Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 714 There is an unworthy family and a hidden disease

"These days, my grandfather has also been quite busy with the affairs of the princess. In fact, due to the boiling voice of the people, the imperial historians can't ignore it. Recently, there have been disputes in Hanlin. At this critical moment, His Royal Highness the King of Chu is also in trouble. It is not useless for the princess to return home to avoid it for a while."

Zhuo Nianyu only heard An Sanlang talk about this disturbance before she left home. At this time, she couldn't help but pay attention to it, but Wei Eleven Niang's face sank. She was about to be sarcastic, so she heard Yijing smile and asked, "Yu, you have lost the host today. When will you invite her? It's better to wait for my sixth sister's happy event. At that time, the spring will be better. If you are a big head, we will gather together and invite people with similar interests to go to the suburbs to enjoy the happy day.

I'm too lazy to talk to the Qin family.

Now even Aunt Qin became ashamed and tightened the brocade handkerchief and couldn't help sneering secretly - Concubine Su was obviously forced to be desperate. If she was brazen, the old princess would not tolerate her. It is said that Concubine Su went to Ci'an Palace on the day she returned home. She should have wanted to ask the empress dowager for maintenance, which was bound to be fruitless and had no choice but to stay in her mother's house. Come to show "goodness".

In Su's heart, she was unwilling to do so. I'm afraid that she still fantasizes that this matter can be calm. As long as the prince is no longer forced by the heavenly family, the old princess will not care about it.

It's really whims.

If Concubine Su can still turn around, she is bound to refute after listening to her words today.

Aunt Qin was specizing, but Xia Ke entered again. Although she lowered her voice, she was still heard by several colleagues: "Princes, the prince came to Lvqingyuan and said that she had something to discuss. Please go back."

The beautiful scene took a look at Xia Ke and saw her nod slightly. She knew that it was false. She secretly thought that her prince was really unpredictable. Was it possible that the Qin family would come to inquire today?

but frowned slightly: "I'm not free at the moment. I really have something important to tell you. If it doesn't matter, I'll talk about it later."

The two Qin sisters were very unhappy when they saw the appearance of Yijing Ai's indiscriprecation - Gaiyin had known it earlier. These days, the king of Chu came to the door almost every day, and even stayed overnight. Even the eldest princess felt that it was not in line with the rules. After all, she did not condone it, and asked the Duke of Wei to invite people to the front yard. That's how the king of Chu actually I would rather not return.

This seems to show that although Su Fei's move "recession for progress" can't impress the Empress Dowager, it does make the king of Chu more and more stubborn. Isn't it unfavorable to the son's plot?

The king of Chu is really not sure what's good about Concubine Su. At present, he is notorious, and he is still obsessed.

Seeing that the two sisters were unwilling, Qin Wuniang couldn't sit still and pulled them to talk to her room. Nianyu saw that there were no others - Su sisters, Yang Liu and Peng Lan went to the tea room to fight. Eleven Niang was an iron ally, so she asked about her long-bearable concerns.

Only there are many important things involved, and it is difficult for the scenery to explain one by one. He said, "Ayu is at ease, it's not a matter of tension, it's just that there are people with err motives to make waves."

Wei Eleven Niang said bluntly, "Don't listen to your aunt. The king of Chu will not have the idea of being an abandoned concubine. Otherwise, why can't those two Qin clan be so uncontrollable? It's not to inquire for Qin Ziruo. With her, it's really delusional. But he asked Yujing, "I don't see your second sister-in-law for three or four years. How come she looks like ten years old? Your hair is white, so haggard?"

"The county is suffering, and the second sister-in-law is not in good health. I heard that she fell ill last year. Yan's been asking for medicine for more than half a year, and she is inevitably haggard." The scenery is just an explanation.

She can't talk about the inside story with outsiders.

As early as when Su Yi and his wife returned, the eldest princess was also surprised to see her appearance. After asking repeatedly, Qin Wuniang finally cried out - it was Su Yi's responsibility!

It turned out that Qin Wuniang followed Su Wei to Hunan. At first, the couple lived a harmonious life. Eight years later, Qin Wu Niang was pregnant and was about to give birth, but Su Wei didn't know where she heard about Huang Jiangyue's death. She was simply heartbroken and drunk. When she came home, Qin Wuniang complained a few words, but I was punched!

Qin Wuniang gave birth prematurely that night and gave birth to a son, but did not survive.

However, Su Yi still did not reflect on herself and was sad for Huang Jiangyue, regardless of his wife.

Qin Wuniang thought that Su Wei was stunned by the woman outside and forced Chang Sui to ask, and then she found out that it was for Huang Jiangyue.

If he is alive and has a dispute, but he is a dead man, Qin Wuniang herself thinks it is ridiculous.

However, Su Nian, an bastard, has not been awake for two years. She drank from time to time and carried out domestic violence when she came back. Once she complained that it was the Qin family forced him to marry a wife. Otherwise, Jiang Yue would not "dissipate" when he married her "first love". Qin Wuniang was angry and did not tolerate it any more, and scolded Su Yi-Huang Jiangyue who was willing to marry into the clan. I don't like you as a concubine at all!

Well, Su Wei regarded Qin Wuniang as a deadly hatred and became more and more invive.

I don't know how he met a woman. She looked like Huang Jiangyue's fifth or sixth. She was hired as a concubine. The woman was also a good citizen, but her family was poor. As soon as the old woman heard that Su Wei was the son of Xun Gui's family, and when she looked at the white bride price, she didn't care about her daughter as a concubine for her wife, she immediately sent her door.

It's a coincidence that this woman even has the same surname as Jiang Yue.

Aunt Huang started from the beginning. With the support of Su En, the bastard, she did not see Qin Wuniang in her eyes. She actually took the middle feed in her hand and deducted the use of Qin Wuniang. Last year's illness, if it hadn't been for Su Yan's long-term follower to look at the master, and secretly paid out her pocket to seek medical treatment for Qin Wu Niang, Qin Wuniang might not have been able to stand it.

Qin Wuniang also wrote back to her mother's house for help, but like a stone sinking into the sea, she didn't even return a sound of water.

On the contrary, a clan brought her a sentence - Su and Qin have become water and fire. Take care of yourself.

A common daughter was so abandoned by the family and allowed Su Wei to "favor his concubine and destroy his wife".

After the eldest princess learned about it, she was angry. Su Wei knew that it was a little powerful. She didn't dare to take Aunt Huang back to Kyoto, but she did not escape punishment - a good fight, and she can't get out of bed at present. Aunt Huang, who was far away in Hunan, was also forced by the eldest princess Su Li to write a sealing and cutting book and took her to the local government office. It must not allow such provocative scourge to enter the main room.

He also asked Duke Wei to simply hand over his resignation for Su Wei. Don't think about being an official anymore, but learn how to be a person first.

Qin Wuniang's current appearance is actually much better than when she first returned to Beijing. She was really cold to Su Wei. Even her mother's family had no longer expected it. She only went to Yuanying Hall to serve the eldest princess day by day, opened a Buddhist hall in the yard, and recited scriptures late, and her heart was like stagnant water.

There was a son who was more bastard than Chen Liulang. The eldest princess was also angry and fell ill. The scenery comforted her. In the past two days, the eldest princess was better. Only the eldest princess saw Qin Wu Niang like a wood and sighed repeatedly, but Qin Wu Niang shed her eyes instead. Tear comforted: "There is a grandmother and Weng's father and sister-in-law's family. The daughter-in-law has felt lucky. Erlang hates his daughter-in-law, and his daughter-law does not want to please him. They are all right."

Qin Wuniang dares not plan to make peace. Although she has a family, she has been regarded as an abandoned son by her mother's family. If she is really divorced, I'm afraid she won't even have a place to settle down. I'm glad that although Erlang is a bastard, her husband and parents are deeply righteous and can still give her wealth and comfort. Therefore, today, when she listen to the plans of her mother and sister, she She was so frightened that her mother's family and the Duke of Wei would turn against each other and implicate her.

He also said that Wei Elevenniang, after lunch, it was easy to look at the gap and pull Yijing to chat in private, avoiding idle people and so on. It was just a pink fist on Yijing's shoulder: "We two are so good. Ajing has been hiding such an important thing. It's really boring. It's difficult for me to worry all these years. I was worried about a bunch of crepe, and then I knew that it was unfounded.

Yi Jing only felt inexplicable, stared at his friend, and said a sentence for a while: "Where did this start?"

Eleven Niang shook her eyes again and beat her again: "You still pretend!" Then he said, "My Gu Lang just made contact with me yesterday. It turned out that he not only had no quarrel with your prince, but was his own person. After I married him at that time, I heard people's discussion and knew that he and your prince were political enemies. I was so worried about this. After thinking about it, I made up my mind, no matter how strong these men fight. Fierce, I only care about our boudoir friendship. As long as you don't dislike me, I will never have two minds on you. After all, I'm worried that it will be irrecongruous and will eventually affect our friendship.

It turned out that Yu Yu met Gu Yuwen in private yesterday and told him that he was "unable" with Qin Xiang at that time, and he should show loyalty to the Empress Dowager so as not to be hindered in the future. Gu Yuwen returned home in the evening and was watching Eleven Niang's letter of salute. She was obviously ready to go out. When he saw him, he covered up and asked him before he knew that The wife planned to add makeup to Su's Liu Niang for fear that he would be scolded. Gu Yu asked this before she was frank, which made Eleven Niang shocked: "You married a wife earlier?"

Gu Yuwen couldn't laugh or cry: "How dare I... Really, the blindfolding method of His Royal Highness the King of Chu."

and carefully handed over the piles and pieces over the years with Eleven Niang, so that she could only communicate with the princess without scruples.

Hearing what Eleven Niang said, she said wrong repeatedly: "I didn't mean to hide it, but the relationship is really important... In fact, I know this, and recently, when I didn't know it at the beginning, I also generally planned to be with you. No matter where Gu Lang is from, I always know you."

This was not true. At the beginning, Yu Yu deployed a lot of deployment, and there was no big detail about the scenery. In the final analysis, if it hadn't been for King Qing to ascend the throne, Gu Yuwen's role would not be great. It was not important whether he was an enemy or a friend with Yu Yu. On the day he ascended the throne, Ying was forcibly captive. Of course, I don't know the details of Gu Yuwen, that is, after she returned safe. However, I heard that Gu Yuwen was deeply promoted by the emperor's faith. He was really worried about the friendship with Eleven Niang, so Yu Yu told her the details. In just a few months, there were frequent accidents, and beautiful scenery had been preparing for the "final liquidation" of the emperor, and there was no leisure to talk about this topic with Eleven Niang.

Eleven Niang is satisfied: "With your words, I am also satisfied. Fortunately, Gu Lang and Qin have been at peace with each other from beginning to end. I'm not too annoyed. I'm just worried that he has some old grievances with His Highness... Since I know a lot at this time, A Jing might as well say bluntly, next What are your plans? I know the inside story. I know that Your Highness will not be confused by Qin Ziruo, but I'm afraid the one on the dragon chair will not give up. He is Qin Ziruo's support.

Yijing no longer hid it and told Eleven Niang carefully.

Eleven Niang smiled and said, "It was also Qin Ziruo's delusion and deserved to meet you as an opponent. Even if she has a queen sister and emperor's brother-in-law, she can sleep peacefully tonight. Jing, you don't know. On that day, Qin Ziruo made such a scene again, and my heart is worried. No, I just thought that if she really took advantage of her wish, the thief God was really blind... At that time, the news that you were safe and nothing came back to Jinyang. Nianyu and A Liu and I couldn't wait to go to the temple to burn incense. I repented for a while. At the beginning, I shouldn't have scolded God as a thief. God was above, and finally helped good people.

Yijing's eyes turned red, and she was pretending to be there. She was slapped by Eleven Niang: "With your words, I will know how to do it next. Don't worry, as long as the Qin sisters dare to come out to jump over the beam, even if this includes the queen, I dare to really confuse their faces, and let them This ugly man acted decently.

At the beginning of Shen, beautiful scenery sent away a few acquaintances before returning to Lvqingyuan. Then he heard Xia Ke report Mrs. Qin's resignation in the afternoon and went to the opposite door. This was expected by Yijing and smiled without saying a word.

I didn't know the " boudoir", but I heard that Yu Yu was taking a nap in her boudoir, and she had been sleeping for a full hour.

Bingjing took a look inside and saw that the prince was sleepy and did not disturb him. Later, he was called to Yuanying Hall by the eldest princess. After such a delay, when he returned with the lamp, he knew that Yu had not woken up.

Yijing was a little panicked. When he entered, he looked inside. Although he seemed to be sleeping sweetly, he was also uneasy. First, he pushed gently, and then added gravity. In the end, he called people with a crying voice. Yu Yu finally woke up. In such a moment of trance, there was still a dull voice when he spoke, but he quickly comforted him: "Yesterday I didn't sleep well at night. Look at you, I'm just sleeping in. Is it worth crying with anxiety?

"Are you deliberately scared?"

The man in his arms beat his pink fists gently, and Yu Yu smiled at the corners of his lips. He repeatedly answered, "Since it's late, you have to catch a cold when you go out. The princess is doing well. Let me stay here for the night today."

As he spoke, he pulled people into his arms and gently opened his eyelids.

When I opened it again, there was still a vague light and shadow in front of me, and I couldn't see anything clearly. The faint roar in my ears caused a burst of boredom in my chest.

Yu Yu opened his eyes again--

Pray for God, don't take back your favor, allow me to take tens of time, instead of such a short reincarnation.