State Dingji

Chapter 43 The Meaning of Life

Su Yuqing was stunned for a moment, and the figure in front of her was so similar to the thin blue figure in her dream. Unconsciously, the two figures merged into her mind.

The young man put the newly folded flower on his nose and took a deep breath, with an intoxicated look on his face, as if he had inhaled all the fragrances in the world.

Su Yuqing had a burst of nameless anger in her heart, and her face was cold. She frowned and said, "This flower is blooming so well. Why did you break it?"

The young man turned his head when he heard the words, his eyes looked like a bright star, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, with a sunny smile on his face, but it was Lin Shang.

Su Yuqing saw that the person who folded the flower was Linshang. He was stunned for a moment and looked a little better. However, he suddenly thought of something, but the nameless anger in his heart was inexplicably better, and his eyes looked at him like a sword.

Linshang smiled faintly and said, "It turned out to be Sister Su. I thought it was..." Before he finished speaking, Su Yuqing's face turned colder. Lin Sheng immediately went straight to the topic: "I don't fold flowers and destroy them. In this case, why don't let it stay at the most beautiful moment of its life?"

Su Yuqing heard the words, lowered his head and meditated for a moment. The blue figure came to his mind, and the anger in his heart suddenly extinguished, and his face was slightly cold. He said, "Is this your attitude towards life?"

Lin Shang raised the corners of his mouth slightly and showed a sunny smile before he was about to speak. Suddenly, he thought of something. He changed to an indifferent expression on his face and said earnestly, "Sister Su, how about listening to me tell a story?"

Su Yuqing was slightly stunned and didn't say anything, but she was curious. This was the first time she heard someone want to tell a story for herself, and it was also the first story she was about to hear.

Linshang said slowly, "There is a passenger walking in the desert. He is a mortal and has no magic power. Suddenly, a group of wolves appeared behind him, chasing him to devour him.

Lin Shan's voice is shaking in the silent night sky, and there is an unspeakable strangeness and appeal, especially the content is about the unfathomable life and death.

I heard him continue at a very slow pace: "He was shocked and ran desperately to fight for his life."

Su Yuqing's pupils shrank, as if she were the traveler chased by the wolves.

Lin Shang carefully noticed the change in her eyes and smiled and said, "Just as the hungry wolf was about to catch up with him, he saw an unknown depth well in front of him and jumped down desperately."

After a pause, he looked at Su Yuqing's reaction and said, "The traveler thought he was safe, but he found that the well was a dry well. Not only was there no water, but there were many poisonous snakes. When he saw food coming to the door, he held his head high and eagerly waited."

Su Yuqing's pupils shrank slightly, and he shouted softly. Although the voice was light, it was still particularly clear in the silent night.

Linshang smiled and said slowly, "He was shocked and stretched out his hand to grab something that could save his life. Unexpectedly, he caught a small tree stretching out in the middle of the well and stabilized him in mid-air. So, there are hungry wolves and poisonous snakes. However, although the man is in a dilemma, he is still safe for the time being.

Su Yuqing's eyes lit up, like the stars in the night sky at this moment, but she understood that what Lin Shang said was just a portrayal of people. May I ask who is not in a dilemma between life and death? Even if people like themselves are not afraid of the poisonous snakes and beasts, there are always something in the world that can threaten their lives.

Only heard him continue to say, "Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, a strange sound came to his ear. He followed the sound in horror and found that a group of big mice were biting the roots with sharp teeth. There was no time for this life-saving tree."

Lin Shang turned her head and looked at Su Yuqing with bright eyes. Her voice echoed in the quiet night sky and said, "At this moment of life and death, he saw a drop of honey on the leaves in front of him, so he forgot the hungry wolf above and the poisonous snake below also forgot the tree that was about to bite off the mouse and closed his eyes. , stick out your tongue and taste the drop of honey wholeheartedly.

lowered his head and gently sniffed the pink and white flowers in his hand, smiled and said slowly, "For me, that drop of honey is the meaning of life."

That drop of honey, what is his honey and what is my honey? Su Yuqing's heart moved slightly and fell into meditation. The moonlight was like water, gently sprinkled on her shoulders and face, reflecting the touching beauty.

After Linshang finished speaking, he was also silent, raised his head and looked up at the endless night sky. The indescrinary vicissitudes in his eyes gradually appeared.

The moonlight is like water, quietly sprinkled in this quiet garden. In the depths of the path, a man and a woman stand opposite each other, and their eyes are faint, recalling the story.

For a long time.

Linshang lowered her head, looked at Su Yuqing in front of her, walked a few steps quickly, walked to Su Yuqing, gently lifted the cloud-like hair in her ear, inserted the pink and white flowers in her hand into Su Yuqing's ear, laughed and said, "Flowers match beauty, Sister Su, I will borrow flowers to present Buddha and give them to you."

Su Yuqing was stunned. No man had ever been so close to her, and no man dared to touch her hair and was stunned. When he woke up, Linshang had turned around and walked to Xiyuan with a big smile.

Su Yuqing stamped her feet, ashamed and angry. The color of a pretty face changed rapidly. She reached out and quickly took off the flowers in her ears and was about to throw them away, but her eyes looked in the direction of Linshang. Seeing that Linshang had disappeared in the garden and walked into Xiyuan, she lowered her head and looked at the pink flower in her hand in a daze. Thinking about the story told by Linshang. The little flowers under the moonlight are more charming, and even the crystal dew seems to gather all over the sky, and unconsciously look at it.


The next day, the four people of Xuantianzong got up. After washing, the four people gathered in Lianzhou and discussed, "Yang Hanjiang is 30,000 miles away in the west, and the distance is not close. It's important for us to go." The other three had no objection, so they settled the bill and set off.

The owner of an inn really admired Xuantianzong. The original expensive room price was actually 50% off, almost the same as the price of ordinary rooms. Linshang looked at Yu Lianzhou talking and laughing to settle accounts with the boss, but aimed at Su Yuqing. Seeing that she looked as usual, she was still expressionless, and her eyes were calm and could not see any fluctuations. It seemed that what happened last night had no impact on her.

The four of them walked with their swords, and the journey of 30,000 miles took seven days. During this period, he took several breaks and did not spend the night. After recovering Zhenyuan, he continued to set off.

This day finally arrived at Yanghan River, and everyone fell clouds by the river. At this time, it was almost dusk, and the afterglow of the sunset fell on the water, like ten thousand pieces of broken gold, shining, and the waves were blown by the breeze, soft together and slowly moving forward. The top of each surging wave is shining with dazzling light. They are shining, rippling, and making fun with each other. They are extremely lively and lively. From afar, it looks like a big carp with golden scales swimming with its fins and wagging its tail.

The eyes of the four people were attracted by the beautiful scenery of Yanghan River in the sunset, with brilliant eyes and admiration in their mouths.

"I didn't expect the scenery of Yang Hanjiang to be so beautiful. I really don't know how those remnants of the demon religion are so cruel to do evil here." Ruan Mei first praised, and then a trace of anger appeared on her face and said with hatred.

Yu Lianzhou sighed, his face became gloomy, and slowly said, "These demonic villains are different from ordinary people. They don't treat people as people, don't take beauty as beauty, and do all kinds of evil things. They deserve to die."

Linshang looked at Yang Hanjiang under the sunset and said, "Let's go and eradicate the remnants of the magic religion now. Wait a little more, and more people will be persecuted by them."

Linshang thinks that he is not a righteous person, but he can't see anyone wantonly to harm ordinary people, especially in such a charming place. It is even more intolerable for Linshang to burn the piano and cook cranes.

"Brother Lin is right. The head teacher once said that you have caught the remnants of a demon religion, so you must know where their nest is. Now let's go straight to the yellow dragon and eradicate those villains!" Ruan Mei nodded and said to Lian Zhou.

Su Yuqing stood aside without saying anything, but his face was also eager to try.

Yu Lianzhou looked at the three people and said with a wry smile, "Last time I came here, I just happened to catch a demon who was doing evil. The demon's cultivation was not in the foundation period, but no matter how I forced me to ask, I wouldn't say where the nest was, so I don't know where they were hiding."

With that, he looked at the sunset that was falling, and there was only a little left outside, and said, "Now it's getting late. The demon demon is extremely treacherous and much more powerful at night than during the day. Let's wait for the four brothers to come and discuss together and make plans."

The three looked at each other and nodded.

"Fairy Town is not far away. Let's walk all the way and find an inn to stay. One is to wait for other four brothers to come, and the other is that those demons are frequent at night, so it is easy for us to find clues. Ladies and gentlemen, let's go. Yu Lianzhou looked at the place where there was a group of buildings in the distance.

"Listen to your brother's arrangement." The three answered and walked forward with Lianzhou.