Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 617 Yijing was angry and Jiyu was humiliated

An Jin was just a light look at first.

For today's trip, she has always held a disapprovable and slightly chagrin attitude. Except for her husband Yiyang, An Jin has no good impression on everyone in the Qing clan. She remembers her intention. If she wants to gain a foothold in Xiliang, she can only firmly stand in the position of the royal family and assist the royal family to abolish the Three Leagues. Only In this way, her and Yiyang's future can be safe and happy.

No matter on the surface or secretly, An Jin and Princess Jin Yuan are already very familiar with each other. However, they are a little unfamiliar with the "already" Dajun. However, she understands from Jin Yuan's subtle attitude towards the Dajun that there should not be much conflict between the two, and it is very likely that the pearl wall is not the same.

Of course, from An Jin's position, she did not want to get into the affairs of Jin Dajun, but she was strongly used by Ji Yu.

She was very disgusted with Jiyu's connection with the king. She inevitably complained that the king acted without scruples, which made her sister-in-law be discussed by these people for no reason. She was not curious about that Qianwang at all, and she was not interested in guessing the real reason why the king spoiled Qianwang.

At the same time, I just heard Dajun say that his grandmother and eldest sister-in-law had been attacked, and the fear could not dissipate for a while. An Jin became more and more careless about Qian's arrival.

So she looked over and did not look at the face of the visitor at first. She only saw a peony-colored long skirt, and the tulip patterns stretched gorgeously in the warm sun in a corner.

An Jin's eyebrows moved slightly. Yu Jin is only the king of Xiliang who is qualified to wear. Of course, as a king, he can naturally give her favorite concubines to represent Zunrong's clothes. In this way, this woman is really as favored by the emperor. Does the king really intend to ask for a wife and treat her with the gift of his wife?

She then raised her eyes and looked at the face of the person.

Dajun and Jiyu both witnessed An Jin's sudden appearance.

An Jin suddenly got up and subconsciously leaned forward two steps, staring motionless on the woman's face.

Ji Yu's pink fist clenched her fist and thought to herself, and the princess's reaction was clear at a glance. It seemed that the concubine was really similar to the imperial concubine, so she stared at the beautiful scene again with critical and jealous eyes.

Seeing An Jin's unconcealed shock, Dajun had confirmed the previous conjecture in his heart. He didn't pay much attention to it and only paid attention to the beautiful scene. He deliberately asked Pan'er to tell An Jin's identity to the beautiful scene first. If the beautiful scene behaved too much, then the matter of memory loss would be considered.

Yijing stepped over the threshold and stood up. Her eyes were naturally attracted by An Jin, who was surprised and sharp eyes. She seemed to look at it very attentively and frowned slightly. It was a fruitless search in her memory, and she was extremely confused.

But her eyes have been glued to An Jin, turning a blind eye to Ji Yu.

This is also a normal reaction after knowing that An Jin is her husband's cousin.

But this alone is certainly not enough to dispel the king's suspicion.

The evil has been watching with interest, with dark eyes and a relaxed smile.

Although Ji Yu was stabbed in her eyes by the beautiful face, she saw that she was dressed like a royal aristocrat, and her heart became more and more jealous. Bye, the concubine raised her head slightly, with a high posture, and did not bend her knees. She couldn't help humming coldly. After all, she was a rude and despicable identity. So Unbridled and untricated, how can it be compared with a real noble woman, so the lady's eyes became more and more critical.

Dajun seemed to be reminded by Ji Yu's cold hum, and then he said, "Cheng is here. Come and sit down."

So the beautiful scenery looked at the king.

Cold and plain.

This made the king a little stunned and raised his eyebrows gently.

This seems to be the girl he is familiar with. She is not worried about gains and losses after amnesia, and the dullness in the king's eyes is deeper.

Yi Jing had a cold and calm face, and his eyes shook An Jin's face again with increasing surprise. He did not sit down or see a courtesy. He stood three or two steps away and looked directly at the king.

"I hope that I have met the two guests and will not disturb them any more. I hope your Highness can allow Qianpan to leave." She bit the word "Chanpan" slightly, and her eyes were indifferent.

The dissatisfaction and perfunctory were too obvious, which made the king's heart suffocate, but he relaxed very quickly.

If the amnesia of the scenery is just for disguise, today she will definitely hide her emotions and deal with it carefully without showing dissatisfaction. Such a performance is like resentment. With her former cunning wisdom, she will not be understood in any case.

will definitely pretend to give in and show no flaws. At the same time, try to talk to An Jin, implying that she is not Qianpan, but the person in An Jin's guess.

In a word, in the past, she would never show her anger unobstructed and make herself suspicious.

But it's just that she is so unwilling, why she came to see her, and why she admits that she is looking forward to it, which makes Dajun still a little puzzled.

So there was no response for a moment.

Binjing has turned around and walked out.

"Wait a minute!" Stop!"

It was An Jin and Ji Yu who coincidentally opened their mouth to stop it. One was very anxious and the other was very angry.

But An Jin quickly came to her senses. No matter who was in front of her, she could not find out in front of Ji Yu.

An Jin smiled perfunctorily: "I don't think so after hearing those rumors. Unexpectedly, when I saw her today, my wife was really similar to my eldest sister-in-law."

Dajun leaned slightly on the back of the chair and said with a smile, "Qiaopan, this is Princess Donghua, and the other is Qing's lady."

Ji Yu raised her eyebrows and said to himself that since the king had revealed their identity, this lowly concubine should crawl to see the ceremony.

Unexpectedly, I only saw Yijing nodded slightly: "Sit slowly. Qian is looking forward to being unwell. Say goodbye first." Once again, he deliberately emphasized the word Qianpan and glanced at the emperor coldly.

The imperial concubine did not have the consciousness of groveling, and also had "amnesia", let alone the consciousness of being humble.

The king is more and more affirmed. If the beautiful scenery has not lost his memory and knows that such arrogance does not meet Qian's expectations, it will make him suspicious. He is bound to behave like this. As long as he pretends to be wronged and is overwhelmed and forces him to turn around, he can deal with it and further win his trust.

At this time, she should not know how to deal with the two nobles as Qianpan, so she could not be completely polite.

Seeing that Yijing turned around again, Jiyu was furious and couldn't help laughing: "I have admired the princess for a long time. I heard that the wife is very similar to the princess, and I was very curious. That's why I wanted to see her once. Just now, when I heard what the princess said, she looked very similar, but I heard that the princess was very talented, and I just got it at the beginning. Your Highness fell in love with you. What about the four arts except for the appearance of the unknown wife?

Yi Jing's original plan was to be dissatisfied. It was enough to deal with this time without making Yu Haoxi suspicious, but An Jin's gaffe just now has surprised her. She is guessing in her heart. She just wants to find someone to think about it carefully. She has to prepare Yu Haoxi to test afterwards and completely let him She was sure that she had lost her memory, but she never thought that the Qing lady would jump out to find faults. She did not want to be jealous and competitive with Yu Haoxi's admirers.

But between the lightning and stones, the scenery suddenly thought of a possibility. Although she didn't have time to think about it carefully, she only vaguely felt that this was an opportunity. She hoped that An Jin could have a good relationship with her and take advantage of it.

So he stopped, turned around, and raised his chin slightly.

"Your Majesty, what you admire is the world's concubine. What does it have to do with Qianpan? Even Qianpan is also outstanding in talent. After all, it is not the concubine of the world. Forgive Qianpan can't satisfy the curiosity of the queen. In addition, why Qianpan can fall in love with the emperor and has nothing to do with the queen. There is no need to prove it in front of the queen."

When the king heard this, the corners of his lips couldn't help slanting. Although the girl had no memory, the pride in her bones was still there, and her fangs gradually recovered.

The king is more and more convinced that if the scenery is a disguise, he will definitely carry out ignorance to the end and will not show his innate strength.

After seeing a cold glimpse of the beautiful scenery, Ji Yu wanted to leave again, and the anger in her body rushed to the heavenly spirit.

She is a royal family of Xiliang, a majestic king. When an ordinary noble girl sees her, she has to bend her knees and salute, but she is so lazy by a concubine. How can she stand it?

"Hight!" In anger, Jiyu slapped the case. At this time, she didn't see the king at all. There was only the arrogant concubine in her eyes. She couldn't wait to frustrate the scene with her eyes and raise the ashes: "What a cheap maidservant, shameless. How dare the concubine dares to disrespect Benyi. Do you think you can do whatever you want with a little posture? But it's just a plaything..."

Seeing the beautiful scenery standing at his pace, Jiyu didn't dare to leave any more, and sneered: "Although I was born in Xiliang, I was humble, but in order to please people and be proficient in singing and dancing, today I have to open my eyes and compare you with those erotic offerings."

Jiyu held her head high, put on a domineering air and made up her mind to humiliate the beautiful scenery. She didn't believe that the king would fight against the Qing clan for such a bitch. If the king wanted to succeed to the throne smoothly, he could not do without the support of the three alliances and the political council, otherwise he could not compare with Jin Yuan. Her uncle, Lanjiang, was the central order. Her father is also a minister of the political committee. If the emperor marries her as his wife, he will have the strength to compete with Jin Yuan in the future. She will not allow this maidservant to show off her power.

Jiyu has regarded herself as the future mother of the king's mansion.

An Jin was also a nameless fire. She subconsciously regarded "Qianpan" as her sister-in-law. At this time, she didn't think too much. She was only full of righteous anger at Ji Yu's humiliation to stop it...

I saw that the scenery was approaching two steps, and there was frost on the face, but it was extremely slowly holding up the teacup.

Jiyu was putting on the shelf of "Mrs. Dajun" and didn't realize what beautiful scenery was doing for a moment. Is it possible that she wanted to plead guilty with tea?

This idea just shook, and I saw the beauty's arm raised, and the tea pocket was drenched.

Jiyu never expected that the concubine dared to splash tea. For a moment, she was poured right. Fortunately, the tea had cooled for a while, and the temperature was not disfigured, but the beautiful scenery was so thorough that even the tea was thrown on Jiyu's face, which was immediately embarrassing.