Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 607 Changes in the North, Rumors of the City

Gao Zong's funeral and the new emperor ascended the throne, and the February enthrone ceremony was held grandly and smoothly in the Taihe Hall. Although the subjects still forbidden marriages and feasts, although the mourning clothes are removed, they should still pay attention to be simple and simple clothes. They can't suddenly be bright and festive. Therefore, the city is still monotonous and obscure. After the plain flags are removed, the silk lanterns are still afraid to Zhang Jie carved beams and wide eaves.

However, since the early summer of Yuanqing, the nightmare-like haze over Jinyang Beijing has gradually faded. Although the spring cold is still steep, from time to time there is a north wind with freezing rain, which is not the time of spring flowers.

For Dalong and the people, the supreme power has been smoothly handed over without causing more bloody winds, which is always a sigh of relief.

So in March, when the tiles in front of the steps, those new greens quietly sprouted, black branches, and fragrant buds are waiting to be released. The ice in the river is melted by the soft south wind for a day, and the water flow gradually eases and refreshed. This year's spring is silent, and the style is gradually coming. Those wind and cranes and trembling are really shocked. With the harsh winter dusting in time, it has been forgotten by most people without going far.

Only the majority of people.

There is also a part of it, and of course there will be new tensions and planning.

Before the banquet was held, the restaurants in the city were still depressed, and the brothels were even more quiet. Some nobles could not help but make an appointment to go to a teahouse to have a small gathering. Of course, they all trusted each other and would not be in full view of the public. Most of them were in the secluded elegant rooms, lowering their voices to discuss the government.

Most of the most secret but the most extensive topics start with the new emperor's succession but no previous emperor's imperial edict. They often stop at the point and have not been deeply analyzed. In fact, their opinions in their hearts may not be truly frank, and some words are always known.

"Presumably, the emperor was really seriously ill at that time. It is said that it was also a heart disease caused by cough and wheezing, and the imperial doctors did not dare to conclude that it had reached its limit."

"That's how it should be."

-What I thought was that he had stopped the dynasty since the twelfth month of the old year, and even sealed the eighth prince King Liao after the new year. This is really confusing. Reasonably, if the former emperor really had a successor in his mind, he should be sealed his siblings after his accession to the throne. He thought that he was grateful to the brothers. Why did the former emperor specially seal eight when he was dying. The prince, and even the days of the vassal have been set, for fear that the new emperor will repent.

"It has also been recorded in the imperial edict. Before his death, the former emperor issued a single edict to convey the political orders of An Guo and the people one by one. The emperor knelt down in front of his sickbed to listen to the instruction. As a result, the former emperor attached great importance to the imperial examination. Not long after the emperor ascended the throne, he was awarded the first top man Gu Yu to Wenping Zhang's political affairs, which can be from the first dynasty. Member of the court!"

"Gu Pingzhang's talent is indeed admirable, otherwise it would not be his turn to write the imperial edict."

- What's on your mind, obeying the order of the previous emperor? Who really believes it? The two cabinet bachelors who often saw when the former emperor was seriously ill are not put on hold now. Su Yu and Yu are the believers at the time of the time of the former emperor... Shortly ascending to the throne, Wei Xiang suddenly resigned. Now he immediately let Chen Zhinian serve as the left prime minister. Although Gu Yuwen is Wei Xiang's son-in-law, he heard that Zheng It was he who took Wei Xiang's handle to threaten to give up his position. There are also rumors that Gu Yuwen was expelled from Mingshan Academy by Wei Wangyong in his early years. Because of his hatred for the Wei family, he was also very dissatisfied with the son of the king of Chu. Today, the heavy use of him is obviously a sign of alienation from Su and Chu. What is he worried about now? He will be busy suppressing the important ministers of the former emperor at the beginning of his accession to the throne!

Look, the Jingwei in the hands of Duke Wei may be taken over by someone next.

The above are all the concerns of noble ministers. For ordinary people, what they care about and talk about more is another thing--

"I heard that the concubine of the king of Chu was abducted on the way back from outside the city on the night of the death of the former emperor."

"Why didn't you hear about it? It's really a pity that the legitimate daughter of Duke Wei and the son of the King of Chu were married. How many miles of red makeup? I have also witnessed this pair of people. After marriage, they are also harmonious. How noble the status of the son is. It is said that he doesn't even have a room. He is only devoted to the concubine, but he also responds to that sentence.

"At this time, it's too early to say that you are deeply in love. Didn't you say that the imperial concubine escaped under the cover of several loyal and brave soldiers? The maidservant who fell off the cliff was to attract the assassin.

"Yes, I heard that the kidnapping of the imperial concubine this time was the remnants of the Xiao family in the previous dynasty. Because I hated the killing of the old prince and the former king of Chu, I intended to revenge on the prince and his wife. Usually, I took advantage of the death of the late emperor. Later, I cheated the prince to Lin Ye, and the result was to imitate the world with a disfigured body. The clothes of the concubine, if they really have the concubine herself in their hands, why try to deceive them?

"But if the princess escapes from the enemy, why doesn't she know her whereabouts?"

"Who knows that a weak woman, who was hunted down and killed, may also fall off the cliff like the maidservant and have an accident, but if she doesn't see the body, the son of the world will not give up the search at this time?"

It is rare that this case of the disappearance of the imperial concubine, this is the only version in the city, and there are no opinions.

On a bright spring day in March, Yu Yu came out of the Rongxi Hall, and the flowers and leaves were sparse. He walked slowly, but his eyes kept staring at his feet and did not watch the prosperity of the green leaves.

Since the new emperor ascended the throne, Yu Yu consciously pleaded for a "long leave". At this time, the emperor even exempted him very sympathetically, making the son concentrate on searching for the missing concubine.

Once the emperor and a courtier, the former emperor attached great importance to the cabinet. When he arrived at the new emperor, he regarded the cabinet as a waste, which was expected by Yu Yu.

He doesn't care.

The old princess was raided by assassins on the day of the collapse of the emperor and was very frightened. Later, she heard that the scenery was nowhere to be seen. She was worried day by day. She finally fell ill. Although she gradually recovered with the comfort of her descendants, she had been worried about the scenery. Every time she saw Yu, she couldn't help holding her grandson and crying. One.

For this matter, Anran also specially rushed back from Jizhou and stayed in the royal palace to serve the disease.

However, it is not exquisite enough. Although she is dedicated to serving her parents and let the old princess comfort her a little, it is difficult to completely feel happy.

Yu Yu's worries about his grandmother don't know how to solve it.

It's Gu Qiuyue. Recently, because she often came to the palace to discuss with Yu Yu, she heard that the old princess was depressed, and she didn't know where to find those rare and interesting things. She talked about the market and greeted her, which could make the old princess look a little.

Yu Yu made friends with Gu Qiuyue. He thought that he knew how to observe his face. Although there was a merchant's treachery, there was no lack of elegance of scholars. What was rare was that he was not insatiable. Instead, he was a person who knew how to advance and retreat. In addition, Anran married Yin Yong and had a curved relationship with Gu Qiuyue. The son of the world gradually Gradually believe again.

At present, Gu Qiuyue has driven a Qianzhuang into Dajing, Xiliang.

This day, Yu Yu asked him to discuss the matter again.

In less than an hour, Shi Zixin walked to Guan Suiyuan, took a short circle in Meilin, passed an arch moon gate across the courtyard, and happened to see Huidu and clear sky drinking.

The prince stood for a while and heard the clear sky and thinking about that month. The first time he saw the autumn moon was in the Buddhist Temple, he counted the past events. The heartless and pretentious little boy in the past was already like a different person. His eyes were hazy and endless thoughts. Yu listened, and his mood gradually became more obscure. Going down, he moved slightly in, and finally turned around and left.

Of course, he deliberately spread the rumors about the disappearance of the imperial concubine in the city.

In fact, the body of the "bea beautiful scenery" was found in the ruined temple in the dense forest that day. After he immediately destroyed his appearance, after careful consideration, he "made up" a relatively favorable "fact process".

The body must be disfigured. In addition to concealing the truth that Yijing was abduction by the third prince, it is also to avoid the conclusion that the concubine has died.

Because no matter whether the scenery is deceased or taken away by the third prince, the new emperor will not let go of using this matter to make an article and force Yu Yu to marry his favorite lin.

That Qianpan, but the emperor gave it to the third prince that year. If Yu Wei denied that the body was a scene on that day, the emperor would immediately think of the third prince.

Therefore, the body can only be destroyed.

And there is also the remnants of the Xiao family who wanted to lure Yu Yu to harm the dense forest, using Qiu Yue as bait. When Yu Yu rushed there, he saw two bodies at the scene, and suddenly there were killing sounds everywhere. Thanks to the son's early arrangements, he did not have the "legend" to be harmed by the remnants of the Xiao family.

Yu Yu and the eldest princess both deny that the disfigured body is a view, the reason is that there is a secret recognition on the concubine, but there is no body. Of course, this is a fabrication, but what is the memory of the concubine will naturally not be heard in the streets.

Of course, if the scenery is captled, her reputation will not be criticized by the heavenly family in the future, but at least before she appears, life and death are uncertain, and the facts are complicated and confusing. If the emperor is forced, Yu Yu can also find an excuse to deal with it. He believes that the reason why the third prince uses Qianpan as a replacement will not make a grand publicity about the scenery is that he is captated by him. Let's go.

Although the emperor did not believe it, he did not believe it at all, but he did not believe it at all. After the emperor's accession to the throne, he actually placed under house arrest on the six and seven princes in disguise, and also monitored the king of Liao. He did not find any clues that they had taken the imperial concubine. It is very simple. If they act, they will definitely use this to threaten them. Su and Chu will not "fake" the scene of the murder of the imperial concubine to crack down on Yu Wei.

The emperor also felt that if it hadn't been for the remnants of the previous dynasty for revenge, this fact is difficult to explain.

In his mind, he completely eliminated the fact that the third son, who was far away in Xiliang, would not be killed by a married woman and risked to sneak back to Jinyang to take people away. Isn't this a joke? How can a man who is about power really forget a woman and put himself in danger? This is absolutely impossible in today's life creed. .

At that time, Lao San's thoughts on the imperial concubine were just a play, which was used to win the guilt of his father. If he was really a love species, he should keep his body like jade. As a result, he was spoiled into a maidservant who was a little similar to the imperial concubine, which was a love species.

is nothing more than a little greedy for Su's appearance.

Of course, Yu Yu's fabrication of this situation has been questioned by the former empress dowager and has now been upgraded to the empress dowager.

The essence of questioning is on that dark line.

However, because the Empress Dowager did not know the details of the incident on that day, she was not sure whether Yu Yu understood the dark line, and she could not ask bluntly. She only tried to ask the royal palace that the soldiers had lost the imperial concubine. How could it be guaranteed that she was not prosecuted?

Yu Yu's heart was bright and replied carefully: "On that day, the previous emperor died. Thinking that his grandmother and Meijing were still in the eastern suburbs, he immediately asked Xiao Jun to return. Unexpectedly, he met the ambush on the way... The wives of the Xiao Jun brothers were entrusted by the minister to protect them beside the scenery. The couple escorted the scenery under the protection of the soldiers and retreated to the eastern suburbs. Li, I didn't know that he was ambushed again... Yi Jing should have escaped under their cover, and Xiao Jun's brother and his wife were killed on the spot.

Suddenly, when the empress dowager died, the empress dowager did not associate the incident of the abduction of Yijing on the third prince at first, and she did not have the strength to thoroughly observe this matter during the mourning. Yu Wei should conclude that the scene was gone and the arrangement was meticulous. Of course, it was impossible for the empress dowager to chase to see the bodies of Xiao Jun and others. That's it.

In fact, before the death of the late emperor, he did transfer the two dark lines to the empress dowager - the one in the Duke of Wei's mansion was still useful, but this Chu's mansion, because the token was already in the hands of the third prince, the former emperor was also worried that the third prince would harm the father and son for the interests of Xiliang in the future, so he told the empress dowager to find a suitable time to simply take this The secret line told the father and son of the king of Chu, which can also be used as a cage.

The Empress Dowager heard that the person is dead, so she can give up.

Of course, Xiao Jun's father did not get out as he wished. He was "re invited back" by the people sent by Yu Yu to tell his daughter-in-law about the unfortunate sacrifice of his loyal protector and took him back to Jinyang. The empress dowager asked about this and thought that Xiao Jun's father had no practical role and was not worry about it. I didn't mention the dark line.

As for the safe return of the scenery in the future, Yu Yu will certainly have some arrangements for the experience of being abluster in order to ensure that his "innoia" will not be held accountable by the heavenly family, but he can't take this matter for the time being.

He is waiting for Xiliang to send back the news, whether he can be sure that the scenery is safe and where he is going.

Only when this matter is confirmed and the third prince's precautions and secrets can the prince be arranged to help the scenery get out of trouble safely.

Yu feels that this is an extremely difficult thing.

But it is also something that must be done.