Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 750 Arrange "Afterth" and must be reported

"I have no way to take her. Erlang, you'd better persuade her. After so many days, I heard that Princess Chu has returned to Beijing. If she doesn't visit her again, won't it seem that we are unhumane? But I went with Dalang's daughter-in-law. Her own sister was not present. How can we explain it?

In July, in the season of fire, the dry climate in Jinyang still did not turn cold. Cai Zhen had just sent away the visitor Tao Kai and stepped into the second room. His mother, Mrs. Wu Anhou, came with an uncontrollable complaint.

Cai Zhen wiped a shiny sweat on his forehead and flinned down: "Mother's anger. A Luo didn't visit the royal palace earlier because she knew that we were involved... worried about falling into people's ears, not on purpose."

Xie quickly shook the fan twice and gave a wince to his second uncle, asking him to quickly hand over tea for his mother-in-law to catch fire. While stroking his mother-in-law's back because of her anger, he controlled her tone just right: "The second uncle is reasonable. Although the wife is indifferent on the surface, she could deal with it at the queen's birthday banquet last time. It can be seen that she is smart and has no other thoughts... Princess Chu was not at home a while ago, and there were many rumors outside. Many clans also had criticism. The imperial concubine was ill, and the royal palace did not have a wife to preside over the overall situation. It was not appropriate for us to come to the door rashly, but since the princess came back, her wife must also understand this truth. It's time to visit and say hello, but earlier, I was in a hurry.

It was so easy to appease Mrs. Wu'anhou's anger. Xie quickly told Cai Zhen: "Second uncle, go and persuade my sister-in-law. The letter of courtesy is ready in the morning. Today, since Mrs. Yin, Princess Randing, Zhou, Chen and Tong's grandmothers have all visited the royal palace, of course, we can't be absent. My sister-in-law is cautious, but after all Relatives, if you don't ask about it, will become more and more conspicuous.

These people called by Xie are actually Anran's mother-in-law, aunt Su Lian and Su's two, six and seven women. Although there is no formal post agreement, Su Lian can take the lead and make an appointment with a group of relatives to visit the King's Palace today. Unexpectedly, they were ready to go out just now. Yiluo called him sick again, so she couldn't help waiting for her husband. After reprimanding her, Yiluo simply claimed that it was inconvenient to go to the door at this time, but persuaded her to be absent together. Mrs. Hou only said that she had alienated her relatives and was very angry.

With Xie's sister-in-law, Cai Zhen also went down the stairs and hurried back to the yard to persuade his daughter-in-law.

Sanniang also choked back with her mother-in-law, ate it, and was wiping her tears.

As soon as he saw Cai Zhen lift the curtain and came in, he said aggrievedly, "It's not that I'm not humane, but I also know the temperament of the fifth sister. At this time, she must be sad. The king of Chu couldn't wake up, so even the royal doctor was helpless, just looking at these three or two days! I can't learn from those false snakes, and I can't be relieved. Maybe my fifth sister thinks that I am happy with disaster, so there is no need to gamble.

stressed again: "My temperament can't tolerate the bad words of my five sisters. You told me that before the king of Chu fell ill, he arranged to help Brother Shun to take the throne. You are in the divine machine camp. If there is any change, you will definitely be in front! How small is this? In case my conversation with my fifth sister is not speculative, regardless of what I will say, even if I am a relative, I can't keep people's hearts and tremish! Leaking out will affect the overall situation!"

Cai Zhen quickly comforted him: "Look at what you said, how can you get to this point? The princess did not lose her mind because of grief. Why did Tao Kai come here today? It was the princess's advice to let him secretly welcome back to the King of Liao, and asked Tao Kai to introduce some of his subordinates to me and let me act cheaply. It turned out that the king of Chu had already handed over the order letter to the princess. This was a big deal. Even if the princess was concerned about the king of Chu's illness, she had never been lazy. How could she argue with you for no reason? As long as she didn't make ominous words, That's all."

Sanniang frowned: "Didn't the king of Liao return to Beijing with the order of Ci'an Palace? Why did the fifth sister specially ask Lord Tao to welcome him?

Tao Kai is the mother's brother of the second mother-in-law, Lang's eldest sister-in-law. Early in the morning, he served in Jingwei. The emperor ascended the throne and re-used Huang Tao, so he transferred him to an idle position. However, Tao Kai has been operating in Jingwei for many years and has the help of the State of Wei. Yu Yu secretly supported and has a lot of soldiers. These The confidant, who is now being signaled by the scene, is also because Yu Yu has already mentioned it and handed it over to Cai Zhen.

Cai Zhen also had a good time talking to San Niang and explained: "The king of Liao was ambushed on the way, and the murderer actually used fire! It shows that there is a gap inside the magic machine camp! Tao Kai did not explain the specific situation. Only the princess knew that the matter was important and told me to pay attention to it. Once the king of Liao returned to Beijing, the empress dowager was only afraid of anger, and the emperor was bound to know the omission... His Royal Highness the king of Chu should have expected it long ago and made some arrangements. At present, the father-in-law also has also laid it... The emperor is bound to follow, and the wind and waves are afraid that they will be there. In front of him, it's a pity that the king of Chu... but he is also glad that he has planned and arranged it first!"

All departments of Jingwei are in charge of firearms. Although this institution belongs to Jingwei, it obeys the imperial edict of the emperor. Therefore, many people are loyal to the emperor. Cai Zhen has been in his post for several years and has been many cronies. The Cai family was originally the old department of the Duke of Wei, and the empress dowager is now in charge of the government. The imperial power is actually divided into Second, Cai Zhen stood firmly on the side of Ci'an Palace. Before Yu was seriously ill, he did not know that the king of Liao was involved in fire. Thanks to the princess's attention after learning about it, she talked with the Duke of Wei. Cai Zhen also concluded that the princess of Chu was by no means an ordinary inner house. Presumably the king of Chu had mentioned government affairs with her, otherwise how could she rely on this clue? , do you expect that there is a loophole in the magic machine camp?

More importantly, the failure of the emperor to assassinate the king of Liaoning is bound to be concerned. Maybe there will be a conflict recently. If you say it bluntly, there will be a coup!

Although Cai Zhen did not elaborate, Sanniang also understood the benefits and couldn't help but be worried, so she did not rush again. She was only entangled in the old grievances and a moment of anger in the inner house. Even if she didn't want to communicate with Yijing, at least she could communicate with Yichen. The eldest sister is the biological mother of Brother Shun. If it goes well, she will be the empress dowager in the future!

Yichen learned that the old princess had fallen ill and simply moved to the Xianwang Mansion to serve - she was not afraid of rumors. Brother Shun had attacked the title of King Fu, and it was impossible to succeed her.

So Sanniang went to the Xianwang Mansion with her mother-in-law.

It was the second mother who was absent.

It turned out that the second mother was pregnant again, but the baby was unstable. Before going out today, she only felt a dull abdominal pain and backache. It was Mrs. Zhou's good advice that she didn't let her follow her. Of course, she apologized to the old princess. After visiting, she said goodbye early.

Su Lian, Liu Niang and Qi Niang accompanied the eldest princess to take care of the old princess. When they returned from the scenery, the king of Chu did not wake up. The old princess was in despair, and the more she couldn't get up. Even if she cooked porridge soup, she couldn't get into her stomach. Regardless of how the eldest princess comforted her, she only burst into tears. Ran shook his head: "If Yu'er leaves, what else can I do?" Shangyuan, blame me. If I hadn't been so confused at that time, I would have listened to Xie Yunqing's provocation and forced Dalang to take a concubine... How could it be like this?! I'm ashamed, I'm sorry for the eldest son, I'm sorry for Yu Ya, and I'm even more sorry for Yu'er, your granddaughter, Jing girl, such a child, will also suffer these sufferings! I should have died a long time ago. It's my fault! Shangyuan, don't pay attention to me. Don't pay attention to me. When I go early, I will go to Huangquan to settle accounts with Xie Yun. I robbed her marriage. She hated me and should have poisoned me to death, but she used me to harm my descendants. I can't close my goal. This lawsuit has to be clearly broken in front of the king of hell. In the next life, even if it is an ox and a horse, it is not Let Xie Yunqing live a good life. Dalang and Yu'er are both filial good children. They don't blame me, but Shangyuan, I owe them. I destroyed them. Yu'er, poor my grandson, can't get through this disaster!"

Of course, the eldest princess and a group of women are extremely comforting. It can be said that they are all "not so far" and "the auspicious people have their own heavenly appearance" and so on. At this time, the medical officer was helpless about Yu's condition, and everyone was at a loss. Although the eldest princess had the intention to cheer up the old princess, she was also like a thousand arrows. When he spoke, he couldn't stop crying. Except for Su Lian, the rest of the younger generation were still able to hold their own tears.

There was a mourning before the sickbed.

Yichen had already been motioned by Yan'er to pull her sleeves and retreat. Sanniang also quietly followed. She saw Xia Ke's anxious face in the yard. Although she saw Sanniang beside her, she did not avoid it. She knelt down and knelt down. Several of them crawled down and spoke, and it was difficult to hide their choking.

"The imperial concubine, the third mother, please persuade the princess... The maidservant is really not feeling good, and the prince is getting weaker and weaker. Seeing... The princess is in a hurry to arrange affairs, all against the government... The maidservant is worried... The princess has the idea of suicide... The maidservant can't tell the evidence, but she can't feel at ease, even the prince's Leave a letter, and the princess also burned the maidservant..."

"Don't say that. The fifth sister has always been decisive. How can she be so confused!" Yichen was very impatient and pulled Xia Ke up.

Sanniang frowned and asked Xia Ke directly, "Where is the princess now?"

"We are discussing with the staff." Xia Ke said.

Yichen just breathed a sigh of relief, but his sleeves were pulled tightly. He turned his head and saw San Niang's face full of solemnity: "Xia Ke is not a lie. Something is wrong with the fifth sister."

At this time, in the flower hall not far from the atrium of Guan Suiyuan, he listened to Gu Qiuyue's report on the results of interrogation of those ruffians. At the beginning, he heard Wen Chen and San Niang coming together, and did not avoid it. He invited all the sisters in and let Ming and Hui to serve tea, and only told Gu Qiuyue: "Although it has nothing to do with the Qin family, it is inevitable. It's them. Since these civilians have confessed that they have been bribed, they have been handed over to Shuntian Mansion. There is no need to say anything else, but let them confess that they are buying people to slander the eldest princess! Because of frankness, we came forward to plead with them to avoid these prison disasters. In addition, we also returned to use the people's words, which is not the patent of the Qin family... Gong, who was not a woman's way, was still in our hands. He used heavy profits to let her return to the head, that is to spread rumors after being bought by the Qin family. If we continue to arrange it, it is bound to let People gathered around the 'Qin Mansion of the State of the State of Edict and scolded. Doesn't Qin Huaiyu care about the family style? I will make him famous! The piles are also clearly related to him, and should have been reprimanded long ago.

Although Gu Qiuyue felt so happy, she still had reservations: "Princess, in case..."

"The viper will always attack, and I'm not afraid of being shocked again." Yijing mask Lengshuang: "Give me go down. At the beginning, the emperor suppressed the people's words and killed countless people, all because of Qin Huaiyu's secret provocation. If Qin Zi makes trouble, it is also Qin Huaiyu's instructions. Everyone knows that it is not so simple and does not need to spread widely, and some people will expose it! I remember that Qin Huaiyu's eldest daughter seemed to be married to Qin Anbo?

"Yes." Gu Qiuyue wiped a handful of sweat, and the eldest daughter of Duke Qin is now a grandmother.

"The person who is afraid of things is forced to divorce his wife." Yijing's hand is a volume: "The Great Qin family does not know how to restrain. There are many servants and aunts who were killed by her, and there is even the crime of forcing good to be slaves! Part-timer! Qin's uncle's concubine was also poisoned by the Qin family. These are all evidences. Although the national law of killing her son is light, the clan is still a sin. If Qin'anbo is not self-gown, I will definitely ask the empress dowager to govern the family, indulge in the crime of breaking the inner house, and seize the count of Qin'an!"

The ancient autumn moon is stunned.

"With this beginning, if the relatives of the Qin family are not desperate to set foot on the ground, they will be worried."

Even being a grandmother was retired, Qin's daughters...

"Anyone who abandons Qin's daughter and draws a clear line with the Qin family is sincere to Ci'an Palace." Yijing said, without smiling, and the corners of his lips were cold: "Give this hint."

Of course, these things are not a sign from Yu Wei. In fact, as long as Brother Shun succeeds in winning the throne, the Qin party will naturally have no good end.

But I'm afraid I can't wait for that day.

She is a person who must repay. Before the Empress Dowager decides to abolish the throne, she must also make Qin Huaiyu jump like thunder.

Don't you pay attention to reputation? However, it is necessary to make the reputation public, and the market is full of discussion. Qin's women have been retired one after another. Let's see how you can save the family's reputation?!

Who made him curse Yu Yu, ten thousand deaths, and not forgive his sins!

Yichen finally felt that the fifth sister was "not right" and interrupted without worry--