Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 639 Three people make friends, Ninghai Weijia

On the same day, when she heard that Yu Haoxi had won a complete victory, her mood was simply no sadness and no joy. She thought that maybe God's pity made the man break the halberd into the sand was what she wanted, but strange was that she was not very depressed after learning the "bad news", only a little nervous, which meant that her relatively relaxed time was coming to come to an end. In the near future, there will be always be careful about fighting wits and courage with the scourge. Princess Chu expressed considerable dissatisfaction and anxious about her feelings of not being disappointed. She did not pay attention to Mrs. Xue's uncontrollable, ecstatic and surprised attitude when she reported the good news. In fact, the scenery is impossible at all. Knowing that it was a great surprise for the people of Xiliang to capture the six counties of Haojing.

This is a wish that Wanzhang, the king of Xiliang, who is known as the "god of war" by the people of Xiliang, has not achieved for decades. Just ten years ago, the king of Xiliang even led 300,000 elite divisions to launch an attack on Haojingbian County, but nearly half of the casualties returned without success. As a result, His Majesty was hit hard and almost fell ill.

This time, His Royal Highness led less than 100,000 city guards, seized the two alliances of Chengye and Dongzheng from Beiyuan, and captured 20,000 prisoners from Xiliang. If it was still expected by everyone, it took only two months to break through the border of Beiyuan, making the victory of the collapse of the southern border to Haojing really make the people of Xiliang doubt it. Do your ears have hallucinations?

Even the king of Xiliang was stunned on the throne and laughed for a long time. Because he was too surprised, he fainted, which caused a panic in the palace. Fortunately, Princess Jin Yuan took Wei Xi to save him in time, so she was not happy and sad.

Xiliang seized Xiguan dangerous county, and it was difficult for Beiyuan's division to break through Haojing Mountain and threaten Xiliangbian County.

Naturally, ordinary people will not know the key to victory, but the king of Xiliang listened to the messenger sent back by the emperor to explain in detail. Naturally, Princess Jinyuan also knew the details, and the councilors of the three alliances were also informed one by one. Some time ago, because his son conquered the proud Lanjiang Gong, he even made no contribution to besieging the border for a long time. The king secretly despised himself and said that if it was really the heir to the throne, it would be a good thing. An incompetent king was the gospel of the Qing family.

Of course, he will never underestimate Dajun again, so he has strengthened his determination to marry.

It is also the consistent style of the Qing family and most nobles of Xiliang to bully the weak and turn to power. Of course, it is limited to the case that they have a choice.

Princess Jinyuan entered the palace for several days and saw that her grandfather was really fine, so she returned to her princess's mansion.

This day was Princess Fangchen, but because of the thrill caused by the great joy caused by the king of Xiliang, neither the queen nor Jin Yuan himself ignored it, but Princess Donghua still remembered it. Hearing that Jin Yuan had returned home, she brought some gifts to congratulate her.

An Jin had a good impression of Jin Yuan. At the beginning, she was determined to make peace. After listening to her eldest brother's analysis of the sinister, she concluded that the royal family must maintain a friendly relationship with everyone in the future. Naturally, when she first came to Xiliang, she intended to make friends with Jin Yuan. At that time, this was the crown prince in the mind of the king of Xiliang. An Jin wanted to be in the west. Liang Ping'an is worry-free and is bound to show his sincerity to Jin Yuan.

Not long ago, she was entrusted by her eldest brother. An Jin expected that Jin Yuan was the key to save her sister-in-law from trouble, and she came and went more frequently, hoping to take a step closer to her friendship with Jin Yuan. Although she had a certain purpose, An Jin asked herself that she did not harm Jin Yuan's ulterior motives, so she did not feel any burden.

Gradually, she and Jin Yuan can also talk about their daughter's family and break through the "deep" barrier.

Of course, there is also a reason for Jin Yuan to accept An Jin's friendship. Among them, there are many An Jin's special status as Princess Dalong. Jin Yuan must be treated politely. Jin Yuan can also see that An Jin and Yiyang Jun Qingyu turned to the piano and harmony. Yi Yang Jun was not allowed by the Qing clan and defected to the Wan royal family for a long time ago. He was a loyal minister of Jin Yuan, so However, An Jin is also regarded as an alliance. They are all women with similar temperaments and tempers, so they naturally become familiar with each other.

Therefore, Jin Yuan expressed his heartfelt thanks to An Jin for his arrival. This evening, he held a banquet in the house and invited another friend, who was her good doctor, Zheng Weixi.

In fact, An Jin did not intend to "putate well", which was also to prevent getting too close to her, which would make Dajun suspicious of Wei Ran and not conducive to his plan to save his sister-in-law. But at this time, she had no other choice, and thought that even if the king was well-sighted, he had not had the ability to put his ears in the princess's house. In addition, at this time, he was big You are still on the way back, so there should be no obstacle.

March's capital is already green, fragrant and fragrant. When the night is four, a crescent moon shifts from the branches to the Xinghe River. The three sit in the shade of flowers and enjoy the breeze blowing on the spring night. Looking at the moonlight, the peaches and plums are stained with a different layer of enchanting, such as the beautiful scenery, which always makes people In addition to being relaxed and happy, it also brings thousands of thoughts.

"I still remember the song of Yaoqin in An Jin's Fanglin banquet." Princess Jinyuan leaned against the waist-length carving set in the shade. The wine cup in her hand was empty and gently went to the table: "But at that time, I didn't expect to have such a fate with you. I'm afraid Yu Zhuan didn't expect it. I didn't tell you at this time. At that time, Yu Zhuan was ready to marry the daughter of Dalong's clan. I was really worried. She is a unruly and wayward woman who will be bullied in the future.

An Jin's drinking ability was completely exercised in Xiliang, but it was not as good as the other two. At this time, she had already turned red and raised her hand to forgive. There was only a bowl of pear fragrance at hand to quench her thirst. She also leaned slightly against the bed rail and smiled gently after hearing the words: "Poor Yiyang, I am not bullied at this time. At present, who doesn't know that I am unruly and capricious. , treat my husband as cold as frost.

"There is no outsider at this time, so don't pretend." Jin Yuan used not to talk much, but after drinking, he was still a little different from the past: "Yu Zhuan is also pitiful. None of his father, brothers and uncles' blood relatives think about him. His biological mother is sick and coldly by the clan, but the Yue family also has civil strife..."

Although the queen is nominally the daughter of the Yue family, the actual subjects do not know that it is not the bloodline of the Yue family. The Yue clan regarded the queen's mother as a witch, but it was deterred by the power of General Yue, the head of the family at that time, and also had the iron fist of King Xiliang. She had no choice but to be soft. Yiyang Jun's biological mother was actually the daughter of the brother of the queen's mother compatriot. In fact, in terms of bloodline, it is not a veritable Yue family. After the death of General Yue, the Yue clan became more and more estranged from the queen brother and sister, that is, seeing that the king of Xiliang was still there, they did not dare to eliminate it, but he had no contact with each other. Therefore, Lanjiang Gong was dissatisfied with his wife and thought that marrying a dragling daughter was not worthy of him. The identity is also very exclusive to his son Yiyang, who is mixed with civilian blood.

"So, you two also have relatives?" In fact, Jin Yuan did not pay attention to Wei Xi's origin. It was not until Wei Ran came to vote that Wei Xi mentioned his family when he introduced him. Wei Ran was later attracted by Xue and asked to be inserted into the Qing clan. The identity of the brother and sister was forged by the Xiliang official, that is, that is, Jin Yuan regarded An Jin as an alliance. At this time, he did not hesitate to say anything.

At this reason, Jin Yuan forced Wei Xi and An Jin to drink together. As a celebration wine of "me met old relatives in another country", An Jin changed the topic: "Jin Yuan, you made fun of us. Next, it's time for my sister-in-law to review you." An Jin pretended to be serious and sat upright: "The emperor has made military achievements this time, and his prestige has greatly increased. What on earth do you plan to do?"