Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 735 Publicly expose, Zi Ruoqiang argue

I don't know how the mood of the people here are. Anyway, the emperor on the throne is slightly gratified. Only one testimony of picking lotus is far from enough to make Concubine Su guilty. However, Caiwei, as a "witness" from the Liuguang Pavilion all the way, can implement Fang Jinpa's criminal evidence and draw out another person's testimony from her mouth to make the whole incident. "The water comes out", instead of just entangling in the less reliable killing motives, Cai Wei's appearance can push the situation down. Qin Ziruo is still keen and witty, which is much better than the queen's nonsense.

"Bang the second maidservant to the hall to ask questions." The emperor simply adopted the advice.

but listen to the word "slow down".

To stop the order of the emperor, there is naturally only the empress dowager.

Since the incident turned from accident to man-made, and in response to the major suspicion of murder to Princess Chu because of resentment, the empress dowager watched coldly for a long time. At this time, her heart was very bright. She finally knew why the death of the eldest prince was so obvious, and why the emperor needed the participation of courtiers, rather than ending with "accidental". This was in the hall. The emperor's land still refused to let go of the Duke of Wei, and the queen's voice was full of tears. Qin Ziruo's pretending to be fairness showed that the Qin family was important in this incident, and all of this was aimed at not only the Su and Chu mansions. In the final analysis, it was to make her compromise and oppose the Duke's government, and was finally stripped of the power of supervision.

How can the Empress Dowager not be aggrieved? After the collapse of the late emperor, she had tolerated a lot and did not strongly interfere in politics. Many absurd acts of rebellion against the emperor were only based on persuading the police. Even if she was determined to rectify the chaos, she still took into account the power of the emperor, but she was disappointed with all her painstaking efforts and became the weakness of the emperor's coercion and coercion.

If you are willing to accept the cooperation this time, then you will lose your initiative and can only let the emperor do wrong and lead Yu's country to chaos.

In the future, how to face the ancestors and how to face the earnest instructions of your son before his death.

The Empress Dowager frowned and looked at her grandson - she was in a high position but still could not look at the overall situation. She was already on the throne. She should have paid attention to the foundation of national politics. She should consider how to implement and improve the official system reform of the former emperors, cultivate emerging forces to balance the nobles, and promote the reform of the military system to make the country prosperous and the people safe. He is good. The only thing she can do is to seize power to suppress Zhongliang, and even her grandmother is regarded as a thorn that can't be pulled out.

I was extremely disappointed. It turned out that the queen was not the only one whose buttocks could not decide his vision, and the emperor was really not frighten.

"Your Majesty, this matter does not need to be retrial. The queen questioned that the cause of Princess Chu's murder of the prince is not valid." The Empress Dowager said lightly and still wanted to persuade the police for the last time: "In the eyes of my family, this maidservant must be malicious and secretly harmed the prince and blamed others."

"The lotus picking is just a maidservant. How can you be so bold? Madam, the emperor is your great-grandson, the eldest son of the emperor, and the blood of the heavenly family. How can you indulge the real murderer and make him unjust? Madam, you obviously shielded Concubine Su, and my concubine is not convinced!" The queen took the lead in impatience and clenched her fists, but her eyes were really red.

The Empress Dowager was also very surprised and agreed with the queen's views for the first time, but she said much more euphemistically: "Mother, the queen is right. The eldest prince is the eldest son of the emperor, but he was strangled and sinking the pond. How can she not delve into the real murderer?"

In fact, the words of the two have their own meanings. After all, the queen is guilty and only talks about the eldest son, but the empress dowager in the same place points out the word "the eldest".

The emperor and Qin Ziruo's hearts were sinking. What the emperor thought of was that the empress dowager was afraid that the empress dowager had known that the eldest prince was not the direct descendant. Although it had been expected, what was unexpected was that the empress dowager was really determined to defend the Su family. In such a situation, he wanted to cover up perfunctorily, which showed that the Ci'an Palace did not want to decentralized power at all. The purpose is to rely on the momentum of Su and Chu and the imperial power of the ancestors to control the government.

How can the emperor still give in? Up to now, only by tearing the face and putting Concubine Su to death in front of the clan and courtiers. If Yu Yu is not convinced, he will also be convicted as an accomplice. In front of the eyes of the historians and courtiers, do Su and Chu still dare to reverse this? As long as they take action, they can suppress themselves justly. Even if the empress dowager moves out of the imperial edict, she can't ignore the etiquette, otherwise it is also a serious crime of covering up the ministers and usurped the country.

The Empress Dowager must be allowed to compromise and give up the two governments of Su and Chu to threaten the king.

And Qin Zi was undoubtedly more sad and sad, and his eyes seemed to be raining. He looked straight at the figure standing side by side with Concubine Su in the hall. If the empress dowager knew that the eldest son was not the eldest son, he must have leaked the secret, but he clearly promised first, but even such a thing still failed her.

How can you be so cruel?

Do you know that I was wronged and asked for completeness? I confessed that I was complained by my father and ancestors, all in order to win some of your feelings. What I try to avoid is tit-for-tat with you. Is my true intention so cheap that it is just a ruthless betrayal and abandonment? But until this time, I can't bear to blame you... But I won't let Su go and won't be defeated like this. If I can't win your sincerity, then I will also get you.

It's useless, Your Highness, I have been prevented for a long time. Even if I know that if I am forced to do this strategy, my heart will be like a knife, because you have failed me.

But since you chose this road, I won't let Su go. She must die. The more you defend, the more jealous I will be.

Even if I will be resented by you, I can't give up with you. I finally walked into your life and will never leave again.

Zi Ruo's bitter resentment and sadness got a response this time--

but it comes from the smiling eyes of the scenery, with a strong smile.

The two's eyes touched each other, but the emperor had said in a low voice, "Grandma, this matter must be investigated deeply. Forgive the grandson for not obeying."

"Very good." The Empress Dowager is still tem: "Since the emperor is determined to do so, it will be tried by the mourning family, which is bound to bring out today's case! Since the queen believed the words of the maid and believed that it was the princess of Chu who was resentment, the dispute in today's Liuguang Pavilion was the root cause of the incident. As soon as the woman heard and witnessed it on the spot, if they didn't know, they didn't know how many rumors would be when they left the palace. If they put everyone into the main hall for trial, they would not be judged. Increase the regenerative disturbance."

Not waiting for the emperor's will, the empress dowager raised her voice and ordered the eunuchs in front of the temple to lead a woman into the palace.

The emperor did not refute. If she wanted to commit Su Fei's crime horizontally and vertically, she still needed some minor circumstantial evidence and be put to the hearing. At that time, she would not have to make confessionss.

The Empress Dowager let the King and his wife return to their seats again. Seeing that the magnificent scenery had never broken their knees, the queen held her chest with a sullen fire. At least she was reminded by Qin Ziruo's sleeves and reminded her, then she sneered and held back - don't be proud too early. When the guilt is conclusive, no one can protect you, and I'm afraid that there will be no humiliation!

Many palace people filed in and quietly sat on the bamboo mats for the women to sit under the back of the two columns of main seats in the main hall.

Although he was busy and the empty hall was full of seats in a blink of an eye, the whole process was almost silent.

The concubine was in front of her, and her fate was behind. Everyone sat down tacitly according to the order of quality. Although they were all thinking about today's impulnerable situation, not to mention whispering to each other, even the slight sound of friction and collision of the dress when sitting down was very low.

When the Empress opened his mouth again, he actually asked directly. At this time, as the women quietly entered, Wei Zhao, who stood aside: "The eldest prince has encountered something unexpected, and you can know that Zhang Xuanshi."

The queen's expression is stiff.

And most unknown insiders can't hide their surprise. Why did they specifically inform a servant when the eldest prince was killed?

"Grandmother!" The emperor couldn't help stopping it. After all, this matter is very embarrassing in public, and the queen has to bear the charge of chaos. If he is not guaranteed, won't the Qin family be disappointed? Most of the people here are Qin's party members!

"Why, doesn't the emperor want to come out?" The Empress Dowager had a faint eye.

The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, and it was difficult to hide the impetuous fire of Dantian.

A simple "yes" exit has a sonorous meaning.

The Empress Dowager withdrew her eyes: "A Zhao, how about Zhang Xuanshi?"

"I reported that the servant was shocked to hear the bad news and was in pain. She immediately fainted and woke up with a needle from the medical officer, but said..." Wei Zhao paused slightly.

"It's better to speak frankly." The Empress Dowager's voice sank.

"The Empress reported that Zhang Xuanshi's original words were that she was appointed as the poison hand of the queen, and Her Royal Highness was never accidentally falling into the water."

There is a dead silence in the palace.

Most women looked down and subconsciously clenched their fists.

Only the Empress Dowager dared to express her shock in public: "What does this say?! The eldest prince is the queen's direct daughter, how can the queen harm?

And the queen was already sitting in wax.

"Empress do not feel that the queen is too calm today and heard that the eldest prince is unpredictable... Zhang Xuanshi is in pain, but the queen pays more attention to her manners than usual." The Empress Dowager sneered, "The Great Prince Gain is not the queen at all!"

The queen's choking was finally completely still, and the main hall was even more silent.

And Qin Ziruo still looked obliquely with his resentful eyes.

"Queen, who is the eldest prince and what is the identity of Zhang Xuanshi? How dare you talk about it in public." The Empress Dowager glanced at the mother and daughter of the Qin family, naturally swept Qin Ziruo's eyes into her eyes, and there were goose bumps along her arm, and the expression became more disgusting.

Qin Ziruo also seemed to feel the coldness of the Empress Dowager. He woke up and saw his sister shaking her lips and didn't know how to deal with it, and the emperor was also a dark face. Although he knew that his identity was not appropriate to interrupt, his desire to "win" was really too eager. He gritted his teeth and knelt down on his knees: "Mother, the people have something to say, look at your mother. Mother's kindness is up to you."

Now she can't even be called a "m maidservant" and has become a common woman.

The Empress Dowager sneered from the bottom of her heart, but waved her arm: "Today is a public trial, and you are also involved in the Qin family. You are allowed to refute it."

If Qin Zi kowtowed, he thought about the words: "The eldest prince was indeed made by Zhang Xuanshi, and Zhang Xuanshi, formerly known as Xiaoyi, is actually the Qing waiter in Qianrao Pavilion..."

There was a sound of breathing in the main hall, and it was difficult for the women to suppress the shock. The eldest prince was not the direct son, but he was actually a clean man... It was said to be a clean man, but in fact he was a prostitute.

And Qin Ziruo followed that words, saying that the little man's birth was extremely pitiful, and by chance, he met today. The emperor cherished her humbleness and pitiableness. In short, it was extremely whitewashed and a good play of "heroes saving beauty".

"At that time, the queen was diagnosed with a difficult child and was very sad, but the little man was pregnant. Although she was clean, she was from a dusty background and could not enter the house openly. If she was known about her identity, it would inevitably be criticized by Her Royal Highness's improper bloodline. The Empress came up with such a method, although she was chaotic. There is a violation of the etiquette law, but it is also to relieve the worries of the emperor. In addition, because of the difficulties of his children, he is inevitably anxious, and he is looking forward to having a child... Since his birth, the eldest prince has been taken care of and raised by the empress. He is indeed regarded as his own, and he will not murder the eldest prince in any case. The accusation of choosing a waiter is only because of the shocking news. If you lose your mind, you will speak at will.

Since the Empress Dowager has announced in public that the eldest prince is not the direct descendant, Qin Zi also knows that this matter cannot be defended - the little man appeared in Qianrao Pavilion in those years, and it is not difficult to pursue. Since Yu Yu is "betrayal", Jiang Han will definitely not believe it. As long as he proves that the queen is not pregnant, he will be indefensable, let alone The emperor, whether the queen or the prime minister, is opposed to this strange. How can the world believe that the eldest prince is the direct heir?

Mo several crisply admitted, but her words vaguely showed that the emperor agreed to tie the emperor and the queen firmly together first. If the empress dowager wants to investigate, the emperor will also be guilty.

The situation is like this, and the sister's position should not be lost. If Qin Zi wants to force the emperor to maintain it.

But the Empress Dowager couldn't help shooting: "It's ridiculous! How can the queen tolerate the son of a dusty woman as the direct leader? Even if you can't be pregnant, there were two side concubines and innocent concubines in the mansion!"

"Although Zhang Xuanshi was born in Fengchen, he did not entrust himself to others. Dalang is indeed his son's bone and blood." Now, the emperor has no choice but to protect it.

The Empress Dowager choked.

The Empress Dowager's eyes are colder - since she is sure that Dalang is your bone and blood, she even killed her! The heart is so fierce that the tiger and the wolf can't compare.

This is still the case for the children, not to mention the queen who originally hated it. At this time, the emperor came forward to guarantee that it was just because Qin Zi would secretly force himself to break the arm of the Qin family.

Qin Ziruo is really good at it.

"To get back to the point, the reason why the mourning family announced this matter in public is to prove that the queen's hostage against Princess Chu is nonsense, because Princess Chu learned early in the morning that Dalang was not the direct one, and how could she be angry with Dalang because she had a grudge against the queen and killed her to vent her anger?"

Of course, this word caused a sound of inhalation again, and the lives* knew such a situation. It turned out that it was the queen who was the real murder of the princess of Chu for killing the prince.