Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 774 Soldiers in the Imperial City, Dead Enemy Brothers

At the end of the second year, officials of the Ministry of Ceremonies said that they were very busy.

Because Spring is in February of next year, and it was Enke before, and this time it was officially selected as a scholar. Wei Yuren, the minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies, and Wei Yuan, the servant, have been so busy that they have not returned home for several days.

At noon, when I saw a slender and graceful woman holding a beautiful food box and respectfully presented it to Wei Shilang again. Her slender fingers were set off more and more like green onions by grape-purple glazed bowls. Those young people who had not yet made up in the ceremonial department found all kinds of excuses to stay around the government gate to chase the maidservant once again unconcealedly expressed their match. The envy of the peak.

I really hate that I am blind. What's wrong with Princess Pingle? The maidservants around her are so beautiful, and Princess Pingle doesn't mind. The maidservants sent to deliver meals every day are all fascinating.

Wei Shilang is the one who is really beautiful and blessed.

Wei Shangshu didn't pay attention to the appearance of the maidservant. What he cared about was Wei Yuan's food. Look at the dishes with full color, fragrance, and then looked at the "big miscellaneous" sent by his mother-in-law. Wei Shangshu sighed.

Over the years, his wife's temper has been very irritable, mainly because of her daughter Wei Zhao entered the palace as a female official. Mrs. Wei deeply complained that Wei Shangshu was too indulgent, so that Wei Zhao was "lawless" and a good lady of a famous family. As a result, she became the messenger of the heavenly family. Seeing the years rise, the marriage became more and more hopeless, and Mrs. Wei's hair was fast. Worrying, not to mention Wei Shangshu, even the King of Chu and his wife have been angry. Over the years, they have refused to contact with others.

Therefore, Wei Shangshu's food has always been the only "big miscellaneous food" given by the women. Although the salt taste is good, compared with Wei Yuan's exquisiteness, it is simply... elegant, not to mention pig food, it is self-intempt! But it's also a difference between clouds and mud.

A sad-faced Shangguan and a satisfied subordinate, who was less than half of the meal, heard the sound of "boom" and the iron hoof exploded. Then he looked up and was shocked to see that two cannons were pushed through the corridor.

Sure enough.

Wei Shangshu and Wei Shilang put down their chopsticks at the same time and lifted their robes. In another stare that a group of young people had just converted from the beautiful maidservants, they once again asserted at the same time: "No, it's guilty to force the palace!"

The safe gate has long been closed, but hundreds of palace guards held fire from low to high, blocking the door and rushing straight to the bravery.

Many courtiers on both sides of the thousand-step corridor came out of the news, and most of them were panicked.

But when Huang Tao came to the front, many people looked at each other, showing a look of understanding, and unconsciously took a few steps back.

"Holy order!" Huang Tao rode, stopped behind the artillery, raised a royal order with one arm, and looked around, and was in a good spirit.

In fact, he is looking forward to this day.

Originally, he thought that "from the dragon has merit" to show his ambition, but he not only had to be controlled by the Duke of Wei, so even the emperor could not be arbitrary.

For many years of planning and painstaking management, the income is only slightly better than that of Second Master Huang of Jianning Houfu.

This is by no means his end.

Therefore, although he understands that the situation he is facing is like the front line of life and death, he must also fight.

If you can achieve success, it is enough to become a powerful man, and half a life of forbearance is not a waste.

This access control breakthrough is a bright and bright future.

From now on, you will never be looked down on before you can be humiliated.

Only when Jianning Houfu was really trampled under his feet, and the descendants of the Zhao family were all slaves to him.

"In accordance with the order of the Son of Heaven, you will enter the palace to hunt down the assassins. You are the guardians of the Son of Heaven. If you don't obey the order, you should be guilty of great rebellion!" Huang Tao's voice is like a bell, strangling the reed, and Zhu Ju's long hiss front hoof is held high, majestic.

But I heard a cold sneer--

"Huang Tao, look at this place. This is the main gate of the imperial city. How dare you bully the soldiers? It's really a traitor!"

In the afternoon, Jinyang was in full bloom, and a ride slowly came out, with black armor and purple cloak flying.

The enemy's road is narrow, and it is actually Jianninghou.

Huang Tao cracked, roared, and the cold sword came out of its sheath, and the cold front pointed to the enemy from afar.

"Jian Ninghou, if my memory is good, you are right to be idle, how dare you stop the holy order from spitting people!"

Jianninghou laughed and took the first two steps: "I have just been ordered today to deal with you, a great rebellious sinner!"

"Joke, I obey the holy order, how can I allow you to fall into an empty mouth?" Huang Tao's eyes were red and angry, and obviously he was temporarily abandoned by such an unexpected provocation by Jian Ninghou.

Although the two can shout to each other, there is still a distance between them. They can't cut them with a knife. They can't order Jianning to bombard them directly with cannons. There is a suspicion of private revenge, which is too much fun.

What Huang Tao didn't know was that he was meeting Jianning's narrow road. At the same time, he was inexplicably entangled with personal resentment. At the same time, he ordered his confidant to lead 8,000 elites to attack Xi'anmen on the battlefield, which was being hit head-to-face by 5,000 palace guards led by Su Wei - what's more, the West City Gatekeeper who clearly bought the caged unexpectedly fell into the battle and let him go. Five thousand of the Beijing camp in the outer city formed a situation of internal and external attack, but in two minutes, the victory and defeat were divided.

Su Xing is a pioneer. Although it is the first official battle, it is unruly sharp and has already turned red. Huang Tao's confidant's arm was broken by Su Xing's sword. While rolling in the dust, he really wants to question - damn, are you sure you are a Chinese scholar?!

On the white cob, Zhu Piwujia, Su Jing looked down at his opponent with extreme contempt and raised the corners of his lips politely: "Take it away, let the imperial doctor do his best to treat him well, at least he has to live today." Then he raised his sword and rushed to another target dressed like a hundred households.

Bei'anmen, the commander of Beicheng, who was going to pick up the leaks, came to attack with high morale. Unexpectedly, he met the eldest princess who stepped on the golden saddle and lost his soul.

He went out in the wrong way today. Why did he meet such a evil god?

The commander of the North City has gone to see the father of the King of Yan. He used to be a prisoner of the Feifeng Department and was subdued by the eldest princess.

I heard about the glorious deeds of many eldest princesses, but I didn't personally experience them. Thinking that my father had gone, and this time it was a rare opportunity for promotion, I wanted to fight for glory and wealth. How could I meet my father's old rival?

My heart is still empty.

However, as soon as she bit her teeth, the eldest princess is a female, and now she is old, so she may not be unable to fight.

However, before the charge order was shouted out, he was pierced in the throat by the eldest princess!

When he fell to the ground, Beicheng commanded his last idea - if he didn't listen to his father's words, he would suffer losses in front of him.

More than a thousand rebels were brave and righteous without shouting a word. The army was in chaos and fled.

The eldest princess didn't care at all. She waved her arm and let the palace guards pursue her. She didn't feel happy. She pulled the rein and led hundreds of people to reinforce Dong'anmen.

In fact, this time to lead the palace guard to fight, it was the eldest princess who finally asked for help from the Empress Dowager. It's been too long to give full play to her strengths, and her hands were itchy.

You can imagine the tragic situation of Donganmen.

At this time, in front of the Ping'an Gate, the scolding between Jianninghou and Huang Tao was still in full swing, and many helpers on both sides joined. Behind Huang Tao were naturally Qin's party members, and Jianninghou's side was also full of people, especially heroic. Those ordinary and polite officials now turned into fighters, with rolled sleeves. , righteously blocked in front of the mouth of the gun, as if they were not flesh and blood, but iron walls.

Huang Tao is so angry that smokes from the top of his head - do you have any common sense? I really think this gun can't be set up!

Unexpectedly, Wenchen moved his hand, pulled his hair and pulled his clothes, and stunned the martial artists holding the fire.

Jian Ninghou keeps in mind that his task at any time is not to fight to the death with Huang Tao, but to delay the time, force himself to pull out his swords and cut each other, and accumulate all his energy into his lips. When he is really poor, he even said that pure internal superiority and inferior disputes such as "evil concubine" and "rebellious children" are said in public. This It's equivalent to saying - Huang Tao, your little wife is raised and expelled from your household registration. What qualifications do you have to be reused by the emperor? Will the emperor let people like you lead troops to force the palace to murder your grandmother? If it weren't for the magic barrier of the emperor, you would be rebellious!

Later, he really couldn't find any other curse. Jianning Hou resolutely exposed Huang Tao's crime of poisoning his biological mother Aunt Liao in public, which made lunch a little far away and rushed to see whether the late courtiers were full of fog - along the way, he first heard that it was the northern original criminal... Of course, it was impossible, and then he heard that it was the assassination of the emperor and the assassin hid. Entering the imperial city, Huang Tongzhi led troops to search and arrest but was rejected. Why did it seem that these two brothers had a lawsuit in front of Ping'an Gate for the old case? The city was closed to raise troops, and even the cannons in red were transferred out!

However, civil officials like to be entangled in these sidelines, and most of the Qin party members are speech officials. They are suddenly led crooked by Jianninghou. The focus of the debate suddenly persists on Huang Tao's killing of his mother and Jianning Hou's frame-up.

If the emperor was present, I don't know what it was, but the apparent king who stood on the tower to watch the battle at this time admired his son very much - sure enough, as soon as Jianning was waiting to come out, Huang Tao immediately fell into the pit, and a scolding war was delayed. Should the outside Xi'an gate should have been eliminated, right?

But he did not forget to tell a group of Hanlin led by An Sanlang behind him: "Quickly record it. At present, the camp is clear, and the name of the Qin family's party members clearly and secretly."

Huang Tao is not a fool, but he is too persistent in private hatred. Jianning appeared mercilessly to expose his scars in the past. In a short period of time, Huang Tao really ignored the business. For a moment, the soldiers and horses were against each other, and the arrows were tense. The two armies generals ignored the war, not to mention the ambitious soldiers bravely. After a lot of energy, even the war horse couldn't bear to dig his hooves - after all, is this fight?

With a hisss, he finally reminded Huang Tao of what was the key. His eyes stared fiercely at Jian Ninghou. Then the tip of the sword resolutely pointed to a master who was holding his head high and blocking the cannon and shouted: "I said for the last time, the emperor is in Tangquan Palace. Attacked by the assassin, I specially ordered this officer to arrest the murderer. According to the inspection, I rebelled and escaped into the imperial city. I was ordered by the emperor and led the Jingwei into the imperial city to search and arrest him. If you stop him again, you will be regarded as an accomplice and kill him without mercy!"

"A group of nonsense, what a major event is the assassination of the emperor? It should be arrested by the two legal departments of the Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice. What's more, as a member of Jingwei, you led a team to force the palace. Obviously, your intentions are scheme! At present, the Empress Dowager is in charge of the government and ordered the palace guards to strictly guard the city gate. How can you be a counterattack? Huang Tao, if you dare to kill the imperial officials indiscriminately and violate the order of Ci'an Palace, you will be guilty of great rebellion!" Jianning waited to see Huang Tao "wake up", which was reasonable.

"It's clear that Huang Tao's crime is contrary to the king's order!" Under the guidance of Wei Yuren and others, the "Ci'an Party" still does not retreat.

Huang Tao's eyes soared, and he raised his sword to split.

But suddenly an arrow broke through the air from the wall and hit Huangtao's shoulder armor. Fortunately, he was wearing an iron helmet and bronze armor today, so he was not pierced through the shoulder bone by a sharp arrow. However, he was shaken off the horse by the force of the sudden arrow and fell well.

In the arrow of the king, he also quickly walked down to the city, opened the palace door on one side, and led the crowd out.

I was brave enough to see that the main general was taken down, which caused a panic. The two soldiers helped Huang Tao and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that he was not injured.

But in a blink of an eye, the king had already horse forward. With an order, the fire of the divine machine camp immediately raised and aimed at the bravery.

There are also Yu Linwei, Hu Benjun and other palace guards in Beijing camp pulling bows and holding crossbows. For a while, they confronted each other, and the battle of life and death was imminent.

King Xian raised the yellow scroll in his hand: "At the order of the Empress Dowager, strictly guard the imperial city and do not let Xiao Xiao invade an inch. Huang Tao, if you really obey the holy order, you can return to the palace with me. If there is an assassin in the imperial city, you should be arrested by the palace guard. If you are determined to go your own way, you will go against it."

Huang Tao fell to the ground and finally stood firm again. His face turned red and white for a while, but at this time he was not soft: "I am against it? Obviously, the king has the heart of disobedience. What I offer is the edict, and you are guilty of rebellion!" A killing order was shouted out.

I didn't know that the command of both sides did not obey the order.

These two have obviously been rebelled.

"I know that the emperor's hand is the order of the empress dowager. At present, this situation... The subordinates think that the same knowledge should be ordered to explain clearly to the empress dowager. When the emperor is assassinated, the empress dowager is bound to order the pursuit."

Huang Tao was stunned. Of course, he knew that he was betrayed by his two confidants. Fortunately, the loyal people he led were sneering and waved his arm again.

The brave fire hand was divided into two columns, with a row of female guards, most of whom lost their appearance. They were gently pushed and fell to the ground.

Huang Tao shouted, "The palace guards can see clearly. If you don't obey the king's order, your family will take the lead in landing."

Use these people to block in front, as long as the king orders to fire, the palace guards behind can't see their families die on the spot and have to change.