and affectionate kiss, just comforting without desire, and a sigh was only in the bottom of her heart, like water grass, and gradually quiet.

"Chen'er." It took a long time to hear him talking: "Don't say these guilty words anymore, you know? In fact, I have always thought that I am the most useless person in the world. As soon as I was born, what I brought to my mother was death. My grandfather never looked at me directly, and my father didn't like me. Since I was a governor, I knew that I was hated.

"The wet nurse once said that my biological mother is a humble person, but she is not aware of herself. She used dirty and dirty means to conceive an emperor's heir and deserves to be executed. Although I am a prince, I have always been laughed at coldly. No one looks up to me. The pity of others is kind to me."

"But Chen'er, only you will look at me so gently and treat me sincerely. You have never regretted marrying me as a useless person. You are the eldest daughter of your aunt. Your family is so prominent. Why did you choose me at the beginning?"

King Fu slightly let go of his arms and stroked his wife's wet red eyes: "Even if I have to be crowned, I have been taken advantage of by you. Chen'er, because of my incompetence, don't you regret your original choice when you are laughed at by your four siblings and those noble women?"

Yichen's heart seemed to be cut out by a sharp blade, and the pain went straight to her throat. Her tears slipped down. At this moment, she just wanted to hug her husband tightly: "Don't say that, Hao Qi, you are the kindest and best person in the world. How grateful I am for the original choice. Those who laughed at me are jealous of me, because they I can't get my husband's single-heartedness, because they will always live in jealousy. Even if they are thoughtful, they can't get my husband's true feelings, so they are jealous of me and saying that I'm not beautiful or intelligent enough, but I can be in harmony with you, make hair with you and become your wife, which is the luckiest thing in my life.

"So Chen'er, never feel guilty, because marrying you as a wife is also the happiest thing in my life. With you with me, there is no regrets. Because of you, I know what happiness is like. Chen'er, whenever I look at Brother Shun and think of him as our child, and there is your blood in his body. He will grow up, then marry a wife, and continue our lives from generation to generation. Only then will he know that this is happiness. You are my real relatives. Nothing in the world is more important than you. Because of you, I am grateful to God for letting me be born in the royal family, because if I am not a prince, I can only miss it with you.

Feeling that his shoulders were full of dampness and heat, King Fu lowered his head slightly and kissed his wife's tears on the cheeks: "It's all my fault. You see, I'm also clumsy. I wanted to comfort you, but it made you cry. Don't be sad. As a mother's sad, our daughter will also be sad. She is still so young, I can't bear to make her sad... ...Chen'er, how about we name our daughter Xin'an in the future? Xin is a homophonic of happiness. She will definitely be happy and safe, and our family will be happy and safe.

Yi Chen held her husband's hand tightly, and tears were still hazy in his eyes, but the smile on the corners of his lips was sincerely soothing: "Okay."

She said, but worried, "What if it's my son again?"

Fu Wang smiled and said, "Silly girl, I know you are looking forward to a daughter. It doesn't matter. We will definitely have a daughter in the future." The palm naturally clung to his wife's lower abdomen, and Fu Wang's voice was soft and warm: "Whether it's a son or a daughter, you have to learn from your eldest brother and come out smoothly. Don't to toss your mother and concubine too much, otherwise the father will be seriously responsible."

Yichen felt shy later. He gently bit the corners of his lips, turned over, leaned his whole back against her husband's warm chest, felt her husband's warm breath hitting her neck, and his heart was completely stable.

The people in the soft tent are quiet, and the night outside the green gauze window is still long.

Many years later, when Yichen tossed and turned sleepless in the cold palace, she still couldn't recall the first nightmare of the night. In her memory, she only remembered the words her husband said, and she never forgot it until her hair was as frost.

Many years have passed. When she was surrounded by her children and was about to die, she seemed to return to this night, with her husband's long-lost, quiet and warm breath in her ears.

So, she didn't think death was a terrible thing.

At that time, she took the hand of the eldest princess Xin'an, whose eyelids were red and swollen, and smiled gently: "Silly girl, don't cry. Your father said that he can't bear to be sad... Xin'an, my mother has no regrets or reluctance. Your father has been waiting for me for too long..."