Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 649 Cause conflict with your death

From the dawn, the fish belly turned white, and it was not until the sun was empty that the raccoon room that had been busy for half a day gradually became quiet. In the row of rooms at the far end of the room, although there were open windows in the corners to ventilate the air, there was still a wet and sultry heat. Under the window, there was a hard board**, and Liansheng half leaned against the erect pillow, listening The "room" around him gradually murmured: "I really envy you. It's not long to enter the house, so I have to be valued by the steward. Yesterday was the second time I came to you. Maybe I want to transfer you to the inner house..."

After listening to half of the unfinished words in the same room, Liansheng made a uniform and long snoring sound, moved in and looked at the scenery outside the window... In fact, there was no scenery at all. The huge courtyard was lined with bamboo frames, densely set with sheets, gauze and skirts.

This is how people are. In different situations, their desires will also change.

Liansheng remembered that three years ago, her vision was to stay in Guan Suiyuan and strive to become the concubine of the son of the king of Chu. However, at present, her only hope is to strive for a better situation, to leave the raccoon clothes, sweep the life of being drunk, and become a first-class maid of a noble girl or prince again.

She has long lived a hard life of working in poverty. In fact, since she was redeemed by the son of the tooth, her life has been very different from before. Even if she was outside the house with An Jin at that time, she did not suffer much hardships. Even if she later suffered some abuses and abuses because of the harsh treatment of Xiao Xie, she still survived. I don't feel dark.

But because of the dissatisfaction of the imperial concubine, she was immediately beaten back to her original shape.

Even sold to other countries, there is no hope of returning to Dalong.

She finally got to the level of a second-class maid in Haojing County guard's mansion and helped the county guard's favorite concubine to complete the plan to poison the mistress. Seeing that she was expected to mate the steward, Haojing was captured by the emperor. She became a trophy with many slaves and maidservants and was taken to Xiliang, and became the lowest slave again.

God is really blind.

Of course, the ill-fated and bumpy Liansheng girl knows that the slave maidservant who was a prisoner of Beiyuan entered the back house on the day she never came out in Xiliang? No, it is impossible to have an identity like her.

It should have been like this, but now it's not necessarily.

Liansheng especially thanked the thief God for not killing it all, so that she inadvertently got a glimpse of the secret, and she got a good opportunity in a blink of an eye.

In order to fight for a first day, just because she can report the recovery, she must seize this opportunity.

So, when she heard and witnessed Ji Yu's resentment against Su, she immediately made up her mind.

Not to mention the noble status of the lady of Jiyu, she is likely to become the mistress of the king's mansion after the eradication of the Su family. No matter how bad it is, she also has the ability to redeem her and get rid of the tragic fate of the rough servant.

Liansheng didn't have much time to hesitate. She knew that the king's mansion was well managed and that she could no longer have any contact with Jiyu without seizing this opportunity.

So at the banquet, Liansheng summoned up the courage to call Jiyu, claiming that there was a way to make Su's reputation and death, on the condition that Jiyu promise her a prosperous and stable future after the event.

Liansheng thought that all she needed to do was to reveal Su's identity to Jiyu, which did not bear any risk, and she did not need to bother with the next thing. If Jiyu wanted her to testify, she would definitely rescue her from Dajun Mansion first.

She waited happily for things to happen. Su was unlucky, and the day she raised her eyebrows and vented.

The door rang, interrupting Liansheng's reverie, and the stewer came in with a smile on his face.

When Liansheng heard that she was going to serve in Dajun's yard, she hardly believed her ears. She should feel dangerous, but the attitude of the internal steward was so kind and even a little attentive that it made Lian Sheng think that it was Dajun who fell in a fancy to her beauty.

However, he was directly taken to the execution room. Liansheng looked at the cold torture tools in the dark stone room ignorantly, and then realized that a big disaster was coming.

It's too late.

Xue Dongchang was personally responsible for the interrogation, but when he hung up and beat him with a whip, Liansheng could still grit his teeth and curse, and speak bold words, never attract allies.

Xue Dongchang gently told Liansheng the next procedure and asked someone to bring a small guve knife to tell her the purpose - a special trip to cut off the fingertips, paying attention to the fingertips, not the nails. Then Xue Dongchang pinched a long needle and immersed it in a basin of venom, which is a very thoughtful reminder that this is not very poisonous, but it will make people feel itchy and unbearable, and the poison needle will penetrate one by one from the cut fingers...

"A girl's house like a flower can't stand such suffering. Answer my questions well, and I will naturally give you a happy life."

Liansheng collapsed like this.

Xue Dongchang's question was very simple. First of all, it was confirmed that Liansheng leaked the identity of Yijing to Jiyu. Second, when Jiyu heard that it was about "Qianpan", she deliberately sent the maid in white.

Xue Dongchang did what he said and cut Liansheng's neck with a sword.

Before she died, the girl was still comforted, because she thought that even if she took her life, she would never let Su go, and once the real identity of the Su was announced, it would be fatal.

Sure enough, as the situation becomes more and more difficult, the desire will decrease again and again.

But Liansheng did not know that the next day after she died, Ji Yu died, and her poor desire was doomed to fail again.

The "Midsummer Junfu Banquet" made the two surnames the target of public criticism because of the anger of the nobles under the provocation of the king, which made the Qing women who went to the banquet on that day extremely dissatisfied and took the lead in resigning, and the most complicated mood was the lady Jiyu.

Especial after listening to the words of his mother, Mrs. Liang Yang--

"Don't be delusional anymore. Let's stop marrying with the emperor. The Qing family and the emperor must be irrecontaposed."

As a result, after hearing the shocking secret news, the first thing that Jiyu thought of was to hide her elders.

She is very clear about the temperament of her uncle Jiang Gong, and she is very self-righteous. Once she makes up her mind, she will not easily waver and will never adopt the scheme of one of her boudoirs. This time, the emperor is completely torn apart with the political council, and Qing is bound to take this breath.

After returning home, after the temptation of her father Jingjiang, Ji Yu completely dispelled her honest thoughts with her elders, and she planned to act in private.

Because Jingjiang Gong has directly warned Ji Yu: "Your uncle has repeatedly warned him not to meet with the emperor again from now on."

The maid in white was really loyal to the clan. Jiyu did not dare to reveal the secret. The only person she trusted in this matter was the wet nurse. Her wet nurse was once hated by her biological mother, Mrs. Jingjiang, and was sent to Zhuangzi to do hard work for five or six years. Later, Ji Yu and Yu got the title of Yijun. I finally asked my mother to transfer the wet nurse's family back.

Jiyu did not intend to face the beautiful scenery, because she did not want to be hated by the emperor. Her fundamental purpose was to marry into the king's mansion and become the future queen.

Coincidentally, one of the noble women invited by Yijing that day was Ji Yu's cousin. Ji Yu learned from her that the female shopkeeper of Niyi Embroidery Square had a good relationship with "Qiao Pan", so she simply used the name of Yan to send a letter.

She believes that if Yijing's position in the king's mind can be threatened, she may be able to achieve the king's initiative to withdraw the adjudice and get back together with the Qing family.

At that time, she told the elders about the matter again, and they would operate it to let Princess Chu die at the hands of the royal family.

In this way, the emperor is bound to hold a grudge against the royal family, and it is impossible to marry Jin Yuan again, and she will become the best choice for the king's wife.

Ji Yu didn't expect that her elders would be so eager to hold a political meeting and veto the new policy.

Of course, it is even more impossible for her to think that the wet nurse would be exposed so quickly that the king would keep an eye on Qing.

On that day, beautiful scenery was invited and promised to persuade the emperor under the threat of the wet nurse. Ji Yu was delighted when she got the news. However, the next day, the political committee announced the rejection of the feudal to the city, which caused the news that the nobles to scold endlessly was heard by Ji Yu, which was a five thunderbolt.

While she was thinking about countermeasures, the wet nurse reported that the secret guard of the king's mansion contacted the wet nurse's son and invited her to meet outside Jiyu City and said that there was something important to discuss.

"Your Majesty, since you can find your son, you should know that your lady is the one who delivers the letter." The wet nurse was very worried and did not agree with Ji Yu and Dajun's private meeting.

However, Ji Yu couldn't help it. She couldn't help guessing that the king was moved, but the political committee had made a decision, and the king was likely to discuss with her how to save it.

Most of the women who are affectionate are irrational.

How could Ji Yu believe that her heartmate would be so cruel?

However, under the strong persuasion of the wet nurse, she still kept a hand and asked the wet nurse's son with outstanding swordsmanship and her daughter with martial arts to escort her out of the city, but left the wet nurse at home as a living ruler.

The place to meet is a restaurant on the outskirts of the city. It is not only located on the outskirts of the city, but of course, it is a secluded place with beautiful scenery.

A good place to kill people.

But Ji Yu didn't think so, because she knew the shopkeeper of the restaurant, who had a good relationship with the Qing family.

Sadly, Ji Yu underestimated the king and didn't expect that this shopkeeper was actually a member of the king's party.

Dajun had already expected that the Qing family was in the same position as him. Since Jiyu agreed to the invitation, it was impossible to disturb her family, so her entourage must be the cronies involved in it.

Not to mention that as soon as Jiyu entered the restaurant, the porter hiding in the dark recognized the male servant who followed Ji Yu, who pretended to be a servant to give gifts that day.

The emperor's attitude was very cold and solemn, and he blurted out a question: "Since the lady wants to be the first to threaten, why didn't you dissuade Lan Jiang Gong from being impatient? At present, there is a lot of noise. How should we end it?"

Jiyu suddenly regretted it, but became the confused girls, who were always blinded by their own extravagant thoughts.

She was very flustered and eager to explain that she did not want to be an enemy of the emperor, nor did she want to harm Princess Chu, so she hid it from her family and planned to use this method to save the monarch for the political meeting, which was beneficial to each other, but she didn't expect that the elders could not calm down so much.

Then the king further confirmed that Ji Yu was indeed making his own decision.

Then the tea cup was served, and a dark guard "falling from the sky" and put the cold sword on the neck of Jiyu's entourage.

Jiyu was shocked and couldn't believe it. She "questioned" the king with trembling lips and begging: "Although the minister has to offend the king as a last resort, there is no intention of harm..."

"Not all the people killed by the orphans are harmful to my heart." Dajun interrupted Jiyu's confession.

This sentence was so ruthless that it made Ji Yu's face turn pale. A heart broke into powder, and he only felt that his eyes were gloomy, and only the man's golden crown was dazzling.

How could he smile so affectionately and say such cold words?

"If I can't return home safely, someone will publicized the identity of Princess Chu, and the Qing family will also know that I am invited by the emperor today." Although Jiyu was bleeding in her heart, the severe pain made her wake up. At this time, she was extremely glad that she listened to the nanny's advice and kept her hand.

"At this time, the lady's wet nurse has become a corpse, afraid of sin and taking poison, because she colluded with outsiders. Maybe it was an aristocrat. Because the political committee rejected the new policy, she vented her anger on the Qing clan and thought it was a warning to the Qing clan, and the two followers of the queen disappeared. Obviously, they deceived the princess out of the city. , absconded for fear of sin. The king still smiled like a flower. Seeing that Ji Yu and his entourage's face were like dead ashes in an instant, his eyes were shining brightly.

It's very good, indicating that these are the people who know it. They are so simple in mind that they dare to threaten. Dajun expressed his surprise at the stupidity of Lady Jiyu.

The son with outstanding nanny swordsmanship probably wanted to resist desperately, but obviously the king's dark guard martial arts were better, and he did not give him a chance to splash blood three feet as the beginning of the killing.

Dajun smiled and turned around: "The two enslaved bodies must be hidden. As for the lady... abandoning the body ten miles away, and then send a letter to the Qing family to let them recognize the body."

Of course, this letter is a warning letter - the end of the law and selfishness, and the beginning of the destruction of the Qing family!