Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 715 One day of turning, suddenly become a side concubine

On the first day of March of the second year of Yuanhe, the sky suddenly became clear. It seemed that the day had just entered the spring. The cold winter was so far away without a trace, and suddenly there was a bright and warm willow.

However, almost no one felt that such a wind and sunshine came in a hurry, and almost no one expected that there would be a long-lost political storm with March. Only a few people involved in it looked back afterwards and vaguely followed this day. On the first day of March, in fact, for the fate of many people, they have Bury the foreshadowing of the turning point.

In the early morning, for Qin Ziruo, her initial mood complemented the sunny weather.

A few days ago, after Mrs. Qin, who was an in-law of the Duke of Wei, went to add makeup to the sister-in-law of the concubine's daughter Wu Niang, she couldn't wait to come to the opposite Xianwang Mansion. Without Princess Chu, Mrs. Qin was warmly received by the old princess this time, but Mrs. Qin's anxious dissatisfaction and full of resentment were not been eased. Her perfunctory socializing, even the old princess, who had always been dull, felt it, but she didn't notice it. She pulled Mrs. Qin to say something for nearly two hours. Finally, she gave Mrs. Qin the opportunity to be alone with Ziruo mother and daughter after she was grateful for the "helping" of Qin on the heavenly family to blaming her granddaughter.

"The words of the Duke's wife are the same as your guess. Concubine Su's return home this time is not so simple, otherwise how could the king of Chu be entangled every day and stay at the princess's house? However, Ziruo, this is exactly what I'm worried about. Even if your words have played a role in Concubine Su, she has the idea of leaving, but the King of Chu is still stubborn. His mind is still on Concubine Su. How can he accept you seriously? Hello, you are a famous lady and the daughter of the prime minister's mansion. In order to make the king of Chu famous, you can't bear to be a maidservant in the royal palace. The king of Chu actually allowed the princess to humiliate you. Is it your good man?"

The more Mrs. Qin talked, the more angry she became, so that her eyes were blurred with tears.

At this point, even if she complained that the men of the Qin family were unscrupulous, the most resentful person was always Su Fei, and even angered Yu Yu. She secretly hated him for failing his daughter's infatuation. If Qin Zi is looking for embarrasssment, they don't owe you anything. Why should they be considerate of you? The mood situation.

Qin Ziruo completely breathed a long breath after confirming that Yu Yu would stay in the Su family every day.

She comforted her mother: "Even if Concubine Su had something to be unwilling, she was so upset that I knelt for most of the day. When things broke out, I naturally reported back to the old princess. Concubine Su forced herself to a desperate situation. The old princess knew that she might be responsible for the prince, if she still did not Without a clear conscience, the old princess is bound to be dissatisfied with her.

Qin Ziruo was really proud: "I didn't kneel for nothing, and finally achieved my goal. When Concubine Su entered the palace the next day, she should hold a glimmer of hope and begged for the empress dowager to protect her. She also thought too much about herself. Even if the empress dowager cherishes her a little, how could the empress dowager favor her? People? It must be that the Empress Dowager did not say that Concubine Su had no choice but to return home for temporary residence.

As for Yu Yu, of course, he is unwilling to divorce Su.

"However, this matter will not calm down. The prince's wish is that it is no longer important. As long as the Empress Dowager allows Concubine Su to leave, the matter will be a final conclusion. Once the world learns that Concubine Su is self-inviting and leaving, it is bound to believe that she is indeed innocent. The gossip is everywhere. Su On the day when the concubine no longer turns over, the prince will certainly be sad for a moment, but when the old princess comes forward and persuades him to marry another marriage, the prince will not completely ignore his loyalty and filial piety.

The more Qin Ziruo said, the more successful he was: "The days in the future are still long. I will always have the opportunity to really replace them."

Sha Tingke, who can write "Ode to Life", has the ambition of the people's livelihood in the world, which was very sure when Qin Ziruo was still a young girl.

In those years, she has been silently paying attention to this unique clan nobleman. She also heard that her brother and the good men of the family often mentioned the son of the king of Chu. In her mind, she had already outlined a handsome young man of Yushu Zhilan. She believed that a person with such a clear and free pen and ink must be extraordinary demeanor, and such respect Rong's identity is the only beeous person worthy of her love.

Later, I saw it, just like her soul dream.

What is hateful is that God is ruthless and makes them miss it in terms of age. She is only cardamom, but it is time for him to talk about marriage.

In the early years, due to the influence of her grandmother and sister, she really looked down on those noble daughters, especially the Su sisters.

If Dongming was still there, his grandmother would have been the noble eldest princess. All the blessings enjoyed by the Su sisters should have belonged to the daughter of the Qin family.

But as she gets older, "knowledge" becomes more and more broad. If Qin Ziru realizes that it is really useless to be entangled in these facts, she sneers at most of the Su's daughters. Only Su Yijing is the thorn in her eyes. Without him, Qin if she always believes that Su Wu is "a false name", even if she has a biological mother from a family, she unfortunately died early. The eldest princess who can only ride and shoot can't teach Su Wu to be proficient in four arts. Su Wu is not worthy to marry the prince as a concubine.

But jealousy can't change anything. The biggest difference between Qin Ziruo and the queen is that she will never waste her mental strength on meaningless personnel, nor will she float her grievances on the surface. She is good at plotting and forbearance.

Knowing that the son and his wife are in love and harmony, Qin Zi doesn't know how to suffer for many days and nights. Even if he is unwilling, it is more increasing day by day *. That man, Yu Yan, the son of the king of Chu, really meets all her settings for the people who travel together.

She also knows that the only chance of winning is that her brother-in-law can win the 95th in the future. Only absolute power support can help her get what she wants.

It's like how the king of Chu was obsessed with Concubine Xie at the beginning. Didn't he resist the order of his mother and married someone else?

At that time, she even secretly laughed at the Duke of Wei. If she married her eldest daughter to the fourth prince instead of the second prince who had no support and no holy family, then she would really be disheartened and hopeless.

This move of the Duke of Wei is to show loyalty, but it does not know that the world is changeable. Once the emperor and a courtier show loyalty, they can't protect themselves. Unless the power dissipates and leads to death at any time, the superiors will really feel at ease.

Just like the current situation, how can the emperor believe that they are loyal ministers because of what the Duke of Wei did on that day?

In short, all this is developing according to Qin Ziruo's initial plan, even easier than her appointment. On the day of the death of the late emperor, the Su family was actually taken captive. Even if he returned, the emperor was deeply afraid of the Duke of Wei and was bound not allow Su and Chu to maintain a good marriage relationship.

The good person she favors is ambitious and has both virtue and talent. Even if she is affectionate and righteous, she should not be a person who only cares about her family and country for her children.

In the end, it will still compromise with loyalty and filial piety.

The world will also understand that etiquette is above, and the monarch is the most important. The ruler of character is not limited to love and righteousness. In front of loyalty and filial piety, love can only be second.

Qin Ziruo believes that up to this day, Yu Yu is still inseparable from the Su family, which is really too different and affectionate.

And in this matter, she has always shown that she is silent and willing to pay - but in order to admire her heart, ignore her reputation, and has never harmed or disrespected Concubine Su. How many women in the world can be like her? It is also unique. Even if Yu Yu may regret Su Fei for a while, it is precisely because he is affectionate and righteous that he is not indifferent to his infatuation.

Just like the king of Chu, although he was not affectionate to the old princess and never slowed down, Concubine Xie was just a concubine all her life.

If Qin Zi is not as honest as the old princess, he will actually allow Su to be on his side. In her opinion, the emperor is bound to be the ultimate winner. Sooner or later, the Duke of Wei will collapse and be defeated. At that time, Su will not be able to survive.

The Empress Dowager is in his sixties. How long can it be?

This world will always be controlled by the emperor.

She still has a lot of time to erase the traces of Su's heart in Yu Yu. Even if it can't be completely erased, it is not the key, because in the future, she can stand beside him, give birth to children for him, and stand hand in hand with him. Qin Ziruo is no longer Su Yijing.

In this way, it will be satisfied.

In fact, Qin Ziruo learned from Zheng's mother and daughter the next day that Concubine Su had returned home and took away a dowry maid, including Mother Yang, who was in charge of Guan Suiyuan's affairs, when she also returned to the Weigong Mansion, she was sure that Concubine Su had been successfully calculated by her. Whether she was willing or not, there was always a divorce. The plan.

Su must also understand that Yu Yu is a filial son, and the old princess will definitely not let Yu take responsibility for his wife and become a commoner. If she shamelessly ignores it, the old princess is disgusted with her and will not be able to gain a foothold in the royal palace in the future, which will even attract more criticism.

Since it is irreparable, it is better to ask for peace and leave. It always occupies the praise of "deep righteousness", which is offset by the crime of innocence and innocence, which is rarely said.

Qin Ziruo is a little lucky - Su Wu is at least not so stupid, and there are still some merits.

She didn't expect that the "biography" of Zheng's mother and daughter would be very watery. Although beautiful scenery returned home for the time being, at present, Mother Xie, who is in charge of the internal affairs of Guan Suiyuan, would go to the opposite door early to ask the princess to ask for instructions. Only these things were hidden from each other, and it would be impossible for Qin Zi to know.

It was only said that in the early morning, when Qin Ziruo received Li's letter from Zheng, he knew that his grandfather had taken "final action" and instructed those imperial historians to report again one after another. At the same time, he deliberately argued with many students of the Hanlin Academy, making the princess of Chu's innocence and false charges evolve from thieves to open arguments. My mother's mood is very happy - paper can't wrap the fire. I believe that the Empress Dowager will soon make a decision, and she can only allow Su and leave.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Qin came to the door again next day!

A bad news on a sunny day, when the head is split, Qin Zi is like a stone carving.

In the evening, Yan'er, the maid of Rongxi Hall, saw Qin Ziruo limping and returning to the lower room with tears in her eyes - because of the kneeling, Miss Qin suffered a frostbite. She has not acted so neatly these days, but why does it look more serious today?

Yan'er was full of planning, but she was urged by Mother Zhu repeatedly, saying that the old princess had left Mrs. Qin for dinner and asked her to go to the kitchen quickly to add dishes.

Yan'er finished the erid and returned to the old princess when she returned to her life, she just heard a sentence--

"Really, Qin Xiang tried his best this time. Madam is relieved. I must remember this matter in my heart. If you want to say, Zi Ruo is also the direct daughter of a famous family. In the position of side concubine, she is more or less wronged her."

Yan'er almost tripped.

Looking at Mrs. Qin again, there was no joy in her face, and her eyebrows were full of sadness.

When Yan'er went out, she quickly asked Mother Zhu - since Yudong's family lived in a separate mansion, Mother Zhu knew that Yan'er was actually the princess's confidant, and many words would not be hidden.

"Why did you agree to let Qin as the side concubine? I'm afraid the princess doesn't know about this matter. I'm afraid the old princess..." Yan'er was really worried that the princess was not following the premise, and the old princess was tricked by others again.

M Mother Zhu was old-fashioned and sneered: "How has the old princess promised anything? Don't worry, the Qin family is delusional."