Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 622 If Zi Ruo "Due Gong", Huang raised his eyebrows

Su Qian dragged a casual pace, shook the maid next to her who was full of flattery and provoke the brocade curtain, and heard Mother Lan's very pompous praise: "Qi Niang is really clever. Look at the embroidery of this purse, the canary is vivid." Then, he saw Qin Ziruo sitting on the rose chair by the kang, whose eyes were also shaking this way, and he was stunned by Su Qian, and his sharp sarcasm passed by.

Su Qian almost wanted to leave immediately, but his mother Huang Shi had already said, "Sanlang, come in quickly."

How many times have you "unin an unexpected encounter" with Qin Ziruo? Su Qian is extremely sad - my mother, haven't you found that Qin Qin Niang has an insight into everything but her eyes are so high, and she is so worried that she is the queen's own sister. At present, how can she like her, a son who has no reputation and is hopeless?

Thinking that since the new emperor ascended the throne and the appearance of the villain of the Qin Xiang family, Qin Youcheng, the father of the queen, even threatened Mr. Mingshan Academy to accept Qin's son and nephew, so as to be a "teacher from a famous Confucian". How can this behavior be like a family?

After taking power, Qin Huaiyu's face became more and more similar to that of Jin Rong, and the mask of benevolence and courtesy had slipped on his chin.

So as soon as he sat down, he said, "Qi Niang is here again."

This made Qin Ziruo's arrogant look stiff, and then he began to shake the fan slowly: "The Duke's wife invited me, and I dare not slack off."

Qin Ziruo is also angry, and Su Sanlang thinks that she is in a hurry to please her? It's really self-righteous. Do you think the Su family is still as prominent as the previous emperor? Didn't you see your mother's servile appearance, and you can't wait to stick out your tongue * the queen's little toes? Sooner or later, the emperor will liquidate the Su family, and Su Sanlang is still powerful as the Duke of the State! Even if it seems that in the past, looking at the attitude of Duke Wei, the neglect of the Huang family is clear at a glance, otherwise the Huang family will rush to please the Qin family? Su San has never been able to get the title in his life, and he dares to put on such an arrogant appearance in front of her legitimate daughter.

When I came to the Duke's Mansion for you? Bah, you deserve it.

The reason why she frequently came to the door was to pay close attention to the whereabouts of the imperial concubine. After missing for so long, it was really aggrieved.

Of course, there are other attempts to maintain a friendly relationship with Huang for the time being.

Huang Shi saw the cold eyebrows of Aiko and Ziruo girl and sighed in her intestines. She also knew that the emperor's taboos against the Su family, but at least the eldest princess and the Duke's government have supported it for many years, and they will never fall to the point of seizing the title. The emperor now gras his brother Huang Tao is at the same time. The queen was also coaxed by her. If her son marries Qin Ziruo again, won't the title be captured in the future?

What else does Su Xing have to fight with Su Qian?

Although Ziruo is two years older than his son, he listens to the queen's intention and is not in a hurry to get married. After the New Year, his son is fifteen years old and has reached the age of marriage, which is a matter of course.

Huang personally appreciates Qin Ziruo's talent and appearance, and the Qin family behind her is simply the best daughter-in-law.

Unexpectedly, his son Su Qian is a dead-hearted person. He can't hear half of his words. If he has a grudge against his son, he doesn't know how to please him at all... Qian'er has been stubborn since he was a child. Since he was ten years old, he has been sent to Mingshan Academy. He has become more and more estranged with her mother. Instead, he obeyed to the son of the king of Chu. He can't wait to It's all because of the scourge of Su Yijing. At the beginning, he took precautions against himself because of the Song family's incident, but persuaded the eldest princess and the prince to send Xi'er away, so that he, as a mother, can't control his own son!

Fortunately, God has long eyes and personally received this scourge. It has been so long that he may have been killed somewhere and become a pile of white bones.

Even if she has a big life and comes back alive, the heavenly family is suspected of "lost chastity" for the reputation of the royal family. It is nothing more than three feet of white silk or a bowl of poisoned wine. At this time, it is no better than when the previous emperor was there. Humph, the queen hated her to the bone. How could she let her go?

Huang, the middle-matched running spirit, and the two "death enemies" below became colder and colder. Su Qian drank two sips of tea and excused to ask his fifth brother-in-law for teaching. After all, he left.

Huang's face was full of apologies. Qin Ziruo's expression eased and sighed for a long time: "The concubine of the world suffered misfortune. At this time, there was no trace. The emperor even neglected the government for this matter. The two of them were originally an enviable match, but it's really a pity."

Huang immediately wiped the corners of her eyes with a silk, looking sad: "When it comes to this matter, I am bitter, and Jing is also pitiful. After such a long time, there is no news... But she didn't even leave a child..."

That's how good it is. If Qin Zi thinks that he has expressed his wish for this and asked for his brother-in-law's original promise, and his brother-in-law also agrees with it... Even if Su is still alive, how can a woman abtained by a strongman keep her innocence? She will not be tolerated by the royal family. It is light to be abandoned, and may be secretly killed. She had already been killed by the gangster to cover up the discussion that the royal daughter-in-law had been defiled.

What's hateful is that her life and death are uncertain, and it's not good for the emperor to ask the world to marry another son at this time.

If Qin Zi was impatient, he secretly planned how to persuade the emperor to find an excuse to give marriage. When Huang Shi reminded him, if the girl had an idea, the heir would not be a ready-made excuse? The son of the king's mansion of Chu is thin, and the hot filial piety has passed. Even the empress dowager forced her brother-in-law to accept the Yan family's daughter as a concubine on the grounds of her son. She said that when the late emperor was seriously ill, he had originally entrusted him not to mourn for three years, only three months...

Qin Ziruo secretly made up his mind and said to Huang, "You are the Duke's wife, and now your body has regained your health. You should have presided over the gift of the Duke's mansion. Madam, don't worry, this time the Empress edicted the eldest princess to enter the palace, just mentions this matter. The son's wife is a daughter-in-law, and it is her responsibility to serve filial piety to her mother-in-law, and the third lady. ... There are so many father-in-law waiting in Jinyang, but I haven't heard of the reason of the third wife's master, the eldest princess is well ceremonial law, but she doesn't know the comments below. If the old man hears that there are rumors that she prefers the third master and wants the third wife to attack the knight, she will definitely wake up. How can she make people misunderstand the Duke? The house is on the wall."

Of course, if Qin Zi knew that he was going to attack the Su family today, but the Duke of Wei's mansion has deep roots and it is not easy to eradicate it. Huang's intention is just able to use it. If she takes control the inner house, she will have the opportunity to assassinate the eldest princess and the Duke of Wei, and then put the blame on Su Ke's head and let him to be a powerful mother-killing and a poisoner. In this way, can those Confucian scribes still pursue this cabinet bachelor?

Second Master Su is just a polite and unclimatic. Su Jihe was subdued by the emperor again. He has long been dissatisfied with the eldest princess mother and son. Huang will never be willing to attack the prince. He will definitely take the opportunity to clean up the son and his wife, so that Su Qian can be right. Su Qian is a milky and unfinished nerd. How can he subdue the old relatives of the Duke of Wei From then on, even if the Su family can keep the title, it is completely in decline and there is no fear.

With no eldest princess and Duke Wei, the title fell into the hands of Huang's parents and children. Even if Su Yijing has the fate to come back in the future, will Huang still support her? Without the strong support of my mother's family, I can't save my life, not to mention competing for the position of a concubine.

No wonder Qin Ziruo's calculation was so loud. She didn't know that the eldest princess and the Duke of Wei knew that the Huang family had wanted to harm the scenery, and her defense against the Huang family was comparable to the iron wall. She really believed Huang's words and thought that it was just a stepdaughter, Yijing, who had a lot of intentions, and provoked the eldest princess and the Duke of Wei to neglect the Huang family, but now it is not At the beginning, Su Yijing's life and death were uncertain, and the dragon chair was also replaced. The Duke of Wei was bound to feel the taboo of the heavenly family. At this time, when seeking self-protection, how could it be against the queen for the matter of feeding? The eldest princess Ming'er responded to the edict to Kunren Palace. After getting the queen's suggestion, Huang could immediately hold the power of the family.

Can such a smart person as Huang know who she only relies on? Tianjia points to the east, and she dares to go west?

The third room lost the middle gift, and it didn't take long for the eldest princess's mother and son to kill. It's not that they have grievances because of their dissatisfaction. There have been rumors that Su Yi wants to win the title. It happened to be at the end of this matter. The third wife Xu has been in charge of the middle gift for so many years. The house is full of her connections. Naturally, there are many ways to move in diet. The hands and feet originally wanted to pollure the Huang family, but they didn't know that "the merits were lost". The emperor Shengming personally inspected the case, so "the water came out". Who dares to question it?

If Qin Zi only feels that the victory is in hand, she came up with this method. The emperor was very impressed. This time, she made a contribution. With her brother-in-law, who is as stable as Taishan, she is afraid that she will not be able to stand on the king of Chu's mansion in the future? Su has not been threatened. With her intelligence and means, sooner or later, she will win the wholeheartedness of the world and completely erase the Su family from the royal palace of Chu.

He was calculating happily, but he heard the report that the country came to Ruiyuan fairly. Qin Ziruo was already impatient and took this opportunity to leave.

Duke Wei met Su Qian, who was covered with frost, and the father and son talked a few words.

After seeing the ceremony, Su Qian said with frustration, "Father, it's better to allow your son to go back to Yizhou and stay in the college."

Su Qian was really aggrieved. After the Lantern Festival, he immediately packed up and rushed back to Yizhou. On the way, he heard about the death of the emperor. He thought that he had no reputation, no official position, and was not the son of the emperor. He did not need him to go to the palace to cry, so he did not plan to return. After changing his bereate clothes, he continued to Yizhou, but in March there was a mother. The dear companion came to see him and said that Huang was seriously ill and missed Sanlang very much. Then Su Qian kept asking for leave and returning.

When she came back, Huang was calm and sound, but she cried that she really missed her son and begged Su Qian to stay in Kyoto with tears.

For this reason, the eldest princess and the Duke of Wei scolded the Huang family. Su Qian couldn't bear to be blamed by her mother, so she pleaded for mercy.

But he has now been full of resentment by Huang and wants to leave home thousands of miles.

The Duke of Wei naturally knew what Huang did, but he did not agree: "You have made great progress in your knowledge in Mingshan Academy over the years, and you have calmed down a lot. You feel very relieved for your father, but as a scholar, there will always be a day when you go to school. Can you hide from the silence for a lifetime? There is no need to pay attention to unnecessary things, calm down and study, strive to pass the children's examination in one fell swoop in the future, and take the qualification of a supervisor.