Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 770 A big change is imminent, Xu gives orders

The winter moon was not included in the history of Dalong, and in the early morning, the Duke of Wei.

In the bronze mirror, the woman's face is not old, and her slightly plump cheeks are not coated with elixir, and a pink begonia silk flower on the temples are more charming. Unfortunately, there is no smile on her lips, but a trace of sharpness, which reduces a lot of charm.

The maid gasped and entered the curtain and bent her knees slightly: "Auntie, uncle has invited you to the flower hall."

Aunt Zhang then turned around from the mirror and glanced at the maid who combed her hair. She was quite dissatisfied.

I miss Jiang's skillful hands very much. Unfortunately, because he was sent to Zhuangzi again, Jiang was transferred to serve his wife and also helped take care of his little grandson. Unexpectedly, he would not come back.

If Aunt Zhang's former temper, she would have to make a scene. At least she was frightened and restrained by the "sending to the village" twice. If she is released again, she will have no other children to marry, won't she "return"?

It doesn't matter. Jiang's flatter in front of the prince's wife can also win a lot of benefits for her in the future. The prince's wife sees that she has no chance to be a housekeeper, and the future depends on the prince's wife.

While thinking about the gains and losses, Aunt Zhang subconsciously went straight to the flower hall.

But she was persuaded by the maidservant: "If you want to see your uncle, you have to say hello to your wife first."

Although Aunt Zhang thought her maidservant was eventful, she didn't dare to be arrogant. She went to He Ruiyuan with a cold face and looked at the screen door just a few steps away before she squeezed out a respectful smile.

But the door was closed, and Huang's maid carried her chin and ignored it: "Auntie, do it yourself, madam, you don't have time."

Aunt Zhang almost hummed coldly - who didn't know what she was disgusted by the old lady and alienated by the Duke of the country. No matter how it was before, she was even robbed of her middle gift. At present, she wanted to be busy, but she couldn't take advantage of it.

He also heard his maid said, "I heard that this morning, the Duke's wife personally prepared breakfast and sent it to Sanlang."

"Sanlang is preparing for the exam. After the Spring Festival, it will be spring." Aunt Zhang also knew about this. Not only Sanlang, but also Silang of the third room were also studying hard behind closed doors recently. She couldn't help but think of her son Erlang and sighed heavily. The good local official waited for the debrief before going to take office. Unexpectedly, because of the Qin family, he was forced to resign by the old lady. A board was severely beaten and raised three or two. Yue, which made Aunt Zhang feel restless day and night. He heard the meaning of Duke Wei, but he did not intend to let Erlang become an official again. He would either take a meritorious position in the future or take care of common business. How could this work?

In the future, the politics of the imperial examination will remain unchanged. I don't know how many talents and people are waiting for their positions. Even if Erlang gets his reputation, it is difficult for the Duke of the country to wait for him to be orated by the court, let alone take care of commercial property. It is obvious that he is to make wedding clothes for others. In the future, he will be separated. Most of the commercial property will not return to the two sons of the world and Sanlang, and Erlang is a son of a concubine. How much can you get?

The more Aunt Zhang is worried about her son's future, the more angry she is that her daughter-in-law Qin is unreasonable, but Qin's eldest princess protects her, and she dares not make it too difficult. Fortunately, her brother is now very valued by the Duke of the country. With him to plead for Erlang, she may not be able to turn around.

But Zhang Minghe, a foreign man, used not to meet Aunt Zhang. This time, he also saw that he was approaching the new year. The Duke of the country led the army again, and even the eldest princess went to the palace to respond to Aunt Zhang's invitation.

As soon as Aunt Zhang saw her brother, she couldn't help wiping her eyes and wipe her tears. For a moment, she forgot the main topic, counted Qin's mistakes, and finally gritted her teeth: "The Qin family has been defeated by this situation. Qin still dares not be jealous. She hasn't come out for so many years. What's wrong with Erlang to take a concubine. Question mark It's time to abandon the Qin family and marry another good wife for Erlang. Brother, the prince has no grudge against you. You have to do your best for Erlang to persuade the prince to make the decision and divorce the Qin family.

Erlang's official career was left behind by Aunt Zhang and turned into a retired wife.

Zhang Minghe only felt a toothache, took a lot of breaths, and then said, "It's so easy for the Duke to treat me a little bit. Does the girl want me to be disgusted again?" He followed and advised: "Sister, you know that the Qin family and the Duke's government have made such a mess. If the lady and the prince hate the Qin family, how can they tolerate her? Since they defend the Qin family, there is no intention of abandoning the wife... Erlang is also too nonsense in Xiangzhou. If the girl really thinks about Erlang, she should persuade him that he will be at odd with the second grandmother like this. Hold on, are you really not going to have children?"

Instead, Aunt Zhang persuaded her to make peace.

Aunt Zhang was angry: "What do I need to persuade? Erlang dared to raise his eyebrows in Xiangzhou. When he returned to Jinyang, he was repeatedly reprimanded by his wife and his father. At present, he could only lower his eyebrows in front of the Qin family.

Zhang Minghe's mouth twitched straight, and Erlang raised his eyebrows and exhaled? If you beat your wife and spoil your concubine's harsh food and clothing, you just owe a lesson. How can a person like the Duke of Wei and the temperament of the eldest princess allow his children to spoil his wife?

Aunt Zhang failed to persuade Zhang Minghe to stand up. Instead, she was reprimanded by her brother. She was angry and had no other way. She walked back dejectedly. She happened to meet her dejected son and quickly shouted, "Why are you cowardly, but the Qin family gave you angry again?"

Erlang hummed and directly skipped Qin's topic.

As Aunt Zhang complained, Erlang was taught by his mother to be careful of flattery. He has always been flattered in front of the eldest princess and the Duke of Wei. In those years, he was an official outside, without the discipline of his elders, and his colleagues and superiors, he was also a noble and son-in-law. He was flattered and dared not He took it big in front of him, which caused Erlang to "raise his eyebrows and exhale" in front of the Qin family. Originally, he was unwilling to bring Qin back when he was debriefing his duties, but the eldest princess asked to let the Qin family return to Beijing together. At first, he also thought of Qin's gentleness and did not dare to say anything, but came out.

As soon as the elders disciplined him, Erlang became guilty and fought again. He completely bowed his head and did not dare to take up "official prestige". He also knew that the family would never allow him to abandon his wife. In fact, he did not intend to abandon his wife. At the beginning... It was also because he knew that Jiang Yue's death angered the Qin family for a while. At this time, he completely figured out that he was unreasonable. Unexpectedly, he was willing to seek peace, but the Qin family was not cold to him. The key is that if Qin did not understand, his grandmother and father would not have a good face for him.

The elders don't calm down. He doesn't want to have another chance to get an official. Erlang is a person who has tasted the "sweetness" and doesn't want to hang around here.

Erlang had to think another way, intending to please his brother and let Su Xing come forward to plead. However, he hit the idea on the third brother.

"Today, I wanted to talk to my third brother, but I didn't see my third brother, but I met my wife..." Erlang was actually taught a coldly by Huang's eyebrows, saying that Su Qian was preparing for the exam and resolutely refused to be disturbed by Erlang. In front of a group of servants, he was coaxed out. .

Aunt Zhang was so angry that she sneered: "What a lady, a virtuous person who has been pretending to be for so long has finally revealed her true face. No matter what, you are also Sanlang's brother. You used to study in Guozijian. Maybe it will be helpful to Sanlang. How can it be disturbed?"

Having said that, Aunt Zhang just complained, but she didn't dare to challenge Huang seriously.

Erlang didn't want to talk more with Aunt Zhang. He bowed, dragged him back to the room, and went to please the cold Qin family. But even if he was sweet, Qin just didn't smile. Erlang's eyes turned red: "I know that I used to be blinded by my lard and wronged my mother. Son... In fact, I was also a childhood sweetheart with my seventh cousin. Originally, I thought... When I first heard that she had happened to me, I became angry with my wife. I shouldn't be. If my wife is not forgiven, I can't afford to kneel today.

After saying that, he got up, slowed down and lifted his robe. Seeing that Qin still ignored it, he gritted his teeth and really wanted to kneel on the ground.

As soon as I was next to the green bricks, I heard the maid outside: "The third lady is coming."

Erlang quickly got up and his face turned red. In front of the third aunt, he could not be seen so lowly about women.

Xu's face was cautious and did not pay attention to the uncomfortable look of the young couple in the room. He only held up the blessing of the Qin family and motioned Erlang to sit down before saying, "There may be no peace outside today. Let me know that you must not go out. If there is any disturbance... The uncle led the soldiers outside, and the prince is on duty in the palace again. Only Erlang is an adult man in the family. You need to take Sanlang and Silang to sit in the front and command the guards. Don't let the evil people enter the house.

It turned out that at this time, Yijing and Yu Yu had entered the palace and sent people to inform the Xu family that the Duke of Wei was not at home, and the second master were on duty in the court and government. Even the eldest princess was in the palace to help the Empress Dowager cope with the next coup. There was no way to take care of the family. Dong Yin had a son and many The female family members can't enter the palace to avoid disaster because of their identity restrictions. Although once there is a change, the emperor is still forcing the palace. For a moment, they will not think of taking hostage the people of the Duke of the People's Republic of China. They are afraid that once they lose, they will jump over the wall.

However, there are personal guards in the State Mansion. Even if outsiders come to attack, they can't succeed in a short period of time. Su Xing also secretly arranged for the Jingwei, a trusted member of the State Mansion, to guard outside. The eldest princess also told her little aunt Su Lian to be a foreign aid. As long as her family guards the mansion, it is safe.

But as soon as Erlang heard this, he bluffed him, and Qin's face also changed.

Xu told him again: "Brother and daughter-in-law don't worry. Once the incident occurs, I will only go to Yuanying Hall, and I will mobilise servants to guard that place."

"But the third aunt, in the day and the glorious capital, how can there be such a rampant bad people who dare to offend the government?" Erlang is full of suspicion.

Xu thought of the words of the eldest princess's exhortation before entering the palace and her husband's "daily advice" and the earlier message from the scene. Xu was sure that there would be a change today. Now, she could no longer hide her family, so she said that the emperor would make a "coup".

This time, Erlang was simply pale with fear.

The Qin family is even more shaky, because the first thing she thinks of is the Qin family. If the emperor really forces the palace, the Qin family is bound to be involved. Although she has been disappointed with the family, her surname is Qin. If this is the disaster of the Qin family, won't her situation become more and more difficult?

When I was anxious, tears came out of my eyes.

Xu had to comfort him: "There are things that you can't do. You can only rest assured that even if... there is still a Su family, since you are a Su family wife, you will not be alone."

It was easy to comfort the Qin family to stop her tears, and the woman Xu sent to Sanlang's place to deliver the words came over and reported: "The old slave failed to see Sanlang."

"What does this say?" Xu was puzzled that this woman was her companion to the room. She had always been very face-to-faced and never been rejected.

"The Duke's wife was there and said that Sanlang was studying hard and wouldn't disturb him." Xu had already told her that her mother-in-law did not dare to speak directly to Huang.

Xu frowned a little, and heard that Erlang, who easily recovered, said again about what he had just been scolded by Huang, and he became more and more suspicious. Sanlang married the Chen family and was extremely indifferent to Huang. He locked himself in his yard and studied hard. He simply ignored the outside affairs of the hospital. Huang did not always disturb him, but It is today!

It seems that Jing is right. Today is really unusual.

If the emperor wants to change administratively, Huang Tao is a sharp sword. If there is an accident, Huang certainly knows it.

However, Sanlang is her own son, and the Huang family will never harm her. There is no doubt that Sanlang will be involved in what happened after hearing the news, which will put people under house arrest.

The key is not Sanlang, as long as it is guaranteed that Dongyin and mother and son will not be controlled by Huang.

After thinking about it, he had no leisure to delay here with Erlang. He told Erlang to go to the front yard and be responsible for the deployment with Silang. However, everyone in the house, whether the master or servant, could not go in and out, and hurriedly pulled the fourth sister Lin to Dongyinyuan and moved the mother and son to the Yuanying Hall, and had gathered two. Thirty strong women are strictly guarded against outsiders from entering.

and stressed that "outsiders" are mainly aimed at Huang, the wife of the Duke.

Foreign enemies have personal defense. As for "internal thieves", of course, they should also be strictly guarded.

It was arranged, but Li Shi, the first to be notified by Xu, came in a hurry and opened his mouth and cried--