Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 613 Forbearance and Disguise, Strive to Get out

Su Yjing may forget her past and forget herself, but only Yu Yu will always remember her.

On the way from Dalong to Xiliang, for a few days, she was indeed dizzy, dull and stupid. She didn't know where she was, and she didn't know who she was. Her mind was chaotic and empty. But even in those days, there was that person in her dream. Those eyes always looked gently and clearly, dispelling the confusion surrounding her.

She knew who he was and remembered that they had promised to hold hands with their old age, so she quickly woke up.

Since she was abtired, the scene has been controlled by Miao Shimo's "three-day awakening", or she was sleepy. When she woke up, she was also muddle-headed. Her hands and feet were weak, her throat was dry, and she could not move, unable to speak or think.

The eclipse did not give her the opportunity to calm down and plan.

Fortunately, she showed symptoms of trance and woke up quickly, but she had been pretending because she found Yu Haoxi's anxiety and no longer dared to use ecstasy on her.

At first, she also wanted to escape, but soon found that Yu Haoxi was not paralyzed by her "dementia". Instead, she became more and more vigilant. She did not dare to gamble, because if she could not succeed, she might never have a chance in the future. In addition, she didn't know where Xia Ke was. If she couldn't escape together, Xia Keyi She will be angered by the evil, and Yijing can no longer allow people around her to die for her.

She can only use "dementia" as a mask, get rid of the muddle-headedness caused by continuous eclipse, and buy time to think calmly about how to get out, return to Dalong, and return to her lover.

During that time, Yu Haoxi often accompanied the car and almost inseparable.

Sometimes when he closed his eyes to refresh herself, she looked at his quiet and not enchanting or ferocious eyebrows, which seemed to be no threat. Her hand had touched the hairpin on her hair. She thought that maybe she could kill him when he was defenseless. After all, she gave up in a cold sweat.

Even if he is killed, the people outside will not let go of him. Not to mention Xia Ke, she will never have a chance to see Yu. She doesn't want to give up like this. She misses him so much and longs to hold hands with him until she shakes her teeth and completes what life should be done one by one. They finally finished it. Some hatred and resentment, after the ten-year celebration of the Lantern Festival, should have been reborn. They still have many things they want to accomplish together and should not end here.

She remembered his advice that no matter what the situation is, you must be safe and never give up your life.

Binjing, your peace is the most important thing for me, he once said.

Calm down, be sure to calm down.

So she had a deep breath, suppressed resentment and anger, suppressed grief and sadness, and began to analyze the dangerous difficulties she faced.

She was very desperate when she thought of what Yu Haoxi had done.

Who is Yu Haoxi? He is very resourceful and suspicious. He wanted the prince to die to destroy the Kong family and let her die in despair. He did it. And he also made the injustice of Wanfei in those years, forcing the emperor to make a decision, causing the Kong family to die and lose its reputation. He even did it; he even did it because For the emperor's once shielding the Kong family and ignoring the country, the world was in chaos, so that the emperor had to clean up the mess for him, and he escaped safely. Yijing had no doubt that Yu Haoxi would inherit the throne of Xiliang in the future and show his ambition.

Everything is in his calculations, and he will not let go of anything he wants to do.

I want to work in front of such a person, hoping to retreat all over my body, and I feel scared when I think about it.

She is not sure.

She even thought that she knew nothing about Yu Haoxi. She only knew that his life was good at forbearance, calculating, cold and ruthless, so she thought that his obsession with her was only for a while, and she would eventually forget it because of her position of power, but falling to such a situation could only prove that she knew nothing. It's just his surface.

The complexity and madness of this person are far beyond her expectations.

He took himself to Xiliang, perhaps to make her give in to make up for his unwillingness.

Commit yourself to him? Defrauding him of trust and then escaping?

No, she can't do it. If she loses her innocence, she will betray Yu Yu. What face can she have to say goodbye to him? If so, it's better to die quietly, at least clean. They must not tolerate their love being stained with indelible dirt.

Yi Jing is wondering whether Yu Haoxi will use force against her and completely destroy her, so that he can be willing and ashamed.

If so, she won't have a chance, and then she will have to fight a dead net and drag him to hell.

But whenever there is a glimmer of hope, she doesn't want to give up and must strive for it.

Yi Jing remembered the case of the Zhuo Yingyuan case. Yu Haoxi announced in public in Jianchang Mansion that Empress Kong killed her biological mother Wanfei and left the country and left Xiliang. She was very puzzled by such a broken and sinking behavior of the evil. Yu Yu Yu analyzed that the evil should have known the truth from the saint, but she has been hiding and not shielding Kong.

"I originally thought that the third prince was only for power and hatred, but now I think about it, it is one-sided. Although he is ambitious and arrogant, he does not limit his vision to power. He has his persistence, calmness, and the emperor's vision is not bad. This is indeed the most suitable candidate for Dalong at present. Unfortunately, although the third prince is resourceful He is good at strategy, but he is unrestrained. His personality makes him not endure humiliation all the time. The emperor inadvertently made him understand the truth and is doomed to be disappointed. Yu Yu said so at that time, which seemed to have some pity for each other.

Yi Jing only hopes that Yu Haoxi is really arrogant. Even if he is unwilling to take her away, the intention is to make her one day be discouraged and willing to give in, instead of using such measures as coercion.

Only in this way can she deal with him and fight for the opportunity to retreat all over her body.

After calming down, Yijing was a little annoyed by the great change at the beginning. She put grief and resentment and resentment on her face. She didn't know her opponent at all, but she confessed her emotions calmly.

But if she did it again, Yijing thought that she really couldn't see Qiu Yue's tragic death and be indifferent. She watched Xia Ke also die in front of her, and she could restrain her emotions and Yu Haoxi.

I have to say that the disguise of "dementia" for more than ten days has still gained something. On the one hand, she saw that Yu Haoxi was furious and dared not take medicine on her any more. It seemed that she did have a place in his heart. His abtion was not just to revenge. At least he was worried about her health and did not want to waste his mind. It's just a dementia patient who went back to torture; on the other hand, the opponent was still somewhat negligent, such as scolding Miao Shimo in front of her, so that Yijing inadvertently heard that "three-day awakening" may cause symptoms of amnesia.

When she thought about it, an idea came to her.

It's not easy to deceive her opponent. Yu Haoxi obviously knows her temper. If she succumbs too quickly, she will not let him trust her. However, if she is a person with amnesia, her temperament will change greatly and show just the right compromise to give him the opportunity to relax her vigilance. Xiliang has An Jin, Wei Ran brothers and sister, and Du Yuniang and the dark people placed by Yu Yu in the past two years, as long as she finds the opportunity to contact the outside world, she has the possibility to escape.

Fortunately, in the two days when she was really demented, she subconsciously showed her innate rejection and resistance to Yu Yingxi. Even if she lost her memory and slowly accepted him, it seemed reasonable that she would not be emotional in a short time.

If you want to deal with him, you must know something about him. If you lose your memory, you can also pretend to talk to him and understand his thoughts.

You have to hide yourself, and the enemy is open and dark, so that you have a chance to win.

Bingjing was so "demented" and began to plan calmly.

It is not feasible to pretend to be stupid all the time. Although it is less difficult, how can Yuxi let a dementia woman come into contact with the outside world? Not to mention that he could not achieve his goal at all, he might have exhausted his patience. If he was left in the forbidden garden, he would be self-bound. Therefore, when he entered the border of Xiliang, his Highness, who was relieved, relieved, slowed down the journey. Under his care, the scenery gradually regained his mind.

She felt that her opponent was not willing to make her lose her memory. She seemed to hope that she would completely improve one day. When she got along with her, she would focus on her recovery of the four arts that she used to be good at. She has not been in contact with amnesia patients. I don't know if there will be a situation where she is still forgetting personnel, but if she pretends to be ignorant, It is very likely that the false reality is the most beneficial to your disguise, so under the tireless reminder of Yu Hao and Xizi, the scenery finally regained some memories.

She made herself "slowly get better".

When he returned to Dajing, he was indeed thrown into the forbidden garden, and his opponent began to test.

Yi Jing did not dare to relax, and her words and deeds were measured carefully. For example, when the opponent took her to see Xia Ke. When she saw Xia Ke's miserable condition covered with scars, Yijing immediately knew that this was the opponent's exploration. Although she gritted her teeth in her heart, she quickly responded with fear. A weak woman saw a bloody person. Fear of avoidance should be an instinctive reaction. When Yu Haoxi bluntly explained Xia Ke's identity, she was slightly hesitant. She should not care about Xia Ke any more when she lost her memory, but if she ignored it, it might be too obvious, which made her opponent suspicious. In addition, she really couldn't bear to let Xia Ke suffer. Therefore, she pleaded for Xia Ke and admitted that she remembered Xia Ke. Sure enough, she let The evil hesitated and couldn't make sure which of her words were true and which were false.

With the cunning and suspicious Yu Haoxi, the spirit of the scenery is tense all the time, and she dares not even sleep too much at night for fear of being heard by the maids around her. In this way, her spirit is naturally poor and her appetite is even more light. This is not her disguised.

Since the first month was abducted, she has been full of twists and turns all the way, emotional fluctuations, sometimes sad and indignant, and must think calmly. The scenery did not find any changes in her body, and she didn't even care about the monthly letter that had been many days late, that is, she was trapped in the forbidden garden. The days were settled down, and because of the gradual feeling of nausea, she was amazed Wake up.

The maids in white waited for the scenery for a short time. Naturally, they did not know the situation of her monthly letter. The plate had no experience of taking care of the hostess close to her before, and neglected this matter. Unexpectedly, no one noticed that she was pregnant except for the scene herself.

Yijing was very anxious, and she was not sure of her position in Yu Haoxi's heart. In case the person became angry after learning the facts and gave her a bowl of fetal medicine, she had no choice.

But she knew that this matter could not be concealed after all, so during that time, she often "wounded her own life" and frequently asked Paner who she was and her relationship with the king. It was not entirely disguised. It was she that she thought that Yu Haoxi would implement her identity as a "concubine". In the future, the pregnancy would be exposed that she might change the world. .

The child came at a bad time, the scenery was at a loss, and the fear in his heart increased day by day.

However, the demon didn't know what she had been stimulated that night. Suddenly, she suddenly broke out. Yijing even thought that she could no longer disguise herself and put all kinds of efforts in vain. That's what happened. She did not allow Yu Haoxi to invade her innocence. Under anger and despair, she only felt a pain in her abdomen. At that moment, she thought she was going to lose her child, and everything I finally fainted in the ashes.

But after waking up, the situation changed again. Yu Haoxi didn't seem to care about the fetus in her womb, which made Yijing see hope again.

I have to say that the compromise and concern shown by that man made the scene feel relieved. At least she can still save Yu's child, at least this time it's been confused.

Although the child came at the wrong time, it brought her luck. After Yu Haoxi fled with guilt that night, the scenery caressed his lower abdomen was also sad and happy.

The next thing became more and more unexpected for her. She didn't expect that Yu Haoxi would tell her the truth bluntly without cheating.

"Why did you tell me this? Don't you worry that I hate you and won't forgive you for the rest of your life?" Yijing was uncertain about Yu Haoxi's thoughts. She intended to explore. Besides, if she didn't ask carefully, it didn't seem to be in line with the mentality of the person with amnesia.

"Fifth sister, your resistance to me is born. Even if I don't tell you the truth, your heart will not open up for me. If I deceive you, I will look down on myself. Fifth sister, I treat each other with sincerity so that you may one day let go of the past and accept my heart. That's what I think. Even if there is only one in ten thousand chances, I will do my best. That's what he said.

Ying was silent. When she was alone, she shook her head and smiled bitterly. This was really a bad fate, but the result was doomed. She could never empathize and fail her lover again. And between her and Yu Haoxi, not to mention the past life, she would always be separated from the death of her fifth cousin and Qiu Yue. No matter how persistent he was, she could not accept it.

At most, the two grievances are clear.