Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 640 Be willing to submit and not be jealous

An Jin asked what Dajun Liwei had planned. Naturally, it was not limited to his children's private affairs. Jin Yuan had introduced An Jin as a confidant, and also had an alliance with Yiyang. At the beginning, Yiyang Jun showed his loyalty to her and helped Jin Yuan win the throne at the political marriage. At present, the return of the emperor has become Jin Yuan's most threatening opponent. In public and private, An Jin's "interrogation" is reasonable, and Jin Yuan should clear his doubts.

She was silent, poured a cup of wine, and slowly tasted half of it before saying, "Even if An Jin doesn't ask today, I plan to find an opportunity to confess to you and his wife that compared with me, Dajun is more suitable for leading his subjects to prosper in the future. We should help him to be more conducive to the prosperity of the country."

An Jin was not surprised. In fact, since the return of the emperor to Xiliang, Jin Yuan has not rejected obstruction and interference, but was helpful for him to stand on Xiliang. Even when he took the initiative to enrove the title of the throne, An Jin and Yiyang expected that Jin Yuan would not be the enemy of the emperor, so she only said at this time: "I would like to hear Its details."

"Does An Jin know how difficult it is to conquer the six counties of Haojing?" Jin Yuan did not answer the question.

"I heard something from Yiyang."

"Beiyuan has long been coveted by Chengye and Dongzheng vassals. This time, there are many disputes and entangled by Beiyuan, and the idea of annexation. At first, it was the advice of the Xue State Council. Beiyuan had troubles with the two vassals. Xiliang's funding troops are unbearable every time. At the same time, if they take the two vassals, they are expected to conquer Haojing and occupy the danger. Therefore, I decided to make a plan. When Beiyuan forcibly occupied the two vassals and Xiliang, there was a famous counterattack. At the beginning, when my cousinshang with me and planned whether he could take this opportunity to capture Haojing I and Erbian counties, I still felt that my cousin was so tall, and even Xue Guoxiang was not optimistic.

Jin Yuan sighed gently: "My cousin did not insist on it at that time, and he didn't even ask for more troops, but he did it. I was really convinced. Originally, he had a high and low heart with his cousin, and now he has become full of admiration."

An Jin expressed doubts: "The king used an interstimanship this time to make the North Plains civil strife. In terms, there is also a suspicion of opportunism."

"Xue Guoxiang has also thought like this, but there is no way to start." Jin Yuandun said, "This is not simple. Although we knew that there was also a power struggle between the princes of Beiyuan, it was really difficult to use. An Jin thought about it carefully. If he could not detect which prince Haojing had colluded with, how could he persuade the ten princes to assassinate the prince? And the king of Beiyuan happened to let the prince supervise the war, but the prince was biased However, he escaped from the assassination and was expected to return to Beiyuan safely with the help of the vassal state. Only then will the ten prince panic and hesitate to collude with the generals to rebel.

If the prince dies and the ten prince's treacherous plan is reached, Hao Jingshou will naturally not leave his post without permission, and Xiliang will have no chance to do so. If it is really wrong, it will be in vain to take a step off the link. More importantly, it is not easy to grasp the right time to achieve it, and this time, the emperor did not even use Xiliang. People show that he has arranged his own work in Beiyuan, and his role is much more useful than the original people in Xiliang.

"There is still something wonderful about this plan. At this time, the king of Beiyuan also heard that Haojing's guard general colluded with the ten prince, and 100,000 rebels were going to the capital. Therefore, he must mobilize troops to fight against it. In this way, Beiyuan did not have time to organize troops to recapture Haojing. We can also take advantage of the situation to defend and consolidate the customs, station troops in Haojing, subdue the people, and wait for Beiyuan. Wang Ting calmed up, and Haojing had been shaken by my Xiliang. There are brave soldiers in the dangerous county, and they want to take back the difficult to ascend to the sky. Jin Yuan continued: "The six counties of Haojing have always been a dead knot in your majesty's heart, and there is even a sigh of regret that it can't be conquered. This time, my cousin can take it in one fell swoop and keep it firmly. He has been convinced by his subjects. The king is indeed the most important choice of the future power of Xiliang."

An Jin saw that Jin's admiration for the king was indeed born from the heart, and he did not question the ability of the other party again. He just said, "But this time the king let Hu and Qing take the orders of the two vice generals, so that the two surnames also made military contributions, which is very unfavorable to the policy of abolishing the political committee. If there is a political committee If there is a decree of interference, it is bound to still allow the nobles to oppress the people. In the long run, it is not conducive to people's livelihood and political harmony.

Xiliang colluded with merchants, and the nobles colluded with businessmen to make profits, and some political committee blocked the peace and civil affairs order of light tax reduction, so that most of the people in Xiliang were poor and could not even live and work in peace and contentment. More importantly, the taxes collected from the people did not belong to the royal family, but were divided by the great nobles and the three surnames. Although the king of Xiliang was belligerent, he also There is the ambition of unifying various ministries to strengthen Xiliang. Unfortunately, the treasury can't support a large-scale war. Therefore, it is necessary to disintegrate the three-name monopoly finance, which is basically to abolish the political committee.

"At this point, my cousin also planned to discuss with Xue Guoxiang to use the Qing clan to suppress the Hu family first, and then turn around to clean up the Qing family. His suggestion is to directly ask for military merit, so that ordinary nobles can be awarded the city." Jin Yuan laughed.

An Jin raised his eyebrows slightly: "In fact, this is also a practice in Dalong. If you make great contributions, you will have to wait for the title. However, in Xiliang, for a long time, only the three royal families have been awarded the title... The political meeting is bound not to pass."

"So, how disappointed should the nobles who chased Hu and Qing two families be?" Jin Yuan nod his head.

An Jin couldn't help exclaiming a little: "Do you want to divide the forces behind the two surnames?"

Naturally, those who can get the title of Yi will not be ordinary officers, but the generals and their officers. All of these people are not great nobles and are all the help of the three surnames.

Xiliang was originally a Three Kingdoms Alliance, so there was a treaty to govern the three surnames. After the three surnames, they were supported by the original Shixun and nobles of various countries. While supporting the three surnames, they also rely on the three surnames to enjoy glory and wealth, but if their interests conflict with the three surnames, specifically, Hu and Qing two clans... ...

"The nobles and the political meeting are in the same situation, so they will abolish the political meeting, hoping that the royal government order will be implemented in their favor. without their support, the Qing and Hu families will no longer be afraid." Jin Yuan smiled slightly: "For a long time, I have focused on the interests of the people, but ignored the key role of the nobles. The reform of political orders and tax laws must be gradual. The first step is to abolish the political committee. I only thought that I could not avoid civil strife and must be suppressed by power, but I didn't expect to decompose the privileges of the three surnames to you. In this way, the surname Wan can truly subdue the nobles, provoke them to fight with Hu and Qing, and fundamentally disintegrate the two surnames.

If it leads to a civil war, it is bound to hit Xiliang, and the innocent family is still a hard worker. However, if the political committee can be abolished and the power of Wan will be unified by the public, it will undoubtedly be most beneficial to the implementation of the new government to strengthen the people in the future.

With the surnames of Hu and Qing, the nobles are like a plate of scattered sand. The only attachment is the royal power. As long as the ruler is the king of the holy and Ming, how dare the nobles use the power to suppress the people and strip the people's fat? Of course, it is still necessary to give kindness and benefits to the nobles so that they can bow down and obey the national government. The revision of the decrees and laws is a complicated task, which can be done slowly, but the policy of benefiting the country and the people must be implemented unimped. The first thing is to abolish the Three Alliance Councils that obstruct the implementation of the decree.

This victory of Haojing is the perfect time to propose to reward the title.

The three alliances political committee is facing apocalyptic system!

And all this happened in a short period of time after the king's return to the country, which was planned by him.

"At the beginning, your majesty wanted to make me a reserve, but he thought that I could lead Xiliang to continue to flourish. It turned out that I still had many shortcomings. Whether you are wise or decisive, you are far better than me. I am willing to assist you as a minister, and I am not willing to accept it." Jin Yuan looked at An Jin and joked: "Is there any doubt about Jin Yuan's opinion?"

An Jin smiled and said, "As a woman, Jin Yuan is concerned about the king's country and does not care about personal interests. I am very convinced... However, when the king did not show his ability at the beginning of his return, Jin Yuan was more helpful. In fact, I have been suspicious for a long time. Could it be that Jin Yuan has long admired the king?"

Hearing this, Wei Xi temporarily stopped drinking herself and looked at An Jin with a smile. This little girl put a word out of her mouth early in the morning, but turned around such a big circle before asking Jin Yuan. What is this idea? But of course she didn't show it and was still silent.

Jin Yuan also said: "My cousin went to Xiliang many years ago and talked about Xiliang's government affairs with me. At that time, I deeply felt that he was unique and really admired him."

"I often gossip with the queen, listen to what she means, and also want to marry the emperor. In my opinion, the monarch is certainly the most suitable candidate for the crown prince. If you look at Xiliang, there is no future queen more suitable than Jin Yuan." At this time, An Jin was especially glad that she was in Xiliang. There was no need to avoid talking about marriage. After speaking bluntly, she said this, but she said in a slightly low voice: "However, there has been a lot of noise outside. The emperor has a deep affection for Qianpan's wife, and even rumors that he wants to make her wife. The queen doesn't care, but I witnessed the emperor look forward to Qian that day. Maintenance..."

An Jin was a little nervous when she said this, because she was very worried that Jin Yuan would hold a grudge against Qianpan.

"It's not a rumor." Jin Yuan raised his eyes and sat slightly: "In fact, my cousin told me before the expedition that if my grandparents wanted to be unfavorable to Qian, he still wanted me to help him. He said frankly that he would invite Mrs. Feng for Qian in the future."

This not only surprised An Jin, but also Wei Xi was almost choked by the wine, but Jin Yuan was very calm.

"I am also a woman, no different from ordinary women. I have an admiration for men, but my children's private feelings are always at the bottom of me. I helped my cousin because he was the son of my aunt and I was a relative. At present, I am determined to assist the king because he really has the ability that I don't do, and I am more powerful. I I never intend to pay for my children's private affairs, and naturally I don't expect to be rewarded.

An Jin really didn't expect that Jin Yuan would say such a thing. The first reaction was not credible, but Jin Yuan's calm and steady look made her involuntarily convince her. On second thought, her original request for marriage had nothing to do with her children's personal feelings. At that time, she had no intention of marrying with a bosom friend. The only thing to worry about is how to get out of the dilemma at that time to strive for possible peace and freedom.

Jin Yuan has been highly expected by the royal family since she was a child. As the only heir of the prince, her future marriage cannot be free. Maybe she has been prepared for a political marriage, and it is true that she never expects her children's private feelings.

"However, Jin Yuan, even for the sake of Xiliang's future, your marriage with Dajun is more suitable." An Jin further tested.

"Even if I am not the queen in the future, I will try my best to assist the king. Whether we get married or not is not the key." Jin Yuan smiled gently: "Actually, I also think that if I am a queen, I will be more convinced than Qian hoped, and my cousin will be more successful in the future. As An Jin said, for the future of Xiliang, I should indeed fight for the throne of queen."

but didn't wait for An Jin to speak. Jin Yuan followed and said, "However, I can't take care of others and interfere with my cousin with my own ideas. It is reasonable for him to marry his beloved as the main room. With his ability to be strong enough, Xiliang, he doesn't need to use marriage. In addition... If my cousin wants to marry in such a simple way I will accept Wan's clan, public and private, but if he doesn't want to, I will also maintain my dignity. I can't force each other with powerful interests for the sake of wishful thinking. To that extent, I despise myself, and even humiliate the dignity of a princess of a country.

In a word, this night, An Jin was completely subdued by Jin's frank mind. No matter how she was, she would harm the scene for the jealousy of her daughter's family, but she was really not sure whether Her Royal Highness, who had been convinced by the emperor, was willing to rescue her sister-in-law. Finally, she decided to record the conversation in her pen and hand it to Yanzi Building. Send it to Chuzhou.

For such a nerve-wracking thing, let her brother care about the judgment. She still acts safely according to the order.

But An Jin really felt a little aggrieved. Taking advantage of one day, Yiyang "overcome through all difficulties" and "shamelessly" to "be beg for a white man" to stay in the princess's house. An Jin pinched her husband's shoulder and suddenly said, "Why do I always think that Jin Yuan should sit on the throne? Is it so unreassuring to hand over Xiliang to His Royal Highness in vain?

Yiyangjun was stunned on the spot and was extremely puzzled by his wife's arbitrary four-character comment on His Royal Highness, who had greatly increased prestige.