Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 623 Strange Queen, Amazing

"Look at your dejected appearance, one by one..."

A woman's very disdainful shrill rebuke floated in the side hall, which made Ren Hai, the eunuch in charge of Kunren Palace standing outside the door, couldn't help turning his head and quickly glanced at the bright red gold-dressed "strange flower" on the main seat inside, and the corners of his lips twitched a few times.

Empress Qin is really the "strange master" she has served in Ren Hai's eunuch career for 20 years. She is the only one who has never been, which completely subverts Ren Hai's cognition of the high-ranking concubines should be well.

Let's talk about this matter in front of us. Although the former emperor had a decree, there was no need for the emperor and his clans to mourn for three years in uniform, which was reduced to March. At this time, he had been removed. However, in order to show filial piety, in addition to imperial clothes, he usually used black and white two-colored clothes. Of course, the concubines should follow suit and did not dare to dress too much. Only the mother snorted coldly. , if it is filial, you should not accept concubines, let alone spoil the harem. Honestly abstinence for three years, why wear a headdress and work hard on the surface, which is so hypocritical.

So she implemented her sincerity. After April 19th, she tossed it up in Kunren Palace and made this place brilliant, colorful, and her own golden embroidered red clothes and jewels day by day.

Not to mention the previous emperors, in terms of Gaozu, Taizong and even the Eastern Ming dynasties, they considered the children of the heavenly family and the health of the emperor. In fact, it is common practice to mourn for three months, but in order to show filial piety, it is normal to pretend to be restrained. After being refuted by Empress Qin, the sincerity and filial piety on the face of many emperors has been torn off, and it has become hypocrisy. Pretentious.

Ren Hai couldn't help but think of the death of the late emperor. On the theory, he should have arranged for Feng and Princess Qing to enter the palace to preside over the mourning of the wife and other matters. The King of Qing did not know whether it was really negligent or deliberately forgotten. Instead, he did not say anything but entrusted the empress dowager with big and small matters. Ren Hai almost thought that there was a great disparity in the rear position. They all said that King and his wife violated the peace, and Princess Qing acted obediently. Not to mention the virtuousness that the daughter of the family should have, she was simply not as good as the daughters of those official eunuchs of sesame and mung beans. She really ruled the harem to take charge of the phoenix seal. There may be many jokes. Does it be said that King Qing did not want to appoint his wife as the queen?

Although similar things have happened in the previous dynasty, they are rare and still rare. At that time, Ren Hai, as the eunuch in charge of Yikun Palace, expressed great excitement.

The next day, the Empress Qin went to the palace to mourn and went to Kunren Palace by herself, saying that since King Qing inherited the throne, she was a well-known queen and should live here.

Ren Haiqing clearly remembered the faces of the Empress Dowager and the emperor, but did not reprimand the Queen Qin.

Ren Hai thought about it. Yes, there was no imperial edict on the succession of the king of Qing. This princess of Qing is no longer decent, and she is also the lawful wife chosen by the former emperor for the king of Qing. She issued a decree to marry. If there is a disturbance of not establishing a legitimate wife at this juncue, the emperor is also afraid that he is not legal to succeed to the throne.

However, Ren Haimi thought that the queen had given up the phoenix to welcome him and asked herself to stay in the palace. From the beginning, it was down. In fact, the Queen Qin did not need to be so shameless. The emperor wanted to sit firmly in the dragon chair and could not do without the help of Qin Xiang. As long as the Queen Qin adhered to her manners, the officials would naturally After the invitation, it is only a matter of time before you enter the palace.

Well, Queen Qin has entered the Kunren Palace. After seven days of mourning, she should always connect the hidden concubines and others to the harem one by one and discuss how to seal the class after three months, but the Queen Qin was completely unconscious. The Empress Dowager couldn't stand it and did it in person. The concubine and the concubine of the royal palace came in and mentioned that Queen Qin was considering how to enthrone the harem.

Although this imperial concubine is the responsibility of the queen, the emperor certainly has the right to make a decision. Generally speaking, the queen has to negotiate with the emperor in advance and will not disobey the will of the emperor. The queen of Qin is good. She has no intention of discussing with the emperor at all, so she has set the rules. The imperial concubine Deng, who gave birth to the little princess, is Zhaoyi, which is quite the emperor. The beloved White Concubine was actually just a talented person, and the others were all selected as servants. As for the concubines who had served the emperor but did not have a famous position in the hidden mansion, Queen Qin had no intention of connecting them to the harem at all and allowed them to stay in the hidden residence to survive and die.

Ren Hai was in Ci'an Palace that day. After hearing Queen Qin's arrogant proposal, he clenched his fists and tightened his toes to endure it. It was not easy to laugh.

The side concubine of the royal palace was already second-class, but the queen of Qin was good and openly lowered the rank of the "enemies in love". Except for her, the queen, the harem thought that the positions of concubines were all empty.

Ren Hai remembered the face of the old Lord Empress Dowager Chen and was almost burned to death by anger.

The Empress Dowager was calm and said with a smile that it seems that the daughter-in-law of Silang is indeed living up to the legend, free and unrestrained - this is a praise for the heroine of the world, but it can be used to evaluate the queen of the mother world...

Therefore, the Empress Dowager proposed to the emperor that the Queen of Qin was still familiar with the law of the palace and study the law of the palace, which was not suitable for the time being to dominate the harem, so as not to be laughed at.

The Queen of Qin was immediately stripped of the power to rule the harem.

Ren Hai was extremely nervous at that time. If the Empress Dowager was in charge of the palace affairs, I was afraid that the Empress Dowager Chen and the emperor would be reluctant, and it was indeed illegal. How could Qin Huaiyu compromise with those officials and imperial historians? Unexpectedly, the next sentence of the Empress Dowager is - "The Empress Dowager is also from a noble family. Over the years, she has been virtuous and filial. The previous emperor has praised her. Qin is your daughter-in-law. You should have come to teach her. The empress dowager temporarily takes care of this harem affairs for her, which is also your kindness as a mother."

Ren Haida was impressed. Sure enough, he was the Empress Dowager. He lived in the court for most of his life and acted thoughtfully.

Ren Hai has served in the Yikun Palace for many years. Naturally, he knows that this noble concubine is indeed virtuous and filial on the surface, but in private... but he has not been convinced by the Empress Dowager Kong. The Empress Dowager Chen has long had the desire to take charge of the six palaces, but he has never had a chance to take charge of the six palaces. At the same time, the Empress Dowager Qin, who has never liked her daughter-in-law, the Empress Dowager The power of the palace was handed over to her, and she was not overjoyed.

This is what the Empress Dowager Chen wants.

The Empress Dowager nodded, and the emperor was also satisfied. What does it matter whether the Queen Qin is willing or not? As long as the emperor has no objection, Qin Huaiyu, the old man, dares not interfere in the affairs of the harem. Queen Qin inexplicably lost the queen's right, but she did not know how to restrain it. Ren Hai was really amazed.

The lord of Kunren Palace knew that he was arranged by the Empress Dowager Chen to follow him, and thought that these eunuchs could only be prosperous by flaming her nominal queen. In the past, they looked arrogant and had no scruples about what anyone said. No, the seventh wife of the Qin family who was waiting to marry her boudoir. When he came back, Ren Hai heard that the two sisters discussed the pressure to enter the palace, and it was also up to him to go to the Duke of Wei to pass the edict.

Thinking of this, Ren Hai sneered coldly.

He is a man of the former emperor, and Duke Zhan is his adoptive father. If his adoptive father had not been maintained by the eldest princess, he would have been tortured to death by the great eunuch at that time, and he was Ren Hai. If he did not have the help of his adoptive father, he was afraid that he was still suffering from the work department. How could he be decent and pampered at present? Sooner Qin was so stupid, he would be cleaned up sooner or later. To offend the eldest princess for her? The brain has not been boiled.

Therefore, when Ren Hai passed the edict, he told the eldest princess the words discussed by the Queen Qin sisters one by one. The purpose of the Queen Qin this time was to support the princess of your country.

Thanks to the two sisters, they have come up with it. The Queen Qin has not been able to take charge of the palace affairs, so she can only hold the queen's air and show her prestige in front of the concubines. After that, she will be reprimanded by the emperor. How dare she dares to extend her hand to the back house of the Duke of Wei, and she can also threaten the eldest princess? Qin Ziruo is said to be talented and smart. There are rumors that she is even more talented and beautiful than Su Wuniang, one of the two flowers in Kyoto. Bah, with her, she is better than Wu Niang's small toe? A daughter of the palace went to the Qianming Palace in two or three days. There may be some shady business. The reputation of the Qin family's century-old poetry and books is bound to be destroyed by the two sisters.

General Manager Ren was indignant and saw a small eunuch coming quickly. Listening to his report, he knew that the eldest princess had entered the Shenwu Gate and was going to Ci'an Palace.

Because the empress dowager was alive, the empress dowager Chen temporarily lived in the Shoukang Palace. The eldest princess went directly to see the empress dowager. There may be a good play today. Ren Hai raised his eyebrows slightly and calmed his emotions. Then he bowed in and whispered the words to the "strange" in the main seat.

Queen Qin smiled proudly and said in front of the concubines, "Although it is the eldest princess I met today, it is also polite to go to Ci'an Palace to greet her first. Looking at it, I will inform me immediately." He shook his sleeves lazily: "Go back, what I said today, especially..." Queen Qin turned her eyes to the concubine Yan, who was sitting with her eyes down: " Especially Concubine Yan, copy today's instructions of this palace a hundred times, otherwise you can't eat."

Ren Hai glanced at Yan Shufei, who had recently entered the palace. Seeing that she looked at home, she was not dissatisfied at all, and could not help but appreciate it. This is the demeanor of a famous girl. This is just a concubine of the Yan family, and she is also more elegant than Queen Qin.

The Qin family? At present, it is still a family of poetry and books, a famous family!

Queen Qin sent the concubine and waited vigorily for the eldest princess to meet her. How did she plan to give people a majesty? Ren Hai saw Wei Shangyi from Ci'an Palace coming and hurriedly greeted her with a smile.

It is Wei Zhao who Ren Hai treats so attentively.

The general manager really admired this female official from a famous family. At the beginning of her accession to the throne, she wanted to transfer the guard of the Ministry of Ceremonies, but later, for some reason, she was promoted to the secretary of the Ministry of Ceremonies. Wei Zhao, as the legitimate daughter of Wei Shangshu, was praised by the Empress Dowager and served the phoenix body in Ci'an Palace, so many people guessed that this aunt My mother was afraid that she would become a harem in the future. The words reached the ears of the Queen Qin, but it was amazing. She immediately "killed" and went to Ci'an Palace. She made up her own decision to marry Wei Zhao for her married brother as a noble concubine. She planned to draw her salary from the bottom of the pot. Of course, she was reprimanded by the Empress Dowager.

The Wei family was once praised as the first family by Gao Zu, and the direct daughter went to the Qin family as a concubine? It's really thanks to Queen Qin who came up with it.

The empress dowager also liked Wei Zhao's character from the bottom of her heart and was reluctant to let her leave the palace. Ren Hai listened to his adoptive father, Eunuch Zhan, who said that the Empress Dowager did intend to make Wei Zhao a concubine, and she was a noble concubine, more honorable than the daughter of the Yan family.

Wu Wei girl did not want to become a harem. She knelt down and begged the empress dowager to allow her to become a female official, so that she could serve the empress dowager for a long time and appreciate the empress dowager.

The Empress Dowager has never been forced to force people. Seeing that Wei Zhao did not want to become a harem, she said that she would find another good match for her. Although she was reluctant, she could not bear to delay Wei Zhao's good years.

Miss Wei insisted on being a female official and staying in the court to serve.

The Empress Dowager confirmed that Wei Zhao had made up her mind and issued an edict to Wei Shang to discuss it. She was also a strange person, saying that she was willing to be a father and unwilling to object.

Wei Zhao then stayed in the court and was awarded the five-grade Shangyi. Although he belonged to the Shangyi Bureau, he stayed in the Ci'an Palace. He only acted under the order of the Empress Dowager and was even qualified to admonish and teach the imperial concubines. This is also the first female official since the founding of Dalong.

Miss Wei abandoned the noble concubines under the queen, abandoned the rich wife of the empress dowager who wanted to match her, and was willing to serve the court as a female official. This strange thing spread all over the court, which naturally attracted people's surprise.

Hearing that Wei Shangyi came by the order of the Empress Dowager, Ren Hai would naturally not ask much and turned around to report to the Empress Qin.

Queen Qin became angry as soon as she heard the three words "Wei Shangyi" - what a bitch, shameless. Her eldest brother is a middle-time scholar at present. In the future, she will be selected by the prime minister. Naturally, the second daughter of the minister of the district ceremony was naturally qualified as a noble concubine. The empress dowager actually scolded her for "delusional" and "unincompreparable"!

"What is she doing here!" Queen Qin's face was full of frost and scolded, "I am Kunren Palace, and Shangyi also dares to bump into it, pull it down and torture it with a cane!"

"Empress, if you punish the female official, you can give it to the empress dowager." Ren Haiqiang suppressed the ridicule in his heart, full of sincere reminders and jokes, even the Empress Dowager Chen did not dare to scold Wei Shangyi, let alone you? He didn't even have the right to rule the palace affairs, so he could only spread fire on this acre of Kunren Palace. He slapped the little princess last time and was told by Concubine Deng before the Holy Land. The lesson of the emperor's slap is estimated that the Lord will be left behind again.

The Empress Qin was arrogant in front of the concubine and calculated the good mood of humiliating the eldest princess so easily and destroyed by Wei Zhao. When she saw that Wei Zhao was neither humble nor arrogant but politely conveyed the edict of the Empress Dowager, she became more and more furious - what a great princess dared to put on the air of her elders, not But instead of coming to Kunren Palace, she was asked to go to Ci'an Palace!

Fortunately, with the emperor's permission to do this matter, even with the support of the Empress Dowager, she is not afraid!

Empress Qin took a walk and went aggressively, but unexpectedly, at this time, the emperor also got the edict of Ci'an Palace and was in full of her mind.