Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 17 Uninvited Guest

The black light burst, and the lines on the dragon thorns suddenly seemed to become huge mouths that devour people. The monster's blood was instantly absorbed when it flowed through the dragon thorns.

! Oh! Oh!

With the devouring of the monster's blood, the black light became stronger, and the light overflowed, and only the space was corroded and twisted, emitting smoke.


The monster has not found any abnormality. It roared excitedly and looked excited. Over time, the monster's body has undergone amazing changes. The original yellow scales on its body flashed and shine brightly, blooming with substantial golden light from the inside. Then from the inside to the outside, the scales gradually turned into light gold, and then turned into bright golden yellow; the bone spurs on his back flashed with bright golden light, counting to The golden beam of light rose to the sky and was about to pierce the sky. Two bulging meat buns bulged above its head, as if something was going to break the skin and grow out.


The dragon thorn devoured the monster's blood more and more fiercely, and finally the blood simply turned into a trickle stream, endlessly.


The monster finally found the change, and its look suddenly changed. A trace of puzzlement and horror flashed in the depths of its eyes, and then threw Jiang Ming out fiercely and ran away.


Jiang Ming's will is dizzy at this moment, but the dragon thorns on his body flashed and visions appeared. Dark light condensed into a black dragon shadow hovering on Jiang Ming's head. His eyes were red, full of endless violence and murder. The black dragon glanced at the fleeing monster indifferently, opened his mouth and suddenly sucked it. The monster's wound exploded bigger, and the blood flew out, turned into a river of blood in the air, gathered towards Jiang Ming, and then integrated into the dragon thorns on his body.

Bum! Bang! Bang!

Several blood mouths exploded on the monster's body, and blood poured out from the monster's body.


The monster roared sadly, as if it were crazy. Its tail swept, its claws were slapped randomly, and its body was shining, but it was useless. The blood on its body gushed out as if it was free of charge. Gradually, its roar became weak, and its look became weak. Finally, it fell to the ground with a bang, and its eyes became dim and flashed constantly. Obviously, it had run out of oil. Finally, when it was the last drop of blood flu, the monster's eyes completely dimmed and turned into a pile of ashes. A gust of wind blew and turned into smoke and dust all over the sky.

"Ah~~~It's so painful, I'm so uncomfortable~~~Uh~~~~"

At this moment, Jiang Ming felt that the energy of his whole body was boiling, and the endless energy was madly poured into the dragon pattern on his body. Jiang Ming only felt that his body was about to explode. Magic lines unconsciously emerged from Jiang Ming's face, dark purple, and his lips also turned black purple.


"It's so uncomfortable, ah~~~bang!"

Jiang Ming's body swelled like a skin, and his skin was transparent, as if it would burst at a touch. A wisp of black light wrapped around him, making him look like ancient gods and demons. He exhaled in pain and bombarded his surroundings, but none of this could alleviate his pain.

Jiang Ming's pain at this moment is indescribable. The severe pain all over his body makes him unable to stand still. He is crooked, as if he may fall at any time. His whole body is really violent and chaotic. His hair is broken, and his long hair is scattered, dancing in the wind, like magic dragons dancing. The bangs on his forehead are blown by the wind, and the green tripod marks are not extinguished. The bright light flashes. Every time Jiang Ming takes a step, the flowers and plants under his feet will be drawn to life by an inexplicable force and turn into ashes.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bum! Bang! Bang!

Jiang Ming let out a roar and punched three times around him. He snorted sadly, and his soaring body burst, and his flesh and blood were not formed, and he fell to the ground. Jiang Ming did not know that in this short period of time, thousands of meters he had stepped on had turned into ashes.

fen-cutting-line "Yueer, where is he?"

This is Hao Tianqi's voice, which is slightly anxious.

Zhao Yueer's voice was indifferent and quiet: "Master, it's almost there, right in front!"

Hao Tianqi answered and rushed forward in a hurry.

"What? Why does it look like this here? What the hell is going on?" After walking not far, looking at the decadent and lifeless appearance in front of her, Zhao Yueer lost her composure and couldn't help exclaiming.

Hao Tianqi also looked ugly and said, "This is impossible! With his strength, it is impossible to cause such a big damage that it can turn such a large area into ashes. It's incredible. Something terrible must have happened here!"

"Huh? That boy, it's him!" Not far ahead, Hao Tianqi saw Jiang Ming lying on the ground, shouted softly and quickly ran over.

At this moment, Jiang Ming's body was full of dry blood stains, and the invulnerable clothes became ragged and almost turned into rags. He is lying quietly on the ground at this moment, with an unexpectedly quiet expression on his face, as if he was sleeping.

"Mo Yun, how are you? Wake up, wake up!" Hao Tianqi squatted down and gently patted Jiang Ming on the cheek.

"Oh~~~ I'm so tired." Feeling someone patting his cheek, Jiang Ming made a dreamy sound, waved his hand like a fly, and then turned his body and continued to sleep soundly.

"This guy, is he sleeping?" Even Zhao Yueer was stunned, with a black line on her face.

"This bastard!" Hao Tianqi, who has always been calm, is covered with black lines. A bang hit Jiang Ming's head and shouted angrily, "Mo Yun, everyone is worried about you. Why do you sleep here?"

"Ah~~ It hurts, who is hitting me, who!" With a headache, Jiang Ming suddenly sat up and looked around with a bad face. When he saw Hao Tianqi looking at him angrily, his face immediately collapsed and smiled twice and said, "Master, you're here!"

"Hmm! You woke up." Hao Tianqi's face was not good: "Do you know that everyone is worried about you, but you are still sleeping here? What about that monster? And what the hell happened here? How did it become like this?

Jiang Ming scratched his head and giggled, "Ah? What? I don't know that monster, and I don't know why it's like this here! I was knocked unconscious by the monster just now, and I don't know anything, hehe.

"Master, this is the only thing left by the monster. Its body has turned into ashes and no longer exists!" Zhao Yueer came over and didn't know where to pick up the three golden bone spurs left by the monster after his death.

Huh? This bone spur... This, boy, do you say you don't know?" Hao Tianqi was shocked to see three bone spurs. His apprentice doesn't know the goods, which doesn't mean that he doesn't know the goods. He clearly feels the sacred and majestic breath on these three bone spurs, which only belongs to the dragon clan.

"I really don't know." Jiang Ming died and didn't admit it. He didn't even know what was going on. He would never say it.

"Forget it." He shook his head helplessly and said lightly, "Since you don't want to say it, I won't force you." Take this thing! Good stuff, maybe it's useful for you. After saying that, Hao Tianqi casually threw the three one-meter-long bone spurs to Jiang Ming, and Jiang Ming accepted them rudely. Then the three left the place together.

In Feixian Martial Arts Garden.

Jiang Ming leaned alone in the corner of the wall, and his mind was full of doubts.

That day, he thought he was dead, but the dragon thorn on his body changed strangely, completely draining the blood on the monster's body and absorbing a lot of energy to condense the monster's blood into a drop of golden blood and integrating it into the strange gray-black scales around his waist. Since then, Jiang Ming was shocked to find that there was a space inside the strange scale around his waist like the inner space of the treasure bag. The space was gray and chaotic, and a drop of golden blood rotated in it, which was very conspicuous.

"What the hell is going on? That dragon is definitely more than a simple tattoo. Death for no reason, time travel for no reason, rarely seen in history, only the constitution that should appear on chaotic gods and demons, is all this really just a coincidence? Jiang Ming whispered, took off his clothes, and looked at the gray barge around his waist, which seemed to be tattooed with mysterious seal-engraved runes.

"Mo Yun."


Jiang Ming looked up, then lowered his head and said faintly, "It's you!" What's the matter?"

Looking at Jiang Ming's careless attitude, Ke Zhenwu clenched his fist vigorously. Then he said calmly, "Thank you for saving my life last time. I'm here to thank you."

"Oh! If that's all, you've already said that I want to be quiet now. Jiang Ming rudely issued an eviction order.

"Can you go somewhere with me? Do I have something to say to you?

Jiang Ming wanted to refuse. He looked up and saw that Ke Zhenwu had changed his usual stubbornness and his eyes were sincere. Then he nodded and agreed.

The two came out of the city together, kept walking, and gradually walked into a secluded place.

"Hey! Isn't there any conspiracy to bring me to such a remote place outside the city? Jiang Ming took a look at Ke Zhenwu and seemed to smile.


"How come? You just saved my life. How can I avenge my kindness? Ke Zhenwu's face showed a trace of panic, but he immediately pressed down and showed a sincere and friendly smile.

Wo! Oh!

Suddenly, two empty sounds sounded, and two middle-aged Taoist people in Taoist robes rushed out of nowhere and appeared in front of Jiang Ming.

The cold light bloomed in their eyes, glanced at Jiang Ming's forehead, and faintly saw two green spots on Jiang Ming's forehead through his sparse bangs. Then, there was a strong excitement in their eyes and said coldly, "Yes, it's really you! Master Jiang, come with us!"

"The monk!!!"

Jiang Ming was stunned, looked at Ke Zhenwu beside him and said sarcastically, "Two monks! You really don't have revenge!"