Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 781 Bloody Hatred, Death

Before the twelfth lunar month, with a rain and snow, the weather was a little colder, especially when he came out of the side hall that was heating the floor. Wei Zhao was almost suffocated by the cold wind on his face. He finally breathed smoothly. The palms in his sleeve unconsciously clenched a little, and her steps were faster than usual. The maid standing under the steps In front of her, she couldn't help frowning slightly when she saw the empty cup holding the pot and three feet of white silk in her hand.

"Why are you still holding these?" When speaking, the white breath exhaled from his mouth was obvious.

The green-cave maid, who took a few steps, looked worried, but the head raised her eyelids and looked at Wei Zhao calmly. She was wearing a silver-red jacket, embroidered skirt with plum-wrapped branches, and her belt was bright red. She was dressed as a first-class maid, but she didn't look kind.

After the Xinwei Incident, the palace people were inevitably mobilized. The Empress Dowager even gave several Zhou Taoist people to the newly sealed Empress Dowager. There was no guarantee that there would be some new faces in the Ci'an Palace, and Wei Zhao did not pay much attention to it.

"The maidservant is guilty and failed to complete the mother's plea."

The words were sin, but the maid's tone was not panicked. Her smart black eyes turned around Wei Zhao's face. The corners of her lips were naturally upturned, and she looked as if she were smiling.

The stabbing emperor was abolished, but he did not follow the order to go to the place of confinement. When Duke Zhan preached the will on his behalf, he killed himself.

On the basis of theory, there are also many palace guards who went with Duke Zhan. If he really want to force him to go to the Forbidden Garden, he will not have the opportunity to draw his sword and die. Obviously, the Emperor was deliberately allowed to let it go. Of course, it was also from the hint of the Empress Dowager - even if the Emperor went to the Forbidden Garden honestly, he would not live long.

The stabbing emperor was also a little arrogant. Tianhuang nobles were unwilling to be humiliated and showed resistance to the trial and punishment of Ci'an Palace and committed suicide. The empress dowager did not deprive him of his final dignity.

About the abandoned imperial concubine, most of them are not directly related to their crimes. In particular, the noble concubine and Shufei were forgiven and allowed to live in another palace. The princess born by Deng even retained the title and gave the princess's mansion to let Deng concubine live with her daughter. Bai had no children. Bai concubine invited her to Qingping'an to "serving" the noble imperial concubine who had fallen into practice - the Assad Emperor was Of course, her mother is no longer the Empress Dowager. Liao Jieyu was convicted because her family was implicated, and she herself did not have any good to die.

As for the abolitionist queen, it is even more impossible to survive. Originally, the empress dowager wanted to let the new emperor "get seriously ill" in the forbidden garden after the accession to the throne ceremony. However, since the emperor killed himself, wouldn't the Qin family "sue" after the abolition?

The husband and wife are buried together in the same cave. Does it matter whether the two have different dreams before their lives?

I didn't know that the maid of honor who went on the road after being discarded returned to no effect.

"The abandoned queen doesn't want to obey the order?" Wei Zhao asked again.

"Not only did he not want to obey the order, but he also said a lot of rebellious words." The maid's answer is still vague.

Wei Zhao frowned again and couldn't help looking at the maid carefully. Seeing that her eyes flashed, she seemed to be excited. She couldn't help raising her eyebrows and thought that the maid was a big-hearted. She must have used this opportunity to please the empress dowager. At present, the empress dowager was working with the new emperor's accession ceremony, and there was a new one immediately. New Year's Eve, how can there be no leisure to listen to the crazy words after the waste? This maid is anxious to flatter the Empress, but she doesn't know that if she doesn't pay attention, it will be counterproductive.

In the palace, there are many palace people who are willing to be prosperous, but there are few people who really have the means to rely on it. It is common to hear that many people do not fly to the branches but commit serious crimes.

Wei Zhao couldn't help sighing and said, "Wait for the Empress Dowager to show it."

was originally a kind-hearted person, and I didn't want to see this maid touch the wall, let alone stimulate the anger of the Empress Dowager so easily calming down - although the Ci'an Palace won the Xinwei coup this time, the abolition of the emperor was the father and son of the former emperor, and the ancestors and grandchildren turned against each other to make a decision to live and die. The mood of the Empress Dowager can be imagined.

Unexpectedly, this maid was eager to compete for success - she was originally in the Shangfu Bureau and wanted to become a female official. Unexpectedly, she had the opportunity to be transferred to Ci'an Palace. At present, who doesn't know that the Empress Dowager is the lord of the world. If she can win the eyes of the Empress, she will be imagined that she will be rich and authoritative in the future.

Seeing Wei Zhao turn around, the maid of honor quickly stopped him: "Shang Yi, I heard and witnessed it, and I need to talk to the Empress in person." The tone was a little urgent and slightly dissatisfied.

Good intentions are regarded as donkey liver and lungs, which is probably Wei Zhao's mood at this time.

"That's waiting first." The tone cooled down, and Wei Zhao did not look back.

The maid of honor curled the corners of her lips, and her eyes were instantly full of resentment.

In the side hall, the new emperor, who was still young, was wearing a tailor-made new crown suit. Under the supervision of the empresses of the two palaces and the officials of the Ministry of Ceremonies, he carefully drilled the ceremony. At a glance, he was particularly serious and a little majestic. The Empress Dowager was very satisfied. When she saw Wei Zhao bent his knees but did not say anything, she knew that it was inconvenient for the public to return. Submitted.

Then he waved to the emperor, straightened his chin and said with a smile, "That's all for today. Kun'er will go back to the Qianming Palace first. It's cold. Don't worry about studying. Rest for a while and listen to it next day."

However, he left a good morning and looked at the emperor's salute and retreat before edicting the maid of honor to enter and ask questions.

The maid of honor did not dare to be as presumptuous as Wei Zhao was before. Before coming in, she also gave the tray to others. She knelt down and couldn't afford to crawl down. She only stared at the dress of the empress dowager's bright blue and dark gold embroidery, and only said, "I am guilty. I have not completed my mother's order. It's because of the queen..."

"Where is the queen in this palace now?" Ask coldly.

The maid of honor froze on the ground.

Not to mention Wei Zhao secretly shook her head, the head of the maid in charge of the selection of the palace maids was immediately full of cold sweat and regretful. If she had known that she was such a stupid, she should not have listened to a few good words from her fellow villagers, so she was transferred to Ci'an Palace and promoted to a first-class maid of honor. The Empress Dowager hated the Qin family. This time, she was afraid she was all You have to be reprimanded.

"Since you know you are guilty, you will be punished." The Empress Dowager waved her hand.

The maid of honor was anxious and wanted to defend herself: "The Empress forgives me. The maidservant made a mistake for a moment, and she did not want to follow the order, and said that she was rebellious..."

Without saying anything, he was interrupted by the anxious head.

The empress dowager does not want to care about a maid of honor, but obviously, this "green cloud road" has come to an end, and the head will not let her stay in Ci'an Palace.

The Abandoned Queen doesn't want to die. Why do those rebellious words need to be repeated again? Isn't it a block for the Empress Dowager? The abandoned queen has only one way to die, which is to grit their teeth and complain or cry for grievances. Will the Empress Dowager still care? It's really a lot of work, just say how straightforward the result is, and it's a detailed explanation process!

"Qin's temperament is also expected to leave some decency for her. After all, it is a person who has been a queen. Isn't it more humiliating to let the eunuch use strength? She is fine, and she was still arrogant until then." The Empress Dowager can also guess Qin's words and deeds and snorted coldly, "In this way, A Zhao will let Grandpa Zhan go."

"Mother, don't let your concubine go." But Yi Chen got up and said.

The empress dowager suddenly felt lonely and looked at Yichen - the empress dowager is fine, but she is really generous and slightly lost her opportunity, which inevitably makes the empress dowager a little cowardly. This originally made the empress dowager very worried. The emperor is too young, and she has been in power for at least ten years. During this period, although the state government is assisted by hundreds of courtiers and officials, she has her own supervision. Yin, but the empress dowager knows that she is old and has always been a little sick. In the future, it is inevitable that her energy will be poor. Yichen is the biological mother of the son of heaven, and the matter of supervision must be left to her.

The Empress Dowager was worried that Yichen would not be competent. During these days, she stayed by her side and intended to let Wei Zhao assist her. At the same time, she also had a good view. She always cared about the mansion to report on government affairs. She was also Yichen's direct sister, and she assisted her arm.

The ceremony of ascending the throne and the trivial affairs of the palace, the Empress Dowager can rest assured to give it to Yichen, but she was a little embarrassed by things such as giving the dead and abandoned queen, but she didn't want to beg for orders instead.

However, since Yichen has this courage, the Empress Dowager is also very happy to see it. In the future, she will not be cowardly and have no opinion. She must have some ideas so that she will not be deceived by her words.

There was no objection, just let Wei Zhao follow.

Yichen came out of the side hall. It seemed that he was affected by the cold wind, frost and snow, and his eyes were gradually full of coldness, but the corners of his lips rolled up a touch of mockery.

She is benevolent and will never let go of the Qin family. The abandoned emperor was convicted. At her hidden residence, many bureaucrats scrambled to make confessions for survival. In those years, Qin Zi, in order to help the abandoned emperor seize the crown, he adged the emperor and poisoned her husband to avoid future troubles. His intentions were so dangerous. Yichen only wanted to kill him with his own hands.

But if Qin Zi is willing to be frank, the empress dowager will be the first and forgive her not to die.

How can I be reconciled? Compared with the abandoned queen, the person she wants to break the body more is Qin Ziruo.

For this matter, I even discussed it with the scenery.

Yijing comforted her - although the empress dowager had a promise to be in front, she also hated Qin Qi in her heart. However, Dalong punished the felon and generally did not involve the death of the female family. The deposed queen was burdened by her identity. In fact, the empress dowager was Qin Qi who became more angry. She was convinced that if there were no Qin people to seduce, the abolitionist emperor would not harm his siblings and had Later, she was crazy, and compared with the abandoned queen, Qin Qi was directly involved in many conspiracies, and the empress dowager would not allow her to live.

It's just that killing is not on the surface.

But Yichen is worried about it.

Yijing then gave another advice, asking Yichen to tell the empress dowager how to deal with Qin Qi. After saying that, Yichen felt relieved his hatred. According to the method of the fifth sister, Qin Ziruo also died at her hands, and he was personally resented for her dead husband.

However, because the ascending ceremony is approaching, the appropriate time has not been found to give advice. If you are given death this time, you can follow the advice.

Of course, the abandoned queen will not still live in the Kunren Palace, but the small garden between the five places in the north. Yichen stepped under the soft sedan chair, and there were eunuchs who opened the garden door. In this place, the withered leaves and the green leaves were covered with snow, which looked more and cold than other places. Naturally, there was no warm fire wall. Yichen followed the high crying and scolding of the abandoned queen, and there was almost no need for internal eunuchs to lead. On the way, I accurately found the forbidden room where the abandoned queen was located.

Open the door, and the shade in the courtyard is better.

The waste queen wore only a white dress and had been dyed with dust. She was covered with a cotton-padded cloak that could not even see the color. In just a few days, her face was as thin as a cone, showing a pair of thorny and fierce eyes.

The hair is loose, and this image can't be seen at all. It's simply crazy.

It was not until then that Yichen clearly felt the faint pleasure of rolling.

She did not see how the Abandoned Emperor, the culprit who killed her husband, pulled out his sword and killed him. She probably couldn't watch Qin Ziruo die after being humiliated in every way. At this time, she saw the sad and panic of the accomplice family with her own eyes, and felt "reased".

Yes, no matter how fierce and domineering the abandoned queen is, under the surface of unwilling resentment, the sadness at the end of the road is still clear.

So when Yichen saw the abandoned queen with her open teeth and claws, he was held by two strong palace people and couldn't move. He heard her scolding hysterically - "Su, how dare you come to see this palace?! Don't be rampant. Your Su family is full of rebellion and usurpation. Hundreds of officials and people will not be convinced. This palace is the queen! I will never give in to you and want to poison me. You are dreaming! I want to see you die with my own eyes, and the Su family is full of people!"

"Do you want to live?" Ychen smiled and said, "It's not impossible. I can plead with the empress dowager for you."

The abandoned queen's scolding seemed to be choked in her throat, and her eyes widened with blood. Of course, she was not grateful.

"And you can live as long as you want." Yichen stood at his feet, gently close the brocade, and smiled gently.

A long period of silence.

When the abandoned eyes gradually showed a trace of uncertain hope...

After all, it is the only death that has been difficult for thousands of years. In this way, depriving your life can make people happy.

Yichen's smile also slowly turned into mockery, gently opening his lips: "But..."