Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 621 All planning, the world's mind

When the news of Xiliang Dajun's expedition reached the royal palace of Chu in Jinyang, it was already after the beginning of summer in May.

Gu Qiuyue took the secret letter to Guan Suiyuan. He saw the stew manager standing at the gate of the courtyard still wearing a gray robe, looking like he was listless and empty, but he returned to his post. He no longer only knew how to use wine to drown his sorrows like a few days ago, and even the gray ferry was often black under the smell of wine.

All the way in, the vegetation is flourishing and thriving.

Gu Qiuyue remembered that late autumn. He submitted a post with anxiety and expectation. For the first time, he entered Guan Suiyuan and stood in the corridor to see the landscape in the autumn wind and autumn rain. He was sighing the elegance of the furnishings in his eyes, which was not dazzling. He heard a soft call for "Autumn Moon". He looked at the coming. The woman asked "how the girl knew it", and then found that it was a beautiful misunderstanding.

At that time, he did not expect that he would really be trusted by the son of the world and evolve into today's relationship. He was just not used to fantasy. No matter how vague his expectations were, he had to try to make efforts.

But I don't know why, on that hazy autumn rain night, a girl's soft voice and surprised but steady behavior have been quietly occupying a corner of his memory and being touched by thoughts from time to time.

As the number of visits to the king's mansion of Chu increased, he knew that her name was Xia Ke, and she was actually a first-class maid beside the imperial concubine.

Gu Qiuyue never thought about the sometimes inexplicable melancholy. Until the first month, he learned that the two maids he met at the beginning, one died, and the other was uncertain.

When he learned that the suspected body of Xia Ke had appeared, the grief surged in his heart stunned Gu Qiuyue. Then, when he knew that it was not her, a heart fell heavily, which aroused endless worries and made Gu Qiuyue more confused.

He doesn't know what's wrong with him.

In these days, the prince has made him collect all kinds of information about Xiliang and pay great attention to the Great King's Mansion. However, because the king is heavily guarded, he has not gained much, and there is no word about Xia Ke. However, whenever he receives a secret letter from Xiliang, Gu Qiuyue still has not lost his expectations.

So at this time, his "greedy" eyes stared at a few thin paper full of handwriting held by the son's slender fingers.

It was not until he heard a few extremely low and dull coughs that Gu Qiuyue came to her senses. He saw the man in a jade robe holding his fist and put it on his lips. There seemed to be some fatigue and faint pain between his eyebrows. Only then did he realize that he had not seen it for a few days, and the son of the world seemed to have lost some weight.

The servant with a woman's bun put her cloak on the shoulder and whispered, "After the needle, the son of the world is not too useless."

Gu Qiuyue recognized her as ribbed.

Yu Yu put his cloak and motioned the ribs to retreat before he handed the letter to Gu Qiuyue, leaned against the back of the chair, and his eyes fell on the golden sun shining outside the window.

Gu Qiuyue quickly browsed the letter in her hand, but there was still no news from Xia Ke. She was disappointed, but she was not less excited because of the news: "Dajun led the army to go on an expedition?"

Isn't it a great opportunity to infiltrate the king's mansion!

"Even if he goes on an expedition, he should be arranged without flaws and should not be anxious." Yu Yu seemed to immediately understand Gu Qiuyue's thoughts and slowly rubbed his eyebrows: "This battle is obviously the one that Xiliang has been preparing for a long time. The intention may not be just the two alliances. Yu Haoxi wants to use this battle to establish prestige. For him, it is very important, but he left his confidant Xue Dongchang in Dajing, which shows how many police his precautions are. Be careful."

For Yu Haoxi, Xue Dongchang is equivalent to the Huidu beside Yu Yu. He is a true confidant and a person who can stand in front of his master at any time to prevent all kinds of dangers. There are many crises on the battlefield. No one dares to say that there is a certainty of victory, and there are many people who are invincible to prevent. If the Great King's Mansion did not have a good view, Yu Haoxi would not have put Xue Dongchang in the rear anyway.

"For several months, we can't find any inside information about Dajun Mansion except to take back 'A Qianpan'." Yu Yu frowned slightly and shook his head: "Besides, that's Xiliang. We can't use strength."

Gu Qiuyue understood the worries of the prince. Even if most of the soldiers in the king's mansion follow the expedition, there should be more than 100, and hundreds of families. Although it is not difficult to mobilize the dead to forcibly enter the king's mansion with the ability of the king's mansion, there is no way to escape safely, let alone publicize the fact that the prince's concubine was captured by the king. This matter is likely to turn into a vicious relationship between the two countries. In an uncontrollable situation, the one on the dragon chair is bound to investigate. As long as the King of Chu has not planned to rebel, it must not act so lightly at this time.

It can only be in the dark, but it is so difficult to penetrate into the king's mansion, let alone save the princess from trouble and return home safely under such strict prevention.

"Forum, Wei Ran also went on an expedition with the army this time. Maybe he can find an opportunity to win the trust of the king. If he can enter the king's mansion, he should have a chance to contact the imperial concubine." Gu Qiuyue said, but worried: "But Xue Guoxiang knows Wei Ran's details and will definitely tell you that Wei Ran's origin..."

"This is Wei Ran's cleverness." Yu Yan smiled gently: "Xue Yaotai is the prime minister of a country, and he is also a great power in Xiliang. This person is cautious and wise and will not trust others. Even if Wei Xi recommends him, if he fakes his identity, he will understand the flaws. He can simply use his real identity to dispel his doubts. Presumably Yu Haoxi knows more about Wei Ran's family and will I think that if Wei Ran is my eyes and ears, I will not dare to make it so obvious. What's more, Wei Xi has been in Xiliang for several years and won the trust of Jin Yuan as early as the fifth year of Yuanqing. At that time, even An Jin's marriage did not happen. Yu Haoxi should not doubt that their brother and sister were the people we planted.

Wei Ran did not hide that Zheng Chenxi, a good doctor in the princess's mansion, was a brother and sister. Of course, it is impossible for the Qing clan to know. Wei Ran's current identity in Xiliang was forged by Xue Guofu. The Qing clan could not detect any flaws, but Xue Guoxiang was an insider, so he naturally could not hide it from the emperor. Because of this, Wei Xi used it as a cover-up. , Wei Ran may not be suspected by the emperor.

Wei Xi was indeed not pre-arranged by Yu. At first, she went to Xiliang for no other purpose, just because Xiliang would accept a woman's appearance and treat her courtesy.

Yu Yu smiled again: "What's more, I received a letter from Donghua a few days ago. She has met the imperial concubine and immediately went to Yanzilou to verify it. Presumably, Yu Haoxi will not miss this opportunity to stalking."

Gu Qiuyue suddenly said, "No wonder the son of the world has already ordered that Yanzilou can no longer communicate with us except for communication with us."

"I asked you to spread the news that there was a 'favorite concubine' in Dajun's mansion to make the Qing clan nervous. They tried to marry the emperor. They were bound to pay attention to the 'favorite concubine' of the emperor to take over Xiliang. Sooner or later, they would use Donghua to test it. Since Yu Haoxi knew that I had insight into his conspiracy, Donghua was magnificent. The visit will definitely be suspicious. If you want to find out what the purpose of Donghua is, I bet that he will allow Donghua to meet the imperial concubine. In front of the Qing clan, the concubine can't identify herself. When Donghua sees the concubine, he must be surprised and suspicious. If he doesn't think too much, he will contact Yanzilou.

Swallow House is a restaurant. Xiliang's folk customs are open. Ladies and noble women are very free to enter and exit the market. An Jin is interested. Going to the restaurant will not attract attention. In addition, the Swallow House is only used for communication under Yu Yu's arrangement. In fact, it is not a big deal to be exposed, so An Jin Chang will not directly contact Wei Ran, Du Yuniang and others, all through Yanzi Building.

"Instead, exposing the Swallow Building will make Yu Haoxi focus his attention on this, and it is inevitable to neglect elsewhere." This is like knowing that the opponent has arranged adian, of course, he will be fully prepared, but anyone who is inexplicably close can't believe it, but if he finds the opponent's dark line and has a target, he will be relaxed.

"Let Yanzilou associate with a few unrelative secret people, and then let these people find a way to tie the king's mansion and further confuse them." Yu Yu gently tapped his eyebrows: "I want Yu Haoxi to believe in the importance of Yanzilou and take this as a basis for judgment in the future. In this way, when he realizes that Wei Ran and Yanzilou have never been in contact with each other, he is bound to dispel his doubts."

Yu Haoxi is sure that Yu Haoxi will not be bad for An Jin. As long as An Jin can't contact with Yijing, Yu Haoxi will not remove An Jin's people.

After listening to this, Gu Qiuyue added another layer of faith to the world and deeply realized that she still had a lot of room for progress.

Yu Yu simply asked two maids to come in to study the ink pen, and asked Gu Qiuyue to write a letter sent back to Xiliang in person. The wording and sentences were personally considered by Yu Yu, and several hidden people exposed were also selected by him.

At this time, the spring evening, which had already combed her hair, entered. At this time, she did not work in Guan Suiyuan, but became the steward of the royal palace and was in charge of internal affairs. At present, it is naturally because of important things to be reported.

During this period, Gu Qiuyue often went to the old princess to make fun. She was not unfamiliar with Chunmu. Knowing her importance, she wanted to avoid it, but was stopped by Yu Yu and let him stay aside.

"The son, it was a message from the Duke of Wei, saying that it was... Earlier, Kunren Palace sent a waiter to the eldest princess to meet him."

Edict? Yu raised his eyebrows, and his eyes flashed by sarcasm. He only said, "I know."

The time is just right.

"Autumn Moon, it's time to leave Jinyang. Get ready." The son said.

Gu Qiuyue's heart was surging: "The son of the world finally decided to go to the vassal?"

If you go to Chuzhou, it will be less than a hundred miles away from Tongling, and the communication with Dajing will be more timely.

"I have made up my mind for a long time, just waiting for the opportunity... The fifth prince died shortly after arriving at the forbidden place. At present, Concubine Yang and her still invature orphans have also died of illness." Yu stood up and looked calm: "The news of Yang Fei's mother and son's death will be sent back to Jinyang in the next two days."

Gu Qiuyue only felt her heartbeat and hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help asking, "The fifth prince is really holy..."

Yu Yu smiled and said, "Everyone in the world thinks that it is the emperor who cuts the grass and eradicates the roots."

As soon as the news of the death of the fifth prince spread, many people talked about the revenge of the emperor. The fifth prince was the murderer who wanted to poison the emperor. Naturally, the emperor would not allow him to live in the world. I don't know how long, and I don't know where a rumor came out that the fifth prince was wronged. There was another secret in the case of the murder of the two kings. When today The son's succession did not have an imperial edict, and some of his names were not right. The emperor was afraid that the fifth prince would turn over the case, so he cut the grass and eradicated.

After learning the rumor, the emperor was furious and beheaded and executed many private people. It didn't take long for Yang Fei and her son to die in the forbidden place.

The six and seven princes are still imprisoned, and the beautiful concubine has been given to death. Even the king of Liao, who was personally sealed before the collapse of the previous emperor, was delayed by the emperor for various reasons and was not allowed to go to the vassals. The emperor's bloody suppression of rumors made people more and more suspicious of his succession to the throne.

Gu Qiuyue knew that as early as February, he secretly ordered Huidu to search for Jianghan brothers and sisters and secretly escorted them to Jinyang.

At that time, he also made some efforts to get close to the son. He knew that Jiang Han was the son's friend and the son of Jiang Qinggu, and the son actually used the word "escort to go"! Therefore, Gu Qiuyue immediately thought of the day of the death of the previous emperor. Only Jiang Qinggu and King Qing stayed in front of the sickbed. It was also because of Jiang Qinggu's testimony that King Qing was able to successfully ascend the throne.

The ancient autumn moon sweated coldly.

In March, he met Jiang Han in the palace of Chu. Although he was "escorted" back, the prince did not restrict Jiang Han's personal freedom and still waited for courtesy.

Then not long ago, the fifth prince died, and before his death, Huidu disappeared for a period of time.

Gu Qiuyue couldn't help doubting whether the death of the fifth prince was related to the weak and polite son in front of her.

If it is really related, can it be said that Gu Qiuyue only felt a tremor rising, but strangely, he did not feel fear, but had a complex excitement and expectation.

At this time, he bowed down for a long time. When he left, his footsteps were heavy, but his eyebrows were full of energy.

It was not until she came out of the corner door and saw the opposite Gongfu at a glance that Gu Qiuyue realized another strange thing--

The queen's edict to see the eldest princess, why did the state government inform the son of this?