heavy pupil

Chapter 8 looking for spider silk in Puji Temple

Xiao Chongguang heard the news and immediately became interested: "This Lv Yuanwai is really superstitious. I don't know what's wrong with such a strong spirit. Have you ever seen Lv Yuanwai himself?" Meng Fang said, "That's not true, but Lv has been doing good deeds for many years and accumulating virtues. He has a great reputation in this Liangzhou, and he has never heard of any immorality. I don't think there will be any problems."

Xiao Chongguang smiled and said, "This is not necessarily true. If you don't know the truth, how can you conclude that he is an evil person or a demon? Anyway, we can't see any famous hall here. There are so many villagers and believers here. Even if we want to tear down the temple and find out, it's not the right time. Why don't I go to Lv's house with my two Taoist brothers?

Meng nodded: "That's fine." He took a look at Princess Yongning: "What about that princess?" Xiao Chongguang frowned and said to the princess, "Go back by yourself. I have two gentlemen to lead the way. Besides, you don't know Taoism. It's not easy to hide when you go to Lv's house." Zhou Yuancai said, "Princess, you go to the Yongxing Teahouse near the temple. The little prince is in charge there. Go to him and ask him to send someone to send you back." The princess was about to object, but the three nodded to each other and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Such as not to mention that the princess was sulking here, Xiao Chongguang, Meng Fang and Zhou Yuancai walked with their swords and landed in the backyard of Lv's house for a moment. The three used stealth and turned around in the courtyard of Lvfu for a long time without finding anything suspicious. The three met on the beam of the main hall of Lv's mansion and reported what they had seen and heard. Suddenly, there was nothing suspicious about Lv's house inside and outside. There was neither demonic atmosphere nor suspicious people in the house, which made people helpless.

The three of them discussed for a long time and had no clue. At this time, Xiao Chongguang suddenly remembered something and asked, "Two Taoist brothers, we have just wandered around this Lu Mansion for a long time, but we have seen Master Lu." Meng Fang was immediately shocked: "Yes, we just talked for a long time, but no one talked about the situation outside Lv. Is it possible that he is not in Lv's house at this time?"

Zhou Yuancai said, "If it is not in the house, where will it be? We have never seen any trace outside Lv in the psychic temple before. Xiao Chongguang said, "Just when I was investigating in Lv's house, I once went to the east wing room, which was supposed to be the bedroom of Lv and Mrs. Lv, but when I looked carefully at the vitality of that room, only Mrs. Lv should have rested alone, and there was no trace of Lv's rest."

Meng Fang said, "It seems that the problem is outside this Lv. Let's act separately quickly and must find out the flaw outside Lv." The three of them have made up their own plans and went to inquire about the news.

Xiao Chongguang walked around and found nothing until noon. He sneaked into Mrs. Lu's bedroom again, searched around and found an account book. He opened it and found that what was recorded in and out of some money and grain, nothing special. When he turned to the fifth page, he suddenly found that a record was a little suspicious and continued to look down. Sure enough, he found similar doubts. He secretly wrote it in his heart and was ready to discuss with Meng Fang and Zhou Yuan.

At this time, he suddenly received a message in the sea, but Zhou Yuan informed himself to go to meet. He put the account book back in place, carefully eliminated his traces, and drove the sword light to meet Zhou Yuan.

This time, the three did not stay in Lvfu, but found a restaurant in the nearby market and asked for an elegant room. After sitting down, he ordered a few small dishes. After the wine came up, Zhou Yuan sent Xiao Er out and turned to the two people in the room and said, "Brother Xiao, guess what I found in Lv's house."

He laughed and scolded, "What else are you selling? If you find out, tell me quickly." Zhou Yuancai said mysteriously, "I found that Mrs. Lu was stealing a man." Xiao Chongguang just poured himself a glass of wine and was tasting it. Hearing this, he suddenly sprayed out a mouthful of wine: "Have you found this for a long time?" He lamented in his heart what accomplices he was looking for, but as a monk, he liked to peep into people's privacy.

Zhou Yuan coughed twice: "Be serious. I'm not talking about it. Mrs. Lu's stealing men has a lot to do with what we want to investigate." This said suddenly aroused Xiao Chongguang and Meng Fang's curiosity, and the two urged in unison, "Speak quickly, say it quickly."

Zhou Yuancai smiled and said, "I eavesdropped on Mrs. Lv's maid maid Taohong talking to her subordinates. It turned out that Mrs. Lv hooked up with Boss Chen seven years ago, and Lv has been kept in the dark. Mrs. Lu also secretly took her private money to subsidize Boss Chen's business.

"Mr. Lv is less than 40 this year, and Mrs. Lv is only in her early 30s. She is a married couple and has always had a good relationship. However, since Lv had a serious illness ten years ago, the couple has gradually separated. Later, Mrs. Lu hooked up with Boss Chen. Boss Chen was about the same age as L, not as handsome as Boss Lu, and even worse than Boss Lu. What do you think Mrs. Lu like about Boss Chen?

Xiao Chongguang sweated: "Can't you finish your words at once?"

"Well, I said bluntly that Taohong had an affair with Laifu. Taohong told Laifu that she had not touched Mrs. Lu in the past ten years, so Mrs. Lu couldn't stand loneliness and stole a man outside. And Lv didn't know whether he was really confused or pretending to be confused. He never took care of this matter, and even Mrs. Lu took her private money to post Boss Chen, and he didn't care. Moreover, Lv seems to have not rested in Mrs. Lu's room over the years. I think what consequences did the serious illness ten years ago bring to Lv Yuanwai? Could it be said that Lv Yuanwai was abolished at that time? I think this must have something to do with why Lv suddenly built a psychic temple.

Xiao Chongguang nodded secretly. Although Zhou Yuancai had some mothers-in-law (originally wanted to use gossip, it seemed to be too modern), but the analysis of the problem was still correct and quite pertinent. Hearing this, he corresponded to his discovery and immediately figured out a lot of problems. Just tell what you found.

"Two Taoist brothers, I also found some doubts in Mrs. Lu's room. I looked through the account book at the head of Mrs. Lu's bed, which recorded the entry and exit of money and grain in the past ten years. I found that in addition to the changes caused by price changes, there is a strange record that they spend an extra amount of money and grain every month, and only wrote about the whereabouts of this expenditure. Three words of Puji Temple. I look at the monthly expenditure above. If it is a donation of incense, then this Puji Temple must be a famous temple, but in my impression, there should be no big temple called Puji Temple in Liangzhou.

Meng Fang said, "Didn't Brother Zhou say that Mrs. Lu secretly hooked up with Boss Chen? Could it be that Mrs. Lu subsidized Boss Chen and then made fake accounts to deceive her husband?

Xiao Chongguang shook his head and said, "No, the amount of money and grain is not small. Mrs. Lv is not so bold, and this account was recorded by Lv himself. Each transaction has Lv's autograph and bet. There will be no mistake."

Zhou Yuancai nodded and said, "Yes, Lv's mansion is extremely luxurious. It is the largest landlord and businessman in Liangzhou. Mrs. Lv subsidizes the adulterer with her private money, which is enough for Boss Chen to enjoy it. She will never risk being found and do such obvious tampering. Moreover, Brother Xiao also said that this account was recorded by Lv Yuanwai himself, and it happened in the past ten years. There must be some secret connection in this process.

Xiao Chongguang and Meng and Tuesday repeatedly discussed. In the end, all the doubts still fell on two points: first, why Lv was estranged from his wife, causing his wife to come out of the wall, which has nothing to do with the serious illness ten years ago; second, what is Puji Temple, is it a temple, and if so, where is it?

The three have agreed, so they plan to go back to the royal palace first and use the manpower of the Jin royal palace to investigate and strive to find out the truth before the sacrificial meeting three days later, not only to cure the symptoms of the king of Jin, but also to expose the true face of the psychic saint and prevent this people from continuing to be fooled.

After eating and drinking enough, Zhou Yuan got up and learned the money. Meng Fang and Xiao Chongguang had already flew into the air with his sword light, waiting for him to return to the royal palace together. The three went together to find the princess Qin and asked her to arrange her own soldiers and generals in the house to cooperate with their next investigation.

Sure enough, everyone picked up firewood and the flame was high, and the scouts of the Jin Palace went out, but there was news one day. The detective learned from the housekeeper in charge of procurement in Lvfu that since he recovered from the serious illness ten years ago, Lv began to worship the Buddha sincerely and built a temple by the Fuliang River outside the city, but not a psychic temple, but a small temple called Puji Temple, not far from the psychic temple. After that, Lv Yuanwai lived in Puji Temple all year round. Only when there are festivals and major events in the house will he return to Lv's mansion in the city and preside over the overall situation. Because of this, the young and beautiful Mrs. Lu couldn't stand loneliness and finally hooked up with the young and handsome Boss Chen who had business dealings with Lvfu three years later. The extra money and grain expenditure of Lvfu every month is the expenses that Lvfu sends to Puji Temple to his master every month. It is said that Lv often sends porridge and rice in Puji Temple to help poor beggars, so poor people often go to Puji Temple to beg for gutaste, and Lv almost responds to their needs and never refuse.

Xiao Chongguang and others were silent when they got these rewards and fell into a cold scene for a while. These news sounded like nothing. After Lv's serious illness, he saw through the world, so he believed in the Buddha, was clear-hearted, and was willing to give kindly. Therefore, it was reasonable for Mrs. Lu to come out of the wall and give money to the poor every month. All questions were reasonably explained, and the clues seemed to be broken here. However, Xiao Chongguang always felt that something was wrong with this, and he couldn't think of the key for a moment.

At this time, a maid entered the inner hall with a portrait of the old man, saying that Aunt Zhao had been invited to Zhenwuguan in the west of the city to pray for the prince to ward off evil spirits, and everyone also did as she did. Just as the maid was about to hang the portrait on the wall, Aunt Zhao broke in and grabbed the maid: "Why are you so stupid? Didn't I tell you not to hang up this room? There is Guanyin Bodhisattva in this room. How can you hang the Taishang Laojun again? It will be taboo. The so-called unfaithful and two-hearted Don't believe it, pooh, good luck."

When Xiao Chongguang heard this, he suddenly jumped up and shouted, "I understand. I understand what the problem is. This Puji Temple is really strange!"