Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 641 The king returns home, Xiaoxiao "revenge"

It is said that when His Royal Highness led the army, the civil and military officials greeted him outside the city, saluted and greeted each other, and greeted each other with six times of gold. The rules of honor and regulations were no different from that of the crown prince. The people waiting on the road from the gate to the outside of the palace. With the six times of gold slowly passing by, the majestic sound of the mountain shook through the sky, and the king of Xiliang came to the palace. The city was waiting for a huge captive ceremony outside the main gate of Yu, and when the emperor entered the palace, a three-day celebration banquet was held. In the palace, there were songs and dances, and the major restaurants in the city also responded one after another, exempt ordinary people from food, waiting for tea, wine and food, and even the prostitutes were not willing to lag behind. Geisha They spontaneously choreographed songs and dances to praise virtue and performed them on the street. They were indeed celebrated all over the world, and their excitement was even better than that of the new year.

The Dajun Mansion has already been decorated with lanterns, and the servants and women have changed their new clothes, waiting to welcome the return of their masters.

Only the green garden is calm.

With Mrs. Xue and Kyoyu, beautiful scenery naturally knows the king's itinerary of returning to Beijing. Almost every time the two messengers returned, they couldn't wait to come to the Green Qingyuan to spread it, so that Yijing could be relieved, but they did not find that the other party was indifferent at all until the emperor really entered the capital and the court held a banquet as a noblewoman. Mrs. Xue's mother and daughter also have to be edicted to enter the palace, and Yijing is naturally not qualified to go to the banquet as such a status. Mrs. Xue seems to have found her "lost" and comforted her: "Don't pay attention to it. After the disturbance of the abolition of the alliance meeting, maybe your majesty will appoint a king as the crown prince, and at that time, your Highness will definitely invite you for the wife. ."

Although Mrs. Xue's persuasion did not come to the point, Yijing still expressed gratitude. In fact, it was not all hypocritical. For the extremely dedicated care and companionship of the mother and daughter for nearly a year, Yijing should also sincerely grateful. Without Mrs. Xue, the birth of Xiaoxiao may not be so smooth, so Mrs. Xue and Gao When Yu Cixing, Yijing personally sent the two of them out of the hanging flower door to the corner of the front courtyard of the king's mansion, which was quite reluctant.

During this period, Xiao Man visited again and found an opportunity to ask Xia Ke whether the beautiful scenery could move freely in the Dajun Mansion. Xia Ke thought that his master had hinted that he had not mention the little lady for the time being, so he simply gave a positive reply.

In fact, since the king's expedition, Mrs. Xue sat in the array, and the scenery was not very attractive, she got the freedom to go in and out of any place as long as she did not go out of the mansion. Later, the waist and abdomen of the scenery gradually became conspicuous. After Mrs. Xue's persuasion, there were two restrictions. After Xiaoxiao was born, Yijing also intended to be familiar with the Dajun Mansion. In this situation, there are many wandering around. Due to the tight defense of the whole mansion, there is no possibility of sneaking out. The beautiful scenery does not allow the maids in white to follow, and sometimes they even take a fancy to the beautiful scenery. They have to sit alone in the pavilions and pavilions, and even the two close maids of Pan'er and Xia Ke can be beaten.

That is to say, when you don't contact outsiders or be alone with Xia Ke, the scenery is absolutely free in the king's mansion.

Xiao Man made a special trip to inquire about this matter. Of course, it was related to escape. Xia Ke naturally informed the scenery in time, but the scenery has been thinking about it many times, but I can't figure out any mistakes in it.

The access control everywhere is very strict. Even if there are dark people infiltrating, they can't quietly bring the scenery out of the king's mansion. Once they are shocked, it is easy to enforce the whole Kyoto martial law with the king's current power. Even if the scenery can get out of the king's mansion, it is impossible to escape the search and get out of the city under close surveillance.

And as the day when the king moved back to the court gradually approached, the mood of the scenery became more and more gloomy. Worrying is a matter that affects sleep. When the emperor arrived in Kyoto on this day, the scenery thought that a new round of "secret war" was about to begin. He had to be careful step by step and must not let the person see something strange. Only then did he forcibly hold back his impetuousness in his heart and intend to recuperate himself and deal with others.

She only thought that Yu Haoxi would be allowed to return home after a three-day banquet, so she should take advantage of these days to take good rest so as not to make people look depressed, but sleepiness is not subjective will. Although she goes for half a night, it is still difficult to fall asleep when she plans to make up for sleep in the afternoon.

In the end, I was still asked to bring Xiaoxiao. Ijing lay in ** and teased the little cutie for a while. She smelled the fragrance of her daughter's body before she reluctantly fell asleep.

When I woke up and opened my eyes in a daze, the blue gauze of the west window had been stained with the beauty of sunset.

Yingjing woke up for a long time, but suddenly realized that Xiaoxiao, who had been coaxed by her to sleep, should have woken up early, but at this time, she disappeared!

Frightened by this, the weakness of his body immediately disappeared, but when he stepped on foot, he clearly felt that his footsteps were still weak.

Pan'er and Xia Ke heard the sound inside and said, "Where's the little lady?" Then the master, who was full of panic, woke up early and asked the wet nurse back to the room for fear of disturbing his wife. As soon as the emperor returned, he heard that his wife was resting and told her not to disturb her. At this moment, she was teasing the little lady outside.

Yijing quickly made people wear a simple bun, cleaned his face randomly, and rushed out to "rescue" Xiaoxiao.

In a square pavilion in the corner of Lvqingyuan, the glow shone diagonally. The man in the crow robe was holding Xiaoxiao for fun, and the little girl did not recognize strangers. At this time, she giggled and rudely pulled out the king's hair, threw the golden crown on the ground, pulling the bun of the emperor's highness, trying to "pull it up".

This scene made the scene like a great enemy suddenly feel unable to laugh and cry, and then stand stunned.

If Yu is here, the father and daughter should have such an intimate smile, and they don't know when they will meet her father.

It's all this scourge, otherwise how can their family be separated? Yijing only felt a burst of anger from Dantian, and his eyes were burned.

For a long time, she clenched her fist to resist her anger, and then moved slowly.

By this time, Xiaoxiao had successfully dismantled the evil uncle's bun, with a pair of black grape-like eyes shining, and the rosy cherry mouth that she could fully understand. She seemed to be surprised by the length of her hair in her hand and unfolded an angelic smile, but suddenly clenched her fat fist. Wave your arm heavily.

Binjing heard the man twitching heavily.

The boudoir* is good, and Yijing thought to herself, so she called "Your Highness".

She was a little hesitant. She didn't want Yu Haoxi to continue to hold her daughter, but she didn't want to "grab" in person. This will inevitably cause physical contact and make Yijing very repulsive.

At this time, someone with his hair seemed a little embarrassed, but the emperor naturally didn't mind. He turned around and couldn't hide his eyebrows.

"Xia Ke, take the little lady back." The scenery avoided the man's scorching eyes, turned slightly and told Xia Ke.

The king was unwilling to return Xiaoxiao, but Yijing had turned around. Although she knew that she could not be too indifferent at this time, she really couldn't play the scene of "meet after a long separation", but she still stood still and looked back with a smile: "Dajun moved and let the maids Comb your hair.

Beautiful scenery didn't know that her side turned around and happened to stain half of her cheeks, which immediately made the faint smile bright and slightly shy, but the brightness was obvious to all, and shyness was made up by someone standing there.

So Dajun did not feel the coldness of the beautiful woman's complicated mood. He understood the ulterior motives under this smile. He only thought that she would finally smile at me.

The authorities are obsessed with these four-character motto.

Xinjue, the maid in white, maintained a cold frost for nearly a year, and finally melted after the return of the king. In fact, their attitudes changed when they heard the good news of Haojing six counties. Obviously, they were more honored and much happier than the scenery. At this time, Xin Jue combed the bun for the emperor, as if he had been on some extraordinary glorious mission, and his behavior was careful, which led to a slightly longer time to comb the bun.

Yingjing took this opportunity to calm down and think about how to deal with the next "long-lost reunion".

So when the emperor was well dressed again, she finally said a caring word: "After listening to Mrs. Xue celebrate the banquet for three days, why did Your Highness come back today?" Because the tone is just right, there is no dislike in Dajun's ears. It is indeed caring.

"Your Majesty heard that I had suffered minor injuries, so after the luncheon, he allowed me to come back to rest."

I had no choice but to care about another injury. After hearing that there was no major obstacle, I stopped at the right time and only reminded him not to be careless. It's better to ask a medical officer for treatment.

"Your Majesty has been diagnosed and treated by the imperial doctor." Dajun said something.

Ijing just calculated what to say, so she asked if she had used dinner.

"Is the fifth sister inviting me to have dinner together?"

Bingjing: ... Well, she acquiesced.

The king expressed great joy at the "hospitality" of the beautiful woman.

The natural atmosphere during the banquet is harmonious. Although the scenery is all about controlling the heat, it can't be too indifferent, but it can't be too eager to cause the fire. After all, it is just right that the heart is not subsided, but it is loose and disintegrated. The dinner is so boring, but it's just big You are already very gratified. Fortunately, although he is on an expedition, he has never interrupted his correspondence with Xue Dongchang. He knows the situation at home and does not care about the scenery for several months, saving him from talking too much. It is still easy to listen to his story on the battlefield quietly.

"Fifth sister, although I don't have to go to socialize at the next palace banquet, I should always hold a banquet in my private residence to invite the ministers and family members who fought with me this time, thinking that I would like to thank them for their help. I don't know if the fifth sister would like to entertain the guests with me?"

Just as the beautiful scenery maintained a constant smile and seemed to concentrate on listening, but in fact, when I had been distracted for a long time, I was suddenly asked this question.

I don't want to attend.

Too publicity is not good for her. If she wants to return to Dalong in the future, it is better not to show her face in front of the Xiliang nobles. This is also the fundamental reason why she is eager to contact with outsiders but does not listen to Mrs. Xue's suggestion to hold a banquet.

At present, she knows that there is a plan for Yu Yu and has contacted Xiao Man, let alone have too much contact with the Xiliang nobles who are not helpful to her.

However, she still wants to win the trust of Yu Haoxi and let him relax to a certain extent, so that he thinks that he is slowly opening his heart knot and has the possibility of staying in Xiliang, so he can't be too negative.

Otherwise, in the future, Yu Yu will decide that in case she needs her cooperation to go to a banquet or a spring outing in the suburbs to get out. If he can't convince Yu Haoxi, he will lose his success.

No wonder the scenery thinks so, because it is not easy to get out of the king's mansion directly, and most of them can only be calculated at the time of travel.

"When the emperor held a banquet, there were bound to be a lot of guests. I'm afraid I can't cope with that scene." Therefore, Yijing can only say: "But these days, Mrs. Xue is recommended, and I also know some women. For example, the Tongyang lady is very close to me. Mo Ru, on that day, I will specially treat a few people I know. Do you think it's good?"

Of course, the emperor thinks it is very good. For those women who are "good friends" with beautiful scenery, he has heard Xue Dongchang report and confirmed that they are all Xiliang nobles. It can't be Yu's secret people. Only the identity of Xiao recommended by Tongyang is a little complicated. She is a business woman with a wide range of friends, but it is rare for beautiful scenery to sign a contract with her. In addition, after secret inspection Xiao became the female shopkeeper of the Ni embroidery workshop as early as seven years in Yuanqing. At that time, the will of the marriage had not been made, and it could not be arranged by Yu Yu. She did not have anything to do with Yanzilou. The king was very relieved. At this time, he easily won some favors of the beautiful scenery and did not want to give up because of such small achievements.

Yijing is willing to associate with Xiliang's noblewoman as Qianpan, which shows that her mentality has changed, which is something that the king is happy to see.

Although he also understands that the reason why Yijing compromises so quickly is because of memory loss, he may one day recover his memory and hate him to the bone, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he must also fight for it.

So Dajun said cheerfully, "That's it."

The king who returned from the expedition suddenly remembered that there was still a "mary offender" locked at home. On this day, he came to Xue Dongchang and asked, "How is Huang Ke recently?"