Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 648 Hear the evidence and eradicate the root of the disaster

Yijing sat in a chair by the window, slightly raised her eyelids and looked at the old woman who was full of contempt, making sure that this person had a bad feeling for her, not just for blackmail. She did not offend too many people in Xiliang, that is, she once splashed tea on Jiyu's face... And her existence only made such a person in her throat. She is so jealous that even her cronies can't hide their disgust with her.

The messenger has been guessed to be ten*, but the heart of the scenery is very heavy.

If it is really related to the Qing family, the situation will be extremely difficult to deal with. No matter how powerful Yu Haoxi is, he has not yet taken control of power at present, and he can't destroy the mouth of the Qing family.

But now is not the right time to worry about how to end, and we have to further determine the previous inference.

Ming smiled gently: "I really don't know where to start with Mother's words."

"Why do you have to pretend? If you are invited, you will feel guilty." The old lady snorted coldly, and her eyes were more like eagles.

Now even Xue Dongchang saw that people are by no means ordinary civilians or rough servants. Ordinary people can't come out of such a momentum.

"I was curious because of that inexplicable letter, so I wanted to see who was pretending to be a ghost behind my back. The people in Beijing knew that I was like Princess Chu, so they threatened me to come out to meet for this reason, but this is the only one... M Mother and I don't know each other, presumably just be ordered by others. I have no leisure and Servant nonsense. If the people behind Mourage don't want to show up, that's all. I'm not afraid that someone will believe it when you publicize that. The scenery pretended to take up the tea cup to see off the guests.

"With you, you don't deserve to see your master."

Well, this means that the messenger is really a nobleman. Mei Jing secretly said in a faint tone: "In this way, the messenger is not the Yan family."

This was specially told to Xue Dongchang, so that he could learn from his tongue in front of Yu Haoxi and completely clear Xiao Man's suspicion: "If it's really Yanshi, since he reported his name in the morning, why don't he dare to show up like this?"

The old wife probably also knew that she had been tricked up, and she was inevitably angry: "Don't talk nonsense, the princess really doesn't care about revealing her identity? I don't think so. The Xiliang royal family may be able to tolerate concubines, but they don't allow witches who abandon their husbands and ancestors. If your majesty and the queen know that even in order to maintain diplomatic relations with Dalong, they will make you die without knowing... Does the princess think there is no evidence? Even if the world believes Xiao, how can the princess explain that the maid around her comes from the royal palace of Chu? My master has a certificate in his hand. I remind the princess that you can't deny the identity of the certificate.

Bingjing raised his eyebrows slightly, which is very good. This sentence is rich in content. First of all, make sure that the omission is really on Xia Ke, and there is a person who can't deny it if he takes it out... Sure enough, there is an "alphant" who recognized her, and the identity of this old friend is not simple. Besides, the old man probably doesn't know that she was abducted here by Yu Haoxi. Are you sure that she is eloding with that man? It seems that this deceased should not have a good impression on himself and be very disgusted to make a conclusion.

In addition, the messenger should not know that Princess Chu was captured, so he believed the testimony. It is not difficult to inquire about this matter, indicating that the messenger has not had time to verify it. It is very likely that he got the truth at the banquet of Dajun's Mansion, so he can't wait to do something threatening.

In this way, it can be inferred that the "alien" is a slave maidservant in Bepfu who had only one or several faces in the past. On the first hand, it is not a person who has a wide range of evil fates, and it is impossible for others to grit their teeth with hatred. Moreover, even if the "the old man" was once was a Dalong noble mansion. Her testimony did not "be nail" herself to death. This person's identity must have a reason to make herself defenseless and avoid being threatened.

Once you appear, you will be panicked and at a loss, so you can't be a person who has no impression at all.

That is to say, the "alien" will not be the maidservant who went to the banquet on that day.

So who can witness Xia Ke appear with her?

The scope is already very narrow, and it is almost ready to come out.

The smile of the scenery became more and more relaxed, which naturally attracted greater contempt from the old woman. She seemed that she really didn't want to talk nonsense with Yijing and directly put forward conditions: "If the princess doesn't want to be discredited, she has only one choice to persuade the emperor to take the initiative to withdraw the advice of the title of her achievements."

"I will bring M Mother's words, but I can't guarantee whether you are willing or not." The scenery smiled softly, and his heart was cold.

Not an ordinary aristocrat, the messenger must have two surnames! Of course, the scenery is more inclined to the Qing family.

"The king knows the identity of the princess and still spoils it so much. It can be seen that the princess is enough to influence the king's decision. I have to say this, and the princess has to think about it carefully." The old man brushed her sleeves and left.

Yijing and the old wife did not have a complicated rhetorical confrontation. Of course, Xue Dongchang told the king word for word. In view of the fact that a few people knew about this matter, the king also needed to listen to opinions, so he left Yijing in the study this day and invited Xue Guoxiang to discuss the countermeasures with Kong Xilin.

In order to eradicate hidden dangers, naturally, she can't be too incompetent. She did not talk much about Xiliang's political affairs. She left the problem of the real identity of the person who wanted to threaten Yu Haoxi, and only expressed her opinions on the witness: "According to the old woman, it is not difficult to infer that this witness was my old knowledge. Once I appear, I will be greatly frightened. Then It seems unlikely that the maid who went to Donghuayuan that day, because even if I don't remember the past and don't know it, Xia Ke should know this person.

Of course, Xia Ke was questioned by the king, and she did not find that there was a good person on the day of the banquet.

However, when Yijing said that she didn't remember the past, she was a little guilty. She glanced at Xue Guoxiang, who had implied, but saw him frown and meditated, and didn't care at all.

Yi Jing felt slightly relieved. It seemed that her feeling was right. Even if Xue Guoxiang made a judgment, she would not prompt Yu Haoxi.

She continued to analyze: "On that day, I came out of Luqingyuan and went straight to Donghuayuan, so I didn't go out again. At that time, most of the people who went to the banquet did not come, and it is unlikely that other maidservants would recognize me and Xia Ke."

Although the Qing family's family arrived early at that time, the scenery did not meet them on the road, and it was impossible for the Qing family's servants to walk around in the main flower garden, so the "old friend" was an extremely subtle opportunity to follow the Qing family's family to enter the house.

Dajun raised his eyebrows: "Does the fifth sister suspect that the so-called witness comes from Dajun's mansion?" He suddenly remembered that the maid had changed all the time that day, so it was very likely that the maid who was transferred to the front yard recognized Yijing and Xia Ke that day.

"This is not difficult. The stew manager should have a detailed list of the slaves and maidservants on that day. Don't be afraid of not being able to find this person." Dajun thought of it and ordered Xue Dongchang to immediately go to the internal stewor to find out the suspicious person, and then let Xia Ke quietly recognize the person.

"Your Highness, the key now is to identify the threat." Xue Guoxiang said, "In my opinion, it is nothing more than one of the two surnames."

This is also obvious. If the other party's purpose is to obstruct the suffrage, it is by no means an ordinary nobleman.

"They asked His Highness to withdraw his rebuke voluntarily in order to divert the nobles' dissatisfaction with the political committee, so as to gather the hearts of the people and make His Highness the target of public criticism." Xue Guoxiang analyzed.

Regarding Xiliang's government affairs, Yijing rationally chose to keep her mouth shut. In case she behaved too wisely, it would undoubtedly make Yu Haoxi suspect that she lost her memory, but did not hide her concern, but put forward the key: "If it's two surnames, I'm afraid you can't hide it."

"Five sisters are at ease." Dajun smiled and said, "I suspect that this has nothing to do with the two clans. I don't know which lady made his own decision. In fact, I have been keeping an eye on the old woman. Since she has met you, of course she will go back to recover. Who is the threat will have a result soon."

Xue nods: "On the last day, the political council of the Three Leagues had rejected the advice of the imperial palace, and only waited for the results to be made public when tomorrow's court discussed. If the mastermind of the clan wanted to threaten them, they would not make such a hasty decision. Of course, after His Highness's reply, it was better to wait for His Highness to withdraw the advice, and the political council would not be questioned by the nobles."

"That's why the political committee has rejected the new policy. Who would naively think that my withdrawal of the edict can calm the anger of the aristocracy? It can be seen that the decision makers of the two surnames are not threatening, and I don't know which simple-minded lady is acting. The king is full of irony.

Kong Xilin has concluded: "It must be Jiyu."

Yi Jing agreed with Kong Xilin's judgment for the first time, but of course she would not express it.

"If it's just Jiyu making her own decision, it's easy to do." The king's murderous intention flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his lips rolled up slightly: "But just to be safe, let Wei Ran go to test Lan Jiang Gong after the news comes back."

The news was soon handed back by the dark guard. The old woman in gray walked around the suburbs, went to a private house to change her clothes, and took a bus into Liang Yangjun's mansion - which was the door of Jiyu's home.

Although the emperor did not tell Wei Ran about the identity of the scenery, he told him to "secretly meet" the father and son of Lanjiang. According to the probe, the emperor has decided to abolish the political council and provoke the nobles to jointly make amonishment. I'm afraid this matter will not end. Lanjiang should immediately decide that he may be able to take the king's favorite concubine as a threat and force the emperor to come forward to calm down the noble. Indignation of the clan, Wei Ran has infiltrated the Dajun's mansion and is willing to help Lanjiang Gong to take "Cianpan" out.

Regardless of Wei Ran's loneliness after hearing these words, when he sent a letter to Lanjiang's father and son privately through the secret man, and conveyed these words according to the emperor's instructions, Lanjiang also sneered.

"What is the king's intention? It's needless to say that I, the Qing family and him, can never be kind to him. What role can a concubine play? Will you ignore the country for the sake of beauty? The emperor's intention to suppress the political committee is nothing more than an attempt to dictatorship the government of the king in the future. No matter how noisy the nobles are, it is a delusion to abolish the political meeting. Humph, if the monarch wants to inherit the throne, it depends on my Qing family's permission to allow him. Wan's direct line has not yet died. Someone has shown sincerity to me. As long as we help him ascend the throne, he is bound to protect the political committee!" Lanjiang's eyebrows were flying, and he was obviously determined to meet the king.

He told Wei Ran not to act rashly and take the initiative to wait for Qing's contact.

Of course, Wei Ran conveyed Lan Jianggong's attitude to the emperor: "Your Highness, be careful, Lanjiang Gong is already scheming, and I'm afraid he will assassinate your Highness."

Only when the emperor died of his life, and the direct line of the Wan family who colluded with Lanjiang Gong can be famously qualified to inherit the throne. In the future, if the royal family's position is firm, Lanjiang Gong will naturally not be afraid of the anger of the aristocracy.

Dajun smiled softly. It was very good. Lan Jianggong really didn't let him down and was stride to the death.

Lan Jianggong sneered at the role of "Cian Pan", indicating that he still did not know the identity of the beautiful scene, so as long as Ji Yu was solved in time, this matter would be settled.

Of course, Miss Xuelian was soon pulled out, and Xia Ke recognized her at a glance--

"Your Highness, it must be this person. Her original name is Liansheng, an old maidservant of Princess Donghua. Later, she was sold by the royal palace because of her ulties. She did not think of it, but she was exiled to Beiyuan."

However, the king broke through the six counties of Haojing and brought the scourge back, which almost ruined the big thing!