Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 751 Wei Ran returns and argues in court

Of course, Yichen's words interrupted Yijing did not come from his sympathy for the Qin family. Her husband died of the seizure of the crown prince. Although the mastermind was today's son, the Qin and Chen families were the two arms of the emperor, and the Chen family was fine. The only well-brained Chen's counselor had an old resentment with the empress dowager. The emperor has never trusted him, such as involving And the core of "life and death" is unlikely to "shock" Chen's discussion. The rest of the Chen family will cooperate afterwards at most. However, in order to seize the throne of Princess Chu, Qin Ziruo deliberately showed her intelligence in front of the emperor and often made suggestions. This itself is not a secret that the reputation of "female Zhuge" has long been known by the Qin family. When his cousin boasted, of course, Yi Chen would suspect that there was a Qin family manipulation plan behind the conspiracy to poison King Fu.

It's not unfounded - why do Qin Huaiyu's ancestors trust Jiang Han so much? Yu Yu's recommendation is not the key. The key is that they know that Jiang Qinggu is the son of heaven, which is enough to explain the beginning and end of the murder of King Fu.

is not the mastermind, but also an accomplice. Yichen hopes that the Qin family will be destroyed and deserve it.

But she also understands that the overall situation is ahead, and the target should be the emperor. As long as the throne of the emperor is not guaranteed, the Qin family is like a nest of ants without roots, and the eradication is just between raising their hands.

Especially at this time, the king of Chu was seriously ill. Normally, the fifth sister had no intention to deal with the Qin family, but she took revenge at this time. This situation seemed that she knew that the deadline was coming and did not allow the enemy to fight for a decisive battle to die together.

Although Yichen interrupted, Yijing did not give up. He emphasized that Gu Qiuyue should act immediately and specially named Xia Ke's name and asked her to send her fiance out of Guan Suiyuan. Then he moved to Yichen to sit down in the case. "Sister, don't worry, even if the Empress Dowager has not made up her mind, sooner or later They will also take action against the Qin family. This time, they deliberately instigate trouble. Whether it is for the Duke's mansion or the Chu Palace, the Empress Dowager is bound to care about my revenge and will only be happy to see its success. In the final analysis, our private resentment with the Qin family is also obvious to all. The Qin clan has repeatedly tried to trap me to death. If I don't fight back, I will really be a cowardly. "

Yichen just opened his mouth, and Yijing said to himself again: "Most of the things in the future, the prince has been handed over to our third uncle, but the sister should also be prepared. After all, the empress dowager is old, but Brother Shun is still a child. If something goes well, although it can't be separated from the auxiliary minister, the harem will also involve supervision. My sister has never asked about politics. Things can be careful in the future, our sisters..." Yijing looked up at Sanniang: "The third sister's husband Wu'an will definitely try his best to assist, and the third sister is bound to work with you, and the sixth sister can also help the sister. If your sister is in trouble, you can discuss more with the two."

Yi Jing's attitude made Yichen more and more flustered, and he tightened his hand: "Five sister, you... The fifth brother-in-law will be able to survive this disaster. You can't..."

"Of course." The scenery held the corners of his lips.

"I don't know anything. The sixth sister is still a bride, and how much can she help the eldest sister? The Empress Dowager has always had green eyes on you, so that the fifth sister can become the key arm of the eldest sister. Sanniang's tone was still as cold as frost: "What's wrong with you getting rid of yourself? Is this the last word?"

"Three Sisters!" Ychen was in a hurry. They wanted to come to comfort and enlighten them, but not to make trouble.

Yijing looked at Sanniang again and still looked calm. She was not annoyed by this sentence, but quickly avoided her eyes: "I'm just planning to be in the front. People have misfortunes and blessings in the future. It was hard to be unpredictable."

"What kind of misfortune?" Yichen was so anxious that he stood up and put his hands on Yijing's shoulder: "Fifth sister, you are sad. How can I not know? Think about your grandmother and father, think of our brothers and sisters, and think more about Xiaoxiao. If your brother-in-law knows that you have such thoughts, he will never allow it! You are sad, and it will be better if you cry out and say it. No matter how dangerous it is, with us, you are not lonely..." As he said, he cried out, but the scenery turned his head to comfort him.

"Sister, look, where do you want to go? Aren't I fine?"

But in the end, it is difficult to open your heart.

In the past, she thought that her sister was cowardly, but she experienced life and death and was not frustrated. She crossed the barrier for her family, for the entrustment of her brother-in-law, and for a pair of children. The widowed mother took her young children, but after learning that her brother-in-law had been poisoned, she even changed her gentleness and weakness and vowed to avenge her brother-in-law. Hate; there are also six younger sisters, who are forced by their biological mother and bullied by the current situation. In the face of an unhappy marriage, they can make a calm choice and do their best for the family without complaining.

She has experienced two generations, but she is not as far away as her sisters.

The unbearable life is ashamed to mention again, and even if it is now, it is still hindered by one's own personal feelings.

As a child, self-abandonment is unfilial, and as a mother, it is even more irresponsible.

But she can't be strong alone. Without Yu Yu, there would be no him in the world...

She dares not face the grief of the rest of her life. She has always been the most cowardly and selfish person.

Crying bitterly, you can't vent your sadness, you can't grit your teeth and live.

is so that Yichen can only shake his shoulders and his eyes dry up to say those irrelevant and insincere words.

In this flower hall, one cried bitterly, a slightly red eyed coldly watched, and a "insensitive" comforting and strange situation made Qiu Shuang, who was in a hurry, stunned.

Yijing saw her and quickly stood up: "What's the matter?"

"Lead Wei came back and was anxious to see him."

"Thank God!" Yijing put his hands together: "Let him in, don't come here, go straight to the atrium, and let the second brother diagnose the prince's pulse quickly!"

There was no more leisure to comfort Ye Chen, but took her hand and hurriedly said, "Big sister and third sister, you two go back to Rongxi Hall first. I can't leave here. I'm sorry to bother the eldest sister to tell her grandmother that Brother Wei is the descendant of the Rose. Maybe there is a good way to treat the prince and reassure her grandmother first."

After saying that, he pulled out his feet and left, and in a blink of an eye, people had already turned along the corner of the stone path and disappeared.

Yi Chen still choked and looked at San Niang: "Which Rose Lady?" For a moment, she didn't think of the strange woman in the play, but as soon as she said the words, Yichen came back and asked San Niang, "Look, the third sister, the fifth sister..."

Extremely rare, Sanniang actually sighed: "In my opinion, the fifth sister is afraid that her heart has been made up, but looking at it, the fifth brother-in-law can be safe."


When Yijing didn't have time to return, Guan Suiyuan was sitting in the king. The father and son of the Jiang family and the two medical officers of the royal palace were presided over by the king. Later, the old princess fell ill. Although the eldest princess came to help her every day, Yichen left a pair of children in the care of her mother's family. The king had to take care of both ends and was sad. If you are tired, you will not be able to do it. When you return from the scenery, in addition to taking care of foreign affairs for a few times a day, you can basically stay in front of the sick bed, and the king can also get out.

The old princess has a heart disease, and the medical officers still focus on Guan Suiyuan. Jiang Qinggu is not much "tired" and stands in the front yard for tea and rest. During the day, it is only a routine observation, but Jiang Han and the royal medical officers are on duty. When they are on duty, they are temporarily placed in the atrium study.

On this day, Wei Ran rushed back, which coincided with Jiang Han's duty. The beauty made the medical officer concentrate, which naturally shocked Jiang Qinggu. He was the chief of the imperial hospital and received the holy order. How was the prince's illness? It was indispensable for him to pay attention to him.

In addition to dealing with external affairs during the day, all the trivialities were handed over to Mother Xie's mother and daughter. She often whispered around Yu Yu's side. The effect was obvious. When Yu was a little conscious, he increased. Although he still couldn't eat, the amount of medicine soup swallowed also increased significantly compared with the previous days. .

But this alone can't alleviate the disease, just delay the time.

Therefore, the people lying on the couch are still pale and their breath is weak.

Wei Ran diagnosed the pulse and inspected the prescription prescribed by Jiang Han. He thought that the prescription was indeed a diagnosis, but he did not have a better prescription.

"The prince's body is weak. If the medicine is too strong and his body can't afford it, he can only reduce the temperature, but he can't control the disease, so that it will get worse. At present, he can't take medicine at all." Jiang Han was at a loss.

"Although I have a way to send medicine to food, whether I can recover or not really depends on whether the medicine judged by Jiangyuan can relieve the prince's high fever." Wei Ran said.

However, Jing was relieved: "So, does the second brother really have a way to let the prince take medicinal food?"

Wei Ran just nod his head, and many medical officers in the room stared.

The prince is unconscious. What kind of leader actually said that there is a way to send food?

After listening to Wei Ran's detailed explanation, Jiang Wei took the lead in questioning: "Use sausages to make tube to eat porridge soup? How can this not make the patient suffer? Wei Ran said that the method is called a "catheter" made of casing, which is inserted into the stomach from the patient's nostrils. He has a special tool called "empty needle", which can inject food liquid into it, which can be completely absorbed by the patient. This method has never been heard of by everyone present, and they are all doubtful. Jiang Wei continues to question: "There is another What's the basis for injecting salt water into the blood? Although the medical code records salty kidney meridians, can it really help patients replenish their depletion?

Wei Ran was also anxious about this question, but just explained: "The so-called salt water is not a kind of customary to understand, but a variety of... substances needed by the human body... Because it is ancestral medicine, not the same as the records of medicine books, it is really impossible to tell in detail, and this kind of salt water also needs to be modulated by secret methods. It is really... It is not common sense. Solution.

Wei's medical skills are all derived from the very detailed records of Mrs. Rose in those years. There are too many nouns that can't be seen in the old classics. It is difficult to explain clearly for a while. Wei Ran's brother and sister are interested in reading and studying carefully since childhood and being taught by the elders. It can only be seen through five or six out of ten. It is only practical to have many curative effects. It is also true for them to explain it clearly. Difficult.

Even Jiang Han was thoughtful. The two medical officials of Wangfu looked puzzled. Jiang Wei was full of disbelief, and Jiang Qinggu sed even more.

"What nonsense! This is not medical art, it's simply witchcraft! How can you impose your Highness!"

Yi Jing frowned and raised his arm to interrupt Wei Ran's mouth to argue. First, he said, "If you have something to say, it's not appropriate to speak loudly in the nursing room."

This made Jiang Qinggu blush, but he stared fiercely at Wei Ran and followed the princess's pace to take the lead in brushing his sleeves.

Wei Ran didn't care and made an "invitation" gesture to Jiang Han, but she was stared at by Jiang Wei's beautiful eyes and felt quite inexplicable.

Jiang Han's face was even more angry, but his fiery eyes turned to his father's fierce back and held Wei Ran: "If you really have a way, as long as you continue the prince for a few more days, and if you can supplement and relieve it, I can slightly strengthen the use of medicine, which is better than being helpless."

Jiang Wei seemed to object, but there was no exit. She turned her head to look at Yu, who was still sleeping, sighed, and quietly followed the front hall.

The scenic seated, signaling you all to sit down.

did not listen to Jiang Qinggu's nonsense, but said to Wei Ran, "Second brother, go and prepare quickly, but if there is a need, let's tell the clear sky."

The utensils mentioned by Wei Ran have never been heard of before, and the medical officers obviously can't help.

Jiang Han also told him, "Awei, follow the commander of Wei. After all, you are well-in-aware of medical skills. Don't be stubborn and just follow orders."

Although Jiang Wei was hesitant, she did not insist at this time. She just glanced at her father and brother and followed Wei Ran away silently.

Jiang Qinggu couldn't help retorting: "Princess, the subordinate was ordered to protect the prince's recovery. He really can't tolerate the doctor's mistake! Wei Ran is not a doctor..."

"Your Excellency!" The speaker who interrupted him was his son Jiang Han: "Although Commander Wei is not a medical officer, he is a descendant of Mrs. Rose. Mrs. Rose left a prescription in those years to save many malaria epidemics. Even if Commander Wei's law is unheard of, it may be because of our shallow medical skills."

"What a rose lady, but it's a rumor in the market!" Jiang Qinggu was furious.

"You may not be able to try it!" Jiang Han also almost shot the case. If it hadn't been for his expression in front of the medical officer of the royal palace, he would have been unable to stop scolding his father for his tremoring.

"Jiang Yuanshi, the emperor asked you to heal the prince, right?" The scenery asked lightly.

Jiang Qinggu took a deep breath and leaned slightly: "Of course."

"Then let me ask you, do you have a good way to make the prince better?"

Jiang Qinggu:......

"Since the second brother can have a way, as your son said, you should have a try."

"If the commander of Kewei can't heal the prince, would you be willing to take responsibility?" Jiang Qinggu did not let go.

Yi Jing raised his eyelids slightly: "Well, Jiang Yuan is willing to take responsibility if there is a holy order."

Jiang Qinggu was stunned again, and even Jiang Han blushed, and his two gloomy eyes went straight to his father.

"The princess is committed to trusting witchcraft, and there is nothing she can do. Please forgive the official for not wanting to work with the witch doctor, so she will go back to the palace to plead guilty."

Bingjing has no other words: "Let's send it to Jiangyuan." Take the tea in your hand all the time.