Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 606 found the body, but disfigured

Ten years of the Lantern Festival passed. On the 19th day of the first lunar month, the third generation of Dalong died, with the title of Emperor Wen and the temple name Gaozong.

The death knell rang, and Jinyang Jing suddenly cried.

It was originally wrapped in silver, and it was connected with the white flags of Kyoto's major cities, and the city of Jinyang was even more vast.

King Qing, the fourth son of Emperor Gaozong, ascended the throne, and the enthronement ceremony is scheduled for the eighth day of February.

Before the collapse of Emperor Gaozong, he left his last words and made a brief funeral. He only dismissed the court for three days, and the subjects served seven days of mourning. The three-year ban on banquets and marriages was also reduced to March.

Since the night of the 19th of the first month, the courtiers have changed their mourning clothes and entered the palace to mourn.

Because of the national mourning and other major events, the concubine of the king of Chu returned to the city when she heard the death bell, but was ambushed halfway. The unknown thing was only known to a few people and did not attract the attention of most people.

Although Yu Yu was allowed to return to the house, he could only arrange the royal family's own soldiers to go to the eastern suburbs to investigate and track. Although he was anxious, he had to stay in the palace for those seven days.

The new emperor was also particularly concerned about the disappearance of the prince's concubine. He specially ordered Shuntianfu Yin to mourn for official duties, and it was bound to investigate the beginning and end of the concubine's ambush.

On the 21st of the first lunar month, Yu Yu was reported that under a cliff more than ten miles away from the eastern suburbs, Shuntianfu found that a woman's body was burned with a bloody body. Her body was destroyed by falling from a cliff and soaked in the river for several days, which was unbearable and difficult to explain.

According to the confession of the soldiers who escorted the evacuation of the imperial concubine on the same day, the assassins were the rockets used, and according to the remaining clothes on the woman's body, this person is most likely to be the maid beside the concubine.

This news made Yu Yu feel very heavy.

After the seven-day mourning ceremony, everyone was allowed to return to the house, and Yu Yu beg the new emperor to allow him to enter the court.

The new emperor was not embarrassed. Wen Yan advised the prince not to be anxious. The concubine of the prince will be safe and allow him to have a long vacation. By the way, he also allowed Su Yu, another cabinet scholar, to "temporarily" not have to worry about government affairs and assist the king's mansion to search and rescue the son Su.

So a group of people in Su and Chu had time to gather for a discussion.

Both the eldest princess and the Duke of Wei suspected that several princes were trying to seize the throne and planned to capture the scenery and threaten the Duke of Chu and the Duke of Wei to help force the palace, which seems to explain why the assassins did not intend to be in the old princess, but in the scenery.

If the old princess is taken, he can only threaten the king's mansion. However, although the king of Chu holds military power, he is also far away from the county. Far water does not save the near emergency. Of course, his role is not as important as the Duke of Wei, who controls the forbidden army.

"It's not that simple. I asked the soldiers that they had blocked the assassin. It was Xiao Jun's brother who drove to protect Yijing and evacuated the eastern suburbs. When the group of assassins fled and the soldiers chased after them, they found that there was only one empty car. Xiao Jun and Yijing disappeared, but there was no trace of fighting at the scene, let alone the body. " Yu Yu's face was full of solemnity: "What's more, Xiao Jun faked the password and cheated first, indicating that it was their couple who carried the lead."

The old princess has repeated the incident of that day no more than ten times. It was Xiao Jun who said that Yu had an order to take them back to the city and heard the death knell ring, so she had no doubt about it.

The king of Chu couldn't figure out about this matter: "After Xiao Jun and his wife were both the old department of the royal palace, their father and ancestors fought on the battlefield with their father. How could Geng Geng be bought?"

Yu Yu closed his eyes and smiled bitterly: "Father, there is only one possibility now. Xiao and Li are indeed loyal ministers of Dalong, but the people they are loyal to are not the royal palace, but the heavenly family." After saying that, Yu Yu looked at the Duke of Wei: "These old departments can never be subdued by any one person. Only Gaozu, since there are such secret people in the Chu Wangfu, the Duke of Wei should not be spared."

Su Yi looked heavy: "But even so, we must tolerate the existence of these hidden people."

Of course, the emperor's supervision of his ministers cannot be refused.

Yu Yu rubbed his eyebrows and said, "The Xiao and Li families did not reveal anything before, and it was also because the King of Chu had never betrayed the heart of the Lord, and the Tian family did not order them to do anything harmful... But this time, why did they take away the beautiful scenery? Those who can instruct them are by no means ordinary princes.

"Do you think it's King Qing?" Duke Wei's face was calm, and his tone was full of coldness: "Now I want to call him a saint."

Obviously, these secret relationships are important and can only be mastered by the emperor.

"I'm not sure." Yu Yu's eyes shook a thought: "Because Gao Zong did not seem to have chosen the throne before, otherwise he would not leave an imperial edict, and if the emperor had known that Emperor Gao Zong meant to him, there was no need to take away the scenery unless..." Yu Yu was really unwilling to say the following words.

Unless the emperor's purpose is not to threaten the king of Chu, but to kill the scenery, break the relationship between Su and Chu, and divide the two mansions.

This is the conjecture, knowing that it is unlikely, it also makes him panic.

"Is the body found Xia Ke?" Su Yu asked.

On that day, Xia Ke and Qiu Yue were the only maids around the scenery. The figure of the female corpse obviously did not match Qiu Yue, but it could be Xia Ke.

"I can't identify it." Yu Yu shook his head: "I have asked people to follow the direction in which the body was found."

As soon as he finished his words, someone broke into the tea room. It was Huidu.

The black-faced bodyguard's face turned pale at this time. Under the anxious gaze of everyone, he knelt down on his knees and said nothing for a while.


A countryside 40 miles away from Jinyangjing, a shabby temple in the dense forest.

The deep night was disturbed by the sound of horses' hoofs, and the birds in the forest were frightened.

The leader's ride, and the man's face turned pale under the moonlight.

He stepped off his horse in front of the broken temple, but staggered.

"The son of the world." Huidu came forward to hold it firmly and clumsily comforted: "Let the clear sky confirm first."

Since the body of suspected Xia Ke was found under the cliff, Yu Yu ordered people to search in this direction. The soldiers worked hard for a few days and finally found out that late on the 19th night, a hunter witnessed a group of riders entering the dense forest, so the broken temple was found.

Huidu was not present at that time, but he heard reports that the two women's bodies were the princess and Qiu Yue.

Hearing such bad news, Yu Yu immediately came, and the clear sky also cried and begged to follow, but the Duke of Wei returned to the state's mansion first, because the eldest princess had something to say first. As long as there was a little news, she must not be concealed.

The snow in the dense forest could not melt. It was rolled up by the north wind and came to my face. It was so cold that it was suffocating.

Yu Yu wanted to take a step, but his knees were sore and weak, and he staggered again.

No, it won't be like this, he can't believe it.

But he heard the clear sky that had entered the first step and cried bitterly.

Huidu gritted his teeth, with blue veins on his forehead, and looked at the son worriedly.

The corners of Yu's eyes turned red, not tears, but more like blood fog.

But he waved his hand and gently pushed the gray ferry away. It was heavy step by step, but he did not stagger.

If the people inside are really you, be not afraid, although it's late, I'm here, and I will never let you be so lonely...

The broken temple was full of choking dust. Under the reflection of several wind lanterns, the clear sky held a corpse and cried bitterly.

Huidu saw that it was Qiu Yue, clenched his fist fiercely, and looked at Yu Yu more and more worriedly.

He saw the woman lying on the grass in the corner of the wall squat down.

seems to have taken something off and held it in his hand.

But soon Yu stood up, still expressionless, but the blood at the corners of his eyes had dissipated.

"Is there anyone else here besides our people?"

Huidu was stunned by the calmness of the prince and responded for a long time: "I didn't confirm whether it was the concubine of the prince, so I ordered to conceal it and didn't reveal it to Shuntian Mansion."

"Very good." Shizi coldly spit out two words, pointed his finger at the corner of the wall, and continued, "Destroy that... her face and don't let anyone distinguish it."

Huidu approached two steps, saw the eyebrows of the body, and was surprised and inexplicably: "Son?!"

That's the princess. What did the princess order just now? Destroy your face! Could it be that he was so sad that he was dizzy?

Huidu looked at Yu Yu raised his hand and patted the clear sky on the shoulder and said, "Let Qiu Yue go home, clear sky." In a painful tone again, the cold eyebrows seemed to be stained with a sad mood, not like a faint mind.

The gray ferry is like a stone sculpture, and this time I resolutely dare not obey the order.

Suddenly, there was another sound of horses' hoofs, and the eldest princess and Duke Wei also rushed to the scene.

Huidu moved his stiff pace and went out. Seeing the master's red-eyed eldest princess's saddle, he heard a sentence--

"Grandma, don't worry, that person is not a scenic spot, and I already know who took her away, and the safety of the scenic spot should be safe."

Huidu's whole body seemed to have been hit by invisible thunder and lightning.

What on earth is the son talking about? The person inside is obviously the imperial concubine, and there is also Qiu Yue...

However, Huidu actually saw the eldest princess squatting there and looking at it for a while, and he looked relieved, but he asked with a little doubt, "Who is this person, why is he so similar to Jing's girl, and what is the purpose of taking away Jing'er and getting someone similar to her?"

On the contrary, Duke Wei was very confused after observing for a while and asked, "Xun'er, are you sure this person is not..."

"Although it is similar, it is by no means Jinger." The eldest princess answered the words, and she said in a very determined tone: "Jing'er is my big hand. Can't I recognize her? Although Jing'er doesn't remember anything, I'm sure this person is not Jing'er.

"I once met this woman in Xianghe County." Yu Yu then said, "Later, she became the maidservant of the Third Prince's Mansion."

The eldest princess suddenly realized: "So, it's actually Sanlang's mud ball!"

"It must be him. The former emperor intended to pass on the throne to him, so that he could hand over the dark man. Only the third prince could move the Xiao Jun brothers, but this matter must not be publicized, and others must not let others know that the scenery was taken by him to Xiliang." Yu Yu became more and more sure and looked at Huidu: "Why are you stunned? Destroy the face of this body and hand it over to Shuntian Mansion. It is said that someone deliberately caused the murder of the concubine of the world, which destroyed the appearance of the body. I want us to identify it only by wearing and Qiu Yue."

Only then did the eldest princess realize it. She looked at Qiu Yue, who was still held in her arms by the clear sky, and closed her eyes and sighed: "What a injustice, poor Qiu Yue... I really don't know how to tell Xueyan. So, the body found earlier is also Xia Ke?"

Yu Yu thought for a while and shook his head: "No, no, otherwise they will not destroy the appearance of the body and leave it elsewhere. It should be stopped by Yijing in time... At least the third prince will not hurt Yijing's life."

The eldest princess was also slightly relieved, but thinking that her granddaughter was abtired by the third prince, maybe... Looking at Yu Yu's eyes, she was a little hesitant: "Xia..."

"It's been eight days. I don't think the third prince will pass through Tongling Pass. But in Chuzhou, he is so cautious that he should not choose this route. Maybe he will look at the pass, or maybe he will go around to the country border with my Dalong to Xiliang..." Yu Wei clenched his fist slightly. No matter which route he came from, he sent people at this time. They can't catch up with it. In addition, in order to be innocent of the scenery, they must hide the heavenly family. Otherwise, even if they can be chased back, with the new emperor's warning against Su and Chu, they will definitely take this matter and use the excuse of the reputation of the clan to force him to stop his wife and marry another. If he does not, he will immediately "sword" with the new emperor.

"Grandma and father-in-law, before the return of Yijing, this matter must be concealed. Even the empress dowager can't tell the truth. According to my guess, the emperor may not know about the dark man, but the empress dowager may not know... Xiao Jun and his wife disappeared together with Yijing, which may make the empress dowager suspect the third prince, but the empress dowager should not be clear. We I had to pretend that I didn't find anything." As for why the Empress Dowager did not make it clear and how she knew about the secret people of the Tian family, Yu Yu did not explain it in detail at this time.

He is not in the mood to pay attention to his affairs now. For him, the most important thing is to save his wife. In this life, he will never tolerate anyone to separate them, no matter who he is.