Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 771 Li's News, Huang's fierce

Zhang Minghe was not in a hurry to leave the government after his sister Zhang's aunt. In terms, he was also an old member of the government. Many servants he had made friends with him at the beginning, and now they have become long followers and stews, and there are many familiar faces. However, since Zhang Minghe calculated his master Su Yi, he was sent to the farm. Later, he received an amnesty. With the grace of the old country, he was allowed to be free from slavery to do business abroad, but he knew himself. Over the years, he has resumed contact after the Wu case. In the past, Zhang Minghe never took the initiative to visit the Duke's mansion, but he was the daughter of the family. The family visited Aunt Zhang and was also told many times not to be smart to win over the servants of the state government.

However, at present, Duke Wei and Zhang Minghe have also regained some old friendship, and occasionally asked him to help with some trivial things. Zhang Minghe's contact with the Duke's mansion has gradually increased, and he is allowed to enter and exit through the West Corner Gate, and finally he is still treated as an ordinary guest.

Therefore, on this day, Zhang Minghe stayed slightly in the west courtyard and chatted with the stew manager who was in charge of the porter for a while. He made an appointment to go to the teahouse and winery to talk about the past. Then he shook his hand and rewarded several servants with a bag of copper money, and said that it was rewarded by the stewer, which attracted several servants to smile happily. Head - this kind of benefit of just rewarding and not doing anything, everyone is willing to have more benefits.

The steward's white-collar "subordinate" remembered the kindness, and he was naturally satisfied. He found out the good tea given by the master, and then went to the tea room to ask for two plates of pastries, and diligently retained Uncle Zhang to chat a few words of idleness. It was really a happy.

Zhang Minghe was originally a businessman who was good at dancing with eight exquisite long sleeves. He knew that the "mass base" could not be ignored. Such a good old friendship was not for any unspeakable purpose. He did not make the request to embarrass the steward. He only talked about the past, or some outside anecdotes and real gossip.

Sitting until near noon, it was also time to say goodbye, otherwise I would have to eat for free meals, but I heard the report from the second door, so that the outsiders were not allowed to enter, the servants were not allowed to go out, and the door was locked. Don't be negligent.

As soon as the steward heard that it was the third lady in charge of the order, she knew that it was important. Naturally, she would not ask the reason. She quickly followed the order, but she still politely apologized and personally sent Zhang Minghe out of the door. When she came to the door, she saw a servant grinding her lips with the servant, saying that there was something important, but the servant Unable to take out the waist card, the servant got an order and refused to let people in. He asked the matter carefully, but the servant hesitated and didn't even want to explain where he came from.

The steward was ordered. How could he communicate for this brainless thing? He wanted to send the servant woman away in three or two sentences.

Zhang Minghe carefully looked at the servant woman. In her early thirties, she was wearing a semi-new jacket, with a blue satin on her waist and a silver hairpin on her hair. She looked like a woman who was also used by officials and nobles. Unlike an idler who had nothing to fool around for benefits, she saw the servant looking at the corner door and sweated anxiously, but she still lingered and refused. Leave.

Zhang Minghe's mind moved and asked a few questions.

The servant still refused to elaborate. She only repeatedly said that she was originally a servant of the government. This time, there was indeed an urgent matter and must meet the eldest princess.

Zhang Minghe kindly mentioned: "The old lady entered the palace earlier and is not at home. Looking at this situation today, I don't know what's going on. If you don't speak carefully, you can't hand in. If you are really in a hurry, listen to it, I may be able to think of some ways. If it's just in distress, you might as well Tell me first. If you can help, you can help. It's better not to cause trouble.

The servant hesitated for a moment and had no choice, but she couldn't trust Zhang Minghe. Of course, she didn't recognize this person at all.

Hearing the servant ask him about his identity, Zhang Minghe was also stunned. He said that if he told the truth that it was Aunt Zhang's brother, the woman would not speak frankly and simply asked, "Tell me whether it is a private matter or a relationship with the state government."

The servant woman had to say, "If it's a private matter, I dare not be so entangled like this, but I can't say for a moment whether this matter is relevant or not, but the eldest princess once had an order. As long as the maidservant feels strange, I can tell her directly."

Zhang Minghe secretly think that he looked at the attitude of the manservant earlier. Obviously, he did not know this servant. Is it possible that this person was inserted into the eyes and ears of other families by the eldest princess? Today, the third lady ordered a serious access control, which is unusual. If what this servant wants to give is really important, she can't neglect it.

made up your mind for a moment: "It's normal for you to believe that outsiders refuse to talk about it in detail. Why don't I take you to the King of Chu's Mansion? In terms of what it is, it's the same to report to Princess Chu."

The servant did not hesitate this time and bowed her knees to thank her.

Zhang Minghe did not have direct contact with the king's mansion of Chu, but recently he has been very familiar with Gu Qiuyue and vaguely knows the influence of the princess on the Duke of Wei, which is no better than the ordinary daughter who came out of the cabinet, so he came up with such an idea.

I didn't know that Princess Chu was not at home.

Fortune, the porter of the king's mansion had already told him that he could not miss any news today. He had something to report directly to Guan Suiyuan, so he did not refuse him. Soon after, Qingkong came out in person to ask. Zhang Minghe did not say goodbye. He reported his identity and told him about the servant again.

Qingkong had heard Zhang Minghe's name and knew that he had regained the trust of Duke Wei. After hearing Gu Qiuyue say several times, he knew that he was a vigilant person, so he invited both of them in and asked Xia Ke to ask him to ask questions to see if the situation was okay.

The servant was indeed "defeated". When she heard that Xia Ke was the princess's confidant, she told her where she came and the matter in detail.

It turned out that the servant's surname was Li, and she was not someone else. It was the slave maidservant who was framed by Mother Lan, so she was "degraded and sold". In fact, she was taken in by Huang Tao. At first, she was a job in the Liao family. Later, Uncle Liao was released, and she was left in the house by Huang Tao.

Huang Tao came out of Jianning Houfu and almost left home. In those years, he was demolished by Yu Yu's back and lost a lot of money. Later, the emperor ascended the throne. Although he turned over, he did not cultivate a real confidant for a while. This Li family was recommended by the Huang family and was relatively "loyalous" to be left by Huang Tao for reused. .

I didn't expect that Li was inserted by the Duke of Wei.

"In the morning, Tongzhi asked Dalang and his wife to accompany his wife to the other garden outside the city, saying that they were different gardens. In fact, they just two entered the yard and looked at the arrangement, which was also very simple and old. Unlike their own industry, it was like a temporary lease. The maidservant felt lonely. Soon, Erlang came over again and didn't know what he had said to his wife and Dalang. Before leaving, he only told the maidservant to take good care of his wife, and never let her go out. The maidservant saw that his wife was unconscious and did not wake up for a long time. The eldest/grandmother was also the same situation... After asking again, he knew that Dalang was also asleep and was tied to his hands and feet by Sanlang. Erlang's instructions asked Sanlang to take good care of Dalang. Don't let her He went out."

Li said this and gasped: "Sanlang couldn't sit still. As soon as Erlang left, he left. He didn't know where he went. The maidservant had to sneak out of the air. I only felt that this matter was strange, but I didn't know if it was important."

Xia Ke knew the beginning and end of Aunt Xue's incident. She knew that the Li family was recommended by Mother Jiang to enter the house and was not loyal to Huang. She also knew that the disaster would happen today. After listening to Li's words, she became more and more sure that Huang Tao was about to take action.

Xia Ke didn't know whether this matter was important, but he thought that if there was a disturbance, the Huang family might be able to threaten Huang Tao. Since he knew the whereabouts of Jiang's mother and son, it was better to arrange someone to wait on the plane.

But the prince deployed most of the guards first. At this time, he could not be mobilized at will, and he was worried about frightening the snake. Xia Ke hesitated for a moment.

Zhang Minghe saw Xia Ke's expression and concluded that this matter was very important. Although he didn't know it, his mind was hot and he quickly seized the opportunity: "If you can trust it, you can say something, but tell him."

Xia Ke could ask Li in front of Zhang Minghe, naturally because he knew that this person had been trusted by the Duke of Wei, and it was also bright when he heard the words. When asked, Huang Tao did not have a guard in Beiyuan, but more than a dozen family members, and immediately made up his mind.

She first blessed Zhang Minghe and did not elaborate on what disaster would happen. She only asked Zhang Minghe to concentrate dozens of slaves, and the royal palace would also arrange two cronies to follow him. If the time was right, she would take Jiang's mother and son back to the inner city.

Zhang Minghe naturally patted his chest to ensure that he would complete the task. As soon as he saw Xia Ke's arranged by the royal officials, he couldn't help grinning at the corners of his ears - it happened that one of them was a "good buddy" Gu Qiuyue.

he also said that the Duke of Wei Guofu, at this time, Xu was just telling Erlang and his wife how to act. As for Huang, she sat in Baihua Garden in Sanlang with the air of Mrs. Although she was stripped of the housekeeper, the nanny Lan's family was also "gracious and raised with honor". Fortunately, for so many years, there were several confid confidants who hid their time and bide their time. For a long time, what has been waiting for today's use. Sanlang lived in the front yard and was not limited to male servants. Today, Huang intended to bring a few strong men and uniformized Sanlang's servants and maids. At this time, he tied his hands and feet and trapped them in one place. As for Sanlang, he took Huang's hand-cooked breakfast and lost consciousness early. At present Sleeping.

Huang personally coaxed Erlang away, and then sent the woman who was ordered by Xu to invite Sanlang to enter the back house. At present, he replaced the courtyard door of Baihuayuan with a whole iron bolt. On how to make noise outside, he was not moved.

Naturally, there were two strong men guarding outside the door and transmitted the news through the door.

At this time, Huang stayed by Sanlang's bedside and looked at his son's sleeping face. Although his breathing was gentle and peaceful, his forehead was constantly sweating. His eyebrows were also locked into a dead buckle, and his eyelashes trembled. Obviously, even if he fell asleep because of the power of medicine, he was not very stable.

Huang couldn't help sighing with heartache. The Jinpa in his hand wiped Sanlang's hair and said to himself, "Ji'er, my mother is also forced. Whenever you listen to my bitterness, I won't take medicine... Look at today, if it goes well, you will be the head of the country. Even if your mother dies, she will close her eyes."

Waiting for this day, Huang had been anxious for a long time. God knew how happy she was when the Duke of Wei led the army to go on an expedition, and she wished to give a high-five to celebrate.

"It's not that I'm cruel, but that you are ruthless. I've been with you for many years, and you have never cared about me. I have children for you, and I work hard for the Su family, but you put me in a difficult situation just because of some unsubstential suspicions. Su Yi, I'm What's in your heart? You can treat Xi'er and Feng'er as your children! Is it only Huang Wan's cheap life that is your blood?!"

"She just occupies a direct word. Why can I try my best to get it, but she can get it for nothing."

"Why am I better than her in everything, but in the end, my children are centrifugal, and the couple turn against each other."

"How can I be willing?"

"Wait, I will hold what I deserve, and all those who humiliate me, you will die."

"But God has no eyes and let you escape death, and I will never admit defeat. Even if you come back... You are also facing the destruction of your family. Your mother is Princess Dalong, so what? You still have to be buried with the Empress Dowager. Your eldest son and eldest daughter, including Su Yijing and Huang Wan's evil seed, will not stay... I want You watch all the rich and glorious things fall into the hands of Xi'er. I also want you to taste what humiliation is and what pain is. I want you to kneel in front of me and beg for repentance. It will definitely be like that, just like the old woman Zhao!"

Huang's face gradually appeared ferocious, because she remembered the words she held Zhao's hand and said before Mrs. Huang's Zhao choked--

"Zhao, do you know how Wu Niang died? Your eldest daughter almost married into the clan... died in Jiang Yue's hands... That's why the third brother is disabled. Don't misunderstand. It's not me and my brother. It must be your eldest son... Zhao, your own son kills each other, which is your retribution. What? It's a pity that you want to break my body. You can't even say anything now. Bile, let me see you die, and finally, I'm full of hatred... Don't close your eyes, remember my words. Under the nine springs, don't be at peace. Zhao, it's lucky that you left like this. I want you to live for another two years and think more. Let you watch your direct bloodline die one by one, think too much, and let you die in despair! Zhao, it's lucky that you are out of breath at this time. I really don't want you to feel at ease. I came here to see you off, bitch. Remember my words. These are all what you deserve.

And he was gritting his teeth and his eyes were blood red. Suddenly, he heard that the third lady Xu had ordered that access was strictly prohibited.

Huang clenched his palm, which means that the Duke of Wei is already on guard, but she can't spread the news.

But the arrow is on the string and can no longer be taken back. It depends on who can grasp the opportunity.

Huang believes in Huang Tao and the emperor more.

After all, standing behind him is Emperor Dalong, the supreme of 95.

After a while, there was another news that Xu brought people to break in.

Huang sneered: "Tie Xu and Li, the legitimate son of the second wife is in my hands. If you don't want Goro to die immediately, they will try to enter Baihuayuan!"