Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 782 If the son ends, the beginning of the prosperous world

"Does the consequences really go to death?"

Half an hour later, when Yixen returned to Ci'an Palace, the Empress Dowager was surprised to hear the result.

In fact, the delay in the Forbidden Garden is very short, but the Ci'an Palace is five places in the north to pass through the six palaces in the east and west. The journey is not short. At the beginning of today's rain and snow, the ground is slippery, and the soft sedan is slower, which wastes these time.

The Empress Dowager was surprised that the Qin family was killed. This is certain and there will be no other result. However, according to the character of the Qin family, it is impossible to give up. The Empress Dowager thought that in the end, Yichen would also order the eunuchs to use it.

"Yes, after the abolition, she volunteered to die and chose three feet of white silk, and my concubine watched her die." Ychen was indifferent and calm, as if talking about gossip such as "the weather is very cold".

Of course, the empress dowager would not be shocked. She quickly softened and even asked with a smile, "How did Chener persuade the deposed queen?"

"My concubine comforted the Qin family. If she did not want to die, my concubine could plead for her. However, the deposed emperor had killed herself. If the Qin family did not want to die, it was regarded as a righteous death. When she returned to her clan, the Qin family was full of crimes, and the female family members had no official slaves. The Qin family should sit in a row, but in the end, she was once a middle palace and only needed to be a slave in the court."

The abandoned queen didn't want to die because she knew that the two concubines Chen and Yan even had a way to live. Deng Fei could actually go to the princess's mansion to "retirement" and still live. She thought that if she risked herself, she would win forgiveness. As long as her life was saved, there might be a day to turn over. This idea was originally naive, but it was really because she was trapped. The road is whimsical and unwilling to die.

But the abandoned queen is also a proud and strong person. It's better to let her live as a slave than to die.

After all, she was the mother of the world. Although she has never been in charge of the palace affairs, she knows what the court is. It's like Qin Ziruo washing the drowning buckets of the people of the cheap palace day by day. It's really better to die.

Yichen still expects to be more "stronger" after being abolished, and being humiliated in the court is more reassuring.

But the abandoned queen laughed wildly and only hated the word "never think about it". She hesitated between poisoned wine and Bai Ling. For some reason, she chose the hanging beam that seemed to require more courage.

However, as for Qin Ziruo, if she can endure such a long time in a place like the court, she should be "stronger than the abandoned queen", and she is bound to be unwilling to die.

Seeing that the empress dowager's expression was relieved, Yichen seized the opportunity to exhort: "Mother, the Qin clan's sentence has been set, and they will be executed in a few days, and the women are not official slaves. The minister and concubines think that Qin Qiniang should also be guilty of the same crime with the clan. If the rest of the women's family members fill the border county, it is not appropriate for her to stay in the court. According to the law, Qin Qiniang is directly involved. If she is involved in the crime of abolishing the emperor, she should be executed, but since the Empress is forgiven first, the death penalty can be avoided, but she can no longer be left in the palace.

Although the court is bitter, it is still tolerant compared with the official slaves. At least the palace slaves will not be humiliated by their innocence. They are not compare with official slaves. They are beaten and scolded, and even innocent. Many boudoirs who have become official slaves because of the crime of the family have simply committed suicide. I don't know if Qin Zi can still endure humiliation if they are in that situation. Stealing life.

The Empress Dowager did not want to forgive Qin Ziruo. For a moment, she did not have time to think about the law of punishment. She did not break her words, but also deserved her crimes. At this time, when she heard Yichen's advice, it was indeed a "two best" strategy and immediately granted it.

Yichen said again: "There are many crimes of the abolished emperor, and Qin Qiniang has made suggestions later. Maybe it has something to do with Qin Qiniang's loss of naturalization. My concubines think that 100,000 soldiers and civilians in northern Xinjiang have died innocently, and it is difficult to quench the anger of the people even if they destroy the Qin clan. Qin Qiniang should go. Naturalized to serve his sentence and redeem his sins.

The truth of naturalization is made public. How can those people who died at the hands of the slaughter of the northern plains not hate the Qin family? There are also naturalized soldiers, and all hate the traitors who mislead the country and lose their lives of their enemies. If Qin Zi goes to naturalized into service, there will be no physiology.

If she is still alive and refuses to give up, she will understand what public anger is difficult to commit and what life is better than death.

That's true.

Assuming that Qin Zi fell directly into hell from the realm of wealth and became disheartened, it would be difficult for her to tolerate the suffering of the court. But in fact, at the beginning, she had ambition and gritted her teeth and endured humiliation. The more she was struggling in adversity, the more unwilling she was to die. She knew that she could not protect herself by stabbing the emperor, and the empress dowager The forced question gave her a glimmer of life, and she did not hesitate to confess, hoping to survive.

It is also because until this time, Miss Qin was still confident that she would stay with her mind and was not afraid of no firewood. As long as she lived, one day she would suffer and suffer and might still have a chance to turn over. No matter how bad the situation was, the court was already the limit.

She even secretly calculated that the new emperor was young and the power was held by Ci'an Palace. Although Su was the empress dowager, cowardly and incompetent, it was not a threat. However, in the long run, Ci'an Palace may not be overpowerful and manipulated the new emperor as a puppet. At that time, the Duke of Wei will become the strong enemy of Ci'an Palace.

Of course, the Qin family has fallen, and the deposed emperor is unlikely to have any chance, but it does not mean that her Qin Zi has not turned over.

As long as you strive for the opportunity to flatter the Ci'an Palace and favor the Empress Dowager, you may be given to Quan Xun's mansion as a chess piece.

The main room is impossible. Miss Qin recognized the situation and adjusted the positioning in time.

With her talent and appearance, she is likely to become a favorite concubine. No matter how slow down the plot is, it is not impossible to help her. It only depends on whether she can play a key role at a critical time.

In the past, she was too stupid and too persistent with men and women, but she was ruthlessly betrayed and would never make such mistakes in the future.

Miss Qin deeply felt that she had gone through ups and downs, and her mind was better than before. As long as she was given a chance, she would be blessed.

is that when the daughters of the Yang family were pardoned - the first king was poisoned by the deposed emperor, and the Yang family was really wronged. The empress dowager pardoned the Yang's wife and appeased them at the same time - Yang Siniang cleared the family's name and her long-cherished wish was fulfilled. She asked herself to stay in the palace to serve, thinking that she felt the great kindness of the empress dowager. Of course, she would not continue to stay in the court. Aunt Yang Si Niang was also a boudoir who knew the book and answered the gift. She was specially promoted to a female official. Even if she did not marry for the rest of her life, she would be released from the palace at her age, and she would have a salary to enjoy, so that she would not be helpless. When Yang Siniang left the court, she deliberately mocked and insulted Qin Ziruo, saying that she deserved it.

Even so, she failed to defeat Miss Qin's confidence. She didn't even respond to Yang's provocation and rolled up her sleeve and rinsed the bucket without saying a word.

But I'm gritting my teeth and waiting for the future...

After a long time, Qin Qiniang didn't even have a tear when she died because she knew that the emperor killed himself. Because such a result was early as she expected, her situation was in a dangerous situation and the future was bumpy. "Female Zhuge" had no leisure to cause spring and sorrow, and she indulged in the loss of her loved ones. In the sadness.

Miss Qin can only concentrate on planning for herself. How can she get out of her predicament and return to wealth step by step?

Just as she had made up her mind to watch the military court endure humiliation and steal a way out, suddenly there was a change, and the court could not stay. The Empress Dowager wanted her to change her place to work like her sisters.

This made Qin Ziruo stunned for a long time, but he was not disheartened.

People have been in hardship for a long time, and what they have been relying on is to grit their teeth and persist in their delusions, and gradually become blindly optimistic and more adaptable to changes.

If Qin Zi remembers many legends he had heard before - a famous girl was not an official slave, and even fell into a fireworks and willow alley. After all, she was sought after by her talent and beauty. She was rescued from the sea of suffering by a loving man, and finally fell in love with his beloved people and happiness - the most successful and typical person is Mrs. Rose.

Thinking this way, there are more opportunities to be an official slave than to stay in the palace.

Zi Ruo thinks that although she does not know medical skills, she is much better than the Rose Lady, not to mention that she has a lot of wisdom. Out of the limitations of this palace wall, she may be more useful.

That's a confident person who is completely free from changes, but secretly excited.

People who sit in the well and watch the sky are pretentious, and they don't know all the world. If the girl is unconscious, her wisdom depends on the advocacy of her father and brothers. Even the abandoned emperor did not believe it at the beginning. She just thinks that the seventh sister is slightly stronger than the ordinary boudoir, not to mention the people who "appreciates" her at present? It's true that she still has such confidence.

Soon, the day of Qin Huaiyu's father and son were executed, and the two of them were sentenced to Ling Chi.

And all men over eight years old in the Qin clan were executed.

If you are born as an official slave, you will kneel on the spot to watch the punishment, and Qin Zi will naturally not be forgotten.

Outside Xuanwumen, the crowd's love was boiling, and the people's shouting for killing shocked the nine nights. Some people even rushed into the execution ground to pick up the crime and blood, threw away the evil dogs, and many vegetables and broken shoes, and attacked the Qin women's family. Those "fools" gritted their teeth and said angrily. Qin Ziruo actually witnessed her one of her with his own eyes. A young cousin was scared to death on the spot!

It was not until this moment that the "female Zhuge" felt a trace of fear.

She closed her eyes tightly and did not look at the tragic death of her father's crucifixion, but the shocking anger of the people uncontrollably invaded her ears, making her tremble.

There is still a voice in the bottom of my heart. I can bear it and endure this last pass.

This is far from the end.

Naturalization is like a hell waiting for Qin Ziruo.

Along the way, the government officials who were escorted to Qin Ziruo did not care harshly, and even took great care of her. They did not walk on foot like ordinary official slaves, but gave them the treatment of riding in a prison car.

This gave Miss Qin's "frightened" heart a chance to be repaired. Gradually, she calmed down, and delusions and expectations faintly emerged.

However, on the day of naturalization, the people in the city were obviously informed in advance of the identity of the official slave - Qin Huaiyu's direct granddaughter, the sister of a mother's compatriots, and the poisoning of Bao Dusi to collude with the criminal family of Beiyuan's crimes, and I heard that this was not ordinary. Tong Boge is actually a witch who helps Zhou to abuse the abandoned emperor!

The anger of the naturalized people who lost their homes and their relatives was vented on Qin Ziruo.

When the prison car approached, unlike the noise outside Xuanwu Gate, the outside of Guihua City was silent.

But a pair of angry eyes full of blood and tears were even colder than the north wind wrapped in snow that day, which made Qin Ziruo feel the severe pain of her father's torture that day. She finally heard the trembling sound of her teeth and tried her best to control it.

It's not as desperate as real...

The silent crowd suddenly cried, which looked particularly sharp.

A woman, skinny, rushed to the prison car.

"The crime of killing thousands of knives is all your Qin family, helping Zhou to abuse, helping the emperor assassinate Zhongliang, and colluding with the Northern Plains to enter the city. My family, my father-in-law, son and daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, daughter and son-in-law, and even the newborn grandchildren are not spared! If I hadn't returned to my mother's house and was not in the city, I would have died at the hands of Beiyuan soldiers... It's better to die. Leave me alone and how will I live in the future!" The woman put her arm into the prison car and tried her best to get the lamp Qin Ziruo: "I want you to pay for your life and my family!"

Once it starts, it doesn't end.

There was a strong man who had no nose on his face and one ear, and his voice was hoarse: "Monster, look at my appearance. I was mutilated by the Beiyuan army. It was easy to escape my life, but none of my parents, wife and children were saved!"

More people flocked to the prison car, and Qin Ziruo's pale defense and grievances were drowned by angry accountability that even she couldn't hear it clearly.

The naturalization of this city is not allowed to enter Qin Ziruo.

She eventually died at the hands of the angry people, and even the prison car was torn to pieces.

No one uses a sharp weapon, just fists and feet.

If Qin Zi replaces her father, the hatred of the naturalized people can be vented.

The news of her death was sent back to Jinyang. The Empress Dowager only heard one result and was no longer interested in paying attention to the process, but Yichen asked the truth carefully. Knowing that Qin Ziruo had almost no bones, he was almost trampled into meat mud by thousands of people. There was no smile, only cold and solemnity.

Even so, it is far from being able to let go. No matter how miserable the enemies die, they can't get back the person she loves deeply.

Yichen only said to the new emperor, "Brother Shun, you have to remember that this is all the credit of your cousin, King Chu. Without him, your father will die in vain, and you will not be in the 95th place. You must remember your uncle's kindness and never be righteous."

In the twelfth lunar month, the Duke of Wei returned to the dynasty, and the new emperor ascended the throne.

From this day, it has also officially unveiled the prosperous prologue of the "Mingzong" praised by later historians.