Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 16 Hand-to-hand combat

"What? Monster? This is impossible! How can there be monsters in this secular forest? Someone exclaimed, unbelievable. Because monsters are too ethereal and difficult to see for ordinary people.

Monsters and beasts are actually monsters as ordinary people say. They maintain the shape of beasts before cultivation. When their strength reaches a certain level, they can turn into human form and become practitioners, which is known as demon cultivation. Demon cultivation is also a kind of monks, and their strength is even stronger than that of immortal practitioners of the same level. It is simply unimaginable for these weak warriors who can't even condense their true qi. For them, meeting monsters in the forest, even the weakest, will be a nightmare!

Jiang Ming took a step forward, his expression was full of vigilance and solemnity, and shouted, "You all retreat and run quickly. If you don't want to die, run as fast as you can!"

When everyone heard Jiang Ming's roar, they suddenly woke up and retreated as fast as birds and beasts. The pressure of the monster was frightening. Some disciples were scared and their legs were weak, and they were almost helped by other brothers to leave.


The monster let out a deep roar, and a cold light bloomed in its eyes. It opened its blood basin and spit out a earthy yellow light and attacked everyone. The light was extremely hot, and the dead branches and leaves on the ground burned everywhere.

"Come on! Beast." Jiang Ming roared in a low voice. At this critical moment, he could not hide it. The dark magic gas rose like a fire. He shouted loudly, and the true spirit in his hand condensed into a black sphere and bombarded the monster.


The two spheres of gold and black collided violently and caused an explosion. Suddenly, the heat wave in this space hit people, and the fog filled the sight. The sporadic light left by the afterwaves turned into slender light like a sharp sword shooting around. Several disciples who usually thought they were good strength and wanted to stay to help were pierced in an instant. They all coughed blood and fell to the ground, and suddenly suffered a heavy blow.

"You idiots, let you go quickly, ink!" Jiang Ming looked ferocious and angrily rushed to the crown.

Among the people left behind, Ke Zhendong, Lingzhi and Zhao Yueer had excellent martial arts skills. They bounced up and were as light as swallows, avoiding the attack of light.

After Zhao Yueer landed, she has always been calm and indifferent. Gujing Wubo's eyes showed a trace of surprise, and he shouted softly, "I'm practicing! He turned out to be a monk. Then she reflected, quickly ran to Lingzhi and grabbed her, and whispered, "Come on, Brother Mo is actually a monk. He can deal with all this."

"But, that bastard..." Lingzhi looked worried and looked at Jiang Ming's side reluctantly.

"Don't be, we are not strong enough. Staying here will only pull Brother Mo's back leg. Let's go." Zhao Yueer's expression showed the majesty of the senior sister, and she couldn't help dragging up the spiritual fat and running to the distance.

"I didn't expect you to be a monk. No wonder I would lose to you." Ke Zhenwu looked at Jiang Ming with a complicated look.

Jiang Ming's face was cold and he scolded coldly, "What's so much nonsense? Hurry up and get in the way here. Do you think we both die here?

"You..." Ke Zhenwu heard Jiang Ming's words, and his face showed anger. Usually, he is extremely powerful. When he is doing things, he always thinks that others are burdensome and get in the way, but he is scolded and in the way today, which makes him extremely angry. However, he had to admit in his heart that he was indeed "in the way" at this moment.

In the end, his inner pride still made him make a decision. He did not want to escape like a coward, and he was responsible for what he poked out carelessly.

"I'm careless about this matter. I'm responsible for this matter. I'm going to stay and help."

Jiang Ming was angry as soon as he heard this and shouted, "You TM will only get in the way. Get out of here!"

"No, I can definitely help. I'm not a coward." Ke Zhenwu said with a stubborn face.

"FUCK!" Jiang Ming cursed in a low voice and said to himself, "I didn't expect this guy to be a fool, but this is not annoying. If you are that guy's proud disciple, I won't be able to tell you this time, so I have to wrong you!"


Jiang Ming couldn't care much at this moment. He suddenly turned around and swept Ke Zhenwu. In Ke Zhenwu's unbelievable eyes, his body flew to the rear like a cannonball, and then he fainted in front of him. Jiang Ming's seemingly fierce foot actually borrowed cleverness. Although he swept Ke Zhenwu away with one foot, it did not cause much damage.

"Take that idiot with you and ask the master for help. Let's go!"

In a panic, several disciples couldn't take care of much, so they came to set up Ke Zhenwu and ran away.


A fierce wind hit, and Jiang Ming was stunned. He quickly turned his head and saw this golden pupils the size of a monster's fist blooming with endless coldness and ferocity. Jiang Ming was shocked, but he didn't have time to react, and the monster's steel whip-like tail instantly hit his waist.

click! Click! Click!

Jiang Ming's body flew out and broke several bowl-sized trees along the way. His inner abdomen was violently shaken, and blood coughed out as if it were free of charge. His blood was extremely strange, and it turned out to be a faint purple.

"Bastard! Are you all right?"

Lingzhi shouted delicately, and his eyes were full of tears, as if they were flowing out at any time. She tried her best to shake off the arm grabbed by Zhao Yueer and rushed to Jiang Ming desperately.

"Cough..." Jiang Ming intermittently coughed out a wisp of blood and struggled to support himself to sit up with his hand.

He heard the call of Lingzhi and turned his head. When he saw Lingzhi rushing towards him desperately, he was moved and helpless. He scolded in his heart, "What a group of brains."

"Hey! Bastard, you didn't..."


Before she finished her words, Jiang Ming slapped her in the face without hesitation. Lingzhi fainted in an instant and flew back a few meters, half of his face was as swollen as a pig's head.

Jiang Ming's eyebrows condensed into a Sichuan character and shouted coldly, "What a group of idiots who don't know how to choose. Staying here will only distract me. Go back and find a master to save your life! Do you want to kill me?"

Everyone looked embarrassed and stood not far away, and they were all hesitant. At this critical moment, Zhao Yueer showed her eldest sister's demeanor. She looked solemn and said calmly, "Brother Mo is right. We are just dragging down. What we can do is to go back to the master to help! Xiao Zhan, you have the best endurance and the fastest speed among us. Go back and report to the master and ask him to come over. Manzi, you have the strongest here and are responsible for carrying Brother Ke on your back. I take my little sister. Don't drag it down as fast we run.

"Yes, Sister!"

"Big sister, okay!"

With the backbone, everyone's actions became orderly, quickly corrected, and soon disappeared from Jiang Ming's sight.

"Wow... the world is quiet. Now you can concentrate on dealing with that monster!" Watching the crowd leave, Jiang Ming was relieved. He stood up hard and waited for it.

"Come on, it was a sneak attack just now. Really start the fight, let me see how strong you are!" Looking at the monster, Jiang Ming's eyes bloomed coldly, and there was a bloodthirsty arc at the corners of his mouth.

"Gu... Xiu..., purple... blood, I'm going to..." Looking at each other, a hoarse, vague and low voice suddenly came from the monster's throat.

"How dare you understand people's words!!! Although it can't be fully expressed clearly, it is also a half-step monster! This is troublesome!"

The realm of monsters is quenching, enlightenment, bone transformation, and reverse shape. Corresponding to the human monk's Ningyuan, Hua Shen, Dongxu and killing, Jiang Ming is now in the primary stage of Hua Shen. The monster has been able to speak. Although it is vague, it is at least a half-step monster, much more powerful than Jiang Ming's.

"Your blood, I'm going to..." The monster spit out another sentence with difficulty, and his fierce eyes were full of excitement and desire.

"Do you also deserve it?" Treated as a prey, Jiang Ming's anger soared to the extreme. He shouted softly and stepped on the ground. He walked like a purple electricity, and the magic flame rose all over his body, like a hell god of war, and quickly punched several punches at the neck of the monster.

The scales on the monster's neck collapsed, and the earthy blood kept flowing. It roared angrily, and its tail was like an indestructible chain. In an instant, it wrapped Jiang Ming's body tightly and kept exerting force. Jiang Ming's face was blue and breathless.

Gree! Squeak!

The monster was extremely ferocious and opened its mouth and bit Jiang Ming's shoulder fiercely. His sharp teeth are now struggling to absorb Jiang Ming's blood like a straw.

"Ah~~~ asshole~~ Damn it!" Jiang Ming roared in pain, bent his hand hard, inserted the injured part of the monster's neck, and tore the monster's skin.

"Roar~~" The monster's painful pupils shrank and trembled all over, but it still did not mean to let go. He endured the severe pain and sucked Jiang Ming's blood. Gradually, Jiang Ming's body became weaker and weaker, but the monster's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the breath on his body became stronger. Jiang Ming's blood seemed to give it endless benefits. The monster's blood flowed down Jiang Ming's arm like a stream, but the monster didn't care at this moment. His expression was full of excitement and he couldn't wait to roar at the sky.

A wisp of thick blood with the smell of earth flowed down Jiang Ming's arm, and the wisp of blood unconsciously stained half of Jiang Ming's body.

Suddenly, when the earthy yellow blood stained the dragon thorn on Jiang Ming's body, his body overflowed with a trace of black light...