State Dingji

Chapter 44 Fairy Town

"This Yang Hanjiang was one of the important strongholds of the soul refining valley of the magic religion thousands of years ago. At that time, Yang Hanjiang's civilians lived in deep water and fire every day. Later, under the siege of my decent people, the evil barrier of the soul refining valley was defeated and fled. After that, people settled down here. In order to thank the decent people who beat away those demons, they took this The name was changed to Fairy Town.

"Before the remnants of the magic religion appeared, the people here were outstanding, the world was simple, and it was a famous hometown of fish and rice. And Yuzhang City on the west bank of Yanghan is one of the four famous cities in Yangzhou.

Along the way, Yu Lianzhou explained the history of Xianren Town to the other three people.

The three nodded from time to time, but Linshang muttered to herself, does Yu have the potential to be a tour guide?

Walking all the way, when it was getting closer and closer to Xianren Town, Yu Lianzhou began to speak less. All the way to the mouth of the town, Yu Lianzhou stopped and closed his mouth. The four of them did not speak, and the surroundings were strangely quiet.

For a long time.

Yu Lianzhou looked at Xianren Town with a gloomy face and said to the three, "Guys, there is Xianren Town in front of us. We are about to enter. First of all, I would like to remind you that the demons are treacherous and vicious, and their skills are extremely evil. They are good at attacking people's souls. After entering, remember to be careful not to be taken advantage of by the demons.

"Yes." The three answered.

Walking into the town, Linshang immediately found something wrong. This fairy town is very quiet and strangely quiet at this time. At this moment, it should be the time when thousands of lights are burning and cooking smoke everywhere. However, there is no one else in the wide street except four people. Even a cat and dog can't be seen, and the houses everywhere are even darker, and there is no trace of anyone living in it. Could it be that... Thinking of the terrible consequences, Linshang's eyes darkened and her face was even more solemn.

The other three also had a solemn face, listening to the rustling sound of their own walking and walking forward.

Four people stopped in front of an inn. It was dark everywhere. Only the inn was brightly lit and could faintly hear someone talking. The four looked at each other. Because Lian Zhou took the lead, they opened the door and walked in.

The inn was brightly lit, and more than a dozen tables were arranged in an orderly manner. In a corner where the lights could not be found, four people in black sat next to a table. One of them saw the four Linshang coming in, glanced at them quickly, and then lowered his head and said something with the other three people.

"Objective, eat or hit the tip?" The little two in the blue hat greeted him with a smile.

"Tip." Yu Lianzhou glanced at the four people in the corner, turned around and sat at the table in another corner of the inn with Linshang and others. Just a few dishes."

"Okay~" The child shouted and was about to walk away when Linshang suddenly grabbed his wrist and said, "I'll ask you some questions and leave later."

"I have heard that this place is outstanding and simple, and it is a big hometown of fish and rice in Yangzhou. Why does it seem that there is no one on the street today?

The shopkeeper turned his head and looked around and whispered, "To be honest, our fairy town made monsters a few months ago and ate a lot of people. On that day, someone left the fairy town out of fear. In the past few months, more and more people have left, and it has become what it is now. I advise several guests to leave Xianren Town as soon as possible tomorrow morning to avoid the reckless disaster.

Before Linshang could speak, Yu Lianzhou looked at the shopkeeper with bright eyes and said, "They are afraid, so they have gone. If you don't leave, aren't you afraid of monsters?"

Fee Yu Lianzhou's eyes, and the second store's eyes were a little flustered, but then he turned into a sad face and smiled bitterly and said, "This store is my own store. My father refuses to leave. How can I go alone?"

The four looked at each other and said nothing.

"Who are the four people sitting in the corner?" Linshang suddenly asked quietly.

The shopkeeper glanced gently over there and said, "They are passing merchants. They have to rush to the next town early tomorrow morning. In the past, there were many such businessmen, but now there are more. It's really hard to make money.

Linshang smiled and didn't say anything, but said in her heart: Knowing that there are demons in the town, and your father and son still open a shop, who is the one who really makes money?

"Xiao Er, go and help us with the dishes, and then prepare four rooms." Yu Lianzhou suddenly said.

"Hey, please take care of me." The shopkeeper shouted and approached the kitchen in the inn.

"Brother Yu, I look at them..." Ruan Mei'e frowned slightly and looked at the four people in black in the corner. As soon as she said a few words, she was interrupted by Lin Shan.

"Sister Ruan, let's go back and talk about it." Linshang patted his ear quietly and whispered.

Ruan Mei woke up and looked at Lin Sang unexpectedly. Yu Lianzhou and Su Yuqing, who sat together, also looked at Lin Shang with an unexpected face. Unexpectedly, Lin Shang, who had never gone down the mountain, had such experience.

For a moment, the dishes they ordered came up. There was something in their hearts. They ate a few bites and walked up to the second floor of the inn under the leadership of the shopkeeper.


Yu Lianzhou opened the window and looked out of the window. He saw that there was no one everywhere. He closed the window and waved a ban and covered the whole room. Then he said to the three people in the room: "I think this inn is quite suspicious, and the four people sitting in the corner are even more suspicious. You should also see that the four people exude a strong atmosphere all over their bodies. They are definitely not ordinary people, but they are like our peers, but they don't know which school they are disciples.

"Is it that they are the brothers of the other four schools?" Ruan Mei blinked and asked.

Yu Lianzhou shook his head and said doubtfully, "I have seen the other four disciples, and the breath on his body is by no means so strange."

"The remnants of the magic religion?" Su Yuqing suddenly said, with a cold voice, with a sense of murder.

Yu Lianzhou shook his head again and said with a sure face, "I have seen the remnants of the Soul Refining Valley, and the breath on his body is definitely not like this. Maybe it's the disciples of some small sects.

Ruan Mei and others nodded in echo.

"Anyway, we are in Xianren Town at this moment. This is the nest of the demons. They will appear at any time. Let's always be vigilant and don't let the demons have the opportunity to take advantage of them." Yu Lianzhou was on the chair, and his index finger knocked on the table rhythmically, with a solemn face.

Lin Shang also got on the chair, picked up the teacup on the table, looked at Yu Lianzhou, and said, "When will the disciples of the four schools come here? Have we been waiting here?"

Linshang asked this question, and Ruan Mei and Su Yuqing also looked at Yu Lianzhou with questioning eyes.

"Let's search for the clues of the demons and find their hiding place. The brothers of the other four factions should arrive in Xianren Town tomorrow. At that time, we will go straight to the yellow dragon together and destroy those remnants of the demons, so that they will not harm the world!" Yu Lianzhou stopped tapping his fingers on the table, frowned slightly, and said slowly.

Ruan Mei answered, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face and said, "Let's find the hiding place of the demon of the demon sect first. If the disciples of the other four schools have not come, we will go out and kill the remnants of the demon sect by ourselves. At that time, our Xuantianzong will definitely be higher than them."

Yu Lianzhou was stunned and smiled bitterly and said, "Sister Ruan, the magic demon man's skills are strange and evil. Although we are elite disciples in the sect and are even better in cultivation, we should not take it lightly. In case of something happens, it will not only be difficult for you, but it will also ruin the reputation of the teacher."

Ruan Mei was stunned and woke up. She was too anxious. Suddenly, she smiled and said, "What Brother Yu said is that my sister is anxious."

Yu Lianzhou nodded, smiled, turned to Linshang and Su Yuqing and said, "You should also pay more attention. We are not afraid of them, but we must be careful."

Su Yuqing's face was expressionless and her eyes flashed. She didn't know what she was thinking and didn't seem to hear what he said.

Lin Shang nodded and said, "Well, strategically despise the enemy and attach importance to the enemy tactically."

Yu Lianzhou and the three of them were stunned and looked at Linshang strangely, as if there was a rare beast in front of them.

For a long time, Yu Lianzhou smiled and said, "Brother Lin's metaphor is very appropriate. Well said!"

Lin Shang smiled, but did not answer.

"Well, it's very late now. Let's go back to our rooms to rest and search for clues tomorrow morning. Remember, if there is any movement at night, don't act alone. Let's get together to make plans. Guys, let's break up." After Yu Lianzhou finished speaking, he waved his hand to ban the withdrawal.

Lin Sheng and the other three answered, said goodbye to each other, and then opened the door and walked back to their respective rooms.


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It's gloomy outside and stuffy in the air. It's estimated that it's going to rain again. Dear Kanguan, where are you?