heavy pupil

Chapter 9 Sighing Feng's Injury Lin's Grief

Meng Fang, Zhou Yuancai and others stared at Xiao Chongguang expectantly, waiting for him to tell his discovery. Xiao Chongguang took a sip of tea and pointed to the jade statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva in front of the main hall and said, "Look, there are Guanyin Bodhisattva in this hall, so," he pointed to the maid who was walking outside the house. "Aunt Zhao won't let the old man hang the emperor here because she can't believe it."

He pointed to Meng Tuesday: "Brother Meng Dao, Brother Zhou Dao, we are all children of Taoism and descendants of Lao Jun. Have we ever been to Buddhist temples to burn incense?" Mongolian people shake their heads together on Tuesday, and naturally they won't do such a thing.

"Oh, we are children of Taoism, so we won't worship Buddha. Although Aunt Zhao is a woman and Taoist family, she also knows that Laojun can't be worshipped in the Buddhist hall. There is no reason why Lv, a squire who has studied poems and has passed the imperial examinations, doesn't know this. Even if he, like ordinary people, visits the temple to burn incense when he meets a god, it will not build the psychic temple with Puji Temple, which is completely contrary to the common sense of unfaithful and unbelief. Could it be that he burns incense and worships Buddha in the temple every day, and then goes out for two steps to worship this psychic saint?

When he said this, Meng Fang and Zhou Yuan also reacted: "Yes, whether this Lv is sincere in worshiping the Buddha or the psychic saint, even if he is a fool who went to the temple to worship the Buddha and burn incense in the temple, he will not make such a big joke."

Xiao Chongguang patted the table: "I can't wait. Now that the scouts have found out where the Puji Temple is, we will go there to find out. This time, we must find out the truth. It's really a fire." Meng Tuesday people also stood up: "Go together, go together."

The three came out of the palace, and there had been scouts leading the way. In front of this psychic temple is facing the Fuliang River, with its back against the hanging urn mountain, and the Puji Temple is in the hanging urn mountain, passing by the path behind the psychic temple, but it is two or three miles away, but this road is extremely remote, and there is usually few people walking around, which can be said to be full of winding and secludedness.

When he arrived near Puji Temple, he saw the eaves of the temple from afar, and Xiao Chongguang casually sent back the scouts to lead the way. The three nodded to each other and saw a flash of swords in mid-air, and the place was empty.

The hanging urn mountain is called a mountain, but it is actually just a small hill. Puji Temple is a temple built by Lv Yuanwai, covering an area of less than 10 mu. This small temple located behind the hills is only a large tile house with three entrances and three exits in total. It is more than enough for ordinary people to live in, but as the temple outside Lv Yuan, the richest man in Liangzhou, looks shabby.

The three of them turned over in hiding in Puji Temple for a long time, and no one came. If this Puji Temple doesn't usually open a porridge shop, it is really desolate. I don't know how Lv lived here alone for ten years. It is said that he doesn't want servants to serve him, saying that he wants to devote himself to worship the Buddha.

Xiao Chongguang was looking around to see if there was anything suspicious, but he heard Zhou Yuancai's voice: "Come here." He followed the sound and saw that Meng Fang and Zhou Yuan had already cat at the door of the Buddhist hall in the backyard of Puji Temple. He walked over gently and followed the eyes of the two and looked into the Buddhist hall. There were several long bright lamps in the Buddhist hall, which were dedicated to the Buddhas of Sakyamuni, Amita, Induction and Maitreya. On both sides were bronze statues of the four Bodhisattvas, Eight Great King Kong, Eighth Arhats and so on., the whole Buddhist hall was shrouded in Buddha's light. , a little family atmosphere.

In the position near the Buddha statue, there was a futon. Lv sat on the futon outside, closed his eyes and recited the scriptures, and raised the floating beam in his hand. He really looked like a devout layman. What surprised Xiao Chongguang more was that Lv was surrounded by a mass of blessings, and a Buddha light faintly appeared above his head. He was full of the image of a Buddhist disciple who practiced good deeds and accumulated virtue, without a trace of demonic spirit all over his body.

The three people with hidden cats outside the Buddhist hall were immediately disappointed when they saw this scene. I didn't expect that this Lu Yuanwai was really dedicated to the Buddha. Is it possible that the clues will be broken again here? Where on earth is this psychic saint hidden? Now the three of them have no clue, and they have no skills but nowhere to perform.

After observing Lv for a long time, the squire was indeed determined. He had been sitting there chanting Buddhist scriptures, and the Buddha light shrouded in his body flashed, and there was a faint trend of increase. It seems that after a while, the Buddha nature of this member has improved again.

The three of them really couldn't find the flaw, so they had to leave. Zhou Yuancai was saying all the way: "How could this happen? How can Lv Yuanwai really be a devout Buddha? Now it's all right, and two days of hard work have been in vain. Where on earth do you think this psychic saint is hiding?

Xiao Chongguang frowned and had nothing to say anything all the way. He only complained after listening to Zhou Yuan. When the three returned to the royal palace, naturally, servants served with tea and water. Princess Qin led the two princesses out to ask about their progress. Xiao Chongguang told the truth, and his room was full of sad faces for a while.

Princess Yongning couldn't help it and got up and shouted, "I'm going to call my second brother and order a horse to copy Lv's house with the two ruined temples. I don't believe that there is no problem." Meng Fang hurriedly stopped: "None. Now the enemy and I don't know. We can't find the roots and feet of this psychic saint at all, and there is no place to use it. Now the prince's life is on the line. In case this Lv is just a cover for the psychic saint thrown outside, I'm afraid that it will scare the snake and damage the prince's life." Hearing Mr. Meng's words, the princess had to give up.

Princes Qin muttered for a long time and got up to salute the three monks: "Sirs, it's hard for my husband's business these two days. Now that it's getting late, it's useless for us to be anxious here. If the prince is destined to have such a disaster, that's also God's will. Let's rest early.

Seeing that the princess was so reasonable, Xiao Chongguang and others were even heavier. The princess took her two daughters back to her room. Xiao Chongguang returned to the residence arranged for her by the royal palace and meditated as usual, but she was always worried about this matter.

He initially promised to intervene in this matter, just thinking that it had been stained with cause and effect anyway and simply solved the matter. Nowadays, this mysterious psychic saint is still hiding in layers of fog, but things are becoming more and more complicated.

He is not a pity for the king of Jin, but feels that the evil god will continue to be confused. The people on this side don't know how much they will suffer. However, this psychic saint does not show up at all and always hides himself behind the scenes, making people unable to do it. I visited Lvfu, the Psychic Temple and Puji Temple, and no demons were found.

This night, many people went there sleeplessly. The next morning, Xiao Chongguang continued to visit the psychic temple and saw that there were already selected boys and girls nearby. Some of them were voluntarily donated by the people, and some were recruited by name by Wuzhu in the countryside. The whole Fuliang River was bustling. The onlookers pointed, and their faces were full of excitement and smiles.

Xiao Chongguang only felt a chill on his back. These people and his villagers were almost carved out. He knew that he was going out now and completely rescued the children, but after being rescued, 80% of these children would still be contributed when they were sent home. Come out, even if you take these children away, those villagers will find other children, and their children and grandchildren will be endless.

It doesn't make sense to reason with these people. If you talk about fists, do you want to kill them all? Then he still investigates the evil gods and simply leaves. At least these villagers can still pass on their descendants and survive like slaves under the evil gods.

He circled several times on the river bank, and the more he looked at it, the more sad he felt. Seeing the innocent eyes of those children, they stared innocently at the crazy crowd around them. Many of them were their neighbors and relatives. Yesterday, they were affectionate and loved them, but today they sent them here to die. There are also some parents who are unwilling to lose their children's lives, but they are soon submerged in the noisy sea of people.

Xiao Chongguang couldn't stand it after all. Looking at these crazy people, he felt that he would be as crazy as them if he stayed. Maybe he would kill the people around him on impulse. He turned around and was about to leave, but a familiar voice came from his ear.

"Son Xiao, I didn't expect to meet you here. Where will we not meet in life?" Xiao Xian, with white hair, stood on a fishing boat by the river and looked at Xiao Chongguang happily.

"It turned out to be Father-in-law Xiao," Xiao Chongguang was overjoyed, and his melancholy was slightly diluted by the joy of meeting friends. "What's wrong with my father-in-law coming to the city? It's almost noon. Let's go to the drunken man's building in the city to drink several times."

"Haha, Mr. Xiao has a heart, but the old man sold the house in his hand." Xiao Xian said as he moved the bamboo basket loaded in the fishing boat to the shore. Xiao Chongguang hurriedly approached and gave him a hand. Dozens of bamboo baskets were folded into a pile on the shore. Xiao Xianchong shouted, "Da Chengzi, sorry to bother you." The boatman held up the pole, and the fishing boat gradually went away in his reply: "Aunt Xiao, I'll pick you up in the evening."

Xiao Xian's bamboo baskets are from large families in the city. Xiao Chongguang accompanied him to deliver things to the door. An old man and a young man went to the drunkenxia building, drinking and eating vegetables, and chatting with each other.

Seeing Xiao Chongguang's happy expression, Xiao Xian smiled slightly: "Does Mr. Xiao feel that the scene by the river is a little shocking? These ignorant people are both pitiful and hateful?"

Seeing Xiao Chongguang nodding, my father-in-law put down the wine glass in his hand and walked to the window: "I remember when we first met, I once said a saint's words: good as water. The so-called impermanence of war, the impermanence of water, what water looks like is not determined by the water itself, but by the vessels that hold water. The lake and sea is a vast ocean, and a gully is a small stream. Water has no good or evil. If you use it to cook, make tea, wash and bathe, then it is good. If you make waves and store water to break the embankment, it will become evil again.

"This common people, in fact, is just like this water. At the beginning, there is no good or evil. What determines good and evil is the nurture of the day after tomorrow. What on earth is it that makes these people who are originally good and evil become fools and fools, harming others and themselves?

Xiao Chongguang's face showed a thoughtful look, and Xiao Xian sighed: "I know etiquette, and I know honor and disgrace when I have enough food and clothing. If it hadn't been for the failure of the imperial court to cultivate the German government, it would have made the world difficult, and the people's food and clothing were still insufficient, unable to read and read, let alone talk about self-cultivation, so these foolish husbands and women in front of them were created. Mr. Xiao, you and I have both read books and experienced the world. We are naturally happy to have some insights, but we can't criticize and laugh at the group of fools in front of us. It is the bigwigs above who should be laughed at.

"So what can we do now to stop the upcoming tragedy? Is it possible that I should rebel and become the emperor, improve people's livelihood and open up people's wisdom? I'm afraid that by this day, these tied children's bones will be gone. Xiao Chongguang was a little depressed. The old man's words could not be unreasonable, but they were not helpful to the facts in front of him, and the old father-in-law could only stay at the level of preaching and had no ability to save people.

At this time, there were not many wine and vegetables left on the table. Xiao Xian walked to Chongguang and patted him on the shoulder: "How capable we can do as much as we do. We are all mortals, not omnipotent immortals. How can we manage the unfair things in the world? As long as you do your best, no matter what the result is, you will have a clear conscience. Many times, it's not about how much you have done, but whether you have done it or not.

After Xiao Xian finished his words, he put on a bucket hat, walked down the restaurant, and chanted in a long voice: "Long Taixi to cover my tears, and I mourn the difficulties of the people's livelihood; although I am good at repairing my sister-in-law, I will replace him in the morning." The sun shone on his ricke body and dragged out a long shadow on the ground.