Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 775 Lead the troops out of the city and face life and death

But Huang Tao didn't think that the palace had been prepared for a long time, and the families of these women's families had been replaced.

Xian Wang laughed: "Huang Tao, do you still dare to argue? What do you mean by order! If you really want to arrest the assassin, why do you take the palace guard's family hostage? It is clear that you want to commit a great crime of rebellion, and you have the heart to be unworthy!" Then he raised his arm, and the arrows on the city went down one after another. There were dozens of arrows against the bravery, and he was forced to retreat.

The grandson behind Huang Tao paid tribute and saw that the situation was not good, so he ordered the gunner to act. No matter what civil and palace guards he was, the blocker must die. It was important to kill the imperial city first.

But he didn't shout, but suddenly saw a man appear in front of the muzzle--

The long Tibetan clothes were full of dust, and the clothes were torn to pieces, and his hair was full of embarrassment. Even so, Sun still recognized at a glance that this person was the father he had sent to Xianghe two days ago.

He was shocked, not to mention that he was a little stupid and filial. Even if he was cruel, he could not shoot at his father and step forward in full view of the public.

Seeing that Sun's face was as if his arm was dead, he lowered his arm, sneered, and then shouted loudly: "The palace guards listened to the order, Huang Tao, Sun's tribute and other great rebellion and evil crimes deserved to die. The empress dowager Gu Nian'er and others were deceived by the crime. Anyone who knew the crime and defected to surrendered to me not only had no fault but also talked about merit. If you are obsessed and don't understand, it's all a death penalty. In terms of the clan, it's killing!"

Of course, the early rebel immediately surrendered. Under the order of the command, the iron sword turned vigorously, and some people even pierced Sun's shoulder blade with a sword, splashing high with the bright red, and the sound of killing everywhere.

Without waiting for Huang Tao's reaction, Jianninghou, who had been difficult to help, had already set his way forward and cut his sword high.

Yu Liu led a team of palace guards to rescue the hostages when the other party's army was in chaos, and protected the civil servants to leave.

Sun's tribute was dead, and the officers and soldiers of the magic machine battalion who were attracted by him hesitated for a moment. Seeing that the palace guards were powerful, it was obvious that Wang Rui was unreputable, and their own side had little chance of winning, and many of them actually surrendered without fighting.

Yu Biao, who originally went on an expedition with the Duke of Wei, fell from the sky and attacked from the West City with a cavalry, which caught Huang Tao off guard.

The cannonman of the divine machine camp who was effectively loyal to Ci'an Palace took the opportunity to turn the muzzle and bombarded against courage.

With the sound of the drama, Huang Tao's camp flew flesh and blood, and the heart of the brave army was even more frustrated, retreating steadily, and there were also people who kept abandoning their fights and kneeling to surrender.

Huang Tao's second son, Huang Yu, followed him closely, and the father and son fought hard to build peace. It was easy to get out.

"The situation is not good. Why did Yubiao suddenly return and Beijing guards enter the city? Has the gate been lost?" Huang Yu saw that his father's eyes were red, and he still wanted to come forward to pester Jian Ninghou. He repeatedly advised bitterly, "The overall situation is important. My father can't stick to personal grievances. If he falls in love here, maybe the whole army will be destroyed, and he should withdraw outside the city. He immediately tells the emperor that he wants to threatens and encourage the reinforcements of the Beijing Guards to defeat and win."

Huang Tao gritted his teeth fiercely, and his lips were almost bitten, but he finally woke up a little.

The safety of the empress dowager is the most important. The apparent king will not dare to abandon the palace to pursue and force the palace to lose. The only way is to adopt a backup strategy...

"There is only a group of women left in the government, and you immediately lead the troops to take them hostage, especially Su Xun's wife..." This is to use Dong Yin's mother and son to threaten Su Xun. If the Duke of Wei is here, this strategy may not be effective, but Huang Shi said that Su Xun and Dong Yin are in love, and they are just a hairy boy in their early 20s, and their minds have never If the Duke of Wei is firm, this strategy is very good, and Huang Tao said again, "I'm going to meet the Holy Lord."

There is still a chance of winning. The daughter of the command of the Guard Department is in the hands of the emperor. Long before the closure of the city, the emperor has gone to persuade them not to move. At present, these guards have not been reinforced. They say that tomorrow has won. As long as they are persuaded to reinforce the palace, the number of people is superior and they are not afraid of not to enter. Imperial City.

If Su Xun can be restrained again, as long as the Duke of Wei does not come forward to persuade Jingwei, those commanders will have to obey the holy order.

At this point, the name of public opinion can only be temporarily aside, and it is most important to fight first. If you can't enter the imperial city to subdue the Empress Dowager, everything is empty talk.

When the sound of killing outside the imperial city shocked the sky, the side hall of the Ci'an Palace Garden was quite quiet.

Binjing entered the palace and has no place to fight at all. She wanted to follow the eldest princess to see the real battlefield. Before she could say anything, she was seen by the eldest princess and slapped her on the shoulder: "Be good, stay in the palace to be with the Chen girl, take good care of the children, and don't make trouble with me, just your three The foot cat's kung fu can only drag me down.

Well, Ying admitted that his grandmother's words were very true.

Yichen was not nervous at all, but the beautiful scenery was somewhat uncomfortable. Before long, he asked A Ming to go to Wei Zhao to inquire about the war situation. By her side, Xin'an and Xiaoxiao had a good time. The two sisters hugged each other from time and kissed each other with a watermark. Compared with the girls, Brother Shun seemed to be separated. He was steady outside, persistently describing the post seriously, and turned a deaf ear to the play of the two girls.

Yijing knew Yu's detailed deployment. If Xi'an Gate was cleared, he would have to go out of the city to persuade Jingwei, so he would sit still.

The soldiers outside are in chaos, and no one dares to guarantee that there will be no accident.

To lay the foundation for the victory, Yu Yu's trip is inevitable.

This completely powerless and passive waiting state made beautiful scenery anxious. Even Xiaoxiao's mistake of stubbornly calling "aunt" in Yichen's arms was not corrected. Yichen was completely conquered by Xiaoxiao's smile and did not correct the little girl's fallacy.

Instead, Brother Shun easily finished tracing the post. He looked satisfied and gave it to Yichen's evaluation. Hearing Xiaoxiao's words, he corrected it with a smile: "Xiaoxiao, you can't call your aunt. You should call your aunt or aunt."

Xiaoxiao didn't pay attention to Brother Shun at first, but then he looked at it, looked at more than ten breaths, grinned at the corners of his mouth and laughed twice, and his eyes turned into a crescent moon again. He jumped up and just pulled Brother Shun's belt with both hands: "Little uncle."

Brother Shun:......

Ichen was almost teased, and then corrected: "This is my brother. If you want to be called brother, you can't be called uncle."

In the little girl's consciousness, there is no special reminder from her parents. The good-looking Langjun are all uncles, and the beautiful women are all aunts. Seeing that Brother Shun is not much taller than her, she is called a little uncle without a teacher.

But Xiaoxiao's strengths are that "knowing mistakes can be corrected". When he was prompted, he immediately changed his words and shook his brother Shun's "brother" and shouted that it was a celebration.

Ichen was even more happy and pointed to himself: "Xiaoxiao remember how to call me?"

Xiaoxiao suddenly flashed her eyes, and a "aunt" was already in her mouth. She suddenly realized that she had just been corrected by her brother. She bit her lips and thought for a moment before she hesitated to shout, "Aunt?"

Now even Brother Shun, who has always been "old", fell into Yichen's arms and pulled his shoulders straight.

Yijing stood up at this time, and her attention was always moving outside the house. She heard a faint conversation between Yu and A Ming from outside the warm pavilion.

When I opened the door, I saw Yu Yu in a purple python round-neck arrow sleeve robe. The gray front of the crow's long neckline was clear with a jade face. After a serious illness, the cheek corridor was more sharp. His eyes were still clear and deep, and his smile was hidden and firm.

A Ming just wanted to communicate inside. Seeing that the scenery had come out of the sound, he knew the fun and had been retreating to the corner of the corridor.

"Xi'an Gate has been cleared, and I want to leave the city immediately." When he spoke, he had stretched out his hand and felt her body temperature warm from his palm.

Binjing took a deep breath.

Just now, she was still whimsical. Can she persuade him to allow it and dress up as a soldier to accompany him to face the next difficulties and dangers? But until then, she knew that she could not be capricious and distract him.

"I'll take you out of Xihua Gate." Just insist.

Yu Yu stroked his wife's neat hair and smiled: "Okay."

Outside the Xihua Gate, there is a pool of clear waves. This is the Western Garden of the Imperial City, which is the beginning of the chrysanthemum Huang Yuyan and Meihong. It was originally beautiful, but at this moment, the not spacious open space is full of silver armor guards, with a long sword in his hand, sharp light, as if killing.

The tight palms had to be loosened.

Yijing raised her hand to sort out the leader for Yu Yu. Just now, she was silent all the way, but she still didn't know what to say.

"I promised you that I have never failed to make a promise, and this time it's the same." Yu looked at his wife's eyes and smiled gently: "I will come back safely."

"I believe it." Yijing also smiled gently: "I'll be waiting for you here to come back."

She watched him turn over, the sun shines on the long cloak, and finally turned around the corner.

He saw her standing in front of Zhu Men, with her cheeks up.

At Xi'an Gate, Su Xing has lined up, more than half of the 8,000 bravely killed and injured, and the rest knelt down. At this time, they had been tied up, and there were blood stains that had not dried up under his knees, indicating how thrilling the blood war was not long ago.

Here, there is no sound of swords hitting each other in front of the Ping'an Gate, and there is only a faint smell of bombardment, as if there is a smell of gunpowder smoke in the wind.

The dead bodies on the road have been emptied, but they only have time to stack them by the roadside. The horses' hoofs stepped forward with blood. The vast tens of thousands of Jingwei looked up at the horse riding. The purple python was covered with a golden crown and hair. Immediately the man was thin and weak, but the noble demeanor was still burning. Although it did not seem to be exposed, the sharp sword was exposed, but in the face of blood The clouds on both sides of the river corpse are light and clear, which unconsciously makes people feel at ease, as if the future is risk-free, but smooth all the way.

But many people know that the negotiation between the outside the city and the Beijing guards is the key to victory, and the victory of Xi'an Gate is far from enough to be celebrated.

"The head of the twelve guards in Beijing has been detained, and the minister has ordered the envoy to deliver the interrogation, asking the twelve guards to concentrate in front of the Xishan camp." Su Xing pushed his horse forward and whispered to Yu Yu.

Gao Zu ordered the sword out of its sheath and was held in his hand by a weak and polite man, but his momentum did not diminish at all, which made a group of Jingwei feel excited.

"I obeyed Yi's order and ordered the twelve guards near Beijing to arrest the crime. Today's action of forcing the palace is actually the emperor's intention to seize power!" Yu Yu said in a loud voice. At this time, the empress dowager was determined that the royal family no longer needed that fig leaf, and it was also because this line was very likely to confront the emperor. If it was only said that Huang Tao was plotting rebellion, the day would come forward to "clarify" and shake people's hearts again.

"When today's son did not ascend the throne by the will of the emperor, but to usurp power by edict, the empress dowager has seen the evidence. The rebellious emperor wanted to commit the crime of great rebellion and murder because of fear of punishment. According to the law, the generals of the capital guard were loyal and brave of the royal family. The empress dowager was appointed by the imperial edict of the late emperor. Supervision is enough to order the military ministers and officials, and the generals and guards to listen to the order!" The three-foot cold front pointed straight to the west Jinwu, and the golden saddle was covered with nobles flying, and the gentleness turned into a high spirits with the more and downturn voice.

Ten thousand people called it, knelt down on their knees, and the momentum shocked the sky.

"With the lonely out of the city to the Xishan camp, but some Jingwei generals dared to disobey the order, so that the sword pointed out without forgiveness, waiting for the crime of being cleared. The royal family will reward the loyal and brave people for their meritorious deeds, for the glory of the monarch, glorifying the ancestors, and enjoying the achievements of the country!"

With this oath, led by Su Xing and Cai Zhen, he took the lead in punching chest: "I swear not to humiliate my life and be loyal to the king!"

"Vow not to humiliate and be loyal to your country!" Thousands of people sounded in unison, and they were exhausted. The iron armor stood solemnly, and the officers climbed to the saddle. After the soldiers walked bravely, Haohao went to the west city.

The kingdom is still Dalong, but in the eyes of more than 10,000 soldiers, you are no longer the one in Tangquan Palace.