Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 618 Faceless self-identification, really sad and indignant

After Jiyu was helped to change her clothes and groom, Yijing looked at the king sarcastically: "Your Highness, I don't know if anyone is curious about Qian's appearance?"

This girl was stepped on her tail today. Why is she so angry? His Royal Highness pressed his eyebrows with some embarrassment and looked at Pan'er.

He noticed early in the morning that her maidservant had been worried and depressed since she entered the flower hall. I don't know if she said something wrong, which made the scene so abnormal. She swept away the panic since she lost her memory and regained her previous appearance of teeth and claws.

Thinking of this, the king raised the corners of his lips happily. Sure enough, it was still beautiful. Today's performance is really interesting, but if she had not lost her memory, she would not have been as shallow and rough as splashing tea. With that fangs mouth alone, she could humiliate Jiyu to be ashamed.

If she hadn't lost her memory... Maybe she wouldn't care about Ji Yu's words at all. How could she be jealous of herself if she resented herself so much? At most, she brushed her sleeves and pointed out that she would clean up the mess.

Thinking of this, the king was gloomy again, but his eyes looking at the beautiful scenery became softer and softer, and even with a trace of apology: "You're not in good health. I shouldn't have alarmed you for some meaningless people. Pan'er, help your wife back to Lvqingyuan quickly." Speaking of this, Dajun glanced at An Jin and saw her raise her eyebrows and stare. It seemed that the words of retention had reached his mouth, but he watched Yijing leave.

Lvqingyuan is the yard where Yijing lived when she was waiting to get married, and An Jin is bound to know about it.

Dajun leisurely waits for An Jin's questions.

An Jin's performance today was obviously hidden by Yu Yu. It seems that the reason why she came to the door today was that she was reluctantly coerced by the Qing lady. At this time, she must be suspicious and uncertain about the true identity of the scene, because Yijing claimed to be Qianpan, and her look that she seemed to be ignorant must be confused.

However, when An Jin saw the scenery today, he was bound to contact Yu Yu to make sure. Sooner or later, he would know the truth. Dajun simply reminded him with "Green Qingyuan".

"Your Highness, who is she?" An Jin really couldn't help it. After telling the maid around him to go out, he stared at the king tightly.

"Who does Donghua think she is?" Dajun smiled gently: "As long as she is in Xiliang and Dajun's mansion, she can only be Qianpan. Donghua must also know the situation of Dalong. The sky has changed. The emperor is no longer the support of Su and Chu. Donghua should understand that in fact, she is lonely and doesn't care who she is, but if she is Qianpan, it will be more beneficial to anyone."

After saying that, Dajun got up and said, "If this happened today, Donghua must also have to appease the Qing lady, so I won't stay."

An Jin watched the king go with his hands behind his hands, and the palm of the handle of the chair loosened and unconsciously slipped on his knees.

What do you mean, that is to say, that person is not Qianpan at all, but her eldest sister-in-law!

How can there be such a strange thing!

Without saying that An Jin left depressed, the king stepped out of the flower hall and told the maid beside him: "Tell Xue Dongchang to find someone to stare at Princess Donghua for two days to see who the princess is contacting."

Yu and Yu Dong's family are deadly enemies. They only try their best for An Jin. Without his persuasion, the clan daughter who were close to Xiliang at the beginning did not have the title of the princess. In order to let An Jin establish a safe foothold in Xiliang, Yu Yu Yu should arrange some dark people to assist him just in case. These people are bound to use it to save Yijing. An Jin "Aipan" has been suspicious, and she is bound to contact the dark man to determine whether the scenery has suffered an accident, and she will always gain something.

Dajun smiled proudly and turned to Lvqingyuan. He first asked Pan'er. He heard that the maid was too obvious, which made Yijing understand his "expectations" and said that the meaning was that he was soft-mouthed and short-handed, so he had to follow the Lord's instructions. I thought it was Qianpan's words in front of my former relatives, and then I suddenly realized why the scenery showed so indifference and negative anger today.

Dajun did not blame Pan for not speaking, but he was annoyed.

After all, he was worried about her and wanted to test her authenticity. At the same time, he also wanted to take this opportunity to find out An Jin's intention. It was not to force her to lie and self-identify herself, but Dajun himself also admitted that he hoped that he hoped that Yijing could finally stay in Xiliang as Qian. Because of this way, she and Yu Yu would never It has nothing to do with it.

Of course, Dajun will not treat Yijing as a concubine and be underestimated. As long as she is willing to stay in Xiliang, he will definitely give her the honor of his wife, become the lord of Xiliang with him, hand in hand with him, and accept the respect of her subjects.

Even if her true identity is exposed, it doesn't matter to him, as long as she is willing to stay.

However, Yuxi knows Su Yijing. Even if she may empathize and accept herself, she will not be willing to openly admit that she betrays Yu Yu, which will make the man be ridiculed or sympathized with. She will not want the people of the Duke of Wei to be criticized for her reasons. Therefore, although the king knows that if he is taken away from the scenery, it will be widely publicized. It will inevitably cause her and Yu Yu's relationship to break down, making her have no way out and completely desperate. But in this way, Su Yijing will really hate Yu Haoxi to the bone, and there will be no day of forgiveness in this life, let alone the possibility of being moved.

What he wants is her heart, not her body.

When Yu Haoxi easily considered the wording and came to Yijing's side, she was leaning against the window and sobbing in a low voice. She didn't see the majestic coldness just now, but as soon as she saw the king, the beautiful scene immediately suppressed her tears and looked out of the window without looking at someone.

"Fifth sister, I admit that today is my poor imagination, and I have violated your will to force others... In fact, if you don't want to cooperate with me, I can't help it if you admit that you are not Qian in front of Donghua."

Hearing this, Yijing only felt that the magma in her chest burst out, and she was afraid that she would speot fire as soon as she opened her mouth.

He is a demon with thousands of knives. He can't wait to publicize his identity in person, so that the world can know that the concubine of the King of Chu has been forcibly raped and innocent.

Yi Jing looked at the king coldly: "Although I don't remember my previous experience, I am not stupid. I am a married woman, and it is glorious to be inexplicably taken away by the emperor. Is it worth saying that I am not a humble concubine, but a noble concubine? Even if I tell Princess Donghua, she will accuse and laugh at me, saying that I am no longer worthy of her cousin, saying that I have ruined the face of the clan. I should have guaranteed my innocence when I was captive by you, so as not to make my husband and family be laughed at by the world.

As she said this, the tears of the scenery burst down. She did not hide her face, but slightly avoided her eyes.

Since being abhor, the ability to act has become stronger and stronger. Tears are falling. Unlike in the past, you have to rely on mint water to smoke fiercely - the scenery of "crying" silently teased herself in her heart to comfort the fetus and the child. The mother is not really sad, but lying, so don't feel sad. You must be fine and wait for your mother to take you home to meet your father. He is the best and best person in the world. He will love you. You must believe it.

I couldn't help thinking that at that time, after they were happy and hugged each other. He said that he liked his daughter, but she said she liked her son, so she quarreled, and the result was that he couldn't help it.

The past is vivid, but at this time, it is so difficult to see him.

When I thought about this, the tears of the scenery became even more surging.

His Highness almost jumped so much that he didn't dare to comfort him with his actions, so he had to stand far away and say, "Five sister, don't think so. An Jin won't laugh at you. She has a good relationship with you..."

"If so, I didn't have the face to see her and told her that I was not looking forward to it, but her cousin... Your Highness, I can't stop your behavior, and I know that it's useless to beg you to let me go, and even if you let me go, can I go back to my previous life, as if nothing had happened? If you really think about me, let me be quiet. Don't let those who look down on me insult me, and don't let me deceive my relatives. I don't want to deceive them and be ungrateful people. The better they used to treat me, the more shameless I will be. If you force me..."

Without waiting for Yijing to say the words of seeking death and life, the emperor has waved his hand repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I promise you, fifth sister, this is Xiliang. There is no one of your relatives except An Jin. I won't let you see her again in the future, and those meaningless people."

Yi Jing sneered and wiped away tears: "Thank you for your understanding. Let me live this life alone in this courtyard. No matter what happened in the past, now I can only be Qianpan, your concubine, and I don't expect Your Highness to let me go. I just want to be quiet."

After saying that, he ignored the king and stamped into the bedroom to sleep together.

Of course, the scenery lay in ** but held its breath. When she heard the man leave, she sighed and calmed down to think about today's accident.

An Jin's surprise did not seem to be fake. If she had known that she had been abted and came prepared today, there was no need to pretend in front of Yu Yingxi, then was it that she had expected that Yu Yu did not recognize Qianpan's body as a fake and guessed that she was in Xiliang?

No, Yu Haoxi must have heard about Jinyang's abnormal movements and knew that his conspiracy had been understood by Yu Yu, so he allowed An Jin to meet with him. Otherwise, it was absolutely impossible for An Jin to be suspicious.

Then, it should be that Yu Yu did not inform An Jin that An Jin's trip today was a coincidence, or because he understood that An Jin would be cautious and had little effect, or he had other plans.

Then I don't have to risk being exposed by Yu Haoxi for the time being and try my best to contact the outside world. Yijing believes that Yu Yu will find a way to let people penetrate into Dajun's mansion.

Yijing felt the jealousy of Jiyu's female king for her today. This person should have made a great attempt at the throne of Xiliang, and looked at her look, and was also fascinated by the evil posture. Then in addition to the Qing family, the Hu family should also be bound to Yu Haoxi and will not let Qingshi succeed.

It was precisely because of the flash of ideas that Yijing decided to anger Jiyu.

At this time, Yu Haoxi was deliberately trying to strive for her to fall in love, and he was bound to defend her and would not let Jiyu insult and scold her.

If An Jin secretly publicizes this matter...

I'm afraid that the reputation of my favorite concubine will spread more. Hu and Qing will pay more and more attention to themselves. If they make good use of it, they should have a chance to get out.

But obviously, the effect of the scenery is limited, and she can only expect Yu Yu.

She believes that he will save herself and will never give up.

Binjing closed his eyes, but his eyebrows clearly appeared in front of him, looking at her gently and deeply.

Her hand gently stroked her lower abdomen, but one hand firmly grasped her chest.

Yuanyang, we have children, and I want to tell you this good news immediately. I know you will be ecstatic...

yuan yang, I miss you so much.

What beautiful scenery did not expect was that An Jin not only did not have a good heart with her, but also did a wrong thing because she was anxiously, exposed a contact point arranged by Gu Qiuyue and was seen by His Royal Highness.

The "Swallow Building" of Shuyufang?

The emperor smiled. Unexpectedly, he didn't expect that the famous wine shop in Beijing in the past two years, and the owner behind him was the son of the king of Chu...

"Dongchang, stare at Yanzilou to see which merchants are still in contact with the people inside."

The emperor decisively ordered that Xue Dongchang firmly agreed. As soon as he turned around, he was almost hit by a red shadow in his arms. Xue Dongchang only felt the fragrance on his face and thought it was a beauty. He was overjoyed. He wanted to stabilize people, so he saw Kong Xilin's jade face clearly.

Dongchang trembled and rose up and whispered, "It's so dangerous". Grandma, he was almost lighthearted by Xiao Wu.

Kong Xiaowu didn't look at Xue Dongchang. He stood in front of the king and said a word quickly.

"Good!" Xue Dongchang, who didn't listen carefully to Kong Xiaowu's words, saw the king rise up.

The eyebrows are flying, which is called a flying spirit.

But the king was followed by a sentence: "That Dongchang, your family is so big, there should be a pleasant lady and a gentle and generous little lady, right?"