Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 650 Re-enter the west beam, the key step

When Yijing heard the news of Liansheng and Jiyu's death, it was already many days after the incident. It was very hot that day. Xiaoxiao refused to take a nap. She must be hugged and teased so that she would not use her good skills - fake crying. This girl was very smiling and never recognized her life. She was a smiling face to everyone, but she was receiving The earth-shaking "dry howl" when you are cold is actually thundering but not raining. As long as you give her a smiling face, you will immediately turn sadness into joy and giggle constantly. She is naturally cheerful and really cute.

And on this day, it is the king who has been rushing to tease Xiaoxiao.

Finally, Xiaoxiao was exhausted and wet someone's white robe. As a reminder and protest, she fell asleep quickly after being taken into her arms by the wet nurse.

Bingjing admires her daughter's ability, and every time she can make someone laugh or cry.

There was no gentleman's change of clothes in Lvqingyuan, so someone had to wear a wet robe and fly back to the main courtyard to change clothes. When he turned back, he said to Yijing, "That matter has been solved."

Bing Jing believes in the king's means, and solving it is equivalent to killing his mouth.

Liansheng is not worried, because Liansheng does not have the opportunity to spread this matter. All the servants of the king's mansion are Liansheng's old knowledge. In addition, if Liansheng's mouth is not strict, he will be immediately liquidated. Liansheng should not be so stupid.

But the beautiful scenery is not very reassuring Jiyu, so I asked a few more questions.

"Sue Guoxiang has many ears and eyes in the Qing family, so it is not easy to find out all the secrets of the Qing family, and it is easy to let several servants die inexplicably." Dajun said, "When the Qing clan learned of Jiyu's death, they believed that they had been warned by the nobles. There was no other reason to question Ji Yu's death, indicating that they did not know that the identity of the fifth sister and Ji Yu had made a threat. In addition, I will catch all the Qing clan sooner or later, and there will be no hidden danger."

So the scenery knew what was going on outside.

The political council's rejection of the new policy will be made public. Jiyu was killed, and Qing received a police letter hinting at revenge. Therefore, Lanjiang Gong wanted to take this matter to attack several dignitaries who kept taking the lead in questioning the political council.

actually cooperated with the Hu family to arrest and detain the political enemy with more than half of the votes.

did not win the approval of the King of Xiliang.

So it aroused the anger of the masses. The nobles jointly wrote a letter impeaching the political committee, which was equivalent to the rebellion against the monarch, calling for the abolition of the political committee, and ordering the political committee to release the detained nobles. Of course, Hu and Qing II presented the so-called "evidence" to prove that the detainees were all suspects of the murder of the royal family and plotting, and were tit-for-tat with the nobles.

The King of Xiliang did not make a decision for the time being, but only ordered the Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Royal History Station to participate in the trial of the murder of Jiyu.

Duke Junjiang was convicted, so the nobles and many courtiers wrote again, exsuing that the monarch would be executed by the law and beheading Duke Junjiang.

Yi Jing privately believes that Hu and Qing Er are determined to be hostile to the royal family and will fight against each other.

But of course she won't talk too much.

Naturally, I also think that the king does not need to be reminded by others.

A political storm in Xiliang is inevitable, so what did Yu do in Chuzhou City outside Tongling Pass?

The answer given by Zi Ruo girl is——

The prince was busy suppressing the remnants. For a whole month, he disappeared. I guess he went to Yungui and other places.

In fact, since the beginning of summer, many counties and counties in the southwest have been made a fuss and panic about the remnants of the purge. Often farmers or small merchants have been imprisoned for inexplicably and detained by sergeants from Chuzhou with a holy order. These people are ostensibly law-abiding people, and they are worried about their close friends with many neighbors.

Because the king of Chu was ordered to clean up the remnants, although these counties were not under the jurisdiction of Chu Prefecture, the local government order must cooperate.

Soon the governors of various places were made public, and the people knew that the detained people were all remnants, ambuing the people for liaison, transmission and even development.

After interrogation, many remnants were questioned about the base areas hidden in the wilderness, and the Chuzhou army rushed to clean up. It was heard that there was no disadvantage and netted out all the remnants.

What the people didn't know was that the king of Chu issued a killing order early, but the remnants were killed on the spot and did not leave a living mouth.

For more than 40 years, most of these remnants have actually lost their original desire to rebel against the country. In fact, they are not united and continue to fight among themselves. They are nothing more than relying on strong people to gather people and sometimes abcroach money to disturb the people. To put it bluntly, they are robbers and bandits, but because they have not violated the interests of noble officials and eunuchs. , the court did not order the clean-out. Local officials have been doing nothing, and the noise is not big. More is better than less.

Who would have expected that they provoked the king of Chu this time before they were washed with blood.

The people who learned the truth were also at ease, especially the mountain residents and the rich families in small towns who were often disturbed.

But no one witnessed the true face of the king of Chu.

includes those local officials and capitals who cooperate with the purge.

Most of the capitals in these areas are the old departments of the king of Chu. They only recognize the letter of Chu and the imperial edict of the emperor. In fact, the clean-up operation is not an informal military act, and there is no need to transfer troops, and there is no need for the king of Chu to show the military charm in person.

So Yu Yu is not in the royal palace of Chuzhou, and he has never visited the Qing Dynasty in person. What on earth is he busy with?

Maybe Princess Jinyuan can give an answer.

At this time, she was welcomed into the other garden by An Jin. The two made an appointment to go to the suburbs to escape the summer heat and relax for a few days - the political meeting and the nobles were very noisy. Not to mention the traffic jam in front of the Dajun's mansion, Jin Yuan could not stop. However, according to the king's plan, they had to temporarily control it. The situation continued. The two families of Qing and Hu were under great pressure. Dajun wants to force their dogs to jump over the wall and fight back. It is not necessary to fight back at the same time. As long as one family takes action, the other family will naturally be implicated and liquidate together.

As early as when the nobles jointly remonished the abolition of the political council, An Jin, who had the power to give political a letter to express his attitude. Yiyang Jun openly stood in the position of the aristocracy and agreed to the abolition of the political council. The couple clearly wanted to draw a clear line with the Qing clan. Yiyang was fine. Lanjiang did not expect him, but An Jin's attitude undoubtedly made her furious.

Unexpectedly, he went straight to Donghua Princess Mansion to ask for an explanation.

An Jin has been prepared for a long time. Her preparation is to go to Beiyuan to escape the summer. However, Princess Donghua's dowry is rich and she has privately bought a lot of Beiyuan. Lanjiang Gong can't ask where An Jin has gone.

In addition, he did not have time to go out of the city in person at this time, and the Qing family could not do without Lan Jianggong to preside over the overall situation.

In fact, Lanjiang Gong also knew that there was nothing he could do about An Jin. Although she was a daughter-in-law, she was still a princess and Princess Dalong. Her brother, the king of Chu, was guarding Tongling Pass at the moment, nearly a hundred miles away. Even the king of Xiliang did not dare to provoke her easily, not mention Lanjiang Gong.

As soon as An Jin's post arrived at the hands of Princess Jin Yuan, Zheng Alloy Yuan intended to avoid things and happily invited him.

But there were few gossips, and even An Jin did not invite Jin to enter the main hall to sit down, but directly welcomed people to a secluded courtyard and walked outside the flower hall.

"Your Highness, An Jin, please meet someone in private."

Jin Yuan stared at An Jin in surprise for a long time, and then looked at the empty door of the flower hall.

"Your Highness, please come in." An Jin spread her arms slightly and headed towards the flower hall.

Although she was suspicious, Jin Yuan did not hesitate any more. She saw that An Jin was not malicious, as if she had no choice but to suffer.

However, Jin Yuan pushed the door fan and saw the man standing under the west window smiling and turned around. When he bowed, he was still shocked. It took him for a long time to react. He quickly returned the gift and seemed to ask in disbelief: "The son? How do you..."

Yes, Yu Yu sneaked into Xiliang again at this time because of An Jin's intention to grasp more about Jin's thoughts. In addition, Xiao Man and Wei Ran have also successfully penetrated in. Yu Wei believes that the time has come.

We must bet on it and try to persuade Jin Yuan to agree to help.

"Is this true for the son?" When he heard that Qianpan's wife in Dajun's mansion turned out to be a scene, Jin Yuan, who had just sat down, was surprised to hold a chair and did not change his words in time for a moment, and still followed the old name of that year.

"It is true that on the 19th day of the first month of the old year, on the day of the death of Emperor Gaozong, the emperor took advantage of my unpreparedness and forcibly captured his wife to Xiliang. The real Qianpan had been killed by the emperor." Yu Yu also got up and bowed: "Yes, I beg the princess to help me save my wife from trouble."

Jin Yuan obviously consumed a lot of energy to digest this unexpected and creepy news. Seeing that Yu was still maintaining etiquette, he gave a false hand. After sitting down, he slowly shook his head: "What the king of Chu said is really unbelievable... Please forgive Jin Yuan for his fate, cousin... Jin Yuan will never be against his cousin. The matter."

Yu Yu expected that things would not go so smoothly. At this time, he was not anxious. He was a little silent for a while, and then gave Jin Yuan more time to digest and think. It was not until An Jin personally served tea and sat down on the side before saying, "The wife was forcibly taken by the emperor. With her heart, she was bound to refuse to give in, and the king did this absurd thing. It can be seen that she is obsessed and will never let go. The princess should be clear that this matter is not small and may affect the friendship between your country and Dalong. Whether it is for Xiliang or for the sake of the king, she should be invited.

Jin Yuan understood the truth, but she was very contradictory at this time and questioned: "With all due respect, if the princess is really unwilling, why did she compromise? According to Jin Yuan, the princess seems to admit that she is looking forward to it. There was an accident in the past year, and she has also had something to do with noble women recently.

Jin Yuan has also heard of Qianpan's gradual reception of foreign guests, and it is normal to have doubts.

For the sake of safety, Yu Yu did not admit that Yijing faked amnesia, but explained: "My wife is also forced to do so. Once her identity is publicized, it is bound to cause more troubles."

An Jin also interrupted at this time: "At that time, Gaozong was also hesitant about his sister-in-law's marriage and asked his sister-in-law, but his sister-in-law refused the king. How could she submit now? Jin Yuan, the king's arbitrary act is harmful and useless for public privacy. He forced his sister-in-law to stay in Xiliang, and wished to invite his wife for his sister-in-law. Not to mention that His Majesty and the Queen will not agree, they will be separated from the emperor, and even his sister-in-law will die. If something irreparable happens..."

"If the princess doesn't want to help, she has to do an extraordinary way." Yu Yu is determined.

"What is the king of Chu going to do?" Jin Yuan frowned.

"Only by assassinating the king can you save your wife from trouble. May I ask if the princess is willing to see things get this far?"

Jin Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Does the king of Chu think you can do it? In addition, if you act impulsively, it is actually a defeat for both sides. Can Emperor Dalong allow the king of Chu to cause a bad relationship between the two countries with his own selfishness?

"To tell you directly, you don't want to do this extreme thing, but if you are forced to be helpless... If you threaten the king with the king's life and negotiate with the king of your country, I don't know that the King of Xiliang will agree with such a ridiculous behavior of the emperor and do not hesitate to take the exchange between the two countries as the price. If this far, the King of Xiliang can still be willing to hand over the throne. The king inherited, and there are many disputes in your country's political affairs. I'm afraid that the Qing clan is very happy to see the internal turmoil of the Wan family. Yu Yu didn't show weakness: "Is the princess sure not to let her do it?"

Yu Yu is not a lie. If Jin Yuan refuses, he can only do this strategy. Even if Jin Yuan makes this matter clear to Yu Haoxi, he is also sure to achieve this plan. Of course, if he is really forced to do extraordinary things, it will take more time. At least he has to clean up the one on the dragon chair and take charge of the military and political power first. , in case of leakage, it is enough to preserve the scenery.

Of course, if this plan is carried out, he is bound to have a bad relationship with Xiliang. Even if the king of Xiliang is forced to compromise temporarily, he will hate Dalong.

Then the war between the two countries will only be sooner or later, and Yu Yu will never give Xiliang a chance to be strong enough to compete.

War is a matter of labor and money. If it hadn't been forced, he would not have done this.

But this proposal is enough to deter Jin Yuan.

If Jin Yuan is willing to compete with the emperor, this plan will not work, because if Jin Yuan is malicious, he will immediately be unfavorable to the scenery, resulting in the king's guilt. He will be investigated by Dalong and Xiliang and has no place to live, and she can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

However, Yu Yu believes in An Jin's judgment that Jin Yuan is not only looking for power, but also disdains the people and relatives.

That's why he has the confidence to bet, which is based on the fundamental principle that Jin Yuan will not harm the scenery.

This silence lasted longer, and Jin Yuancai took a deep breath: "But if I intervene in this matter, my cousin will also be centrifug from me, which is not conducive to the future rule of Xiliang."

This is the room for discussion. Yu Yu was slightly relieved, but what he said next made An Jinming listen to him word for word, and he really didn't understand the meaning.