Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 612 Tell the truth, Xia Ke understands

whose voice is so familiar, gently calling her name, the sound is ethereal, making her unconsciously follow the sound.

Where is this? There is a heavy fog around, and everything is hidden in the vastness.

Only that voice guided her.

Gradually approaching, she finally saw the figure, which was so familiar.

A name twirled on the tip of her tongue, but she didn't dare to call it out. It was a strange feeling, as if calling it would cause disaster.

So she watched more and more fog rushing between them, and his figure gradually blurred.

Don't go...

The sourness suddenly invaded her eyes and blocked her chest.

She finally opened her eyes.

The vision is blurred and full of shadows.

"Binjing, you finally woke up." It's a sigh of relief.

She suddenly woke up, but slowly closed her eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw the person half kneeling in front of the bed.

Ji Jing pulled away from her palm in fear, sat up suddenly, and shrank to the corner of the bed.

"Don't be afraid, I won't force you." The sudden pull-off made Dajun's heart hurt, with a helpless bitter smile on the corners of his lips. He stood up, but he almost staggered because of the numbness of his knees. Dajun finally stood still and slowly stepped back two steps.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have done that to you." He deliberately slowed down his voice and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the scenery was no longer trembling: "Do you still feel uncomfortable?"

Yijing only felt weak all over, and the nausea and nausea still hovered in her throat. She dared not speak for fear that she could not help vomiting, which angered him again.

"Fifth sister, you are pregnant..."

I'm pregnant!

Yes, after the diagnosis of a good doctor just now, there is no doubt that she is pregnant.

"The fifth sister had a good rest. I'm leaving now. I'll come to see you tomorrow." As if it was difficult to face the woman's panic and confusion, Yu Haoxi almost fled. It was not until he came out of the Green Qingyuan that he punched a peach tree outside the courtyard gate. The flowers and leaves were chaotic and sprinkled all over his shoulders.

He remembered the medical officer's reproachful tone just now: "Your Highness, my wife is indeed pregnant for nearly three months, but according to the pulse, it is very unstable. The wife is thin and depressed. Just now, she fainted because of the sudden stabbing ** mood. In this situation... Weichen is not sure that he can save the fetus in her womb. "

He knew that the girl was not weak. It was he who forcibly took her all the way up and down, and because of the damn "three-day awakening" caused confusion, so that she became so scared that she became depressed.

At the beginning, in the face of Yang Fei's sharp dagger, the scenery could be calm. If it hadn't been for her memory, how could she be worried?

He wanted to keep her by his side, not to hurt.

Damn it.

Yu Haoxi remembered Xue Guoxiang's words that day, and this time, he gradually made up his mind.

Yijing rested in Lvqingyuan for a few days, and finally recovered. After the diagnosis, the medical officer confirmed that there was no harm for the time being, but he had to take care of him and could not make any more mistakes. Therefore, His Royal Highness was slightly relieved. With a little leisure, he came to Lvqingyuan to accompany the beautiful scenery and gossip, as if he was as caring as ever, as possible. The conflict between that night and two days never happened.

But the scenery is still depressed and unhappy, and he is more and more cautious in the face of the king.

On this day, Dajun came back to Lvqingyuan and listened to Pan'er's report that his appetite for beautiful scenery became worse and worse. He often felt nauseous and nauseous. There were more when a person was in a daze, and sometimes he cried. The medical officer said that if it went on like this, he was afraid it would be difficult to give birth safely.

The king was frightened when he heard this, but the maids of Lvqingyuan were not familiar with the beautiful scenery. Even Pan'er didn't know her usual preferences. It was difficult to take care of her diet, and it was even more considerate and relieved.

The more charming the spring in April is, the more colorful the peaches and plums are, but the beautiful scenery is getting thinner and thinner.

"Fifth sister, do you really want to know about the past?" On the corridor, Dajun finally took the initiative to bring up this topic.

Bing is very indifferent: "It's not necessary to know that even if I know, I'm afraid I will feel that it's someone else's business and has nothing to do with me... In addition, I also heard some comments and knew that I was born as a humble servant. Even if I am pregnant, if I am a girl, I will die if I am born, even if I am a man Children will also be taken away to others' upbringing in the future, and life and death will disappear.

Dajun's face sank: "Who is the fifth sister listening to talking nonsense!"

"Nonsense?" Yijing was at a loss: "Am I not a maidservant?"

Dajun rubbed his eyebrows as if he had made up his mind: "You are not, fifth sister, I tell you and I were originally born and raised in Dalong. I am the prince, and you... You are the eldest daughter of the Duke of Wei, your grandmother is the eldest princess, my aunt, and you are by no means a maidservant."

Yijing smiled gently: "Your Highness, why do you coax me? I clearly listened to the servant woman's comments. I am a maidservant in the prince's mansion. Because of His Royal Highness's favor, I was taken to Xiliang."

"You are not." Dajun took a deep breath: "Listen, fifth sister. Your surname is Su, and you are five at home, so I called your fifth sister... Also, you are not my maidservant. I took you from Xiliang because I was unwilling, the fetus in your womb... His biological father is the son of King Dalong Chu, so both men and women will grow up safely in the future. , won't leave you."

Yi Jing was stunned and asked for a while, "Your Highness, what are you talking about? It means that I and others..."

"That's not someone else, that's your husband, and I'm someone else." Dajun was very annoyed and raised his sleeves and said: "Five sister, I can only tell you this today. You should calm down and take good care of your body. Don't listen to those servants chewing your teeth. I will transfer your former maidservant Xia Ke to serve you. If you have anything, you can ask her, but these things can't be publicized. Fifth Sister Believe me, I'm thinking about your safety."

The scenery was stunned to see the king leave without looking back, and he didn't come to his senses for a long time.

It took a long time before Paner dared to speak: "Madam, what Your Highness said is true. The maidservant has seen you and Miss Xia Ke before. At that time, she also mistook you for the son of the world..."

So Xia Ke was transferred to wait in this way. When she learned that Yikei was pregnant, the girl was surprised to tears, and with her care and relief, Yikei's appetite gradually improved. Although she was still suffering from pregnancy and vomiting, her mood was looser than before.

On this day, Xia Ke and Pan'er accompanied them after recuperation and gradually regained their health. When they were walking in the garden, they suddenly asked, "Madam still remember the spring evening. Originally, my wife planned to marry Huidu for her in March, but I don't know what's going on now."

Xia Ke's original intention was to attract Yijing to wonder who Huidu was, so that he could mention the son again.

Unexpectedly, the focus of beautiful scenery is not in Huidu: "I heard that the maidservant who was executed by him is called Qiuyue. I was very sad at that time, and I should also be a close servant beside me. Your name is Xia Ke. This time, when it comes to spring and evening, are all the maids around me called spring, summer, autumn and winter?"

Xia Ke was very anxious and could only answer with his nature: "Qiu Yue and Qiu Shuang were born in October, Chun Twilight was born in March, and the maidservant's birthday was in May, so they were named by their wives according to the season. The three of them served their wives, and the maidservants were a little later." Speaking of this, Xia Ke paused slightly: "Madam, do you still remember the name of the slave maidservant?"

"I don't remember." Yujing shook his head, half-sounding, and seemed to be curious: "What's your name?"

Xia Ke smiled and said, "My maidservant's original name was Lamei." She was very nervous and wanted to see the beautiful scenery, but she was afraid of being seen by Pan'er, so she had to put up with it.

She heard the scenery lengthen her tone "Oh" and then fell silent.

A feeling of depression arises spontaneously, and Xia Ke sighed secretly. It seems that the imperial concubine really doesn't remember anything... No matter what others, how can the concubine forget the concubine? If she has been staying in Xiliang, and the son really believes in the replacement body... If the princess recovers her memory in the future, but learns that the son will marry a new man, how sad it should it be?

Even if the imperial concubine has never recovered her memory, she thought that she and the imperial son were far away from each other, and the unknown life... Xia Ke only felt a sourness on the tip of his nose.

Suddenly, I heard Yijing say, "I was wrong in my heart, and I thought your real name was Cherry."

Xia Ke's heart beat suffocated, his fists clenched, and he resisted the excitement. It was easy to maintain his usual tone: "Madam, why do you guess like this?"

"The former poet said, 'After the new rain in Nanyuan last night, the cherry blossoms turned out to be old Kezhi'. You said that your birthday was in May. At that time, there were no cherry blossoms and fruits. Only Kezhi was waiting for the coming spring, so I thought you were called Cherry. At the beginning, I named you Xia Ke because of this old poem, but it turned out that it was not."

Yes! At that time, the imperial concubine said this when she gave her name, and it was almost the same.

Xia Ke almost couldn't hold back her tears. She took a deep breath and looked at the beautiful scenery calmly.

The princess smiled at the corners of her lips, and her eyes just withdrew from a distance and also looked at Xia Ke.

The clear and thorough black eyes are the familiar eyes of Xia Ke.

The imperial concubine did not lose her memory. She was indeed hypocritical. She will not be deceived by the emperor and will definitely wait for an opportunity to escape.

Xia Ke was relieved and smiled gently: "What a beautiful poem. It's a pity that I don't have that blessing."