Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 736 There is a reason for the provocation, and the fangs appear

"Please forgive the people's daughter. Even if the princess knew that Her Royal Highness was not the direct one, there was still a cause for harm." In many mixed inhalation sounds, Qin Ziruo gritted his teeth and took on the responsibility of the lead singer. His tone remained calm and gentle, his attitude was more modest, and he did not have teeth and claws, but this situation was still beyond everyone's expectation. Qin Ziruo did not intend to participate in this matter, and he was focused on playing the "clean and innocent" preparation. Instead, he hurriedly got the order to enter the palace. Originally, he also planned to stand by and watch. Unexpectedly, the play had just begun, because the queen was not strong, Yu Yu's intentional stimulation, and the wrong grasp of the attitude of the empress dowager. At this point, it was like the opposition between the princess and the queen, the prince and the prime minister's mansion. One side will have bad luck.

And Qin Ziruo automatically evolved into a leading bird and shouldered the beam.

I only heard her make a clear statement: "In the earlier, in the streamer pavilion, Zhang Xuanshi had a conflict with the princess, and the guests present witnessed it. The princess knew that the servant was His Royal Highness's biological mother, and she might also take revenge with resentment, and may even think that she was enough to get rid of the crime and become more unscrupulous."

At this time, many life-saving women couldn't help raising their eyes secretly and paying attention to the changes in the appearances of the superiors. Hearing Qin Ziruo's words, some people couldn't help nod their heads and agreeing. That's not. Earlier, the princess was the one who chose the servant, and she might hold a grudge in her heart. Although the battle between tongues and tongues were poisoned to kill the emperor's heirs. Maybe Princess Chu is such a narrow-minded person. In addition, the queen regards the eldest prince as the direct heir and has a lot of love. Even if the princess of Chu knows the details, it is difficult to guarantee that she will not take revenge on the queen. The eldest prince is remembered in the name of the queen, and it is impossible for the queen to have any more children. Once the eldest prince dies, it is also a piece for the queen. Strike.

Yijing, under many unclear views, got up generously again, slightly saluted the upper seat, and could not maintain it: "My concubine begged the emperor and the Empress to allow her to defend themselves."

Naturally, there is no reason not to let Princess Chu speak.

It's accurate, but the scenery is sitting down again. Of course, she doesn't have to stand and talk to the "people's girl".

"Miss Qin, what you just said that Zhang Xuanshi had a conflict with me. I'm afraid it's not true. Although Zhang Xuanshi was provocative, I didn't pay attention to it. After that, the Empress also scolded the Xuanshi for passing the rules and expelled her out of the streamer pavilion. In this case, I was also resented and comforted by the Empress. Is it because of Zhang Xuanshi? Is it a slight offense to accommodate the eldest prince? This is too far-fetched."

"The women are just questioning, but the princess did not complain about the selection of the waiter, but Her Royal Highness's accident made the selection of the waiter mistakenly think that it was because of the empress. On the matter, the princess could not escape the suspicion of framing. In addition, there were some lotus picking to prove that the princess had been alone with the eldest prince and buying confessions. The princess said that she was innocent. Why don't you let Cai Wei come to court to testify whether what the princess said is true or not?

With these words, Li Jing became the culprit and killed the eldest prince. On the one hand, it was to revenge the little man, and on the other hand, it was also to make the queen responsible.

It is well known that the Su family is indeed close to the Qin family, and this motivation is not so far-fetched.

The Empress Dowager said "haha" in her heart - Qin Ziruo really had a bright tongue.

Yi Jing glanced at Yu - the girl's fangs were exposed. Did she completely give up the prince? Unfortunately, hundreds of days and nights of humiliation, such excitement is revealed. Thanks to her, she still has the ambition to play the world, and her ability to pretend is far from our country's wife.

Of course, the princess did not realize the frustration and jealousy of her long-cherished wish. She really couldn't feel the mood of Qin's ice and fire at this time and the complicated liver of love and hate.

The battle still needs to continue. Won't it be a guilty heart if Cai Wei is not allowed to appear on the stage?

Yi Jing immediately responded to the Empress Dowager's inquiry, restrained her smile and nodded slightly.

Cai Wei was then edicted to come to the court. Of course, Amin, the maidservant of Yijing, was also allowed to enter.

Amin's confession naturally fits well with the scenery, but Cai Wei's confession is "surprised".

The birch appeared after she took the queen's new clothes to change the princess: "The maidservant was going to wait by, but the princess did not allow her to interfere, saying that the clothes were stained with wine for a long time and she was afraid that they could not be cleaned. After all, it was a good material, and it would be ruined in vain. It was the princess's instructions to let the maidservant to wash it in time. The maidservant dared not neglect it, so she The dress was sent to the palace for the little maid of honor, and then went to the backyard. From afar, she saw the princess leading the maidservant to talk to Cailian. The maidservant was puzzled and saw the princess return to it, and Alian opened her mouth and said that Her Royal Highness had fallen into the water. The maidservant was really shocked and didn't think much about it. She quickly ran to the water..."

"I didn't see Your Highness struggling to call for help. Cailian asked the maidservant to enter the hall to call people. At that time, the maidservant was at a loss and didn't have time to think carefully... But at that time, most of the palace people went to look for the Highness separately. It was easy to find a rough maid who could water. When she rescued Her Royal Highness, she was already unconscious. The maidservant panicked and thought of earlier. Then go back to the princess..."

"When the medical officer came here, he said that he was powerless to return to the sky, and the maidservant only felt that the world was spinning... Later, the adults of the Ministry of Criminal Justice investigated and asked the maidservant to identify the brocade handkerchief hanging on the hook, and the maidservant recognized that it was the princess's thing! Mr. Lenovo remembered that when he heard Cailian shouting at that time, he saw the lady in Zhu on the southbound stone bridge hurried away, looking like... the princess's concubine sister Cai Er's grandmother.

This words not only complemented Cailian's confession - the beautiful scenery did go to the water's edge. After she left with A Ming, Cailian exclaimed that the eldest prince had fallen into the water, and also drew the third mother's certificate. Of course, there is also the key that Fang Jinpa is a beautiful thing, but it appeared on the body of the eldest prince, which vaguely shows In fact, the matter of "clean clothes" came from Yijing's instructions, so even if it was blocked from Yijing's doubt that Jinpa was stolen by Caiwei.

A group of noble women inhale again - it seems that Princess Chu can't escape the blame.

Only the sixth sister frowned tightly, first staring at Huang, and then piercingly at the third woman beside her.

But at this time, ordinary people naturally can't interrupt.

"Princess Chu, what else do you have to say?" The emperor took the lead in making trouble. After all, in this situation, the queen is at a loss, and if Qin Zi's identity is embarrassing and coercion, it will take the emperor to export to achieve the effect.

Unexpectedly, before Yijing opened his mouth, a man said, "Sheng Shangmingjian, this maidservant is clearly bleeding!"

Although it was Xie's speaking, there were two people who crawled.

Xie's and his brother-in-law Su Sanniang.

As soon as the Empress Dowager heard that she had a new certificate and was still the daughter of the State Mansion and beautiful half-sister, she was anxious. At this time, when she saw the third mother's eldest sister-in-law taking the lead in questioning Cai Wei, she felt relaxed and quickly asked, "What on earth is going on?"

"Originally, when I was in the Liuguang Pavilion, my concubine was informed that I would change my clothes. Later, Sun Yiren criticized the princess and was disrespectful to my concubine, and the empress intended to shield me. For Gu Zongfa, the concubine led the empress dowager and the empress dowager and the empress dowager to uphold the rites. On the way, the concubine was late because she was worried about her sister-in-law. Before returning, I was informed that Princess Fu would go to find her sister-in-law first... After asking many palace people, she knew where to change her clothes. The minister and concubine was about to go to the music hall with her sister-in-law, but she saw the princess passing by on her shoulder and the road, which was in this direction... The concubine and her sister-in-law did not leave, and did not go east, but went to the music hall, and happened to meet the empress dowager Luan on the way. Then he went to the queen's bedroom.

After Xie finished speaking, Sanniang naturally did not decompose it.

The emperor was furious - the arranged certificate was actually "robbed" by Xie on the way?!

But many palace people in the palace saw Xie and Su's concubines, and they could not question Xie's nonsense about getting rid of Princess Chu. The key move was actually destroyed by "accident".

Is it accidental? Ying took a deep look at the silent Sanniang from beginning to end.

But she didn't delve into it, but asked lightly, "Cai Wei, what else do you have to say? You said you saw my third sister witnessing it at that time, but it turned out that the third sister had never been here in the future."

Cai Weiden came to his senses: "The maid looked at afar at that time, maybe not Grandma Cai, but at that time, the maid saw the princess talking to Cailian by the water, and the silk handkerchief on Her Highness's body was indeed the princess!"

Yi Jing raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you sure I was standing by the water at that time?"

"The maid saw it with her own eyes." Cai Wei gritted her teeth and said.

Bingjingman is full of disdainful: "There is no basis for empty words."

Qin Ziruo just came to his senses from Su Sanniang, a key witness that was "robbed" halfway, and immediately said, "Since the officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice have verified that there are footprints by the water, can't they compare it with the size of the princess?"

"There are loopholes in the words of these two maidservants." The beautiful scene said in a solemn voice: "If I really harm the eldest prince, it will definitely cause signs of mismanagement. How can I strangle people and sink into the pond?" Even if the eldest prince comes out, he is still remembered in the name of the queen. He is the only son of the emperor. Once something goes wrong, it is bound to disturb the court. Even if I am a woman and a child, I know that there will be bruises on people's necks. How can I do this obvious thing?

For such rhetoric and wisdom, the queen is purely silent, and the emperor still has to show his "fairness" in public. It is not easy to play in person, so only Qin Zi can stand up.

"The common woman hypothesized that if the princess really committed this crime, it was also a temporary intention. Because she did not know that she would meet Her Royal Highness by chance here, she did not have time to think about it well, and it was inevitable that there would be mistakes. Second, Her Royal Highness was not still in her baby, and the princess was afraid of shocking others, so she had to stun her Highness into the pond to keep it quietly. Officials also It is said that there are footprints on the mud near the water, which is a proof.

In fact, the emperor deliberately caused the eldest prince to be stunned, otherwise how can he be sure that it is not an accident? If the eldest prince's body is not strangled, the empress dowager can easily cover it up with a mistake. Even if there is a lotus testimony, it is enough to claim that she slandered the princess because she neglected to get rid of the crime. Maybe she will give up halfway without verifying Jinpa.

Tianzi thought well, and Qin Ziruo's cooperation was really just right.

It depends on many Qin's followers. Don't they nod frequently at this time?

Beaup is confident: "So according to the girl, since I have been strangling first, I am bound to leave footprints." But without waiting for Qin Ziruo to speak, Yijing said again, "Then why is there no mud under my shoes, even my maid Aming, and the soles of my shoes are clean."

Qin Ziruo is stunned.

"But the silk handkerchief on Your Highness's body is indeed carried by the princess." Cai Wei quickly supported at this time.

Yijing took that smile and endured it very hard. When she was controlling the convulsions exaggeratedly, Fortunately, Yu Yu coughed gently at the right time, and then the princess regained her seriousness: "Cai Wei, that's what I said. You didn't even ask for inspection, so you avoided such a clue as footprints. Don't you know that the soles of my master and servant Not stained with mud? What does this mean? Does it mean that what you just said was untrue to witness me and A Ming standing by the water?

Ping Le beside him couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

Naturally, it is particularly abrupt.

Seeing many people staring at her, Ping Le simply became presumptuous: "What are you still judging? If you continue to try again, there will be some people who humiliate themselves."

Ying suddenly came to reality: "Of course, it will be tried. Although the eldest prince is a commoner and his biological motherhood is unbearable, the queen can't indulge in the evil rebellion of murdering the emperor's heirs since she regards the eldest prince as the bloodline of the heavenly family!"

A pair of sharp eyes, staring at Cai Wei: "How can you be sure that the brocade handkerchief on your body is mine?"

Although the princess's tone was harsh, Qin Ziruo was sneering - after so many trivial things, Su thought that he had forgotten Shen's praise of her Jinpa and thought that he had caught a mistake, but he didn't know that this was "conclusive".

Cai Wei was also really clum and immediately said, "When the maidservant was in the streamer pavilion, she listened to several wives circulate and praise, saying that the peonies on the princess's Jinpa were really richly embroidered, and they were made by the superior Yunjin, which could not be bought on the market... The maidservant was curious at that time and took a look... Later, the officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice were hook on the waist. When he found the Jinpa and brought it to the maidservant to identify it, the maid knew that it was indeed the princess's thing.

At that time, when Deng's circulated and praised the Fang Jinpa, the queen did not pay much attention to it, because it was just a trick to make a plan first, so that a small range of women witnessed that the Fang Jinpa belonged to the beautiful scenery.

But if Qin Zi hears the word "peony flower", the corners of his lips will be stiff.

At that time, she was waiting beside the beautiful scenery and witnessed the embroidered magnolia on the brocade pa!

Beautiful eyes - the veil has been changed for a long time. She had expected that the queen's cousin Shen's trip would be strange, so how could the brocade that had been "adored" fall into Caiwei's hands?